
Defines functions nls_fit

Documented in nls_fit

#' @title Individual curve fit with nls to 13C breath test data
#' @description Fits individual exponential beta curves to 13C breath test time series
#' @param data Data frame or tibble as created by \code{\link{cleanup_data}}, 
#' with mandatory columns \code{patient_id, group, minute} and \code{pdr}. 
#' It is recommended to run all data through \code{\link{cleanup_data}} which
#' will insert dummy columns for \code{patient_id} and \code{minute} if the
#' data are distinct, and report an error if not.
#' @param dose Dose of acetate or octanoate. Currently, only one common dose
#' for all records is supported. 
#' @param start Optional start values
#' \code{patient_id} and \code{group}.
#' @return A list of class ("breathtestnlsfit" "breathtestfit") with elements
#' \describe{
#'   \item{coef}{Estimated parameters in a key-value format with 
#'    columns \code{patient_id, group, parameter, stat, method} and \code{value}.
#'    Parameter \code{stat} always has value \code{"estimate"}.
#'    Confidence intervals might be added later, so do not take for granted 
#'    all parameters are estimates.}
#'    \item{data}{Input data; \code{nls_fit} does not decimate the data. If you have 
#'    large data sets where subsampling might be required to achieve faster convergence,
#'    using \code{nls_fit} anyway is only relevant to show how NOT to do it. 
#'    Use \code{nlme_fit} or \code{stan_fit} instead.}
#' }
#' @seealso Base methods \code{coef, plot, print}; methods from package
#'  \code{broom: tidy, augment}.
#' @examples 
#' d = simulate_breathtest_data(n_records = 3, noise = 0.2, seed = 4711)
#' data = cleanup_data(d$data)
#' fit = nls_fit(data)
#' plot(fit) # calls plot.breathtestfit
#' options(digits = 2)
#' cf = coef(fit)
#' library(dplyr)
#' cf %>% 
#'   filter(grepl("m|k|beta", parameter )) %>% 
#'   select(-method, -group) %>% 
#'   tidyr::spread(parameter, value) %>% 
#'   inner_join(d$record, by = "patient_id") %>% 
#'   select(patient_id, m_in = m.y, m_out = m.x, 
#'          beta_in = beta.y, beta_out = beta.x,
#'          k_in = k.y, k_out = k.x)
#' @export
nls_fit = function(data, dose = 100, 
                   start = list(m = 50, k = 1 / 100, beta = 2)){
  # Check if data have been validated by cleanup_data
  assert_that(are_equal(names(data), c("patient_id", "group", "minute", "pdr")))
  if (min(data$minute) <= 0)
    stop("Values at minute = 0 are not permitted. Please shift to minute = 0.001, 
         or better use function <<cleanup_data>>.")
  # Avoid notes on CRAN
  value = patient_id = NULL 
  # since it is such a nasty job to pass constant parameter dose to nlsList,
  # fit is done with a real constant, and m, the only affected parameter
  # is renormalized if required.
  # This has kept me busy for more than 11 years now, stumbling over
  # https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2006-February/087295.html
  bid.nls = try(suppressWarnings(nlsList(
    pdr ~ breathtestcore::exp_beta(
      minute, 100, m, k, beta)|patient_id/group, data = data, 
    start = start)), silent = FALSE)
  # strip off group and patient_id, add deviance
  cf = coef(bid.nls)
  if (!is.data.frame(cf)) {
    comment(data) = paste(comment(data),  "-- no valid fit with this data set")
    #    cat(comment(data),"\n", file = stderr())
    ret = list(data = data)
    class(ret) = c("breathtestnullfit", "breathtestfit")
  if (dose != 100)
    cf$m = cf$m * dose/100
  dev0 = function(x){
    d = deviance(x)
    if (is.null(d)) return(NA)
  cf = cf %>% 
    tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "patient_id") %>% 
      deviance = as.vector(purrr::map_dbl(bid.nls, dev0)),
      group = str_match(patient_id,"/(.*)$")[,2],
      patient_id = str_match(patient_id,"^(.*)/")[,2]
    ) %>% 

  methods = c(
    "maes_ghoos_scintigraphy", "bluck_coward","maes_ghoos"
  parameters = c("m", "k", "beta", "deviance", "t50", "t50","t50","tlag","tlag")
  pars = list()
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(cf)))  {
    cf1 = cf[i, , drop = FALSE]
    pars[[i]] = tibble(
      patient_id = cf1$patient_id,
      group = cf1$group,
      parameter = parameters,
      method = methods,
      stat = "estimate",
      value = unlist(
  cf = purrr::map_df(pars, rbind )  %>% 
    filter(value != 0) %>% 
    tibble::as_tibble(.name_repair = "minimal")
  ret = list(coef = cf, data = data, nls_fit = bid.nls)
  class(ret) = c("breathtestnlsfit", "breathtestfit" )
dmenne/breathtestcore documentation built on Feb. 2, 2024, 6:12 p.m.