
Defines functions read_agd_raw read_agd

Documented in read_agd read_agd_raw

#' Read activity counts from an *.agd file
#' Read ActiGraph sleep watch data from a database stored in an
#' AGD file. Return a tibble.
#' @param file Full path to an agd file to read.
#' @param tz Time zone to convert DateTime ticks to POSIX time.
#' @return A `tibble` of activity data with at
#' least two columns: timestamp and axis1 counts. Optional columns
#' include axis2, axis2, steps, lux and inclinometer indicators
#' (incline off, standing, sitting and lying). The device settings
#' are stored as attributes, which include `epochlength`.
#' @references The AGD file format is described in the ActiLife 6 Manual.
#' <https://actigraphcorp.com/support/manuals/actilife-6-manual/>
#' @seealso [read_agd_raw()]
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "GT3XPlus-RawData-Day01.agd",
#'   package = "actigraph.sleepr"
#' )
#' read_agd(file)
#' library("dplyr")
#' library("purrr")
#' # Read ActiGraph sleep watch data from the AGD files in a directory
#' # and bind the data into one data frame indexed by `.filename`.
#' path <- system.file("extdata", package = "actigraph.sleepr")
#' list.files(path, pattern = "*.agd", full.names = TRUE) %>%
#'   map_dfr(read_agd, .id = ".filename")
#' @export
read_agd <- function(file, tz = "UTC") {
  ticks_to_dttm <- function(ticks, tz) {
    as.POSIXct(as.numeric(ticks) / 1e7,
      origin = "0001-01-01 00:00:00", tz

  agdb <- read_agd_raw(file, tz)
  data <- agdb[["data"]] %>%
    rename_with(tolower) %>%
      timestamp = .data$datatimestamp
    ) %>%
      across(where(is.numeric), as.integer)

  # The settings are stored in a table with settingName, settingValue
  # columns and so all settings are of type `character`, including the
  # timestamps. I typecast the most salient settings appropriately.
  settings <- agdb[["settings"]] %>%
    rename_with(tolower) %>%
      id_cols = c(),
      names_from = "settingname",
      values_from = "settingvalue"
    ) %>%
      across(matches("dateOfBirth"), ticks_to_dttm, tz = tz),
      across(ends_with("time"), ticks_to_dttm, tz = tz),
      across(starts_with("epoch"), as.integer)

  tbl_agd(data, settings)

#' Read an *.agd file, with no post-processing
#' Read ActiGraph sleep watch data from an SQLite database stored in an
#' AGD file and return a list with (at least) five tables: data, sleep,
#' filters, settings, awakenings. The tables have the schema described
#' in the ActiLife 6 User manual and the timestamps are converted from
#' Unix time format to human-readable POSIXct representation.
#' @param file Full path to an agd file to read.
#' @param tz Time zone to convert DateTime ticks to POSIX time.
#' @return A list of five tables: settings, data, filters, sleep,
#' awakenings and, if available, capsense.
#' @details
#' Some ActiGraph devices contain a capacitive sensor to detect
#' monitor removal when worn against the skin. If that data is
#' available, the return list includes a capsense table as well.
#' @references ActiLife 6 User's Manual by the ActiGraph Software
#' Department. 04/03/2012.
#' @references `covertagd`: R package for converting agd files
#' from ActiGraph into data.frames.
#' @seealso [read_agd()]
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file("extdata", "GT3XPlus-RawData-Day01.agd",
#'   package = "actigraph.sleepr"
#' )
#' str(read_agd_raw(file))
#' @export
read_agd_raw <- function(file, tz = "UTC") {

  # Connect to the *.agd database
  db <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = file)

  # Get the names of all tables in the database
  query <- "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'"
  tables_agd <- db %>%
    tbl(sql(query)) %>%
  tables_agd <- tables_agd[["name"]]
  tables_required <- c("data", "sleep", "awakenings", "filters", "settings")
  assert_that(all(tables_required %in% tables_agd))

  # Cast Unix time ticks to POSIXct date/time
  # Timestamps are stored as ticks since 12:00:00 midnight, January 1, 0001.
  # Each tick is one ten-millionth of a second and so ticks are of type INTEGER
  # (long int). R does not have a 64 bit integer type and timestamps overflow.
  # So divide by 10,000,000 and convert to date/time with STRFTIME, before
  # selecting these columns from the database.
  cast_dttms <- function(x) {
    if (length(x)) ymd_hms(x, tz = tz) else as.POSIXct(x)
  select_dttms <- function(table, cols) {
    query <- "SELECT"
    for (col in cols) {
      # Start counting seconds from January 1st, 1970;
      # 62135596800 is the number of seconds elapsed
      # from 01/01/0001 00:00:00 to 01/01/1970 00:00:00
      query <- paste0(
        " STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', ",
        col, "/", "10000000 - 62135596800, ",
        "'unixepoch') AS ", col, "_ts, "
    query <- paste0(query, " * FROM ", table)
    db %>%
      tbl(sql(query)) %>%
      collect(n = Inf) %>%
      ) %>%
        ~ sub("_ts$", "", .)
      ) %>%
        across(all_of(cols), cast_dttms)

  settings <- db %>%
    tbl("settings") %>%
  data <- select_dttms("data", "dataTimestamp")
  sleep <- select_dttms("sleep", c(
  awakenings <- select_dttms("awakenings", "timestamp")
  filters <- select_dttms("filters", c(

  # The capsense table stores data from an optional wear sensor,
  # so it might not be present in the database.
  # The capsense table stores data from an optional wear sensor,
  # so it might not be present in the database.
  tables <- list(
    data = data, sleep = sleep, filters = filters,
    settings = settings, awakenings = awakenings
  if ("capsense" %in% tables_agd) {
    tables$capsense <- select_dttms("capsense", "timeStamp")


dipetkov/actigraph.sleepr documentation built on March 25, 2022, 2:33 a.m.