
#' Plot Qualitative Stoichiometry Matrix
#' Visualizes the stoichiometry matrix using standard plot methods. The sign
#' of stoichiometric factors is displayed as upward and downward pointing
#' triangles. Also visualized are dependencies of process rates on variables.
#' @name plotStoichiometry
#' @param box A positive integer pointing to a spatial sub-unit of the model.
#' @param time Time. The value is ignored in the case of autonomous models.
#' @param cex Character expansion factor.
#' @param colPositive Color for positive stoichiometric factors.
#' @param colNegative Color for negative stoichiometric factors.
#' @param colInteract Color used to highlight dependencies.
#' @param colBack Color of background.
#' @param colGrid Color of a grid.
#' @param lwdGrid Grid line width.
#' @param translateVars Optional function to recode variable labels.
#'   Must take the original vector as argument and return the altered version.
#' @param translatePros Optional function to recode process labels.
#'   Must take the original vector as argument and return the altered version.
#' @return NULL
#' @note The values of state variables and parameters must have been set using
#'   the \code{\link{setVars}} and \code{\link{setPars}} methods. If the
#'   stoichiometric factors are mathematical expressions involving
#'   function references, these functions must be defined in R (even if the
#'   numerical computations are based on generated Fortran code).
#' @author \email{david.kneis@@tu-dresden.de}
#' @seealso See other methods of the \code{\link{rodeo-class}} or
#'   \code{\link{stoichiometry}} for computing the stoichiometric factors only.
#'   Alternative options for displaying stoichiometry information are described
#'   in the package vignette.
#' @examples
#' data(vars, pars, funs, pros, stoi)
#' model <- rodeo$new(vars, pars, funs, pros, stoi, dim=c(1))
#' model$setVars(c(bac=0.1, sub=0.5))
#' model$setPars(c(mu=0.8, half=0.1, yield= 0.1, vol=1000, flow=50, sub_in=1))
#' monod <- function(c,h) {c/(c+h)}
#' model$plotStoichiometry(box=c(1))

rodeo$set("public", "plotStoichiometry", function(box, time=0, cex=1,
  shade=TRUE, colPositive="tomato3", colNegative="steelblue4",
  colInteract="grey", colBack="lightgrey", colGrid="white", lwdGrid=1,
  translateVars=NULL, translatePros=NULL
) {
  if (is.null(translateVars)) translateVars <- function(x) {x}
  if (is.null(translatePros)) translatePros <- function(x) {x}
  m <- self$stoichiometry(box=box, time=time)
  if (!all(is.finite(m))) {
    stop("non-finite elements in stoichiometry matrix")
  s <- replace(m, 1:length(m), colBack)
  if (shade) {
    for (pro in rownames(s)) {
      expr <- private$prosTbl$expression[private$prosTbl$name==pro]
      ident <- extractIdentifiers(expr)
      v <- colnames(s)[colnames(s) %in% ident]
      if (length(v) > 0) {
        s[pro, v] <- colInteract
  dx <- 0.2
  dy <- sqrt((dx**2)/2)
  mar <- 0.5
  xmin <- 1-mar
  xmax <- ncol(m)+mar
  ymin <- 1-mar
  ymax <- nrow(m)+mar
  plot(0, 0, xlim=c(xmin, xmax), ylim=c(ymin, ymax), type="n",
    bty="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="")
  rect(xleft=xmin, xright=xmax, ybottom=ymin, ytop=ymax, col=colBack, border=NA)
  mtext(side=3, at=1:ncol(m), translateVars(colnames(m)), line=0.5, las=2, cex=cex)
  mtext(side=2, at=nrow(m):1, translatePros(rownames(m)), line=0.5, las=2, cex=cex)
  for (ic in 1:ncol(m)) {
    for (ir in 1:nrow(m)) {
      rect(xleft=ic-0.5, xright=ic+0.5, ybottom=nrow(m)+1-(ir-0.5), ytop=nrow(m)+1-(ir+0.5),
        col=s[ir,ic], border=NA)
      if (m[ir,ic] > 0) polygon(x=c(ic-dx,ic+dx,ic,ic-dx),
        y=nrow(m)+1-c(ir+dy,ir+dy,ir-dy,ir+dy), col=colPositive, border=NA)
      if (m[ir,ic] < 0) polygon(x=c(ic-dx,ic+dx,ic,ic-dx),
        y=nrow(m)+1-c(ir-dy,ir-dy,ir+dy,ir-dy), col=colNegative, border=NA)
    v=c((1:ncol(m))-0.5,ncol(m)+0.5), lwd=lwdGrid, col=colGrid)
dkneis/rodeo documentation built on July 19, 2024, 3:16 a.m.