# Install and load packages
# install.packages("GENEAread")
# Allan's function to check for file names in for the ReMiNDD study - change the constants and some of the header variables
# when checking for file names for another study
# fileNameChecker
fileNameChecker_GA_ReMiNDD <- function(){
# Preallocate vectors without bottlenecking from repeated calls of the dataframe
# Create empty variables (must be global because they are filled in by another function)
studyCodePF <<- character()
sitePF <<- character()
visitPF <<- character()
sessionPF <<- character()
platformPF <<- character()
devicePF <<- character()
IDPF <<- character()
deviceLocationPF <<- character()
frequencyPF <<- character()
startDatePF <<- character()
endDatePF <<- character()
deviceIDPF <<- character()
NumberOfChannelsPF <<- character()
fileSizePF <<- character()
ECGSampleRate <- "N/A" # Not applicable because GeneActiv's don't measure ECG data
synchronizationPF <<- character()
clippedDataPF <<- character()
# Constants used for checking GeneActiv files for the ReMiNDD study
# studyCode <<- "OND06"
# site <<- "SBH"
visit <<- 1
session <<- "SE01"
platform <<- "GABL"
device <<- "GA"
frequencyVar <<- "75 Hz"
# File directory to store metadata files
saveDirectory <- "//files/students$/a33liang/Desktop/GeneActivReadTest/Metadata"
# Start period - compare it to information from Redcap
# Input Redcap data
setwd("N:/OBI/ONDRI@Home/ReMiNDD/Data curation/Sample REDCap tables")
redcapData <<- read.csv("OND06_Sensor_Info_Baseline_DATA_2019-08-19_1146.csv")
#Choose the directory location containing the files you want to check for and set it as the working directory
directory <- choose.dir()
inputFiles <- list.files(directory)
files <<- character()
# Check if the folder of GeneActiv accelerometer files have filled columns in the eCRF tables
# This inputs all the GeneActiv files with data in eCRF that can be compared into a new list to be compared to and checked with
for(a in 1:length(inputFiles)){
for(b in 1:length(redcapData$subject_id)){
if(substring(inputFiles[a], 1, 14) == redcapData$subject_id[b] && redcapData$snsr_base_date[b] != "" && is.na(redcapData$snsr_base_l_wrist[b]) != TRUE){
files <<- append(files, inputFiles[a])
#Loop for the amount of times there are GeneActiv files in the directory chosen
for(i in 1:length(files)){
header <<- readGENEActivHeader(files[i])
binFile <<- read.bin(files[i])
# Creating a dataframe
metaDataFrame <<- data.frame(studyCode = studyCodePF, site = sitePF, visit = visitPF,
session = sessionPF, platform = platformPF, device = devicePF,
ID = IDPF, deviceLocation = deviceLocationPF, frequency = frequencyPF,
startDate = startDatePF, endDate = endDatePF,
deviceID = deviceIDPF, ECGSampleRate, synchronization = synchronizationPF,
clipping = clippedDataPF, NumberOfChannels = NumberOfChannelsPF, fileSize = fileSizePF,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Output the dataframe - the file name of the data frame is the total amount of files in the save directory + one, to avoid overwriting files
write.csv(metaDataFrame, file = paste(saveDirectory, "/metadataTest", (length(list.files(saveDirectory)) + 1),".csv", sep = ""), row.names = FALSE)
#Kit's header script
readGENEActivHeader <- function(file_path = file.choose()) {
#input: path to GENEActiv .bin file
#reads header as lines of text and parses into list of keys and values
#output: list of keys and corresponding values from header
#open connection to GENEActiv bin file
con <- file(file_path, "r")
#read header lines from file
header_packet <- readLines(con, n = 59)
#close file connection
#parse header_packet, read in as lines of text, into a list of keys and values
#find colon separating each key and value
colon <- regexpr(":",header_packet)
#get keys and values
keys <- substring(header_packet,1,colon-1)
values <- trimws(substring(header_packet,colon+1,nchar(header_packet)), which = "right")
#create list of keys and values (after removing blanks)
header <- setNames(as.list(values[nchar(keys) > 0]), keys[nchar(keys) > 0])
#Allan's function to extract the proper naming from the file name, compare them with the constants
#used for the study and to the file header - print and report out whether the names are valid
#or invalid and where they are valid or invalid
#Input is .bin file from the file directory chosen (not in AccData format which is the output from read.bin)
GAFileNameExtractor <- function(x){
#Check if the filename is the most bottom level directory and remove all top level directories
#from the file name
index <- nchar(x)
for(i in index:1){
if(substring(x, i, i) == "/"){
print(substring(x, (i+1)))
fileNameVar <- substring(x, (i+1))
if(i == 1 && substring(x, i, i) != "/"){
fileNameVar <- x
#Counter variables
index <- nchar(fileNameVar)
counter <- 1
i <- 1
#Check the file name and extract components after the underscore
while(i <= index){
if(substring(fileNameVar, i, i) == "_"){
if(substring(fileNameVar, 1, (i - 1)) == substring(redcapData$subject_id[i], 1, 5)){
print("Study code ONDO6")
studyCodePF <<- append(studyCodePF, "Pass")
counter <- counter + 1
fileNameVar <- substring(fileNameVar, (i + 1))
i <- 1
index <- nchar(fileNameVar)
print(substring(fileNameVar, 1, (i - 1)))
print("Study code IS NOT ONDO6")
studyCodePF <<- append(studyCodePF, "Fail")
if(substring(fileNameVar, 1, (i - 1)) == substring(redcapData$subject_id[i], 7, 9)){
print ("Site is Sunnybrook Hospital")
sitePF <<- append(sitePF, "Pass")
counter <- counter + 1
fileNameVar <- substring(fileNameVar, (i + 1))
i <- 1
index <- nchar(fileNameVar)
print(substring(fileNameVar, 1, (i - 1)))
print("Site is not Sunnybrook Hospital")
sitePF <<- append(sitePF, "Fail")
if (class(strtoi(substring(fileNameVar, 1, (i - 1)))) == "integer"){
print("ID is valid")
counter <- counter + 1
i <- 1
print(substring(fileNameVar, 1, (i - 1)))
print("ID is invalid")
# # Save the ID in the file name as a variable to compare with the ECRF data from Redcap
# IDvar <- strtoi(substring(fileNameVar, 1, (i - 1))),
if (substring(fileNameVar, 1, (i - 1)) == header$`Subject Code`){
print("ID matches the file header")
IDPF <<- append(IDPF, "Pass")
counter <- counter + 1
fileNameVar <- substring(fileNameVar, (i + 1))
i <- 1
index <- nchar(fileNameVar)
print("ID doesn't match the file header")
IDPF <<- append(IDPF, "Fail")
if(strtoi(substring(fileNameVar, 1, (i - 1))) == visit){
print("Visit number is valid")
visitPF <<- append(visitPF, "Pass")
counter <- counter + 1
fileNameVar <- substring(fileNameVar, (i + 1))
i <- 1
index <- nchar(fileNameVar)
print(substring(fileNameVar, 1, (i - 1)))
print("Visit number is invalid")
visitPF <<- append(visitPF, "Fail")
if(substring(fileNameVar, 1, (i - 1)) == session){
print ("Session is SE01")
sessionPF <<- append(sessionPF, "Pass")
counter <- counter + 1
fileNameVar <- substring(fileNameVar, (i + 1))
i <- 1
index <- nchar(fileNameVar)
print(substring(fileNameVar, 1, (i - 1)))
print("Session invalid")
sessionPF <<- append(sessionPF, "Fail")
if(substring(fileNameVar, 1, (i - 1)) == platform){
print ("Platform is GABL")
platformPF <<- append(platformPF, "Pass")
counter <- counter + 1
fileNameVar <- substring(fileNameVar, (i + 1))
i <- 1
index <- nchar(fileNameVar)
print(substring(fileNameVar, 1, (i - 1)))
print("Platform invalid")
platformPF <<- append(platformPF, "Fail")
if(substring(fileNameVar, 1, (i - 1)) == device){
print("Device is GeneActiv")
devicePF <<- append(devicePF, "Pass")
counter <- counter + 1
i <- 1
index <- nchar(fileNameVar)
print(substring(fileNameVar, 1, (i - 1)))
print("Device is invalid")
devicePF <<- append(devicePF, "Fail")
if((substring(fileNameVar, (i + 1), (i + 2)) == "LW") && (header$`Device Location Code` == "left wrist")){
print("Body location is the left wrist and matches file header")
deviceLocationPF <<- append(deviceLocationPF, "Pass")
else if((substring(fileNameVar, (i + 1), (i + 2)) == "LA") && (header$`Device Location Code` == "left ankle")){
print("Body location is the left ankle and matches file header")
deviceLocationPF <<- append(deviceLocationPF, "Pass")
else if((substring(fileNameVar, (i + 1), (i + 2)) == "RW") && (header$`Device Location Code` == "right wrist")){
print("Body location is the right wrist and matches file header")
deviceLocationPF <<- append(deviceLocationPF, "Pass")
else if((substring(fileNameVar, (i + 1), (i + 2)) == "RA") && (header$`Device Location Code` == "right ankle")){
print("Body location is the right ankle and matches file header")
deviceLocationPF <<- append(deviceLocationPF, "Pass")
print(paste("body location ", substring(fileNameVar, (i + 1), (i + 2)), " is invalid and doesn't match ", header$`Device Location Code`))
deviceLocationPF <<- append(deviceLocationPF, "Fail")
#Iterate the while loop
i = i + 1
# measurement frequency
if (header$`Measurement Frequency` == frequencyVar){
print("The measurement frequency is 75 Hz (Pass)")
frequencyPF <<- append(frequencyPF, "Pass")
redcapIndex <<- NULL
# for loop to search for the index in in the redcapData
for(i in 1:(nrow(redcapData))){
if(as.integer(substring(redcapData$subject_id[i], 11, 14)) == as.integer(header$`Subject Code`)){
redcapIndex <<- i
if(is.null(redcapIndex) == TRUE){
print("Start date is invalid")
startDatePF <<- append(startDatePF, "Fail")
if(is.null(redcapIndex) == FALSE){
# Compare the start/base date between the file header and redcap base date
if(redcapData$snsr_base_date[redcapIndex] == substring(header$`Start Time`, 1, 10)){
print("Start date is valid")
startDatePF <<- append(startDatePF, "Pass")
if(redcapData$snsr_base_date[redcapIndex] != substring(header$`Start Time`, 1, 10)){
print("Start date is invalid")
startDatePF <<- append(startDatePF, "Fail")
# Check for device ID by identifying device location
if(header$`Device Location Code` == "left wrist"){
if(redcapData$snsr_base_l_wrist[redcapIndex] == as.integer(header$`Device Unique Serial Code`)){
print("Device serial code is valid")
deviceIDPF <<- append(deviceIDPF, "Pass")
print("Device serial code is invalid")
deviceIDPF <<- append(deviceIDPF, "Fail")
if(header$`Device Location Code` == "right wrist"){
if(redcapData$snsr_base_r_wrist[redcapIndex] == as.integer(header$`Device Unique Serial Code`)){
print("Device serial code is valid")
deviceIDPF <<- append(deviceIDPF, "Pass")
print("Device serial code is invalid")
deviceIDPF <<- append(deviceIDPF, "Fail")
if(header$`Device Location Code` == "left ankle"){
if(redcapData$snsr_base_l_ankle[redcapIndex] == as.integer(header$`Device Unique Serial Code`)){
print("Device serial code is valid")
deviceIDPF <<- append(deviceIDPF, "Pass")
print("Device serial code is invalid")
deviceIDPF <<- append(deviceIDPF, "Fail")
if(header$`Device Location Code` == "right ankle" && redcapData$snsr_base_r_ankle[redcapIndex] == as.integer(header$`Device Unique Serial Code`)){
print("Device serial code is valid")
deviceIDPF <<- append(deviceIDPF, "Pass")
if(header$`Device Location Code` == "right ankle" && redcapData$snsr_base_r_ankle[redcapIndex] != as.integer(header$`Device Unique Serial Code`)){
print("Device serial code is invalid")
deviceIDPF <<- append(deviceIDPF, "Fail")
# Check if synchronization time recorded on Redcap data is inbetween the header start time and calculated end time
# which is calculated by (start time plus hours recorded)
if (as.Date(redcapData$snsr_base_sync_time[redcapIndex]) >= as.Date(header$`Start Time`) && as.Date(redcapData$snsr_base_sync_time[redcapIndex]) <=
as.Date(header$`Start Time`) + (floor((as.integer(substring(header$`Start Time`, 12, 13)) + as.integer(substring(header$`Measurement Period`, 1, 3))) / 24) - 1)){
print("Synchronization time is between header start time and end time")
synchronizationPF <<- append(synchronizationPF, "Pass")
if (as.Date(redcapData$snsr_base_sync_time[redcapIndex]) < as.Date(header$`Start Time`) || as.Date(redcapData$snsr_base_sync_time[redcapIndex]) >
as.Date(header$`Start Time`) + (floor((as.integer(substring(header$`Start Time`, 12, 13)) + as.integer(substring(header$`Measurement Period`, 1, 3))) / 24) - 1)){
print("Synchronization time it NOT between header start time and end time")
synchronizationPF <<- append(synchronizationPF, "Fail")
########################################## DON'T NEED ########################################## DON'T NEED ##########################################
# redcapIndex2 <<- NULL
# for(j in 1:(nrow(redcapData2))){
# if(as.integer(substring(redcapData2$subject_id[j], 11, 14)) == as.integer(header$`Subject Code`)){
# redcapIndex2 <<- j
# }
# }
# if(is.null(redcapIndex2) == TRUE){
# print("End date is invalid")
# endDatePF <<- append(endDatePF, "Fail")
# }
# if(is.null(redcapIndex2) == FALSE){
# # j is the row / index for the csv import object
# # Compare the end time of collection from the file header to the redcap discharge date
# # end time of collection from the header file is calculated by adding the start time of collection to the amount of hours
# # of the collection (rounded down to nearest hour)
# if(as.Date(header$`Start Time`) + (floor((as.integer(substring(header$`Start Time`, 12, 13)) +
# as.integer(substring(header$`Measurement Period`, 1, 3))) / 24) - 1) == as.Date(redcapData2$snsr_dschrg_date[redcapIndex2])){
# print("End date is valid")
# endDatePF <<- append(endDatePF, "Pass")
# }
# else{
# print("End date is invalid")
# endDatePF <<- append(endDatePF, "Fail")
# }
# }
# Duration check for the collection - see if measurement period from the header is >= 7 days (in hours)
if(header$`Measurement Period` >= 168){
endDatePF <<- append(endDatePF, "Pass")
if(header$`Measurement Period` < 168){
endDatePF <<- append(endDatePF, "Fail")
# Check for number of channels by seeing if each of the 7 channels of the GENEActiv are non empty
for (i in 1:7){
if(length(binFile$data.out[,i]) == 0){
NumberOfChannelsPF <<- append(NumberOfChannelsPF, "Fail")
if(i == 7 && length(binFile$data.out[,i]) != 0){
NumberOfChannelsPF <<- append(NumberOfChannelsPF, "Pass")
# Clipping P/F check -> 15 minute windows, if any 15 minute window has 80% of the acceleration of 7.5g or higher
# Constants and variables
clippedData <<- NULL
frequencyOfChannel <- 75
windowTime <- 15
clipped <- FALSE
for(i in 1:(length(binFile$data.out[,1]) / (frequencyOfChannel * windowTime * 60))){
baseIndex <- (frequencyOfChannel * 15 * (i - 1))
for(dimension in 2:4){
for(j in 1:(frequencyOfChannel * windowTime * 60)){
if(binFile$data.out[(baseIndex + j), dimension] > 7.5){
clippedData <<- append(clippedData, binFile$data.out[baseIndex + j])
if(length(clippedData) >= (frequencyOfChannel * windowTime * 60 * 0.8)){
clippedDataPF <<- append(clippedDataPF, "Fail")
clipped <- TRUE
if(clipped == FALSE){
clippedDataPF <<- append(clippedDataPF, "Pass")
# File size per hour = 900 pages/hour * (3,600 bytes/page + 217 bytes/page)
# = 3,435,300 bytes/hour
# Compare if the real size of the file is within +/- 0.1% of the predicted file size using the predicted
# file size constant of 3,435,300 bytes/hour
byteHour <- 3435300
if(file.size(x) >= as.integer(substring(header$`Measurement Period`, 1, 3)) * byteHour * 0.999 &&
file.size(x) <= as.integer(substring(header$`Measurement Period`, 1, 3)) * byteHour * 1.001){
fileSizePF <<- append(fileSizePF, "Pass")
if(file.size(x) < as.integer(substring(header$`Measurement Period`, 1, 3)) * byteHour * 0.999 ||
file.size(x) > as.integer(substring(header$`Measurement Period`, 1, 3)) * byteHour * 1.001){
fileSizePF <<- append(fileSizePF, "Fail")
########################################## FUNCTIONS IN PROGRESS ##########################################
# # redcap is the i that is being iterated
# idSearch = function(redcap){
# if(as.integer(substring(redcapData$subject_id[redcap], 11, 14)) == as.integer(header$`Subject Code`))
# {
# return(redcap)
# }
# }
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