
Defines functions vertex.hemis vertex.coords highlight.vertices.spheres highlight.points.spheres highlight.vertices.on.subject.spheres highlight.vertices.on.subject

Documented in highlight.points.spheres highlight.vertices.on.subject highlight.vertices.on.subject.spheres highlight.vertices.spheres vertex.coords vertex.hemis

#' @title Highlight vertices given by index on a subject's meshes by coloring faces.
#' @inheritParams vis.color.on.subject
#' @inheritParams mesh.vertex.neighbors
#' @param verts_lh integer vector, the indices of left hemisphere vertices.
#' @param verts_rh integer vector, the indices of right hemisphere vertices.
#' @param color_verts_lh vector of colors to visualize on the left hemisphere surface. Length must match number of vertices in 'verts_lh', or be a single color.
#' @param color_verts_rh vector of colors to visualize on the right hemisphere surface. Length must match number of vertices in 'verts_rh', or be a single color.
#' @param color_bg background color.
#' @param k integer, radius to extend neighborhood (for better visibility).
#' @return list of coloredmeshes. The coloredmeshes used for the visualization.
#' @family visualization functions
#' @family surface visualization functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'    fsbrain::download_optional_data();
#'    subjects_dir = fsbrain::get_optional_data_filepath("subjects_dir");
#'    highlight.vertices.on.subject(subjects_dir, 'subject1',
#'      verts_lh=c(5000, 100000), verts_rh=c(300, 66666), views="si");
#' }
#' @export
highlight.vertices.on.subject <- function(subjects_dir, vis_subject_id, verts_lh=NULL, verts_rh=NULL, surface="white", views=c('t4'), rgloptions=rglo(), rglactions = list(), color_bg="#FEFEFE", color_verts_lh="#FF0000", color_verts_rh="#FF4500", k=0L) {

    coloredmeshes = list();
    nv = subject.num.verts(subjects_dir, vis_subject_id, surface = surface);

    color_lh = rep(color_bg, nv$lh);
    if(length(verts_lh) > 0L) {
        if(length(color_verts_lh) != length(verts_lh)) {
            if(length(color_verts_lh) == 1L) {
                color_verts_lh = rep(color_verts_lh, length(verts_lh));
            } else {
                stop(sprintf("Parameter 'color_verts_lh' has length %d, must have length 1 or same length as 'verts_lh', which is %d.", length(color_verts_lh), length(verts_lh)));
        color_lh[verts_lh] = color_verts_lh;
        if(k > 1L) {
            # Grow neighborhood and color it in the color of the central vertex.
            for(vertex_seq_idx in seq(verts_lh)) {
                vertex_mesh_idx = verts_lh[vertex_seq_idx];
                neighborhood = mesh.vertex.neighbors(subject.surface(subjects_dir, vis_subject_id, surface = surface, hemi = "lh"), source_vertices = vertex_mesh_idx, k = k)$vertices;
                color_lh[neighborhood] = color_verts_lh[vertex_seq_idx];
    cmesh_lh = coloredmesh.from.color(subjects_dir, vis_subject_id, color_lh, 'lh', surface=surface);
    coloredmeshes$lh = cmesh_lh;

    color_rh = rep(color_bg, nv$rh);
    if(length(verts_rh) > 0L) {
        if(length(color_verts_rh) != length(verts_rh)) {
            if(length(color_verts_rh) == 1L) {
                color_verts_rh = rep(color_verts_rh, length(verts_rh));
            } else {
                stop(sprintf("Parameter 'color_verts_rh' has length %d, must have length 1 or same length as 'verts_rh', which is %d.", length(color_verts_rh), length(verts_rh)));
        color_rh[verts_rh] = color_verts_rh;
        if(k > 1L) {
            # Grow neighborhood and color it in the color of the central vertex.
            for(vertex_seq_idx in seq(verts_rh)) {
                vertex_mesh_idx = verts_rh[vertex_seq_idx];
                neighborhood = mesh.vertex.neighbors(subject.surface(subjects_dir, vis_subject_id, surface = surface, hemi = "rh"), source_vertices = vertex_mesh_idx, k = k)$vertices;
                color_rh[neighborhood] = color_verts_rh[vertex_seq_idx];
    cmesh_rh = coloredmesh.from.color(subjects_dir, vis_subject_id, color_rh, 'rh', surface=surface);
    coloredmeshes$rh = cmesh_rh;

    if(hasIn(rglactions, c('no_vis'))) {

    return(invisible(brainviews(views, coloredmeshes, rgloptions = rgloptions, rglactions = rglactions)));

#' @title Highlight vertices given by index on a subject's meshes by coloring faces.
#' @inheritParams vis.color.on.subject
#' @inheritParams mesh.vertex.neighbors
#' @param vertices positive integer vector, the vertex indices over both hemispheres. Alternative to using verts_lh and verts_rh parameters, only one of them must be used at once.
#' @param patch_size double, geodesic radius in which to draw a patch on the mesh around the verts. Pass \code{NULL} to disable.
#' @param show_patch logical (or a vector with one logical value per entry in 'vertices'), whether to show colored geodesic patches at the highlighted vertices.
#' @param export_img character string, the path to the output image if you want to export a high-quality image, NULL if you want live visualization instead.
#' @param sphere_colors the sphere colors like '#FF0000', can be a single one for all or one per sphere
#' @param sphere_radius double, a single radius for all spheres
#' @param ... extra parameters passed on to \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.data.on.subject}}. Use this to set a custom colormap etc.
#' @return list of coloredmeshes. The coloredmeshes used for the visualization. If export_img is set, the export return value is returned instead.
#' @note If no patches are visualized, the color used for the brain can be set with \code{options("fsbrain.brain_na_color"="#FF0000")}.
#' @family visualization functions
#' @family surface visualization functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'    fsbrain::download_fsaverage(T);
#'    subjects_dir = fsaverage.path();
#'    mkco = list('colFn'=viridis::viridis, 'n'=300);
#'    # Ex.1: highlight with patches and custom colormap:
#'    highlight.vertices.on.subject.spheres(subjects_dir, 'fsaverage',
#'      vertices=c(300, 5000, 100000), makecmap_options = mkco);
#'    # Ex.2: show patches on some (red) vertices, not on blue ones:
#'    highlight.vertices.on.subject.spheres(subjects_dir, 'fsaverage',
#'      vertices=c(300, 5000, 100000, 300000), show_patch = c(T,F,T,F),
#'      sphere_colors = c("red", "blue", "red", "blue"));
#' }

#' @export
highlight.vertices.on.subject.spheres <- function(subjects_dir, vis_subject_id, vertices, surface="white", patch_size=25.0, show_patch=TRUE, style = "glass2", export_img=NULL, sphere_colors = c('#FF0000'), sphere_radius = 3, ...) {
    surfaces = subject.surface(subjects_dir, vis_subject_id, surface = surface, hemi = "both");

    if(is.null(patch_size) | (length(vertices) < 1L)) {
        morph_data = constant.pervertexdata(surfaces, value = NA);
        rglactions = list();
    } else {

        if(length(show_patch) != length(vertices)) {
            show_patch = recycle(show_patch, length(vertices));
        patch_vertices = vertices[show_patch];
        if(length(patch_vertices) < 1L) {
            morph_data = constant.pervertexdata(surfaces, value = NA);
        } else {
            morph_data = geod.patches.pervertexdata(surfaces, patch_vertices, max_distance = patch_size);

        coords = vertex.coords(surfaces, vertices);
        point_hemi = vertex.hemis(surfaces, vertices); # compute the hemispheres for the vertices/points.
        rglactions = list('highlight_points'=list('coords'=coords, 'color'=sphere_colors, 'radius'=sphere_radius, 'hemi'=point_hemi));

    # Visualize
    if(is.null(export_img)) {
        return(vis.data.on.subject(subjects_dir, vis_subject_id, morph_data_lh = morph_data$lh, morph_data_rh = morph_data$rh, surface = surface, rglactions = rglactions, style = style, ...));
    } else {
        rglactions_export = rglactions;
        rglactions$no_vis = TRUE;
        cm = vis.data.on.subject(subjects_dir, vis_subject_id, morph_data_lh = morph_data$lh, morph_data_rh = morph_data$rh, surface = surface, rglactions = rglactions, style = style, ...);
        return(export(cm, rglactions = rglactions_export, style = style, horizontal = NULL, output_img = export_img));

# highlight.vertices.on.subject.spheres(fsaverage.path(), "fsaverage", vertices = sort(c(200, 300000, 122000)), show_patch = F, sphere_radius = 3, surface = "inflated", sphere_colors = c("red", "yellow", "green"));

#' @title Draw small 3D spheres at given points.
#' @param coords double vector or nx3 double matrix, the xyz point coordinates.
#' @param color the sphere color, like \code{'#FF0000'} or \code{"red"}.
#' @param radius double, the sphere radius
#' @family 3d utility functions
#' @export
highlight.points.spheres <- function(coords, color = "#FF0000", radius = 1.0) {
    if(is.null(coords)) {
        warning("No point coordinates passed in 'coords' parameter, not highlighting anything.");
    if(is.null(color)) {
        color = "#FF0000"; # for rglactions usage
    if(is.null(radius)) {
        radius = 1.0; # for rglactions usage
    if(is.vector(coords)) {
        coords = matrix(coords, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE);
    rgl::spheres3d(coords[,1], coords[,2], coords[,3], radius = radius, col = color);

#' @title Draw small 3D spheres at given brain mesh vertices. Supports full brain (2 meshes) as well.
#' @param surface an fs.surface instance, see \code{\link[fsbrain]{subject.surface}} function. Can also be a hemilist of surfaces, in which case the vertices can be indices over both meshes (in range \code{1..(nv(lh)+nv(rh))}).
#' @param vertices vector of positive integers, the vertex indices. Values which are outside of the valid indices for the surface will be silently ignored, making it easier to work with the two hemispheres.
#' @param ... Parameters passed to \code{\link[fsbrain]{highlight.points.spheres}}.
#' @note This function will draw into the current window and add to the scene, so it can be called after visualizing a mesh. See the example.
#' @family 3d utility functions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' lh_surf = subject.surface('~/data/study1', 'subject1',
#'  surface = "white", hemi = "lh");
#' vis.fs.surface(lh_surf, style="semitransparent");
#' highlight.vertices.spheres(lh_surf,
#'   vertices = c(3225L, 4300L, 5500L),
#'   color = c("green", "blue", "red"));
#' }
#' @export
highlight.vertices.spheres <- function(surface, vertices, ...) {
    coords = vertex.coords(surface, vertices);
    highlight.points.spheres(coords, ...);

#' @title Return coordinates for vertices, supporting entire brain via hemilist.
#' @param surface an fs.surface instance, see \code{\link[fsbrain]{subject.surface}} function. Can also be a hemilist of surfaces, in which case the vertices must be indices over both meshes (in range \code{1..(nv(lh)+nv(rh))}). If a hemilist, both entries must be surfaces (non-NULL).
#' @param vertices vector of positive integers, the vertex indices. Values which are outside of the valid indices for the surface will be silently ignored, making it easier to work with the two hemispheres.
#' @return double nx3 matrix of vertex coordinates.
#' @family 3d utility functions
#' @export
vertex.coords <- function(surface, vertices) {
    if(is.hemilist(surface)) {
        if(! freesurferformats::is.fs.surface(surface$lh)) {
            stop("Parameter 'surface' hemilist entry 'lh' must be an fs.surface instance.");
        if(! freesurferformats::is.fs.surface(surface$rh)) {
            stop("Parameter 'surface' hemilist entry 'rh' must be an fs.surface instance.");
        per_surface = per.hemi.vertex.indices(surface, vertices);

        coords = matrix(rep(NA, (length(vertices)*3L)), ncol = 3L);
        coords[which(per_surface$vertices_hemi == "lh"),] = surface$lh$vertices[per_surface$vertices$lh, ];
        coords[which(per_surface$vertices_hemi == "rh"),] = surface$rh$vertices[per_surface$vertices$rh, ];
    } else {
        if(! freesurferformats::is.fs.surface(surface)) {
            stop("Parameter 'surface' must be an fs.surface instance.");
        # Error on invalid vertex indices.
        vertices_filtered = vertices[which(vertices > 0L & vertices <= nrow(surface$vertices))];
        if(length(vertices_filtered) != length(vertices)) {
            stop(sprintf("Found %d out of bounds vertex indices.\n", (length(vertices) - length(vertices_filtered))));
        coords = surface$vertices[vertices_filtered, ];
    if(is.vector(coords)) {
        coords = matrix(coords, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE);

#' @title Return the proper hemi string ('lh' or 'rh') for each vertex.
#' @param surface hemilist of surfaces or a single integer which will be interpreted as the vertex count of the left hemisphere.
#' @param vertices vector of positive integers, the query vertex indices. Can be in range \code{1..(nv(lh)+nv(rh))}, i.e., across the whole brain.
#' @return vector of character strings, each string is 'lh' or 'rh'.
#' @note It is not checked in any way whether the vertex indices are out of bounds on the upper side (higher than the highest rh vertex index).
#' @examples
#'   vertex.hemis(100L, vertices=c(99L, 100L, 101L));
#' @export
vertex.hemis <- function(surface, vertices) {
    lh_nv = numverts.lh(surface);
    vertices_hemi = rep("lh", length(vertices));
    vertices_hemi[which(vertices > lh_nv)] = "rh";
dfsp-spirit/fsbrain documentation built on Nov. 28, 2024, 10:29 a.m.