
context("outcomes.R unit tests")
rm(list = ls())

# Test incr_effect -------------------------------------------------------------
# See unit tests in test-cea.R

# Test surv_quantile -----------------------------------------------------------
test_that("surv_quantile", {
  t <- seq(0, 10, by = .01)
  surv1 <- seq(1, .3, length.out = length(t))
  surv2 <- seq(1, .2, length.out = length(t))
  strategies <- c("Strategy 1", "Strategy 2")
  surv <- data.table(strategy = rep(strategies, each = length(t)),
                     t = rep(t, 2), 
                     surv = c(surv1, surv2))
  quantiles <- surv_quantile(surv, probs = c(.4, .5), t = "t",
                             surv_cols = "surv", by = "strategy")
  row <- which(surv[strategy == "Strategy 1", surv <= 1 - .4])[1]
  expect_true(inherits(quantiles, "data.table"))
  expect_equal(surv[strategy == "Strategy 1"][row, t],
               quantiles[strategy == "Strategy 1" & prob == .4, quantile_surv])
  # Check errors
  expect_error(surv_quantile(surv, probs = 1.1, t = "t",
                             surv_cols = "surv", by = "strategy"))
  # Check NA handling
  surv2 <- seq(1, .8, length.out = length(t))
  surv <- data.table(strategy = rep(strategies, each = length(t)),
                   t = rep(t, 2), 
                   surv = c(surv1, surv2))
  quantiles <- surv_quantile(surv, probs = c(.4, .5), t = "t",
                             surv_cols = "surv", by = "strategy")
  expect_equal(quantiles$strategy, rep(strategies, 2))
  expect_equal(quantiles$prob, rep(c(.4, .5), each = 2))
  expect_true(all(is.na(quantiles[strategy == "Strategy 2", quantile_surv])))
  surv1 <- seq(1, .8, length.out = length(t))
  surv <- data.table(strategy = rep(strategies, each = length(t)),
                   t = rep(t, 2), 
                   surv = c(surv1, surv2))  
  quantiles <- surv_quantile(surv, probs = c(.4, .5), t = "t",
                             surv_cols = "surv", by = "strategy")
  expect_true(all(is.na(quantiles[, quantile_surv])))  

# Test summary.ce() ------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup "ce" object
n_grps <- n_dr <- n_sample <- n_strategies <- 2
N <- n_grps * n_dr * n_sample * n_strategies

## Costs
drug_costs <- runif(N, 10000, 40000)
medical_costs <- runif(N, 5000, 10000)
costs <- data.table(
  category = rep(c("drugs", "medical"), each = N),
  dr = rep(rep(c(0, .03), each = n_grps * n_sample * n_strategies),
  sample = rep(rep(c(1, 2), each = n_grps * n_strategies),
               times = n_dr * n_sample),
  strategy_id = rep(rep(c(1, 2), each = n_grps),
                    times = n_dr * n_sample * n_strategies),
  grp_id = rep(c(1, 2), times = N),
  costs = c(drug_costs, medical_costs)
costs_total <- costs[, .(costs = sum(costs)),
                     by = c("dr", "sample", "strategy_id", "grp_id")]
costs_total[, category := "total"]
costs <- rbind(costs, costs_total)

## QALYs
qalys <- costs[category == "drugs"][, c("category", "costs") := NULL]
qalys[, "qalys"] <- runif(N, 3, 5)

## 'ce' object
ce <- list(costs = costs, qalys = qalys)
class(ce) <- "ce"

## labels
labs <- list(
  strategy_id = c("s1" = 1, "s2" = 2),
  grp_id = c("g1" = 1, "g2" = 2)

# Run tests
test_that("summary.ce() returns the correct number or rows", {
    n_grps * n_strategies *  n_dr * 4

test_that("summary.ce() must have 'prob' values in correct range", {
  expect_error(summary(ce, prob = "0.95"))
  expect_error(summary(ce, prob = "1.5"),
               "'prob' must be in the interval (0,1)",
               fixed = TRUE)

test_that("summary.ce() correctly passes labels", {
  x <- summary(ce, labels = labs)
  expect_equal(levels(x$strategy), c("s1", "s2"))
  expect_equal(levels(x$grp), c("g1", "g2"))

test_that("format.summary.ce() returns the correct number or rows", {
    nrow(format(summary(ce), pivot_from = NULL)),
    n_grps * n_strategies *  n_dr * 4
    n_grps *  n_dr * 4
    nrow(format(summary(ce), pivot_from = c("strategy", "grp"))),
    n_dr * 4

test_that("format.summary.ce() returns the correct column names", {
  # pretty_names = TRUE
  x <- format(summary(ce, labels = labs))
    c("Group", "Discount rate", "Outcome", "s1", 's2')
  # pretty_names = FALSE
  x <- format(summary(ce), pretty_names = FALSE)
    c("grp", "dr", "outcome", "1", '2')
dincerti/cea documentation built on Feb. 16, 2024, 1:15 p.m.