
Defines functions desaturate alphablend collayers.merge collayer.from.annot collayer.from.annotdata label.colFn.inv label.colFn collayer.from.mask.data force.to.range common.makecmap.range collayer.from.morphlike.data collayer.bg.atlas collayer.bg.sulc collayer.bg.meancurv collayer.bg

Documented in alphablend collayer.bg collayer.bg.atlas collayer.bg.meancurv collayer.bg.sulc collayer.from.annot collayer.from.annotdata collayer.from.mask.data collayer.from.morphlike.data collayers.merge common.makecmap.range desaturate force.to.range label.colFn label.colFn.inv

# Functions that enable visualization of several stacked color layers (e.g., a background and foreground) on a surface
# mesh. The upper layers must have at least some (partly) transparent colors for this to make any sense.
# The background can be a single color or a FreeSurfer-style gray/dark-gray binarized mean curvature pattern that
# gives the viewer a rough orientation with respect to gyri and sulci.

#' @title Compute binarized mean curvature surface color layer.
#' @description Compute a binarized mean curvature surface color layer, this is intended as a background color layer. You can merge it with your data layer using \code{\link[fsbrain]{collayers.merge}}.
#' @inheritParams collayer.bg.meancurv
#' @param bg character string, a background name. One of 'curv', 'curv_light', 'sulc', 'sulc_light', or 'aparc'.  If this is already a colorlayer in a hemilist, it will be returned as-is.
#' @return a color layer, i.e., vector of color strings in a hemilist
#' @seealso You can plot the return value using \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.color.on.subject}}.
#' @family surface color layer
#' @export
collayer.bg <- function(subjects_dir, subject_id, bg, hemi="both") {

    if(!(hemi %in% c("lh", "rh", "both"))) {
        stop(sprintf("Parameter 'hemi' must be one of 'lh', 'rh' or 'both' but is '%s'.\n", hemi));

    if(is.hemilist(bg)) {
    } else if(is.character(bg)) {
        if(bg == "curv") {
            return(collayer.bg.meancurv(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi=hemi));
        } else if(bg == "curv_light") {
            return(collayer.bg.meancurv(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi=hemi, bin_colors=c('#eeeeee', '#bbbbbb')));
        } else if(bg == "sulc") {
            return(collayer.bg.sulc(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi=hemi));
        } else if(bg == "sulc_light") {
            return(collayer.bg.sulc(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi=hemi, bin_colors=c('#eeeeee', '#bbbbbb')));
        } else if(bg == "aparc") {
            return(collayer.bg.atlas(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi=hemi, atlas='aparc'));
        } else if(bg == "aparc_outline") {
            return(collayer.bg.atlas(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi=hemi, atlas='aparc', grayscale = FALSE, outline = TRUE));
        } else {
            stop("Parameter 'bg' has unsupported character string value.");
    } else {
        stop("Parameter 'bg' must be a collayer in a hemilist of one of the fixed character strings listed in the help.");

#' @title Compute binarized mean curvature surface color layer.
#' @description Compute a binarized mean curvature surface color layer, this is intended as a background color layer. You can merge it with your data layer using \code{\link[fsbrain]{collayers.merge}}.
#' @param subjects_dir character string, the FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR.
#' @param subject_id character string, the subject identifier.
#' @param hemi character string, one of 'lh', 'rh', or 'both'. The latter will merge the data for both hemis into a single vector.
#' @param cortex_only logical, whether to restrict pattern computation to the cortex.
#' @param bin_colors vector of two character strings, the two colors to use.
#' @param bin_thresholds vector of 1 or 2 double values, the curvature threshold values used to separate gyri from sulci.
#' @return a color layer, i.e., vector of color strings in a hemilist
#' @seealso You can plot the return value using \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.color.on.subject}}.
#' @family surface color layer
#' @export
collayer.bg.meancurv <- function(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi="both", cortex_only=FALSE, bin_colors=c('#898989', '#5e5e5e'), bin_thresholds=c(0.0)) {

    if(!(hemi %in% c("lh", "rh", "both"))) {
        stop(sprintf("Parameter 'hemi' must be one of 'lh', 'rh' or 'both' but is '%s'.\n", hemi));

    color_layer = list();
    if(hemi %in% c("lh", "both")) {
        mc = subject.morph.native(subjects_dir, subject_id, 'curv', hemi='lh', cortex_only=cortex_only);
        cl = rep(bin_colors[1], length(mc));
        if(length(bin_thresholds) == 1L) {
            gyri_vertices = which(mc > bin_thresholds[1]);
        } else {
            gyri_vertices = which(mc > bin_thresholds[1] & mc < bin_thresholds[2]);
        cl[gyri_vertices] = bin_colors[2];
        color_layer$lh = cl;
    if(hemi %in% c("rh", "both")) {
        mc = subject.morph.native(subjects_dir, subject_id, 'curv', hemi='rh', cortex_only=cortex_only);
        cl = rep(bin_colors[1], length(mc));
        if(length(bin_thresholds) == 1L) {
            gyri_vertices = which(mc > bin_thresholds[1]);
        } else {
            gyri_vertices = which(mc > bin_thresholds[1] & mc < bin_thresholds[2]);
        cl[gyri_vertices] = bin_colors[2];
        color_layer$rh = cl;

#' @title Compute binarized sulcal depth surface color layer.
#' @description Compute a binarized sulcal depth surface color layer, this is intended as a background color layer. You can merge it with your data layer using \code{\link[fsbrain]{collayers.merge}}.
#' @inheritParams collayer.bg.meancurv
#' @return a color layer, i.e., vector of color strings in a hemilist
#' @seealso You can plot the return value using \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.color.on.subject}}.
#' @family surface color layer
#' @export
collayer.bg.sulc <- function(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi="both", cortex_only=FALSE, bin_colors=c('#898989', '#5e5e5e'), bin_thresholds=c(0.0)) {

    if(!(hemi %in% c("lh", "rh", "both"))) {
        stop(sprintf("Parameter 'hemi' must be one of 'lh', 'rh' or 'both' but is '%s'.\n", hemi));

    color_layer = list();
    if(hemi %in% c("lh", "both")) {
        mc = subject.morph.native(subjects_dir, subject_id, 'sulc', hemi='lh', cortex_only=cortex_only);
        cl = rep(bin_colors[1], length(mc));
        if(length(bin_thresholds) == 1L) {
            gyri_vertices = which(mc > bin_thresholds[1]);
        } else {
            gyri_vertices = which(mc > bin_thresholds[1] & mc < bin_thresholds[2]);
        cl[gyri_vertices] = bin_colors[2];
        color_layer$lh = cl;
    if(hemi %in% c("rh", "both")) {
        mc = subject.morph.native(subjects_dir, subject_id, 'sulc', hemi='rh', cortex_only=cortex_only);
        cl = rep(bin_colors[1], length(mc));
        if(length(bin_thresholds) == 1L) {
            gyri_vertices = which(mc > bin_thresholds[1]);
        } else {
            gyri_vertices = which(mc > bin_thresholds[1] & mc < bin_thresholds[2]);
        cl[gyri_vertices] = bin_colors[2];
        color_layer$rh = cl;

#' @title Compute atlas or annotation surface color layer.
#' @inheritParams collayer.bg.meancurv
#' @param atlas character string, the atlas name. E.g., "aparc", "aparc.2009s", or "aparc.DKTatlas". Used to construct the name of the annotation file to be loaded.
#' @param grayscale logical, whether to convert the atlas colors to grayscale
#' @param outline logical, whether to draw an outline only instead of filling the regions. Defaults to `FALSE`. Instead of passing `TRUE`, one can also pass a list of extra parameters to pass to \code{\link[fsbrain]{annot.outline}}, e.g., \code{outline=list('outline_color'='#000000')}.
#' @param outline_surface character string, the surface to load. Only relevant when 'outline' is used. (In that case the surface mesh is needed to compute the vertices forming the region borders.)
#' @return a color layer, i.e., vector of color strings in a hemilist
#' @seealso You can plot the return value using \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.color.on.subject}}.
#' @note Using 'outline' mode is quite slow, and increasing the border thickness makes it even slower.
#' @family surface color layer
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @export
collayer.bg.atlas <- function(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi="both", atlas="aparc", grayscale=FALSE, outline=FALSE, outline_surface = "white") {
    if(!(hemi %in% c("lh", "rh", "both"))) {
        stop(sprintf("Parameter 'hemi' must be one of 'lh', 'rh' or 'both' but is '%s'.\n", hemi));

    if(is.list(outline)) {
        annot_outline_extra_options = outline;
        #annot_outline_full_options = utils::modifyList(list(annot, surface_mesh), annot_outline_extra_options);
        #col = do.call(annot.outline, annot_outline_full_options);
    } else if(outline == TRUE) {
        annot_outline_extra_options = list('background' = '#FFFFFFFF');
    } else if(is.integer(outline)) {
        annot_outline_extra_options = list('background' = '#FFFFFFFF', 'expand_inwards' = outline - 1L);
    } else {
        annot_outline_extra_options = NULL; # do not use outline mode

    use_outline_mode = ! is.null(annot_outline_extra_options);

    if(use_outline_mode) {
        annot_layer = list();
        if(hemi %in% c("lh", "both")) {
            annot = subject.annot(subjects_dir, subject_id, 'lh', atlas);
            surface_mesh = subject.surface(subjects_dir, subject_id, outline_surface, 'lh');
            annot_outline_full_options = utils::modifyList(list(annot, surface_mesh), annot_outline_extra_options);
            annot_layer$lh = do.call(annot.outline, annot_outline_full_options);
        if(hemi %in% c("rh", "both")) {
            annot = subject.annot(subjects_dir, subject_id, 'rh', atlas);
            surface_mesh = subject.surface(subjects_dir, subject_id, outline_surface, 'rh');
            annot_outline_full_options = utils::modifyList(list(annot, surface_mesh), annot_outline_extra_options);
            annot_layer$rh = do.call(annot.outline, annot_outline_full_options);
    } else {
        annot_layer = collayer.from.annot(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi, atlas);

    if(grayscale) {
        annot_layer = lapply(annot_layer, desaturate);

#' @title Compute surface color layer from morph-like data.
#' @param lh_morph_data numerical vector, can be NULL
#' @param rh_morph_data numerical vector, can be NULL
#' @param makecmap_options named list of parameters to pass to \code{\link{makecmap}}. Must not include the unnamed first parameter, which is derived from 'measure'.
#' @param return_metadata logical, whether to return additional metadata as entry 'metadata' in the returned list
#' @return named hemi list, each entry is a vector of color strings, one color per surface vertex. The coloring represents the morph data.
#' @seealso You can plot the return value using \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.color.on.subject}}.
#' @family surface color layer
#' @export
collayer.from.morphlike.data <- function(lh_morph_data=NULL, rh_morph_data=NULL, makecmap_options=list('colFn'=cm.seq()), return_metadata=FALSE) {

    if(! 'colFn' %in% names(makecmap_options)) {
        # If we add a 'colFn' entry here it's too late, because that colFn cannot be added to the coloredmesh instance here, meaning
        # that it will not be available to draw the colorbar later, if requested. We could hack all that, but it seems more reasonable
        # to simply fail here.
        stop("No 'colFn' entry present in parameter 'makecmap_options': a colormap function is required. Try 'colFn=viridis::viridis'.");

    bg_color = getOption('fsbrain.brain_na_color', default="#FEFEFE");
    if((all(is.na(lh_morph_data)) & all(is.na(rh_morph_data))) || (is.null(lh_morph_data) && is.null(rh_morph_data))) {
        return(list("lh"=bg_color, "rh"=bg_color));

    cmr = common.makecmap.range(makecmap_options, lh_data=lh_morph_data, rh_data=rh_morph_data, return_metadata = return_metadata);

#' @title Get cmap and colorlayer from data and makecmap_options.
#' @inheritParams collayer.from.morphlike.data
#' @param lh_data numeric vector, data for left hemisphere.
#' @param rh_data numeric vector, data for right hemisphere.
#' @description Applies a requested 'range' setting if present in makecmap_options. A shared colormap is used for the data of both hemispheres (if present).
#' @return named list, with entries 'map': named list, the squash cmap, and 'collayer': hemilist of color vectors
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @importFrom squash cmap makecmap
common.makecmap.range <- function(makecmap_options, lh_data=NULL, rh_data=NULL, return_metadata = FALSE) {
    if(is.null(lh_data) & is.null(rh_data)) {
        stop("Only one of 'lh_data' and 'rh_data' can be NULL.");

    merged_data = c(lh_data, rh_data);

    # The value of makecmap_options$n must not be larger than data length. Otherwise you
    # will get the squash::cmap error 'found n values outside map range'.
    if(hasIn(makecmap_options, 'n')) {
        if(makecmap_options$n > length(merged_data)) {
            makecmap_options$n = length(merged_data);
        if(is.numeric(lh_data)) {
            if(makecmap_options$n > length(lh_data)) {
                makecmap_options$n = length(lh_data);
        if(is.numeric(rh_data)) {
            if(makecmap_options$n > length(rh_data)) {
                makecmap_options$n = length(rh_data);

    merged_data_in_range = force.to.range(merged_data, makecmap_options$range, allow_append = TRUE);
    common_cmap = do.call(squash::makecmap, utils::modifyList(list(merged_data_in_range), makecmap_options));
    common_cmap$colors = common_cmap$colors[1:length(merged_data)]; # Cut off extra values potentially added by force.to.range.
    collayer = list();
    if(is.numeric(lh_data)) {
        lh_data_in_range = force.to.range(lh_data, makecmap_options$range, allow_append = FALSE);
        collayer$lh = squash::cmap(lh_data_in_range, map = common_cmap);
    if(is.numeric(rh_data)) {
        rh_data_in_range = force.to.range(rh_data, makecmap_options$range, allow_append = FALSE);
        collayer$rh = squash::cmap(rh_data_in_range, map = common_cmap);
    if(return_metadata) {
        collayer$metadata = list('map'=common_cmap);
    return(list('map'=common_cmap, 'collayer'=collayer));

#' @title Change data to ensure requested data_range.
#' @param x numerical vector, the input data.
#' @param data_range numerical vector of length 2, the range into which to force the data values in 'x'. If `NULL`, the input data in 'x' is returned as is.
#' @param allow_append logical, whether to allow adding of more extreme data values. Allows a range larger than the data range. If set to `TRUE`, you will have to remove the extra values from the colors after generation of the colormap.
#' @return Modified version of x. The data will be clamped and / or at most 2 values may be appended to x.
#' @note This is an artificial modification of the data used for plotting a colormap with a fixed range.
#' @keywords internal
force.to.range <- function(x, data_range, allow_append = FALSE) {
    if(is.null(data_range)) {
    if(! is.numeric(data_range)) {
        stop("Parameter 'data_range' must be numeric vector of length 2.");
    if(! is.numeric(x)) {
        stop("Parameter 'x' must be numeric.");
    if(length(data_range) != 2L) {
        stop("Parameter 'data_range' must be numeric vector of length 2.");

    if(allow_append) {
        # Handle case were data_range is more extreme than the data: append a value to the data.
        if(data_range[1] < min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) {
            x = c(x, data_range[1]);
        if(max(data_range) > max(x, na.rm = TRUE)) {
            x = c(x, data_range[2]);

    # Handle case were data_range is less extreme than the data: clamp the data.
    if(data_range[1] > min(x, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        x[x < data_range[1]] = data_range[1];

    if(data_range[2] < max(x, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        x[x > data_range[2]] = data_range[2];

#' @title Compute surface color layer from morph-like data.
#' @param lh_data integer vector, can be NULL
#' @param rh_data numerical vector, can be NULL
#' @param makecmap_options named list of parameters to pass to \code{\link{makecmap}}. Must not include the unnamed first parameter, which is derived from 'measure'.
#' @return named hemi list, each entry is a vector of color strings, one color per surface vertex. The coloring represents the label data.
#' @seealso You can plot the return value using \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.color.on.subject}}.
#' @family surface color layer
#' @export
collayer.from.mask.data <- function(lh_data=NULL, rh_data=NULL, makecmap_options=list('colFn'=label.colFn)) {

    if(is.null(lh_data) & is.null(rh_data)) {
        bg_color = getOption('fsbrain.brain_na_color', default="#FEFEFE");
        message("Both 'lh_data' and 'rh_data' are NULL, returning a single white color value for each hemi.");
        return(list("lh"=bg_color, "rh"=bg_color));

    if(is.logical(lh_data)) {
        lh_data = as.integer(lh_data);
    if(is.logical(rh_data)) {
        rh_data = as.integer(rh_data);

    cmr = common.makecmap.range(makecmap_options, lh_data=lh_data, rh_data=rh_data, return_metadata = FALSE);


#' @title A simple colormap function for binary colors.
#' @description Useful for plotting labels.
#' @param n positive integer, the number of colors. Must be 1 or 2 for this function.
#' @param col_a color string, the foreground color
#' @param col_b color string, the background color
#' @return vector of 'n' RGB colorstrings
#' @export
label.colFn <- function(n=2L, col_a='#228B22', col_b="#FFFFFF") {
    n = as.integer(n);
    if(n < 1) {
        stop(sprintf("Parameter 'n' must be >= 1L but is '%d'.\n", n));
    if(n == 1L) {
    } else if(n==2L) {
        return(c(col_b, col_a));
    } else {
        n_half = as.integer(ceiling(n/2.0));
        col = rep(col_a, n);
        col[1:n_half] = col_b;

#' @title A simple colormap function for binary colors.
#' @description Useful for plotting labels.
#' @param n positive integer, the number of colors. Must be 1 or 2 for this function.
#' @param col_a color string, the foreground color
#' @param col_b color string, the background color
#' @return vector of 'n' RGB colorstrings
#' @export
label.colFn.inv <- function(n=2L, col_a='#228B22', col_b="#FFFFFF") {
    return(label.colFn(n=n, col_a=col_b, col_b=col_a));

#' @title Compute surface color layer from annotation or atlas data.
#' @param lh_annotdata loaded annotation data for left hemi, as returned by \code{\link[fsbrain]{subject.annot}}
#' @param rh_annotdata loaded annotation data for right hemi
#' @return named hemi list, each entry is a vector of color strings, one color per surface vertex. The coloring represents the atlas data.
#' @seealso You can plot the return value using \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.color.on.subject}}.
#' @family surface color layer
#' @export
collayer.from.annotdata <- function(lh_annotdata=NULL, rh_annotdata=NULL) {
    if(is.null(lh_annotdata) | is.null(rh_annotdata)) {

        if(is.null(lh_annotdata) & is.null(rh_annotdata)) {
            warning("Both 'lh_annotdata' and 'rh_annotdata' are NULL, return a single white color value for each hemi.");
            return(list("lh"="#FFFFFF", "rh"="#FFFFFF"));

        if(is.null(lh_annotdata)) {
            hemi = "rh";
            annot_data = rh_annotdata;
        } else {
            hemi = "lh";
            annot_data = lh_annotdata;

        color_layer = annot_data$hex_colors_rgb;
        return(hemilist.wrap(color_layer, hemi));
    } else {
        lh_layer = lh_annotdata$hex_colors_rgb;
        rh_layer = rh_annotdata$hex_colors_rgb;
        return(list("lh"=lh_layer, "rh"=rh_layer));

#' @title Compute surface color layer from annotation or atlas data.
#' @param subjects_dir character string, the FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR.
#' @param subject_id character string, the subject identifier.
#' @param hemi character string, one of 'lh', 'rh', or 'both'.
#' @param atlas character string, the atlas name. E.g., "aparc", "aparc.2009s", or "aparc.DKTatlas". Used to construct the name of the annotation file to be loaded.
#' @return named hemi list, each entry is a vector of color strings, one color per surface vertex. The coloring represents the atlas data.
#' @seealso You can plot the return value using \code{\link[fsbrain]{vis.color.on.subject}}.
#' @family surface color layer
#' @export
collayer.from.annot <- function(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi, atlas) {

    if(!(hemi %in% c("lh", "rh", "both"))) {
        stop(sprintf("Parameter 'hemi' must be one of 'lh', 'rh' or 'both' but is '%s'.\n", hemi));

    if(hemi == "both") {
        lh_annotdata = subject.annot(subjects_dir, subject_id, 'lh', atlas);
        rh_annotdata = subject.annot(subjects_dir, subject_id, 'rh', atlas);
        return(collayer.from.annotdata(lh_annotdata, rh_annotdata));
    } else {
        hemi_annotdata = subject.annot(subjects_dir, subject_id, hemi, atlas);
        if(hemi == "lh") {
            return(collayer.from.annotdata(hemi_annotdata, NULL));
        } else {
            return(collayer.from.annotdata(NULL, hemi_annotdata));

#' @title Merge two or more color layers based on their transparency values.
#' @description Merge several color layers into one based on their transparency and alpha blending. In the final result, the lower layers are visible through the transparent or `NA` parts (if any) of the upper layers.
#' @param collayers named list, the values must be vectors, matrices or arrays of color strings (as produced by \code{\link[grDevices]{rgb}}. The names are free form and do not really matter. All values must have the same length.
#' @param opaque_background a single color string or `NULL`. If a color string, this color will be used as a final opaque background layer to ensure that the returned colors are all opaque. Pass `NULL` to skip this, which may result in a return value that contains non-opaque color values.
#' @return a color layer, i.e., vector of color strings in a hemilist
#' @family surface color layer
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
#' @export
collayers.merge <- function(collayers, opaque_background="#FFFFFF") {
    if(! is.list(collayers)) {
        stop("Parameter 'collayers' must be a named list.");

    if(length(collayers) < 1L) {
        stop("List passed as parameter 'collayers' must not be empty.");

    used_opaque_bg = FALSE;
    if(! is.null(opaque_background)) {
        if(opaque_background != FALSE) {
            used_opaque_bg = TRUE;
            #cat(sprintf("Using opaque background color '%s' when merging layers.\n", opaque_background));
            bg_alpha = grDevices::col2rgb(opaque_background, alpha = TRUE)[4];
            if(bg_alpha != 255L) {
                warning(sprintf("Color passed as parameter 'opaque_background' is not opaque: alpha channel has value %d (expected 255).\n", bg_alpha));
            # Add a new opaque layer at the end
            new_layer_index = length(collayers) + 1L;

            first_layer = collayers[[1]];  # We use the the first layer here, but we could use any: they must have same dimensions
            if(is.hemilist(first_layer)) {
                new_layer = list();
                if(!is.null(first_layer$lh)) {
                    new_layer$lh = rep(opaque_background, length(first_layer$lh));
                if(!is.null(first_layer$rh)) {
                    new_layer$rh = rep(opaque_background, length(first_layer$rh));
            } else {
                new_layer = rep(opaque_background, length(first_layer));

            collayers[[new_layer_index]] = new_layer;
            names(collayers)[[new_layer_index]] = 'opaque_background';
    #if(! used_opaque_bg) {
    #    cat(sprintf("Did NOT use opaque background while merging layers.\n"));

    merged = collayers[[1]];
    for (layer_idx in seq.int(2L, length(collayers))) {
        layer_name = names(collayers)[[layer_idx]];
        clayer = collayers[[layer_idx]];
        merged = alphablend(merged, clayer, silent=(layer_name == 'opaque_background'));

#' @title Perform alpha blending for pairs of RGBA colors.
#' @description Implements the *over* alpha blending operation.
#' @param front_color rgba color strings, the upper color layer or foreground
#' @param back_color rgba color strings, the lower color layer or background
#' @param silent logical, whether to suppress messages
#' @return rgba color strings, the alpha-blended colors
#' @references see the *Alpha blending* section on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing
#' @family color functions
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb col2rgb
#' @export
alphablend <- function(front_color, back_color, silent=TRUE) {

    if(is.hemilist(front_color)) {
        if(is.hemilist(back_color)) {
            ret_list = list();
            if(!is.null(front_color$lh)) {
                ret_list$lh = alphablend(front_color$lh, back_color$lh);
            if(!is.null(front_color$rh)) {
                ret_list$rh = alphablend(front_color$rh, back_color$rh);
        } else {
            stop("The parameters 'front_color' and 'back_color' must have the same type (currently 'front_color' is a hemilist, 'back_color' is not).");

    if(length(front_color) != length(back_color)) {
        stop(sprintf("The parameters 'front_color' (length %d) and 'back_color' (length %d) must be vectors with identical length.\n", length(front_color), length(back_color)));

    # Treat NA values as fully transparent color.
    front_color[which(is.na(front_color))] = '#00000000';
    back_color[which(is.na(back_color))] = '#00000000';

    front_color_rgba_matrix = grDevices::col2rgb(front_color, alpha = TRUE)/255.;
    back_color_rgba_matrix = grDevices::col2rgb(back_color, alpha = TRUE)/255.;

    src_alpha = front_color_rgba_matrix[4,];

    if(!any(src_alpha < 1)) {
        if(!silent) {
            message("Background will not be visible, foreground is fully opaque. Set foreground colors to NA or use the alpha channel to see the background.");

    src_rgb = front_color_rgba_matrix[1:3,];

    dst_alpha = back_color_rgba_matrix[4,];
    dst_rgb = back_color_rgba_matrix[1:3,];

    out_alpha = src_alpha + dst_alpha * (1.0 - src_alpha);

    out_rgb = (t(src_rgb) * src_alpha + t(dst_rgb) * dst_alpha * (1.0 - src_alpha)) / out_alpha;

    # Handle possible division by zero NaNs from last division. Happens when both foreground and background
    # color are fully transparent. The output alpha will be 0, and we set the rgb values to all zeroes as well.
    out_rgb[is.nan(out_rgb)] = 0.;

    out_col = grDevices::rgb(cbind(out_rgb, out_alpha), alpha = TRUE);

#' @title Perform simple desaturation or grayscale conversion of RGBA colors.
#' @param color rgba color strings
#' @param gamma_correct logical, whether to apply non-linear gamma correction. First performs gamma expansion, then applies the gray-scale channel weigths, then gamma compression.
#' @return rgba color strings, the grayscale colors. The information from one of the three rgb channels would be enough. The alpha value is not touched.
#' @references see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grayscale#Converting_color_to_grayscale
#' @note Assumes sRGB color space.
#' @family color functions
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb col2rgb
#' @export
desaturate <- function(color, gamma_correct=FALSE) {
    color_rgba_matrix = grDevices::col2rgb(color, alpha = TRUE)/255.;

    src_alpha = color_rgba_matrix[4,];
    src_rgb = color_rgba_matrix[1:3,];

    if(gamma_correct) {
        # perform gamma expansion
        src_rgb = ifelse(src_rgb <= 0.04045, src_rgb / 12.92, ((src_rgb + 0.055)/1.055)**2.4);

    channel_weights = c(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722);

    out_rgb_per_channel = t(src_rgb) %*% c(channel_weights);   # divide by number of channels

    if(gamma_correct) {
        # perform gamma compression
        out_rgb_per_channel = ifelse(out_rgb_per_channel <= 0.0031308, 12.92 * out_rgb_per_channel, 1.055 * out_rgb_per_channel**(1/2.4) - 0.055);

    out_rgb = cbind(out_rgb_per_channel, out_rgb_per_channel, out_rgb_per_channel);

    return(grDevices::rgb(cbind(out_rgb, src_alpha), alpha = TRUE));
dfsp-spirit/fsbrain documentation built on Nov. 28, 2024, 10:29 a.m.