Man pages for dill/wisp
Wildlife Simulation Package (wisp)

add.hotspotSpots of Different Animal Population Density
beachA simulated survey region comprising the beach on which the...
birds1997.samp.crDorazio and Royle's Mark-recature bird data for 1997
birds1998.samp.crDorazio and Royle's Mark-recapture bird data for 1998
birds1999.samp.crDorazio and Royle's Mark-recapture bird data for 1999
birds2000.samp.crDorazio and Royle's Mark-recapture bird data for 2000
birds2001.samp.crDorazio and Royle's Mark-recapture bird data for 2001
chips.samp.crSample from a mark-recapture survey of an eastern chipmunk...
detection.capture.recaptureCalculation of detection probability for individuals
detection.removalmethodsCompute detection probabilities for removal methods of double platform samples for analysis by MRDS
draw.hist2Show distribution of point estimates of a set of...
FShake3DCreate density surface with mouse manipulations
genden.dataCreate density surface from animal location data
generate.densityDefining an Animal Population Density design of mark-recapture method Design of Double Platform Method Transect Survey Design Specification Design of Nearest Object Method Sampling Survey Design Specification Transect Survey Design Specification Design of Removal Methods
generate.populationDefining an Animal Population
generate.regionDefining a Survey Region
generate.sample.crMark-Recapture Survey Data Generation.
generate.sample.dpSurvey Sample of Double Platform Method
generate.sample.ltLine Transect Method Survey Data Generation
generate.sample.noSurvey Sample of Nearest Object Method
generate.sample.plSurvey Sample of Plot Method
generate.sample.ptPoint Transect Method Survey Data Generation
generate.sample.rmSurvey Sample of Removal Methods
gtees.samp.dpSt Andrews golf tee data
harb.samp.dpHarbour Porpoise sample data from 1994 SCANS survey
hare.samp.crSnowshoe hare data
import.rmImport summary statistics from removal experiments for...
int.est.ceCatch-Effort Method Abundance Estimation: Interval Estimate
int.est.cirChange-In-Ratio Method Abundance Estimation: Interval...
int.est.crM0Mark Recapture Model M0 Abundance Estimation: Interval...
int.est.crMbMark Recapture Model Mb Abundance Estimation: Interval...
int.est.crMhMark Recapture Model Mh Abundance Estimation: Interval...
int.est.crMtMark Recapture Model Mt Abundance Estimation: Interval...
int.est.dpDouble Platform Line Transect Method Abundance Estimation:...
int.est.ltLine Transect Method Abundance Estimation: Interval Estimate
int.est.noPoint-to-Nearest-Object Method Abundance Estimation: Interval...
int.est.plPlot Sampling Method Abundance Estimation: Interval Estimate
int.est.ptPoint Transect Method Abundance Estimation: Interval Estimate
int.est.rmRemoval Method Abundance Estimation: Interval Estimate
make.2d.cirExamines consequence of differing pre- and post-harvest...
make.twosex.popCreate population comprised of animals of 2 types (sexes)
obscure.sample.crReducing a mark-recapture method sample object to the...
obscure.sample.dpReducing a double platform line transect sample object to the...
obscure.sample.ltReducing a line transect sample object to the observed data
obscure.sample.noBrief Survey Sample of Plot Method
obscure.sample.plBrief Survey Sample of Plot Method
obscure.sample.ptReducing a point transect sample object to the observed data
obscure.sample.rmReducing a catch-effort sample object to the observed data
plot.density.populationDefault Plotting Statement for Animal Population Density
plot.density.sample.3d3D visualization of population density surface and animal... Plotting Statement for Survey Design of Double... Plotting Statement for Survey Design of Line Transect... Plotting Statement for Survey Design of... Plotting Statement for Survey Design of Plot Method Plotting Statement for Survey Design of Point...
plot.populationDefault Plotting Statement for an Animal Population
plot.regionDefault Plotting Statement For A Survey Region
plot.sample.crDefault Plotting Statement for Mark-Recapture Sample Object.
plot.sample.dpDefault Plotting Statement for Survey Sample of Double...
plot.sample.ltDefault Plotting Statement for Survey Sample of Line Transect...
plot.sample.noDefault Plotting Statement for Survey Sample of...
plot.sample.plDefault Plotting Statement for Survey Sample of Plot Method
plot.sample.ptDefault Plotting Statement for Survey Sample of Point...
plot.sample.rmDefault Plotting Statement for Removal Method Sample Object
point.est.ceCatch-Effort Method Method Abundance Estimation: Point...
point.est.cirChange-In-Ration Method Abundance Estimation: Point Estimate
point.est.compareCompare model fits to data sets
point.est.crM0Mark Recapture Method M0 Abundance Estimation: Point Estimate
point.est.crMbMark Recapture Method Mb Abundance Estimation: Point Estimate
point.est.crMhMark Recapture Method Mh Abundance Estimation: Point Estimate
point.est.crMtMark Recapture Method Mt Abundance Estimation: Point Estimate
point.est.dpDouble Platform Line Transect Method Abundance Estimation:...
point.est.ltLine Transect Method Abundance Estimation: Point Estimate
point.est.noPoint Estimation Of Population Size For Nearest-Object Method
point.est.plPlot Sampling Method Abundance Estimation: Point Estimate
point.est.ptPoint Transect Method Abundance Estimation: Point Estimate
point.est.rmRemoval Method Method Abundance Estimation: Point Estimate
point.sim.ceCatch-Effort Method: Simulation
point.sim.cirChange-In-Ration Method : Simulation
point.sim.crM0Mark-Recapture Method M0 : Simulation
point.sim.crMbMark-Recapture Method Mb : Simulation
point.sim.crMhMark-Recapture Method Mh : Simulation
point.sim.crMtMark-Recapture Method Mt : Simulation
point.sim.dpDouble Platform Line Transect Method : Simulation
point.sim.ltLine Transect Method : Simulation
point.sim.plPlot Sampling Method : Simulation
point.sim.ptPoint Transect Method : Simulation
point.sim.rmRemoval Method : Simulation
print.density.populationDefault Print Statement for Animal Population Density
run.sexratio.simsExamines the performance of change-in-ratio (CIR) estimator...
samp1.crSimulated data from the an 8-sample mark-recapture method...
samp1.ltSimulated data from the a line transect survey of a simulated...
samp2.crSimulated data from the an 8-sample mark-recapture method...
samp2.ltSimulated data from the a line transect survey of a simulated... of line transect samples for analysis by MRDS
seal.popA simulated seal population on a beach.
seal.samp.rmData from the a removal method survey of a simulated seal... Design of Double Platform Method Design Parameters for a Line Transect Survey. Survey Design Parameters for a Plot Sampling... Design Parameters for a Point Transect Survey.
setpars.populationDefining an Animal Population
setpars.survey.crSpecifies Survey Design Parameters for a Mark-Recapture...
setpars.survey.dpSurvey Sample Parameters of Double Platform Method
setpars.survey.ltSurvey Sample Parameters For A Line Transect Survey
setpars.survey.ptSurvey Sample Parameters For A Point Transect Survey
setpars.survey.rmSurvey Sample Parameters For A General Removal Method Survey
set.stripeStripes of Different Animal Population Density
sim.cir.2Simulate 2-occasion CIR multiple times
sim.cir.2.summarySimulate 2-occasion CIR multiple times and return a summary
sim.cir.3Simulate 3-occasion CIR multiple times
skink.samp.crMark-recapture sample of spotted skinks on North Brother...
skink.samp.rmSeven-sample removal method sample of spotted skinks on North...
skink.samp.rm2Two-sample removal method sample of spotted skinks on North...
standrews.samp.crSt Andrews golf tee data
summary.density.populationDefault Summary Statement for Animal Population Density Summary for Line Transect Survey Parameters Summary for Point Transect Survey Parameters
summary.populationDefault Summary Statement for an Animal Population
summary.sample.crDefault Summary Statement for Mark-Recapture Sample
summary.sample.dpDefault Summary Statement for Survey Sample of Double...
summary.sample.ltDefault Summary for Line Transect Survey Parameters
summary.sample.noDefault Summary Statement for Survey Sample of Nearest-Object...
summary.sample.plDefault Summary Statement for Survey Sample of Plot Method
summary.sample.ptDefault Summary Statement for Survey Sample of Point Transect...
summary.sample.rmDefault Summary Statement for Survey Sample of Removal...
taxi.samp.crEdinburgh taxicab data
three.samp.cirAnalytical estimate of abundance from a 3-occasion, 2-type...
tortoise.samp.ltSurvey of polystyerene desert tortoise.
transform.setpars.parameterTransforms detection function from user-friendly to manner... data to RMark format
two.samp.cirComputes analytical abundance estimates for two-sample...
voles1.samp.crMeadow vole data
voles2.samp.crMeadow vole data
dill/wisp documentation built on May 15, 2019, 8:31 a.m.