
Defines functions esp_get_nuts

Documented in esp_get_nuts

#' Get NUTS of Spain as [`sf`][sf::st_sf] `POLYGON` or `POINT`
#' @description
#' Returns [NUTS regions of
#' Spain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NUTS_statistical_regions_of_Spain)
#' as `POLYGON` or `POINT` at a specified scale, as provided by
#' [GISCO](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/gisco)
#' (Geographic Information System of the Commission, depending of Eurostat).
#' NUTS are provided at three different levels:
#' - **"0"**: Country level.
#' - **"1"**: Groups of autonomous communities.
#' - **"2"**: Autonomous communities (CCAA).
#' - **"3"**: Roughly matches the provinces, but providing specific individual
#'   objects for each major island.
#' @export
#' @family political
#' @family nuts
#' @seealso [giscoR::gisco_get_nuts()], [esp_dict_region_code()].
#' @return A [`sf`][sf::st_sf] object specified by `spatialtype`.
#' @note
#' Please check the download and usage provisions on
#' [giscoR::gisco_attributions()]
#' @source
#' [GISCO API](https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/distribution/v2/)
#' @param year Release year of the file. One of `"2003"`, `"2006"`,
#'   `"2010"`, `"2013"`, `"2016"`  or `"2021"`.
#' @param epsg projection of the map: 4-digit [EPSG code](https://epsg.io/).
#'  One of:
#'  - `"4258"`: ETRS89.
#'  - `"4326"`: WGS84.
#'  - `"3035"`: ETRS89 / ETRS-LAEA.
#'  - `"3857"`: Pseudo-Mercator.
#' @param cache A logical whether to do caching. Default is `TRUE`. See
#'   **About caching**.
#' @param update_cache A logical whether to update cache. Default is `FALSE`.
#'  When set to `TRUE` it would force a fresh download of the source file.
#' @param cache_dir A path to a cache directory. See **About caching**.
#' @param verbose Logical, displays information. Useful for debugging,
#'   default is `FALSE`.
#' @param resolution Resolution of the geospatial data. One of
#'  - `"60"`: 1:60million
#'  - `"20"`: 1:20million
#'  - `"10"`: 1:10million
#'  - `"03"`: 1:3million
#'  - `"01"`: 1:1million
#' @param spatialtype Type of geometry to be returned:
#'  - `"LB"`: Labels - `POINT` object.
#'  - `"RG"`: Regions - `POLYGON` object.
#' @param region Optional. A vector of region names, NUTS or ISO codes
#'   (see [esp_dict_region_code()]).
#' @param nuts_level NUTS level. One of `"0"` (Country-level), `"1"`, `"2"` or
#'  `"3"`. See **Description**.
#' @param moveCAN A logical `TRUE/FALSE` or a vector of coordinates
#'   `c(lat, lon)`. It places the Canary Islands close to Spain's mainland.
#'   Initial position can be adjusted using the vector of coordinates. See
#'   **Displacing the Canary Islands**.
#' @details
#' # About caching
#' You can set your `cache_dir` with [esp_set_cache_dir()].
#' Sometimes cached files may be corrupt. On that case, try re-downloading
#' the data setting `update_cache = TRUE`.
#' If you experience any problem on download, try to download the
#' corresponding .geojson file by any other method and save it on your
#' `cache_dir`. Use the option `verbose = TRUE` for debugging the API query.
#' # Displacing the Canary Islands
#' While `moveCAN` is useful for visualization, it would alter the actual
#' geographic position of the Canary Islands. When using the output for
#' spatial analysis or using tiles (e.g. with [esp_getTiles()] or
#' [addProviderEspTiles()])  this option should be set to `FALSE` in order to
#' get the actual coordinates, instead of the modified ones. See also
#' [esp_move_can()] for displacing stand-alone [`sf`][sf::st_sf] objects.
#' @examples
#' NUTS1 <- esp_get_nuts(nuts_level = 1, moveCAN = TRUE)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(NUTS1) +
#'   geom_sf() +
#'   labs(
#'     title = "NUTS1: Displacing Canary Islands",
#'     caption = giscoR::gisco_attributions()
#'   )
#' NUTS1_alt <- esp_get_nuts(nuts_level = 1, moveCAN = c(15, 0))
#' ggplot(NUTS1_alt) +
#'   geom_sf() +
#'   labs(
#'     title = "NUTS1: Displacing Canary Islands",
#'     subtitle = "to the right",
#'     caption = giscoR::gisco_attributions()
#'   )
#' NUTS1_orig <- esp_get_nuts(nuts_level = 1, moveCAN = FALSE)
#' ggplot(NUTS1_orig) +
#'   geom_sf() +
#'   labs(
#'     title = "NUTS1",
#'     subtitle = "Canary Islands on the true location",
#'     caption = giscoR::gisco_attributions()
#'   )
#' AndOriental <- esp_get_nuts(region = c(
#'   "Almeria", "Granada",
#'   "Jaen", "Malaga"
#' ))
#' ggplot(AndOriental) +
#'   geom_sf()
#' RandomRegions <- esp_get_nuts(region = c("ES1", "ES300", "ES51"))
#' ggplot(RandomRegions) +
#'   geom_sf() +
#'   labs(title = "Random Regions")
#' MixingCodes <- esp_get_nuts(region = c("ES4", "ES-PV", "Valencia"))
#' ggplot(MixingCodes) +
#'   geom_sf() +
#'   labs(title = "Mixing Codes")
esp_get_nuts <- function(year = "2016", epsg = "4258", cache = TRUE,
                         update_cache = FALSE, cache_dir = NULL,
                         verbose = FALSE, resolution = "01", spatialtype = "RG",
                         region = NULL, nuts_level = "all", moveCAN = TRUE) {
  init_epsg <- as.character(epsg)
  year <- as.character(year)
  resolution <- as.character(resolution)
  nuts_level <- as.character(nuts_level)

  cache_dir <- esp_hlp_cachedir(cache_dir)

  if (nchar(resolution) == 1) {
    resolution <- paste0("0", resolution)

  if (!(resolution %in% c("01", "03", "10", "20", "60"))) {
    stop("spatial type should be '01', '03','10','20','60'")

  cache_dir <- esp_hlp_cachedir(cache_dir)

  if (init_epsg == "4258") {
    epsg <- "4326"

  if (!(spatialtype %in% c("RG", "LB"))) {
    stop("spatial type should be 'RG' or 'LB'")

  if (!(nuts_level %in% c("all", "0", "1", "2", "3"))) {
    stop("nuts_level should be 'all', '0','1','2' or '3'")

  # Get region id
  if (is.null(region)) {
    # Get codes from cached data
    # This overcome the issue on giscoR
    # https://github.com/rOpenGov/giscoR/issues/57
    getids <- sf::st_drop_geometry(mapSpain::esp_nuts.sf)

    if (nuts_level != "all") {
      getids <- getids[getids$LEVL_CODE == nuts_level, ]
    nuts_id <- as.character(getids$NUTS_ID)
  } else {
    nuts_id <- esp_hlp_all2nuts(region)

    nuts_id <- nuts_id[!is.na(nuts_id)]
    nuts_id <- unique(nuts_id)

    if (length(nuts_id) == 0) {
        "region ", paste0("'", region, "'", collapse = ", "),
        " is not a valid name"

  dwnload <- TRUE

  if (all(
    year == "2016", resolution == "01", epsg == "4326", spatialtype == "RG",
  )) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Reading from esp_nuts.sf")
    data_sf <- mapSpain::esp_nuts.sf
    if (nuts_level != "all") {
      data_sf <- data_sf[data_sf$LEVL_CODE == nuts_level, ]
    dwnload <- FALSE

  if (isFALSE(dwnload)) {
    # Filter
    if (!is.null(nuts_id)) {
      data_sf <- data_sf[data_sf$NUTS_ID %in% nuts_id, ]

  if (dwnload) {
    data_sf <- giscoR::gisco_get_nuts(
      resolution = resolution, year = year,
      epsg = epsg, nuts_level = nuts_level,
      cache = cache,
      update_cache = update_cache,
      cache_dir = cache_dir,
      spatialtype = spatialtype,
      nuts_id = nuts_id, country = "ES",
      verbose = verbose

  # Checks

  moving <- FALSE
  moving <- isTRUE(moveCAN) | length(moveCAN) > 1
  moving <- isTRUE(moving) & "NUTS_ID" %in% colnames(data_sf)

  if (moving) {
    if (length(grep("ES7", data_sf$NUTS_ID)) > 0) {
      penin <- data_sf[-grep("ES7", data_sf$NUTS_ID), ]
      can <- data_sf[grep("ES7", data_sf$NUTS_ID), ]

      # Move can
      can <- esp_move_can(can, moveCAN = moveCAN)

      # Regenerate
      if (nrow(penin) > 0) {
        data_sf <- rbind(penin, can)
      } else {
        data_sf <- can
  data_sf <- sf::st_transform(data_sf, as.double(init_epsg))
dieghernan/mapSpain documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 8:44 p.m.