
Defines functions forcingFunctions

Documented in forcingFunctions

#' Generation of Forcing Functions in Fortran
#' Generates Fortran code to return the current values of forcing functions
#' based on interpolation in tabulated time series data.
#' @param x Data frame with colums 'name', 'file', 'column', 'mode', 'default'.
#'   See below for expected entries. 
#' @return A character string holding generated Fortran code. Must be written to
#'   disk, e.g. using \code{\link[base]{write}}, prior to compilation.
#' @note 
#' The fields of the input data frame are interpreted as follows:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{name } Name of the forcing function as declared in the table
#'     of functions.}
#'   \item{\code{file } Name of the text file containing the time series data
#'     either as an absolute or relative path.
#'     Time information is expected as numeric values in the first column (e.g.
#'     as number of seconds after some reference date).
#'     The period is used as the decimal character in floating point numbers, 
#'     numeric values can also be given in scientific format (e.g. as 0.314e+1).
#'     Allowed column delimiters are blank, tab, or comma. A sequence of white
#'     spaces collapses to a single delimiter but this is not the case for
#'     commas. It is strictly recommended to use a consistent delimiter
#'     character within a particular file.
#'     Blank lines are allowed everywhere in the file, comment lines must start
#'     with a '#'. The first non-blank, non-comment line is interpreted as
#'     column headers and the name of the first column (holding time info)
#'     is essentially ignored).
#'     }
#'   \item{\code{column } Name of the column in \code{file} from which data are
#'     to be read.}
#'   \item{\code{mode } Integer code to control how the interpolation is
#'     performed. Use 0 for constant interpolation with full weight given to the
#'     value at the end of a time interval. Use 1 for constant interpolation
#'     with full weight given to the value at the begin of a time interval. Any
#'     other values (< 0 or > 1) result in linear interpolation with weights
#'     being set automatically.}
#'   \item{\code{default } Logical. If \code{FALSE}, the generated function has
#'     the interface 'f(time)'. If \code{TRUE}, the generated function has a
#'     two-argument interface 'f(time, z)'. If the actual argument 'z' is
#'     \code{NaN}, the function behaves just like the single-argument version,
#'     i.e. interpolation in tabulated data is performed. If 'z' is not
#'     \code{NaN}, the function returns the value of 'z'.}
#' }
#' The generated code provides a single module named 'forcings' which defines
#'   as many forcing functions as there are rows in \code{x}.
#'   The module 'forcings' needs to be made available to the compiler
#'   (either at the command line or via inclusion in another file with Fortran's
#'   include mechanism). In addition, it must be referenced in the module
#'   'functions' with an appropriate 'use' statement (see example below).
#' The generated function return scalar values of type double precision. If an
#'  error condition is encountered, the return value of a functions equals the
#'  largest possible double precision value (generated by Fortran's 'huge'
#'  function). In addition, errors trigger calls of the subroutines 'rexit'
#'  (at top level) or 'rwarn' (at lower levels). These two functions are
#'  available automatically if the Fortran code is compiled using 'R CMD SHLIB'.
#'  Otherwise, the two functions need to be defined (see examples below).
#' In the two-argument version, the second argument is tested against \code{NaN}
#'   using 'ISNAN'. This function is not part of the Fortran standard but it is
#'   supported by most compilers, including gfortan. The Fortran 2003 standard
#'   conformal function would be 'IS_IEEE_NAN' which is not yet supported by
#'   compiler versions normally installed with R (March 2016).
#' @author David Kneis \email{david.kneis@@tu-dresden.de}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   ! Example of a Fortran file to define functions
#'   include 'forcings.f95'   ! include generated forcings file in compilation
#'   module functions
#'   use forcings             ! make forcings available as functions
#'   implicit none
#'   contains
#'   ! ... any non-forcing functions go here ...
#'   end module
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#'   ! Definition of 'rexit' and 'rwarn' for testing of the generated code
#'   ! outside of R
#'   subroutine rexit (x)
#'     character(len=*), intent(in):: x
#'     write(*,*) "ERROR: ",trim(adjustl(x))
#'     stop 1
#'   end subroutine
#'   subroutine rwarn (x)
#'     character(len=*), intent(in):: x
#'     write(*,*) "WARNING: ",trim(adjustl(x))
#'   end subroutine
#' }

forcingFunctions <- function(x) {
  # check args
  if (!is.data.frame(x))
    stop("expecting a data frame as input")
  cols <- c("name","column","mode","file","default")
  if (!all(cols %in% names(x)))
    stop("provided data must have columns '",paste(cols, collapse="', '"),"'")
  if (any(duplicated(x$name)))
    stop("duplicate names of forcing functions")
  # process
  code <- paste0(code, "\n")
  code <- paste0(code,"include '",
  code <- paste0(code, "\n", "module forcings")
  code <- paste0(code, "\n", "use forcings_generic")
  code <- paste0(code, "\n", "implicit none")
  code <- paste0(code, "\n", "private TSeries, readTS, interpol")
  code <- paste0(code, "\n", "contains")
  code <- paste0(code, "\n")
  for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
    if (x$default[i]) {
      code <- paste0(code,"\n","function ",x$name[i]," (time, dflt) result (res)")
      code <- paste0(code,"\n","  double precision, intent(in):: time, dflt")
    } else {
      code <- paste0(code,"\n","  function ",x$name[i]," (time) result (res)")
      code <- paste0(code,"\n","  double precision, intent(in):: time")
    code <- paste0(code,"\n","  character(len=256), parameter:: file='",x$file[i],"'")
    code <- paste0(code,"\n","  character(len=256), parameter:: col='",x$column[i],"'")
    code <- paste0(code,"\n","  integer, parameter:: lweight= ",x$mode[i])
    code <- paste0(code,"\n","  logical, save:: firstCall= .TRUE.")
    code <- paste0(code,"\n","  integer, save:: latest= 1")
    code <- paste0(code,"\n","  type(TSeries), save:: x")
    code <- paste0(code,"\n","  double precision, parameter:: NA= huge(0d0)")
    code <- paste0(code,"\n","  character(len=512):: errmsg")
    code <- paste0(code,"\n","  double precision:: res")
    if (x$default[i]) {
      code <-  paste0(code,"\n","  if (isnan(dflt)) then")
    code <- paste0(code,"\n","  include '",
    if (x$default[i]) {
      code <- paste0(code,"\n","  else")
      code <- paste0(code,"\n","    res= dflt")
      code <- paste0(code,"\n","  end if")
    code <- paste0(code,"\n","end function")
  code <- paste0(code, "\n", "end module")
dkneis/rodeo documentation built on July 19, 2024, 3:16 a.m.