#' Max pooling operation for temporal data.
#' @inheritParams layer_dense
#' @param pool_size Integer, size of the max pooling windows.
#' @param strides Integer, or NULL. Factor by which to downscale. E.g. 2 will
#' halve the input. If NULL, it will default to `pool_size`.
#' @param padding One of `"valid"` or `"same"` (case-insensitive).
#' @section Input shape: 3D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, steps, features)`.
#' @section Output shape: 3D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, downsampled_steps,
#' features)`.
#' @family pooling layers
#' @export
layer_max_pooling_1d <- function(object, pool_size = 2L, strides = NULL, padding = "valid",
batch_size = NULL, name = NULL, trainable = NULL, weights = NULL) {
create_layer(keras$layers$MaxPooling1D, object, list(
pool_size = as.integer(pool_size),
strides = as_nullable_integer(strides),
padding = padding,
batch_size = as_nullable_integer(batch_size),
name = name,
trainable = trainable,
weights = weights
#' Max pooling operation for spatial data.
#' @inheritParams layer_conv_2d
#' @inheritParams layer_max_pooling_1d
#' @param pool_size integer or list of 2 integers, factors by which to downscale
#' (vertical, horizontal). (2, 2) will halve the input in both spatial
#' dimension. If only one integer is specified, the same window length will be
#' used for both dimensions.
#' @param strides Integer, list of 2 integers, or NULL. Strides values. If NULL,
#' it will default to `pool_size`.
#' @param padding One of `"valid"` or `"same"` (case-insensitive).
#' @section Input shape:
#' - If `data_format='channels_last'`: 4D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, rows, cols, channels)`
#' - If `data_format='channels_first'`: 4D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, channels, rows, cols)`
#' @section Output shape:
#' - If `data_format='channels_last'`: 4D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, pooled_rows, pooled_cols, channels)`
#' - If `data_format='channels_first'`: 4D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, channels, pooled_rows, pooled_cols)`
#' @family pooling layers
#' @export
layer_max_pooling_2d <- function(object, pool_size = c(2L, 2L), strides = NULL, padding = "valid", data_format = NULL,
batch_size = NULL, name = NULL, trainable = NULL, weights = NULL) {
create_layer(keras$layers$MaxPooling2D, object, list(
pool_size = as.integer(pool_size),
strides = as_nullable_integer(strides),
padding = padding,
data_format = data_format,
batch_size = as_nullable_integer(batch_size),
name = name,
trainable = trainable,
weights = weights
#' Max pooling operation for 3D data (spatial or spatio-temporal).
#' @inheritParams layer_max_pooling_1d
#' @param pool_size list of 3 integers, factors by which to downscale (dim1,
#' dim2, dim3). (2, 2, 2) will halve the size of the 3D input in each
#' dimension.
#' @param strides list of 3 integers, or NULL. Strides values.
#' @param padding One of `"valid"` or `"same"` (case-insensitive).
#' @param data_format A string, one of `channels_last` (default) or
#' `channels_first`. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs.
#' `channels_last` corresponds to inputs with shape `(batch, spatial_dim1,
#' spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels)` while `channels_first` corresponds
#' to inputs with shape `(batch, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2,
#' spatial_dim3)`. It defaults to the `image_data_format` value found in your
#' Keras config file at `~/.keras/keras.json`. If you never set it, then it
#' will be "channels_last".
#' @section Input shape:
#' - If `data_format='channels_last'`: 5D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels)`
#' - If `data_format='channels_first'`: 5D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3)`
#' @section Output shape:
#' - If `data_format='channels_last'`: 5D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, pooled_dim1, pooled_dim2, pooled_dim3, channels)`
#' - If `data_format='channels_first'`: 5D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, channels, pooled_dim1, pooled_dim2, pooled_dim3)`
#' @family pooling layers
#' @export
layer_max_pooling_3d <- function(object, pool_size = c(2L, 2L, 2L), strides = NULL, padding = "valid", data_format = NULL,
batch_size = NULL, name = NULL, trainable = NULL, weights = NULL) {
create_layer(keras$layers$MaxPooling3D, object, list(
pool_size = as.integer(pool_size),
strides = as_nullable_integer(strides),
padding = padding,
data_format = data_format,
batch_size = as_nullable_integer(batch_size),
name = name,
trainable = trainable,
weights = weights
#' Average pooling for temporal data.
#' @inheritParams layer_max_pooling_1d
#' @param pool_size Integer, size of the average pooling windows.
#' @param strides Integer, or NULL. Factor by which to downscale. E.g. 2 will
#' halve the input. If NULL, it will default to `pool_size`.
#' @param padding One of `"valid"` or `"same"` (case-insensitive).
#' @param data_format One of `channels_last` (default) or `channels_first`.
#' The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs.
#' @section Input shape: 3D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, steps, features)`.
#' @section Output shape: 3D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, downsampled_steps,
#' features)`.
#' @family pooling layers
#' @export
layer_average_pooling_1d <- function(object, pool_size = 2L, strides = NULL, padding = "valid",
data_format = "channels_last",
batch_size = NULL, name = NULL, trainable = NULL, weights = NULL) {
args <- list(
pool_size = as.integer(pool_size),
strides = as_nullable_integer(strides),
padding = padding,
batch_size = as_nullable_integer(batch_size),
name = name,
trainable = trainable,
weights = weights
if (keras_version() >= "2.2.3")
args$data_format <- data_format
create_layer(keras$layers$AveragePooling1D, object, args)
#' Average pooling operation for spatial data.
#' @inheritParams layer_conv_2d
#' @inheritParams layer_average_pooling_1d
#' @param pool_size integer or list of 2 integers, factors by which to downscale
#' (vertical, horizontal). (2, 2) will halve the input in both spatial
#' dimension. If only one integer is specified, the same window length will be
#' used for both dimensions.
#' @param strides Integer, list of 2 integers, or NULL. Strides values. If NULL,
#' it will default to `pool_size`.
#' @param padding One of `"valid"` or `"same"` (case-insensitive).
#' @section Input shape:
#' - If `data_format='channels_last'`: 4D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, rows, cols, channels)`
#' - If `data_format='channels_first'`: 4D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, channels, rows, cols)`
#' @section Output shape:
#' - If `data_format='channels_last'`: 4D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, pooled_rows, pooled_cols, channels)`
#' - If `data_format='channels_first'`: 4D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, channels, pooled_rows, pooled_cols)`
#' @family pooling layers
#' @export
layer_average_pooling_2d <- function(object, pool_size = c(2L, 2L), strides = NULL, padding = "valid", data_format = NULL,
batch_size = NULL, name = NULL, trainable = NULL, weights = NULL) {
create_layer(keras$layers$AveragePooling2D, object, list(
pool_size = as.integer(pool_size),
strides = as_nullable_integer(strides),
padding = padding,
data_format = data_format,
batch_size = as_nullable_integer(batch_size),
name = name,
trainable = trainable,
weights = weights
#' Average pooling operation for 3D data (spatial or spatio-temporal).
#' @inheritParams layer_average_pooling_1d
#' @param pool_size list of 3 integers, factors by which to downscale (dim1,
#' dim2, dim3). (2, 2, 2) will halve the size of the 3D input in each
#' dimension.
#' @param strides list of 3 integers, or NULL. Strides values.
#' @param padding One of `"valid"` or `"same"` (case-insensitive).
#' @param data_format A string, one of `channels_last` (default) or
#' `channels_first`. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs.
#' `channels_last` corresponds to inputs with shape `(batch, spatial_dim1,
#' spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels)` while `channels_first` corresponds
#' to inputs with shape `(batch, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2,
#' spatial_dim3)`. It defaults to the `image_data_format` value found in your
#' Keras config file at `~/.keras/keras.json`. If you never set it, then it
#' will be "channels_last".
#' @section Input shape:
#' - If `data_format='channels_last'`: 5D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels)`
#' - If `data_format='channels_first'`: 5D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3)`
#' @section Output shape:
#' - If `data_format='channels_last'`: 5D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, pooled_dim1, pooled_dim2, pooled_dim3, channels)`
#' - If `data_format='channels_first'`: 5D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, channels, pooled_dim1, pooled_dim2, pooled_dim3)`
#' @family pooling layers
#' @export
layer_average_pooling_3d <- function(object, pool_size = c(2L, 2L, 2L), strides = NULL, padding = "valid", data_format = NULL,
batch_size = NULL, name = NULL, trainable = NULL, weights = NULL) {
create_layer(keras$layers$AveragePooling3D, object, list(
pool_size = as.integer(pool_size),
strides = as_nullable_integer(strides),
padding = padding,
data_format = data_format,
batch_size = as_nullable_integer(batch_size),
name = name,
trainable = trainable,
weights = weights
#' Global max pooling operation for temporal data.
#' @inheritParams layer_dense
#' @inheritParams layer_average_pooling_1d
#' @section Input shape:
#' 3D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, steps, features)`.
#' @section Output shape:
#' 2D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, channels)`
#' @family pooling layers
#' @export
layer_global_max_pooling_1d <- function(object, data_format = "channels_last",
batch_size = NULL, name = NULL, trainable = NULL, weights = NULL) {
args <- list(
batch_size = as_nullable_integer(batch_size),
name = name,
trainable = trainable,
weights = weights
if (keras_version() >= "2.2.3")
args$data_format <- data_format
create_layer(keras$layers$GlobalMaxPooling1D, object, args)
#' Global average pooling operation for temporal data.
#' @inheritParams layer_global_max_pooling_1d
#' @section Input shape:
#' 3D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, steps, features)`.
#' @section Output shape:
#' 2D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, channels)`
#' @family pooling layers
#' @export
layer_global_average_pooling_1d <- function(object, data_format = "channels_last",
batch_size = NULL, name = NULL, trainable = NULL, weights = NULL) {
args <- list(
batch_size = as_nullable_integer(batch_size),
name = name,
trainable = trainable,
weights = weights
if (keras_version() >= "2.2.3")
args$data_format <- data_format
create_layer(keras$layers$GlobalAveragePooling1D, object, args)
#' Global max pooling operation for spatial data.
#' @inheritParams layer_conv_2d
#' @inheritParams layer_global_max_pooling_1d
#' @section Input shape:
#' - If `data_format='channels_last'`: 4D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, rows, cols, channels)`
#' - If `data_format='channels_first'`: 4D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, channels, rows, cols)`
#' @section Output shape: 2D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, channels)`
#' @family pooling layers
#' @export
layer_global_max_pooling_2d <- function(object, data_format = NULL,
batch_size = NULL, name = NULL, trainable = NULL, weights = NULL) {
create_layer(keras$layers$GlobalMaxPooling2D, object, list(
data_format = data_format,
batch_size = as_nullable_integer(batch_size),
name = name,
trainable = trainable,
weights = weights
#' Global average pooling operation for spatial data.
#' @inheritParams layer_conv_2d
#' @inheritParams layer_global_average_pooling_1d
#' @section Input shape:
#' - If `data_format='channels_last'`: 4D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, rows, cols, channels)`
#' - If `data_format='channels_first'`: 4D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, channels, rows, cols)`
#' @section Output shape: 2D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, channels)`
#' @family pooling layers
#' @export
layer_global_average_pooling_2d <- function(object, data_format = NULL,
batch_size = NULL, name = NULL, trainable = NULL, weights = NULL) {
create_layer(keras$layers$GlobalAveragePooling2D, object, list(
data_format = data_format,
batch_size = as_nullable_integer(batch_size),
name = name,
trainable = trainable,
weights = weights
#' Global Max pooling operation for 3D data.
#' @inheritParams layer_global_max_pooling_2d
#' @param data_format A string, one of `channels_last` (default) or
#' `channels_first`. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs.
#' `channels_last` corresponds to inputs with shape `(batch, spatial_dim1,
#' spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels)` while `channels_first` corresponds
#' to inputs with shape `(batch, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2,
#' spatial_dim3)`. It defaults to the `image_data_format` value found in your
#' Keras config file at `~/.keras/keras.json`. If you never set it, then it
#' will be "channels_last".
#' @section Input shape:
#' - If `data_format='channels_last'`: 5D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels)`
#' - If `data_format='channels_first'`: 5D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3)`
#' @section Output shape: 2D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, channels)`
#' @family pooling layers
#' @export
layer_global_max_pooling_3d <- function(object, data_format = NULL,
batch_size = NULL, name = NULL, trainable = NULL, weights = NULL) {
create_layer(keras$layers$GlobalMaxPooling3D, object, list(
data_format = data_format,
batch_size = as_nullable_integer(batch_size),
name = name,
trainable = trainable,
weights = weights
#' Global Average pooling operation for 3D data.
#' @inheritParams layer_global_average_pooling_2d
#' @param data_format A string, one of `channels_last` (default) or
#' `channels_first`. The ordering of the dimensions in the inputs.
#' `channels_last` corresponds to inputs with shape `(batch, spatial_dim1,
#' spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels)` while `channels_first` corresponds
#' to inputs with shape `(batch, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2,
#' spatial_dim3)`. It defaults to the `image_data_format` value found in your
#' Keras config file at `~/.keras/keras.json`. If you never set it, then it
#' will be "channels_last".
#' @section Input shape:
#' - If `data_format='channels_last'`: 5D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3, channels)`
#' - If `data_format='channels_first'`: 5D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2, spatial_dim3)`
#' @section Output shape: 2D tensor with shape: `(batch_size, channels)`
#' @family pooling layers
#' @export
layer_global_average_pooling_3d <- function(object, data_format = NULL,
batch_size = NULL, name = NULL, trainable = NULL, weights = NULL) {
create_layer(keras$layers$GlobalAveragePooling3D, object, list(
data_format = data_format,
batch_size = as_nullable_integer(batch_size),
name = name,
trainable = trainable,
weights = weights
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