
Defines functions options_to_txt sections_to_shp

Documented in options_to_txt sections_to_shp

#' conversion helper
#' @keywords internal
sections_to_shp <- function(x, name, path_out) {
  # ... convert inp to shp and save shape files
  # ... if implemented: convert weirs (links), orifices (links), pumps (links) and storages (point) to shape files

  # check class
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "inp"))

  # ... check if shp folder exists in path_out otherwise create new directory
  shape_folder <- file.path(path_out, "shp")
  if (!file.exists(shape_folder)) {

  # dleutnant: 
  # There is currently an issue in writing sf objects on OS X which
  # causes R to crash if the file to be written already exists.
  # s. https://github.com/r-spatial/sf/issues/649
  # This hack per default overwrites an existent file only on OS X 
  # it is assumend that SWMM users are less likely OS X users... ;-(
  # update: 180413 issue is fixed in sf 0.6-1
  # if (.get_os() == "darwin") {
  #   warning("Data source is deleted before attempting to write.")
  #   delete_dsn <- TRUE 
  # } else {
  #   delete_dsn <- FALSE
  # }
  delete_dsn <- FALSE

  # dleutnant: 
  # maybe instead of writing each section individually, we might
  # use sth:
  # inp_to_sf(x) %>% 
  #   purrr::iwalk(., ~ sf::st_write(.x, file.path(path_out, 
  #                                                paste0("shp/", .y, "_.shp"))))

  # Configuration with:
  # - element names = section names
  # - each element is a list with one named element:
  #   - name = name of the shape file
  #   - value = function that converts from section to shape
  config <- list(
    subcatchments = list(polygon = subcatchments_to_sf),
    conduits = list(link = links_to_sf),
    junctions = list(point = junctions_to_sf),
    outfalls = list(outfall = outfalls_to_sf),
    weirs = list(weir = weirs_to_sf),
    orifices = list(orifices = orifices_to_sf),
    pumps = list(pumps = pumps_to_sf),
    storage = list(storages = storages_to_sf)

  shape_dir <- file.path(path_out, "shp")
  for (section in names(config)) {
    section_config <- config[[section]]
    conversion_function <- section_config[[1]]
    shape_name <- names(section_config)[1]

    # ... convert section to sf if contained in x
    if (section %in% names(x)) {
        dsn = file.path(shape_dir, paste0(name, "_", shape_name, ".shp")), 
        delete_dsn = delete_dsn
    } else {
      message(sprintf("section %s is missing", section))
  message(sprintf("*.shp files were written to %s", shape_dir))

#write_section_if_in_list <- function(x, section, conversion_function, file, ...)

#' conversion helper
#' @keywords internal
options_to_txt <- function(x, name, path_out) {
  # convert section options, report, raingages, evaporation and if implemented: pollutant, landuse, buildup, washoff, coverage, (lid_controls lid_usage --> not in examples) to options.txt
  # check class and required elements
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "inp"))

  if ("options" %in% names(x)) {
    # ... check if txt folder exists in path_out otherwise create new directory
    if (!file.exists(file.path(path_out, "txt"))) {
      dir.create(file.path(path_out, "txt"))

    # check sections and add sections in new format to list options_txt:

    options_txt <- list()

    if ("options" %in% names(x)) {
      options_txt[["[options]"]] <- x[["options"]] %>%
        apply(., 1, paste, collapse = "\t") %>%
        c("[options]", .)
    if ("report" %in% names(x)) {
      options_txt[["[report]"]] <- x[["report"]] %>%
        apply(., 1, paste, collapse = "\t") %>%
        c("[report]", .)
    if ("raingages" %in% names(x)) {
      options_txt[["[raingages]"]] <- t(x[["raingages"]]) %>%
        apply(., 1, paste, collapse = "\t") %>%
        paste(names(.), ., sep = "\t") %>%
        c("[raingages]", .) %>%
		gsub("TIMESERIES\t", "TIMESERIES ", .)
    if ("evaporation" %in% names(x)) {
      options_txt[["[evaporation]"]] <- x[["evaporation"]] %>%
        apply(., 1, paste, collapse = "\t") %>%
        c("[evaporation]", .)
    if ("pollutants" %in% names(x)) {
      options_txt[["pollutants"]] <- t(x[["pollutants"]]) %>%
        apply(., 1, paste, collapse = "\t") %>%
        paste(names(.), ., sep = "\t") %>%
        c("[pollutants]", .) %>%
		gsub("NA", "", .)
    if ("landuses" %in% names(x)) {
      options_txt[["landuses"]] <- t(x[["landuses"]]) %>%
        apply(., 1, paste, collapse = "\t") %>%
        paste(names(.), ., sep = "\t") %>%
        c("[landuses]", .) %>%
		gsub("NA", "", .)
    if ("coverages" %in% names(x)) {
      options_txt[["coverages"]] <- t(x[["coverages"]]) %>%
        apply(., 1, paste, collapse = "\t") %>%
        paste(names(.), ., sep = "\t") %>%
        c("[coverages]", .) %>%
		gsub("NA", "", .)
    if ("buildup" %in% names(x)) {
      options_txt[["buildup"]] <- t(x[["buildup"]]) %>%
        apply(., 1, paste, collapse = "\t") %>%
        paste(names(.), ., sep = "\t") %>%
        c("[buildup]", .) %>%
		gsub("NA", "", .)
    if ("washoff" %in% names(x)) {
      options_txt[["washoff"]] <- t(x[["washoff"]]) %>%
        apply(., 1, paste, collapse = "\t") %>%
        paste(names(.), ., sep = "\t") %>%
        c("[washoff]", .) %>%
		gsub("NA", "", .)
    if ("coverages" %in% names(x)) {
      options_txt[["coverages"]] <- t(x[["coverages"]]) %>%
        apply(., 1, paste, collapse = "\t") %>%
        paste(names(.), ., sep = "\t") %>%
        c("[coverages]", .) %>%
		gsub("NA", "", .)

    # unlist and save txt file
    writeLines(unlist(options_txt), con = file.path(path_out, paste0("txt/", name, "_options.txt")))

    message(sprintf("*.txt file was written to %s/txt", path_out))
  } else {
    message("section options is missing")

#' conversion helper
#' @keywords internal
curves_to_txt <- function(x, name, path_out) {
  # if implemented: convert curves to txt files
  # check class and required elements
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "inp"))

  if ("curves" %in% names(x)) {

    # ... check if txt folder exists in path_out otherwise create new directory
    if (!file.exists(file.path(path_out, "txt"))) {
      dir.create(file.path(path_out, "txt"))

    # ...replace NA with the most recent non-NA prior it
    x$curves <- zoo::na.locf(x$curves)

    # ... split by curve name
    list_of_curves <- split(x$curves, x$curves$Name)

    # write table for each curve
    mapply(utils::write.table, list_of_curves, 
           file = paste0(path_out, "/txt/", name, "_", 
                         unlist(lapply(lapply(list_of_curves, "[[", 1), "[[", 1)), ".txt"), 
           sep = " ", dec = ".", col.names = F, row.names = F, quote = F)

    message(sprintf("curve.txt files were written to %s/txt", path_out))
  } else {
    message("section curves is missing")

#' conversion helper
#' @keywords internal
timeseries_to_dat <- function(x, name, path_out) {
  # if implemented: convert timeseries to dat files
  # check class and required elements
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "inp"))
  if ("timeseries" %in% names(x)) {
    # ... check if txt folder exists in path_out otherwise create new directory
    if (!file.exists(file.path(path_out, "dat"))) {
      dir.create(file.path(path_out, "dat"))
    # ... convert section timeseries to swmm timeseries *.dat format
      # seperate timeseries
      timeseries <- list(
        start = which(duplicated(x$timeseries$Name) == F),
        end = c(which(duplicated(x$timeseries$Name) == F) - 1, length(x$timeseries$Name))[-1],
        name = x$timeseries$Name[duplicated(x$timeseries$Name) == F]
      # one *.dat file per timeseries
      if(all(is.na(x$timeseries$Date))) {
        # if no date is given:
        mapply(function(start, end, ts) utils::write.table(x$timeseries[start:end, c("Time", "Value")], file.path(path_out, "dat", paste0(name, "_timeseries_", ts, ".dat")), row.names = F, col.names = F, quote = F), start = timeseries$start, end = timeseries$end, ts = timeseries$name)
        if(all(is.na(x$timeseries$Date) == F)){
          # if date is given:
          mapply(function(start, end, ts) utils::write.table(x$timeseries[start:end, c("Date","Time", "Value")], file.path(path_out, "dat", paste0(name, "_timeseries_", ts, ".dat")), row.names = F, col.names = F, quote = F), start = timeseries$start, end = timeseries$end, ts = timeseries$name)
    message(sprintf("timeseries.dat files were written to %s/dat", path_out))
  } else {
    message("section timeseries is missing")

#' Convert SWMM's .inp to .shp and txt files
#' @param x An object of class inp.
#' @param name Give a name for the current model, e.g. "Example1".
#' @param path_out  Writeable directory name where to save the converted files.
#' Folders: dat, shp and txt will be created if not existent. Default is the 
#' current working directory of the R process.
#' @return .dat, .shp and/or .txt files.
#' @rdname inp_to_files
#' @export
inp_to_files <- function(x, name, path_out = getwd()) {
  # check class
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "inp"))

  # check name
  if (is.null(name)) {
    stop("name is missing")

  # check path_out
  if (is.null(path_out)) {
    stop("path_out is missing")

  # convert and save input sections to shape files
  sections_to_shp(x, name, path_out)

  # convert and save selection of input sections to txt files
  options_to_txt(x, name, path_out)

  # write curves to txt
  curves_to_txt(x, name, path_out)

  # timeseries to txt
  timeseries_to_dat(x, name, path_out)
dleutnant/swmmr documentation built on Feb. 8, 2022, 2:07 a.m.