# Functions that enable visualization of several stacked color layers (e.g., a background and foreground) on a surface
# mesh. The upper layers must have at least some (partly) transparent colors for this to make any sense.
# The background can be a single color or a FreeSurfer-style gray/dark-gray binarized mean curvature pattern that
# gives the viewer a rough orientation with respect to gyri and sulci.
#' @title Compute binarized mean curvature surface color layer.
#' @description Compute a binarized mean curvature surface color layer, this is intended as a background color layer. You can merge it with your data layer using \code{\link[fsbrain]{collayers.merge}}.
#' @inheritParams collayer.bg.meancurv
#' @param bg character string, a background name. One of 'curv', 'curv_light', 'sulc', 'sulc_light', or 'aparc'. If this is already a colorlayer in a hemilist, it will be returned as-is.
#' @return a color layer, i.e., vector of color strings in a hemilist
#' @seealso You can plot the return value using \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.color.on.subject}}.
#' @family surface color layer
#' @export
collayer.bg <- function(subjects_dir, subject_id, bg, hemi="both") {
if(!(hemi %in% c("lh", "rh", "both"))) {
stop(sprintf("Parameter 'hemi' must be one of 'lh', 'rh' or 'both' but is '%s'.\n", hemi));
if(is.hemilist(bg)) {
} else if(is.character(bg)) {
if(bg == "curv") {
return(collayer.bg.meancurv(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi=hemi));
} else if(bg == "curv_light") {
return(collayer.bg.meancurv(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi=hemi, bin_colors=c('#eeeeee', '#bbbbbb')));
} else if(bg == "sulc") {
return(collayer.bg.sulc(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi=hemi));
} else if(bg == "sulc_light") {
return(collayer.bg.sulc(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi=hemi, bin_colors=c('#eeeeee', '#bbbbbb')));
} else if(bg == "aparc") {
return(collayer.bg.atlas(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi=hemi, atlas='aparc'));
} else if(bg == "aparc_outline") {
return(collayer.bg.atlas(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi=hemi, atlas='aparc', grayscale = FALSE, outline = TRUE));
} else {
stop("Parameter 'bg' has unsupported character string value.");
} else {
stop("Parameter 'bg' must be a collayer in a hemilist of one of the fixed character strings listed in the help.");
#' @title Compute binarized mean curvature surface color layer.
#' @description Compute a binarized mean curvature surface color layer, this is intended as a background color layer. You can merge it with your data layer using \code{\link[fsbrain]{collayers.merge}}.
#' @param subjects_dir character string, the FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR.
#' @param subject_id character string, the subject identifier.
#' @param hemi character string, one of 'lh', 'rh', or 'both'. The latter will merge the data for both hemis into a single vector.
#' @param cortex_only logical, whether to restrict pattern computation to the cortex.
#' @param bin_colors vector of two character strings, the two colors to use.
#' @param bin_thresholds vector of 1 or 2 double values, the curvature threshold values used to separate gyri from sulci.
#' @return a color layer, i.e., vector of color strings in a hemilist
#' @seealso You can plot the return value using \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.color.on.subject}}.
#' @family surface color layer
#' @export
collayer.bg.meancurv <- function(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi="both", cortex_only=FALSE, bin_colors=c('#898989', '#5e5e5e'), bin_thresholds=c(0.0)) {
if(!(hemi %in% c("lh", "rh", "both"))) {
stop(sprintf("Parameter 'hemi' must be one of 'lh', 'rh' or 'both' but is '%s'.\n", hemi));
color_layer = list();
if(hemi %in% c("lh", "both")) {
mc = subject.morph.native(subjects_dir, subject_id, 'curv', hemi='lh', cortex_only=cortex_only);
cl = rep(bin_colors[1], length(mc));
if(length(bin_thresholds) == 1L) {
gyri_vertices = which(mc > bin_thresholds[1]);
} else {
gyri_vertices = which(mc > bin_thresholds[1] & mc < bin_thresholds[2]);
cl[gyri_vertices] = bin_colors[2];
color_layer$lh = cl;
if(hemi %in% c("rh", "both")) {
mc = subject.morph.native(subjects_dir, subject_id, 'curv', hemi='rh', cortex_only=cortex_only);
cl = rep(bin_colors[1], length(mc));
if(length(bin_thresholds) == 1L) {
gyri_vertices = which(mc > bin_thresholds[1]);
} else {
gyri_vertices = which(mc > bin_thresholds[1] & mc < bin_thresholds[2]);
cl[gyri_vertices] = bin_colors[2];
color_layer$rh = cl;
#' @title Compute binarized sulcal depth surface color layer.
#' @description Compute a binarized sulcal depth surface color layer, this is intended as a background color layer. You can merge it with your data layer using \code{\link[fsbrain]{collayers.merge}}.
#' @inheritParams collayer.bg.meancurv
#' @return a color layer, i.e., vector of color strings in a hemilist
#' @seealso You can plot the return value using \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.color.on.subject}}.
#' @family surface color layer
#' @export
collayer.bg.sulc <- function(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi="both", cortex_only=FALSE, bin_colors=c('#898989', '#5e5e5e'), bin_thresholds=c(0.0)) {
if(!(hemi %in% c("lh", "rh", "both"))) {
stop(sprintf("Parameter 'hemi' must be one of 'lh', 'rh' or 'both' but is '%s'.\n", hemi));
color_layer = list();
if(hemi %in% c("lh", "both")) {
mc = subject.morph.native(subjects_dir, subject_id, 'sulc', hemi='lh', cortex_only=cortex_only);
cl = rep(bin_colors[1], length(mc));
if(length(bin_thresholds) == 1L) {
gyri_vertices = which(mc > bin_thresholds[1]);
} else {
gyri_vertices = which(mc > bin_thresholds[1] & mc < bin_thresholds[2]);
cl[gyri_vertices] = bin_colors[2];
color_layer$lh = cl;
if(hemi %in% c("rh", "both")) {
mc = subject.morph.native(subjects_dir, subject_id, 'sulc', hemi='rh', cortex_only=cortex_only);
cl = rep(bin_colors[1], length(mc));
if(length(bin_thresholds) == 1L) {
gyri_vertices = which(mc > bin_thresholds[1]);
} else {
gyri_vertices = which(mc > bin_thresholds[1] & mc < bin_thresholds[2]);
cl[gyri_vertices] = bin_colors[2];
color_layer$rh = cl;
#' @title Compute atlas or annotation surface color layer.
#' @inheritParams collayer.bg.meancurv
#' @param atlas character string, the atlas name. E.g., "aparc", "aparc.2009s", or "aparc.DKTatlas". Used to construct the name of the annotation file to be loaded.
#' @param grayscale logical, whether to convert the atlas colors to grayscale
#' @param outline logical, whether to draw an outline only instead of filling the regions. Defaults to `FALSE`. Instead of passing `TRUE`, one can also pass a list of extra parameters to pass to \code{\link[fsbrain]{annot.outline}}, e.g., \code{outline=list('outline_color'='#000000')}.
#' @param outline_surface character string, the surface to load. Only relevant when 'outline' is used. (In that case the surface mesh is needed to compute the vertices forming the region borders.)
#' @return a color layer, i.e., vector of color strings in a hemilist
#' @seealso You can plot the return value using \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.color.on.subject}}.
#' @note Using 'outline' mode is quite slow, and increasing the border thickness makes it even slower.
#' @family surface color layer
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @export
collayer.bg.atlas <- function(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi="both", atlas="aparc", grayscale=FALSE, outline=FALSE, outline_surface = "white") {
if(!(hemi %in% c("lh", "rh", "both"))) {
stop(sprintf("Parameter 'hemi' must be one of 'lh', 'rh' or 'both' but is '%s'.\n", hemi));
if(is.list(outline)) {
annot_outline_extra_options = outline;
#annot_outline_full_options = utils::modifyList(list(annot, surface_mesh), annot_outline_extra_options);
#col = do.call(annot.outline, annot_outline_full_options);
} else if(outline == TRUE) {
annot_outline_extra_options = list('background' = '#FFFFFFFF');
} else if(is.integer(outline)) {
annot_outline_extra_options = list('background' = '#FFFFFFFF', 'expand_inwards' = outline - 1L);
} else {
annot_outline_extra_options = NULL; # do not use outline mode
use_outline_mode = ! is.null(annot_outline_extra_options);
if(use_outline_mode) {
annot_layer = list();
if(hemi %in% c("lh", "both")) {
annot = subject.annot(subjects_dir, subject_id, 'lh', atlas);
surface_mesh = subject.surface(subjects_dir, subject_id, outline_surface, 'lh');
annot_outline_full_options = utils::modifyList(list(annot, surface_mesh), annot_outline_extra_options);
annot_layer$lh = do.call(annot.outline, annot_outline_full_options);
if(hemi %in% c("rh", "both")) {
annot = subject.annot(subjects_dir, subject_id, 'rh', atlas);
surface_mesh = subject.surface(subjects_dir, subject_id, outline_surface, 'rh');
annot_outline_full_options = utils::modifyList(list(annot, surface_mesh), annot_outline_extra_options);
annot_layer$rh = do.call(annot.outline, annot_outline_full_options);
} else {
annot_layer = collayer.from.annot(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi, atlas);
if(grayscale) {
annot_layer = lapply(annot_layer, desaturate);
#' @title Compute surface color layer from morph-like data.
#' @param lh_morph_data numerical vector, can be NULL
#' @param rh_morph_data numerical vector, can be NULL
#' @param makecmap_options named list of parameters to pass to \code{\link{makecmap}}. Must not include the unnamed first parameter, which is derived from 'measure'.
#' @param return_metadata logical, whether to return additional metadata as entry 'metadata' in the returned list
#' @return named hemi list, each entry is a vector of color strings, one color per surface vertex. The coloring represents the morph data.
#' @seealso You can plot the return value using \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.color.on.subject}}.
#' @family surface color layer
#' @export
collayer.from.morphlike.data <- function(lh_morph_data=NULL, rh_morph_data=NULL, makecmap_options=list('colFn'=cm.seq()), return_metadata=FALSE) {
if(! 'colFn' %in% names(makecmap_options)) {
# If we add a 'colFn' entry here it's too late, because that colFn cannot be added to the coloredmesh instance here, meaning
# that it will not be available to draw the colorbar later, if requested. We could hack all that, but it seems more reasonable
# to simply fail here.
stop("No 'colFn' entry present in parameter 'makecmap_options': a colormap function is required. Try 'colFn=viridis::viridis'.");
bg_color = getOption('fsbrain.brain_na_color', default="#FEFEFE");
if((all(is.na(lh_morph_data)) & all(is.na(rh_morph_data))) || (is.null(lh_morph_data) && is.null(rh_morph_data))) {
return(list("lh"=bg_color, "rh"=bg_color));
cmr = common.makecmap.range(makecmap_options, lh_data=lh_morph_data, rh_data=rh_morph_data, return_metadata = return_metadata);
#' @title Get cmap and colorlayer from data and makecmap_options.
#' @inheritParams collayer.from.morphlike.data
#' @param lh_data numeric vector, data for left hemisphere.
#' @param rh_data numeric vector, data for right hemisphere.
#' @description Applies a requested 'range' setting if present in makecmap_options. A shared colormap is used for the data of both hemispheres (if present).
#' @return named list, with entries 'map': named list, the squash cmap, and 'collayer': hemilist of color vectors
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @importFrom squash cmap makecmap
common.makecmap.range <- function(makecmap_options, lh_data=NULL, rh_data=NULL, return_metadata = FALSE) {
if(is.null(lh_data) & is.null(rh_data)) {
stop("Only one of 'lh_data' and 'rh_data' can be NULL.");
merged_data = c(lh_data, rh_data);
# The value of makecmap_options$n must not be larger than data length. Otherwise you
# will get the squash::cmap error 'found n values outside map range'.
if(hasIn(makecmap_options, 'n')) {
if(makecmap_options$n > length(merged_data)) {
makecmap_options$n = length(merged_data);
if(is.numeric(lh_data)) {
if(makecmap_options$n > length(lh_data)) {
makecmap_options$n = length(lh_data);
if(is.numeric(rh_data)) {
if(makecmap_options$n > length(rh_data)) {
makecmap_options$n = length(rh_data);
merged_data_in_range = force.to.range(merged_data, makecmap_options$range, allow_append = TRUE);
common_cmap = do.call(squash::makecmap, utils::modifyList(list(merged_data_in_range), makecmap_options));
common_cmap$colors = common_cmap$colors[1:length(merged_data)]; # Cut off extra values potentially added by force.to.range.
collayer = list();
if(is.numeric(lh_data)) {
lh_data_in_range = force.to.range(lh_data, makecmap_options$range, allow_append = FALSE);
collayer$lh = squash::cmap(lh_data_in_range, map = common_cmap);
if(is.numeric(rh_data)) {
rh_data_in_range = force.to.range(rh_data, makecmap_options$range, allow_append = FALSE);
collayer$rh = squash::cmap(rh_data_in_range, map = common_cmap);
if(return_metadata) {
collayer$metadata = list('map'=common_cmap);
return(list('map'=common_cmap, 'collayer'=collayer));
#' @title Change data to ensure requested data_range.
#' @param x numerical vector, the input data.
#' @param data_range numerical vector of length 2, the range into which to force the data values in 'x'. If `NULL`, the input data in 'x' is returned as is.
#' @param allow_append logical, whether to allow adding of more extreme data values. Allows a range larger than the data range. If set to `TRUE`, you will have to remove the extra values from the colors after generation of the colormap.
#' @return Modified version of x. The data will be clamped and / or at most 2 values may be appended to x.
#' @note This is an artificial modification of the data used for plotting a colormap with a fixed range.
#' @keywords internal
force.to.range <- function(x, data_range, allow_append = FALSE) {
if(is.null(data_range)) {
if(! is.numeric(data_range)) {
stop("Parameter 'data_range' must be numeric vector of length 2.");
if(! is.numeric(x)) {
stop("Parameter 'x' must be numeric.");
if(length(data_range) != 2L) {
stop("Parameter 'data_range' must be numeric vector of length 2.");
if(allow_append) {
# Handle case were data_range is more extreme than the data: append a value to the data.
if(data_range[1] < min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) {
x = c(x, data_range[1]);
if(max(data_range) > max(x, na.rm = TRUE)) {
x = c(x, data_range[2]);
# Handle case were data_range is less extreme than the data: clamp the data.
if(data_range[1] > min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) {
x[x < data_range[1]] = data_range[1];
if(data_range[2] < max(x, na.rm = TRUE)) {
x[x > data_range[2]] = data_range[2];
#' @title Compute surface color layer from morph-like data.
#' @param lh_data integer vector, can be NULL
#' @param rh_data numerical vector, can be NULL
#' @param makecmap_options named list of parameters to pass to \code{\link{makecmap}}. Must not include the unnamed first parameter, which is derived from 'measure'.
#' @return named hemi list, each entry is a vector of color strings, one color per surface vertex. The coloring represents the label data.
#' @seealso You can plot the return value using \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.color.on.subject}}.
#' @family surface color layer
#' @export
collayer.from.mask.data <- function(lh_data=NULL, rh_data=NULL, makecmap_options=list('colFn'=label.colFn)) {
if(is.null(lh_data) & is.null(rh_data)) {
bg_color = getOption('fsbrain.brain_na_color', default="#FEFEFE");
message("Both 'lh_data' and 'rh_data' are NULL, returning a single white color value for each hemi.");
return(list("lh"=bg_color, "rh"=bg_color));
if(is.logical(lh_data)) {
lh_data = as.integer(lh_data);
if(is.logical(rh_data)) {
rh_data = as.integer(rh_data);
cmr = common.makecmap.range(makecmap_options, lh_data=lh_data, rh_data=rh_data, return_metadata = FALSE);
#' @title A simple colormap function for binary colors.
#' @description Useful for plotting labels.
#' @param n positive integer, the number of colors. Must be 1 or 2 for this function.
#' @param col_a color string, the foreground color
#' @param col_b color string, the background color
#' @return vector of 'n' RGB colorstrings
#' @export
label.colFn <- function(n=2L, col_a='#228B22', col_b="#FFFFFF") {
n = as.integer(n);
if(n < 1) {
stop(sprintf("Parameter 'n' must be >= 1L but is '%d'.\n", n));
if(n == 1L) {
} else if(n==2L) {
return(c(col_b, col_a));
} else {
n_half = as.integer(ceiling(n/2.0));
col = rep(col_a, n);
col[1:n_half] = col_b;
#' @title A simple colormap function for binary colors.
#' @description Useful for plotting labels.
#' @param n positive integer, the number of colors. Must be 1 or 2 for this function.
#' @param col_a color string, the foreground color
#' @param col_b color string, the background color
#' @return vector of 'n' RGB colorstrings
#' @export
label.colFn.inv <- function(n=2L, col_a='#228B22', col_b="#FFFFFF") {
return(label.colFn(n=n, col_a=col_b, col_b=col_a));
#' @title Compute surface color layer from annotation or atlas data.
#' @param lh_annotdata loaded annotation data for left hemi, as returned by \code{\link[fsbrain]{subject.annot}}
#' @param rh_annotdata loaded annotation data for right hemi
#' @return named hemi list, each entry is a vector of color strings, one color per surface vertex. The coloring represents the atlas data.
#' @seealso You can plot the return value using \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.color.on.subject}}.
#' @family surface color layer
#' @export
collayer.from.annotdata <- function(lh_annotdata=NULL, rh_annotdata=NULL) {
if(is.null(lh_annotdata) | is.null(rh_annotdata)) {
if(is.null(lh_annotdata) & is.null(rh_annotdata)) {
warning("Both 'lh_annotdata' and 'rh_annotdata' are NULL, return a single white color value for each hemi.");
return(list("lh"="#FFFFFF", "rh"="#FFFFFF"));
if(is.null(lh_annotdata)) {
hemi = "rh";
annot_data = rh_annotdata;
} else {
hemi = "lh";
annot_data = lh_annotdata;
color_layer = annot_data$hex_colors_rgb;
return(hemilist.wrap(color_layer, hemi));
} else {
lh_layer = lh_annotdata$hex_colors_rgb;
rh_layer = rh_annotdata$hex_colors_rgb;
return(list("lh"=lh_layer, "rh"=rh_layer));
#' @title Compute surface color layer from annotation or atlas data.
#' @param subjects_dir character string, the FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR.
#' @param subject_id character string, the subject identifier.
#' @param hemi character string, one of 'lh', 'rh', or 'both'.
#' @param atlas character string, the atlas name. E.g., "aparc", "aparc.2009s", or "aparc.DKTatlas". Used to construct the name of the annotation file to be loaded.
#' @return named hemi list, each entry is a vector of color strings, one color per surface vertex. The coloring represents the atlas data.
#' @seealso You can plot the return value using \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.color.on.subject}}.
#' @family surface color layer
#' @export
collayer.from.annot <- function(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi, atlas) {
if(!(hemi %in% c("lh", "rh", "both"))) {
stop(sprintf("Parameter 'hemi' must be one of 'lh', 'rh' or 'both' but is '%s'.\n", hemi));
if(hemi == "both") {
lh_annotdata = subject.annot(subjects_dir, subject_id, 'lh', atlas);
rh_annotdata = subject.annot(subjects_dir, subject_id, 'rh', atlas);
return(collayer.from.annotdata(lh_annotdata, rh_annotdata));
} else {
hemi_annotdata = subject.annot(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi, atlas);
if(hemi == "lh") {
return(collayer.from.annotdata(hemi_annotdata, NULL));
} else {
return(collayer.from.annotdata(NULL, hemi_annotdata));
#' @title Merge two or more color layers based on their transparency values.
#' @description Merge several color layers into one based on their transparency and alpha blending. In the final result, the lower layers are visible through the transparent or `NA` parts (if any) of the upper layers.
#' @param collayers named list, the values must be vectors, matrices or arrays of color strings (as produced by \code{\link[grDevices]{rgb}}. The names are free form and do not really matter. All values must have the same length.
#' @param opaque_background a single color string or `NULL`. If a color string, this color will be used as a final opaque background layer to ensure that the returned colors are all opaque. Pass `NULL` to skip this, which may result in a return value that contains non-opaque color values.
#' @return a color layer, i.e., vector of color strings in a hemilist
#' @family surface color layer
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
#' @export
collayers.merge <- function(collayers, opaque_background="#FFFFFF") {
if(! is.list(collayers)) {
stop("Parameter 'collayers' must be a named list.");
if(length(collayers) < 1L) {
stop("List passed as parameter 'collayers' must not be empty.");
used_opaque_bg = FALSE;
if(! is.null(opaque_background)) {
if(opaque_background != FALSE) {
used_opaque_bg = TRUE;
#cat(sprintf("Using opaque background color '%s' when merging layers.\n", opaque_background));
bg_alpha = grDevices::col2rgb(opaque_background, alpha = TRUE)[4];
if(bg_alpha != 255L) {
warning(sprintf("Color passed as parameter 'opaque_background' is not opaque: alpha channel has value %d (expected 255).\n", bg_alpha));
# Add a new opaque layer at the end
new_layer_index = length(collayers) + 1L;
first_layer = collayers[[1]]; # We use the the first layer here, but we could use any: they must have same dimensions
if(is.hemilist(first_layer)) {
new_layer = list();
if(!is.null(first_layer$lh)) {
new_layer$lh = rep(opaque_background, length(first_layer$lh));
if(!is.null(first_layer$rh)) {
new_layer$rh = rep(opaque_background, length(first_layer$rh));
} else {
new_layer = rep(opaque_background, length(first_layer));
collayers[[new_layer_index]] = new_layer;
names(collayers)[[new_layer_index]] = 'opaque_background';
#if(! used_opaque_bg) {
# cat(sprintf("Did NOT use opaque background while merging layers.\n"));
merged = collayers[[1]];
for (layer_idx in seq.int(2L, length(collayers))) {
layer_name = names(collayers)[[layer_idx]];
clayer = collayers[[layer_idx]];
merged = alphablend(merged, clayer, silent=(layer_name == 'opaque_background'));
#' @title Perform alpha blending for pairs of RGBA colors.
#' @description Implements the *over* alpha blending operation.
#' @param front_color rgba color strings, the upper color layer or foreground
#' @param back_color rgba color strings, the lower color layer or background
#' @param silent logical, whether to suppress messages
#' @return rgba color strings, the alpha-blended colors
#' @references see the *Alpha blending* section on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing
#' @family color functions
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb col2rgb
#' @export
alphablend <- function(front_color, back_color, silent=TRUE) {
if(is.hemilist(front_color)) {
if(is.hemilist(back_color)) {
ret_list = list();
if(!is.null(front_color$lh)) {
ret_list$lh = alphablend(front_color$lh, back_color$lh);
if(!is.null(front_color$rh)) {
ret_list$rh = alphablend(front_color$rh, back_color$rh);
} else {
stop("The parameters 'front_color' and 'back_color' must have the same type (currently 'front_color' is a hemilist, 'back_color' is not).");
if(length(front_color) != length(back_color)) {
stop(sprintf("The parameters 'front_color' (length %d) and 'back_color' (length %d) must be vectors with identical length.\n", length(front_color), length(back_color)));
# Treat NA values as fully transparent color.
front_color[which(is.na(front_color))] = '#00000000';
back_color[which(is.na(back_color))] = '#00000000';
front_color_rgba_matrix = grDevices::col2rgb(front_color, alpha = TRUE)/255.;
back_color_rgba_matrix = grDevices::col2rgb(back_color, alpha = TRUE)/255.;
src_alpha = front_color_rgba_matrix[4,];
if(!any(src_alpha < 1)) {
if(!silent) {
message("Background will not be visible, foreground is fully opaque. Set foreground colors to NA or use the alpha channel to see the background.");
src_rgb = front_color_rgba_matrix[1:3,];
dst_alpha = back_color_rgba_matrix[4,];
dst_rgb = back_color_rgba_matrix[1:3,];
out_alpha = src_alpha + dst_alpha * (1.0 - src_alpha);
out_rgb = (t(src_rgb) * src_alpha + t(dst_rgb) * dst_alpha * (1.0 - src_alpha)) / out_alpha;
# Handle possible division by zero NaNs from last division. Happens when both foreground and background
# color are fully transparent. The output alpha will be 0, and we set the rgb values to all zeroes as well.
out_rgb[is.nan(out_rgb)] = 0.;
out_col = grDevices::rgb(cbind(out_rgb, out_alpha), alpha = TRUE);
#' @title Perform simple desaturation or grayscale conversion of RGBA colors.
#' @param color rgba color strings
#' @param gamma_correct logical, whether to apply non-linear gamma correction. First performs gamma expansion, then applies the gray-scale channel weigths, then gamma compression.
#' @return rgba color strings, the grayscale colors. The information from one of the three rgb channels would be enough. The alpha value is not touched.
#' @references see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grayscale#Converting_color_to_grayscale
#' @note Assumes sRGB color space.
#' @family color functions
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb col2rgb
#' @export
desaturate <- function(color, gamma_correct=FALSE) {
color_rgba_matrix = grDevices::col2rgb(color, alpha = TRUE)/255.;
src_alpha = color_rgba_matrix[4,];
src_rgb = color_rgba_matrix[1:3,];
if(gamma_correct) {
# perform gamma expansion
src_rgb = ifelse(src_rgb <= 0.04045, src_rgb / 12.92, ((src_rgb + 0.055)/1.055)**2.4);
channel_weights = c(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722);
out_rgb_per_channel = t(src_rgb) %*% c(channel_weights); # divide by number of channels
if(gamma_correct) {
# perform gamma compression
out_rgb_per_channel = ifelse(out_rgb_per_channel <= 0.0031308, 12.92 * out_rgb_per_channel, 1.055 * out_rgb_per_channel**(1/2.4) - 0.055);
out_rgb = cbind(out_rgb_per_channel, out_rgb_per_channel, out_rgb_per_channel);
return(grDevices::rgb(cbind(out_rgb, src_alpha), alpha = TRUE));
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