
#' Run a simulation of a given scenario, fit models, report results
#' Given a simulation scenario, this function will generate from that specification, fit models to the data and record the results.
#' @param nsim the number of simulations to run
#' @param scenario all the survey information, result of \code{\link{build_sim}}
#' @param pred_dat prediction \code{data.frame}
#' @param stratification the stratification scheme to use for the stratified Horvtiz-Thompson estimate, specified as internal cutpoints
#' @param logit_opts \code{list} of length 2, of parameters (\code{scale} and \code{location}) for the logistic that controls the behaviour of covariates when they are used. See \code{\link{build_sim_covar}} for more details.
#' @param transect_id vector of the same length as the number of segments, used to group them for the Horvitz-Thompson estimate
#' @return \code{data.frame} with one row per (successful) simulation. The \code{data.frame} has the following columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{model}}{which model was fitted to the data}
#' \item{\code{iter}}{which simulation this result is for}
#' \item{\code{quantile}}{the quantile of the estimated distribution of abundance that the true abundance is in}
#' \item{\code{Nhat}}{the estimated abundance}
#' \item{\code{cvN}}{the coefficient of variation of the estimated abundance}
#' \item{\code{n}}{number of observed objects}
#' \item{\code{sp1}}{smoothing parameter 1}
#' \item{\code{sp2}}{smoothing parameter 2}}
#' @export
#' @author David L Miller
# @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom DSsim plot
#' @importFrom stats plnorm setNames plogis rbinom
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom plyr ldply laply
#' @importFrom Distance ds
#' @importFrom mrds dht
# @importFrom dsm dsm dsm_varprop
#' @importFrom mgcv tw
do_sim <- function(nsim, scenario, pred_dat, stratification=c(), logit_opts=NULL, transect_id=NULL, cov_values=NULL){

  # results storage
  big_res <- c()

  # build a progress bar
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min=1, max=nsim, style=3)

  # rotation matrix
  R <- matrix(c(cos(pi/4), sin(pi/4), -sin(pi/4), cos(pi/4)),2,2)

  # iterate over the simulations
  for(ii in 1:nsim){

      # what is the true population size?
      true_N <- scenario@population.description@N

      # generate a survey
      survey_res <- DSsim::create.survey.results(scenario, dht.tables=TRUE)

      # put the data in dsm format
      dsm_data <- dsmify(survey_res)

      # get truncation
      truncation <- scenario@detectability@truncation

      # get the limits of the design in the x and y direction
      xlims <- scenario@region@box[c("xmin", "xmax")]
      ylims <- scenario@region@box[c("ymin", "ymax")]
    }else if(length(scenario)>=2 & !is.null(cov_values)){
      # pull these both for first si
      # what is the true population size?
      true_N <- scenario[[length(scenario)]]@population.description@N
      # generate a survey
      survey_res <- DSsim::create.survey.results(scenario[[length(scenario)]],

      # if we have a covariate simulation scenario is a list of two covariate
      # levels, need to construct the data...
      dsm_data <- build_sim_covar_measured(scenario, cov_values, survey_res)

      # get the limits of the design in the x and y direction
      xlims <- scenario[[1]]@region@box[c("xmin", "xmax")]
      ylims <- scenario[[1]]@region@box[c("ymin", "ymax")]

      # get truncation
      truncation <- scenario[[1]]@detectability@truncation

    }else if(length(scenario)==2){
      # pull these both for first si
      # what is the true population size?
      true_N <- scenario[[1]]@population.description@N
      # generate a survey
      survey_res <- DSsim::create.survey.results(scenario[[1]], dht.tables=TRUE)

      # if we have a covariate simulation scenario is a list of two covariate
      # levels, need to construct the data...
      dsm_data <- build_sim_covar(list(scenario[[1]], scenario[[2]]),

      # get the limits of the design in the x and y direction
      xlims <- scenario[[1]]@region@box[c("xmin", "xmax")]
      ylims <- scenario[[1]]@region@box[c("ymin", "ymax")]

      # get truncation
      truncation <- scenario[[1]]@detectability@truncation
      stop("Neither one nor two simulation scenarios were supplied.")

    # extract the data
    dist.data <- dsm_data$dist
    obs <- dsm_data$obs
    segs <- dsm_data$segs

    # rotated segs
    segs[,c("xr","yr")] <- t(R %*% t(segs[,c("x","y")]))

    # fit a detection function
    df_model <- suppressMessages(try(ds(dist.data, key="hr", adjustment=NULL,
    # if something goes wrong, move on
    if(any(class(df_model) == "try-error") || #abs(df_model$ddf$par[1])<1e-6 ||
    # this is the dsm model (unless...)
    dsm_df_model <- df_model

    # if there is a weather covariate
      df_model_cov <- suppressMessages(try(ds(dist.data, key="hr",

      if(any(class(df_model_cov) == "try-error") ||
         #abs(df_model_cov$ddf$par[1])<1e-6 ||

      # this is the dsm model (unless...)
      dsm_df_model <- df_model_cov

    # model list object
    ll <- list()

    # function that times out, so our fits don't go on forever
    timer <- function(x){
      x <- substitute(x)
      setTimeLimit(elapsed=300) # 5 mins?
      model <- try(eval(x))

    # thin plate
    ll[["m_xy_tp"]] <- suppressMessages(timer(dsm(count~s(x, y, bs="tp"),
                                                  dsm_df_model, segs, obs,
    # thin plate te
    ll[["m_xy_te"]] <- suppressMessages(timer(dsm(count~te(x, y, bs="tp"),
                                                  dsm_df_model, segs, obs,
    # thin plate te
    ll[["m_xyr_te"]] <- suppressMessages(timer(dsm(count~te(xr, yr, bs="tp"),
                                                   dsm_df_model, segs, obs,
    # thin plate rotation
    ll[["m_xyr_tp"]] <- suppressMessages(timer(dsm(count~s(xr, yr, bs="tp"),
                                                   dsm_df_model, segs, obs,
    # thin plate w/ shrinkage
    ll[["m_xy_ts"]] <- suppressMessages(timer(dsm(count~s(x, y, bs="ts"),
                                                  dsm_df_model, segs, obs,
    # Duchon
    ll[["m_xy_ds"]] <- suppressMessages(timer(dsm(count~s(x, y, bs="ds",
                                                          m=c(1, 0.5)),
                                                  dsm_df_model, segs, obs,

    # process -- get N and CVs for the spatial models
    all_res <- ldply(ll, function(x){
        xx <- dsm_varprop(x, pred_dat)
        N <- sum(xx$pred)
        cv <- sqrt(xx$var[1,1])/N
        return(c(N, cv))
        return(c(NA, NA))

    ## Horvtiz-Thompson-like estimates

    # get N and CVs for the HT model
    ht_data <- dhtify(dsm_data, survey_res, transect_id)
    HT <- quick_dht(df_model, ht_data)

    # bind them together
    all_res <- rbind.data.frame(all_res,
                                c("HT", unname(HT)))

    # for the stratified model
      HT_strat <- quick_dht_strat(df_model, ht_data, stratification,
                                  xlims, ylims)
      all_res <- rbind.data.frame(all_res,
                                  c("HT_strat", unname(HT_strat)))

    # if we have covariates
      HT_cov <- quick_dht(df_model_cov, ht_data)
      # bind them together
      all_res <- rbind.data.frame(all_res,
                                  c("HT_cov", unname(HT_cov)))

        HT_strat_cov <- quick_dht_strat(df_model_cov, ht_data,
                                        stratification, xlims, ylims)
        # bind them together
        all_res <- rbind.data.frame(all_res,
                                    c("HT_strat_cov", unname(HT_strat_cov)))

    # ensure we have numeric values
    all_res$V1 <- as.numeric(all_res$V1)
    all_res$V2 <- as.numeric(all_res$V2)

    # get the quantiles
    qs <- apply(all_res[,-1], 1,
                function(x) get_N_quantile(N=true_N, Nhat=x[1], cvN=x[2]))

    # build some storage for this set of results
    res <- data.frame(model    = all_res[,1],
                      iter     = ii,
                      quantile = qs)

    res <- cbind(res, setNames(all_res[,2:3], c("Nhat", "cvN")))

    ## save smoothing pars
    # bind on the smoothing parameters
    sps <- laply(ll, function(x) {
                   xx <- c(sp1=NA, sp2=NA)
                   xx[1:length(x$sp)] <- x$sp
    # no smoothing parameter for HT
    sps <- rbind(sps, c(NA,NA), c(NA,NA))
    if(length(scenario)==2 & is.null(cov_values)){
      sps <- rbind(sps, c(NA,NA), c(NA,NA))

    ## save # samples
    res$n <- nrow(dist.data)

    res <- cbind(res, sps)

    # bind to the rest
    big_res <- rbind(big_res, res)

      setTxtProgressBar(pb, ii)

dill/ltdesigntester documentation built on May 15, 2019, 8:30 a.m.