Man pages for dlill/MRAr
Functions to do MRA with

algoRun the algorithm
algo_noisyRun the algorithm
cluster_matrices_and_print_perturbationsclustering and print function
combine_dr_listCombine a list of dose_response data.frames with different...
dose_response_funCompute dose-response curves
expand.grid.altAlternative version of expand.grid
get_r0_r1_ropt_rkeptGet the relevant matrices for a perturbation and...
local_response_matrix_eq10Calculate the local response matrix r from the global...
mname.functionThis function is needed such that the new mstrust works with...
obj_alphaObjective function to minimize certain elements of the local...
obj_alpha_no_derivsObjective function which doesn't compute derivatives
p_ic_funAutomatically generate parameter trafos to quickly test...
p_ic_list_funGenerate a list of parameter trafos.
plot_dose_responsePlot dose_response curves
p_pert_funConvenient simulation of perturbation experiments
r_alpha_funParametric local response matrix
reduce_ic_listReduce list of initial conditions to include only pars with...
R_funCompute R from fractional changes of steady states
R_fun_2Compute R from fractional changes of steady states, but do...
r_kept_funWhich elements to keep in the optimization procedure?
r_kept_fun2Function to compare two local response matrices in order to...
r_opt_dose_responseCompute dose responses for one parameter
r_opt_dose_response_separate_scanningCompute dose responses for one parameter, scan pars_opt...
ropt_gadgetShiny Gadget for quick exploration of Complexes and alpha
run_different_perturbationsRun a set of different perturbations over varying alphas and...
run_different_perturbations_noisyRun the simulations and add noise to the data
run_different_perturbations_noisy_with_replicatesRun the simulations and add noise to the data
run_simulationsRun the optimization procedure at many conditions (old, not...
run_simulations_with_noiseRun simulations with noise
runsteadyCInterface to runsteady()
scan_gridScan a n-d grid of free parameters
svdinvInverse of matrix using singular value decomposition
which_pars_optWhich pars_opt are associated with an element kept in the...
Xs_steadySteady state prediction function for ODE models.
dlill/MRAr documentation built on May 16, 2019, 7:24 a.m.