
# Simulate data for 4-state partitioned survival models
n_strategies <- 3

# Survival curves for 4-state partitioned survival model  ----------------------
# Simulate a 4-state partitioned survival model using a mutli-state framework
# The following transitions are possible
# 1 -> 2, 1 -> 4
# 2 -> 3, 2 -> 4
# 3 -> 4

sim_psm4_survival <- function(n_patients = 500){ 
  n_strategies <- 3
  n_obs <- n_strategies * n_patients
  # Parameters
  x_names <- c("intercept", "strategy_id2", "strategy_id3", "female", "age")
  beta <- rbind(
    c(log(1/2), log(.8), log(.65), log(.9), log(1.01)), # 1 -> 2
    c(log(1/10), log(.9), log(.8), log(.9), log(1.01)), # 1 -> 4
    c(log(1/2), log(.8), log(.65), log(.9), log(1.01)), # 2 -> 3
    c(log(1/6), log(.85), log(.75), log(.9), log(1.01)), # 2 -> 4
    c(log(1/2), log(.85), log(.75), log(.9), log(1.01)) # 3 -> 4
  colnames(beta) <- x_names
  # Data
  ## Dataset
  female <- rbinom(n_obs, 1, .5)
  age <- rlnorm(n_obs, meanlog = 4, sdlog = .25)
  strategy_id <- factor(rep(seq_len(n_strategies), n_patients))
  sim_data <- data.frame(female, age, strategy_id = strategy_id)
  ## Design matrix
  n_trans <- nrow(beta)
  x <- model.matrix(~strategy_id + female + age, sim_data)
  # Simulate 
  censored_time <- rexp(n_obs, 1/10)
  ## General function to simulate competing risks
  sim_crisk <- function(x, beta, died = rep(FALSE, nrow(x)),
                        start_status = rep(1, nrow(x)), start_time = 0) {
    latent_time_k <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = nrow(beta))
    for (i in 1:ncol(latent_time_k)) {
      latent_time_k[, i] <- rexp(nrow(x), exp(x %*% beta[i, ]))
    latent_time <- ifelse(died | start_status == 0,
                          apply(latent_time_k, 1, min) + start_time)
    time <- pmin(latent_time, censored_time) 
    status <- ifelse(latent_time <= censored_time & start_status == 1, 1, 0)
    to <- apply(latent_time_k, 1, which.min)
    to[status == 0] <- NA
    to[died] <- ncol(latent_time_k)
    return(data.frame(time, status, to))
  ## Transitions from state 1
  t1 <- sim_crisk(x, beta[1:2, ])
  sim_data$endpoint1_time <- t1$time
  sim_data$endpoint1_status <- t1$status
  ## Transitions from state 2
  t2 <- sim_crisk(x, beta[3:4, ],
                  died = t1$to == 2,
                  start_status = t1$status,
                  start_time = t1$time)
  sim_data$endpoint2_time <- t2$time
  sim_data$endpoint2_status <- t2$status
  ## Transitions from state 3
  t3 <- sim_crisk(x, beta[5, , drop = FALSE],
                  died = t2$to == 2,
                  start_status = t2$status,
                  start_time = t2$time)
  sim_data$endpoint3_time <- t3$time
  sim_data$endpoint3_status <- t3$status
  # Return

survival_simdata <- sim_psm4_survival(n_patients = 500)
# Costs in 3 health states  ----------------------------------------------------
# Medical costs
sim_cost3_medical <- function(n_patients){
  # Parameters
  beta_intercept <- 30000
  beta_female <- 1000
  beta_state2 <- -5000
  beta_state3 <- 10000
  beta <- matrix(c(beta_intercept, beta_female, beta_state2, beta_state3),
                 ncol = 1)
  # Data
  patients_df <- data.frame(patient_id = seq_len(n_patients),
                            female = rbinom(n_patients, 1, .5))
  state <- data.frame(state_name = factor(paste0("state", seq(1, 3))))
  data <- merge(patients_df, state)
  # Simulate
  X <- model.matrix(~female + state_name, data)
  mean <- X %*% beta
  shape <- 10
  rate <- shape/mean
  y <- rgamma(nrow(X), rate = rate, shape = shape)
  data$costs <- y
  # Return

cost.medical.simdata <- sim_cost3_medical(n_patients = 30)

# Drug costs
sim_cost3_drugs <- function(){
  costs <- c(120000, 130000, 200000)
  costs.df <- data.frame(strategy_id = seq(1, 3),
                      costs = costs)

# Combine costs
costs_simdata <- list(medical = cost.medical.simdata,
                     drugs = sim_cost3_drugs())

# Utility in 3 health states  --------------------------------------------------
utility <- data.frame(state = paste0("state", seq(1, 3)),
                      lower = c(.8, .7, .6),
                      upper = c(.9, .8, .7))

# Save -------------------------------------------------------------------------
psm4_exdata <- list(survival = survival_simdata,
                    costs = costs_simdata,
                    utility = utility)
save(psm4_exdata, file = "../data/psm4_exdata.rda", compress = "bzip2")
dincerti/cea documentation built on Feb. 16, 2024, 1:15 p.m.