# Initialize, run once
debug <- getOption('restbatch.debug', FALSE)
safe_run <- function(expr, res, debug = FALSE){
ret <- tryCatch({ expr }, error = function(e){
# I'm a teapot, well, the request is improper, change your coffee to your tea
res$status <- 418
error = e$message,
call = paste(utils::capture.output({ e$call }), collapse = '\n')
#* Create a new task with shared data directory
#* @serializer json
#* @post /new
function(req, res) {
if(debug){ assign('req', req, envir = globalenv())}
restbatch <- asNamespace('restbatch')
userid <- restbatch$clean_db_entry(req$HEADERS[['restbatch.userid']], "[^a-zA-Z0-9]", msg = "Invalid user ID: illegal characters found.")
# Parse task
task <- restbatch$handler_unpack_task(req)
# Queue & watch task
restbatch$queue_task(task, userid)
return(list(message = "Job submitted."))
}, res = res, debug = debug)
#* @serializer json
#* @post /list
function(req, res){
if(debug){ assign('req', req, envir = globalenv())}
userid <- req$HEADERS[["restbatch.userid"]]
status <- req$body$status
stopifnot(isTRUE(status %in% c("running", "init", "finish", "valid", "all", "canceled")))
tbl <- restbatch::handler_query_task(userid, status = status)
}, res = res, debug = debug)
#* @serializer unboxedJSON
#* @post /status
function(req, res){
if(debug){ assign('req', req, envir = globalenv())}
ns <- asNamespace('restbatch')
userid <- ns$clean_db_entry(req$HEADERS[["restbatch.userid"]], msg = '[1] Invalid user ID')
task_name <- ns$clean_db_entry(req$body$task_name, disallow = '[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]', msg = '[5] Invalid task name')
# # get database connection and ensure proper disconnection
# conn <- ns$db_ensure(close = FALSE)
# ns$db_lock(conn)
# on.exit({
# ns$db_unlock(conn)
# DBI::dbDisconnect(conn)
# })
# # query the task status
# # userid and task_name only contain letters, digits and -_, so quote them and it's safe against SQL injection
# tbl <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conn, sprintf(
# 'SELECT * FROM restbatchtasksserver WHERE userid="%s" AND name="%s"',
# userid, task_name
# ))
# # Close now as restoring task may need connection to DB
# ns$db_unlock(conn)
# DBI::dbDisconnect(conn)
# on.exit({})
# # just hide some information
# tbl$path <- NULL
# tbl$clientip <- NULL
# tbl$ncpu <- NULL
# tbl$userid <- NULL
# if(nrow(tbl)){
# tbl <- as.list(tbl[1,])
# } else {
# tbl <- as.list(tbl)
# }
# add local information
task <- ns$restore_task(task_name = task_name, userid = userid,
.client = FALSE, .update_db = TRUE)
ret <- list(
name = task_name,
status = "unknown",
error = NA,
removed = 1L,
packed = 0L,
time_added = NA,
n_total = NA,
n_started = NA,
n_done = NA,
n_error = NA
} else {
s <- task$local_status()
ret <- list(
name = task$task_name,
status = task$..server_status,
error = as.integer(s$error > 0),
removed = 0L,
packed = as.integer(task$..server_packed),
time_added = as.numeric(task$..server_time_added),
n_total = task$njobs,
n_started = s$started,
n_done = s$done,
n_error = s$error
}, res = res, debug = debug)
#* @serializer contentType list(type="application/zip")
#* @post /download
function(req, res){
if(debug){ assign('req', req, envir = globalenv())}
ns <- asNamespace('restbatch')
userid <- ns$clean_db_entry(req$HEADERS[["restbatch.userid"]], msg = '[1] Invalid user ID')
task_name <- ns$clean_db_entry(req$body$task_name, disallow = '[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]', msg = '[6] Invalid task name')
task <- ns$restore_task(task_name = task_name, userid = userid, .client = FALSE, .update_db = TRUE)
stop("Task was not packed when you sent them.")
stop("Task has not been resolved.")
if(task$..server_status != 2L){
stop("Packing the result still in progress.")
# zipped <- ns$task__zip(task)
zipped <- paste0(task$task_dir, '.zip')
stop("Cannot find the result file.")
readBin(zipped, "raw", n=file.info(zipped)$size)
}, res = res, debug = debug)
#* @post /remove
function(req, res){
if(debug){ assign('req', req, envir = globalenv())}
ns <- asNamespace('restbatch')
userid <- ns$clean_db_entry(req$HEADERS[["restbatch.userid"]], msg = '[1] Invalid user ID')
task_name <- ns$clean_db_entry(req$body$task_name, disallow = '[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]', msg = '[7] Invalid task name')
task <- ns$restore_task(task_name = task_name, userid = userid, .client = FALSE, .update_db = TRUE)
# This might cause batchtools to hang?
unlink(task$task_dir, recursive = TRUE)
if(isTRUE(file.exists(paste0(task$task_dir, '.zip')))){
unlink(paste0(task$task_dir, '.zip'))
db_update_task_server2(task, userid = userid)
}, silent = TRUE)
}, res = res, debug = debug)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.