
Defines functions DecisionPlot

Documented in DecisionPlot

#' @title DecisionPlot: 2D contour plot of breath-test variables
#' @description Creates a 2D percentile plot of a pair of breath test variables.
#' By default, the green central regions contains 50% of the data points,
#' determined using a highest-density-interval (HDI) method.
#' @param con connection to sqlite database; if missing, uses default database.
#' @param pars all parameters in the form as read from table \code{BreathTestParameters}.
#' @param methods if one entry is given, e.g \code{ExpBeta, BluckCoward, WN, MaesPop},
#' it is combined with both \code{parameters}; if two are given, \code{method} and
#' \code{parameters} are paired.
#' @param parameters two parameter names, e.g. \code{c("t50","tlag")}.
#' @param prob quantile probabilities; color for these is determined by Brewer palette,
#' default \code{RdYlGn}.
#' @param main title for graph
#' @param kde.package package to use for HDI 2D kernel smoothing
#' @param brewerPalette color palette name from \code{RBrewerColor} to use
#' @param outlierFak the multiples of standard deviations to use for outlier removal. Note
#' outliers removed from computation. It cannot be ruled out the data point you
#' are focussing on has been removed. If in doubt, try higher values, i.e. wider ranges
#' to include.
#' @param showColors e.g. \code{c("green","blue","red","orange")} to show all marked
#' items.
#' @param showPoints should data points contributing to decision be shown?
#' @param showDateLabels If TRUE, the record date of the \code{showPoints}s records are
#' added as label.
#' @return None; as a side effect, a plot using standard graphics is generated. Note that
#' the image may contain aliasing lines when Cairo is avaialable on your system.
#' \url{https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/shiny-discuss/ysac9FqOQLI}
#' @author Dieter Menne, \email{dieter.menne@@menne-biomed.de}
#' @examples
#' databasePath = CreateSimulatedBreathTestDatabase()
#' con = OpenSqliteConnection(databasePath)
#' opt = par(mfrow=c(2,2))
#' DecisionPlot(con, showColors="red", main="Method ash")
#'# DecisionPlot(con, showColors=c("orange","blue"),main= "Method ks", kde.package="ks")
#' DecisionPlot(con, method="BluckCowardPop",showColors=c("red"), main= "BluckCoward Population" )
#' # For Wagner-Nelson, there is no lag, we must use it from a different source
#' DecisionPlot(con, method=c("MaesPop","Maes"),parameters=c("t50","t50"),
#'  showColors=c("green","blue"),showPoints=FALSE,
#'    main="No points, Spectral", brewerPalette = "Spectral")
#' par(opt)
#' dbDisconnect(con)
#' @import plyr
#' @import hdrcde
#' @export
DecisionPlot = function(con = NULL,
                        pars = dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * from BreathTestParameter")[,-1],
                        methods = "Maes",
                        parameters = c("t50", "tlag"),
                        prob = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5),
                        main = "Breath test parameters",
                        kde.package = c("ash", "ks"),
                        brewerPalette = "RdYlGn",
                        outlierFak = 3,
                        showColors = NULL,
                        showPoints = TRUE,
                        showDateLabels = TRUE) {
  if (FALSE) {
    # Debug
    con = OpenSqliteConnection()
    pars = dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * from BreathTestParameter")[,-1]
    methods = c("Maes", "WN")
    parameters = c("tlag", "t50")
    showColors = c("green", "blue")
    showPoints = FALSE
    main = "No points, Spectral"
    brewerPalette = "Spectral"
    outlierFak = 3
    prob = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5)
    showDateLabels = TRUE
  RecordDate = color = NULL # Only to avoid notes during package build
  stopifnot(length(methods) %in% 1:2)
  stopifnot(length(parameters) == 2)
  # Check if local database is used
  isLocal = is.null(con)
  if (isLocal)
    con = OpenSqliteConnection()
  if (length(methods) == 1)
    methods = rep(methods, 2)
  on.exit(if (isLocal)
  selectPars =   (pars$Method == methods[1] &
                    pars$Parameter == parameters[1]) |
    (pars$Method == methods[2] &
       pars$Parameter == parameters[2])
  pp = pars[selectPars,]
  if (nrow(pp) == 0 || ncol(pp) != 4)
    stop("Selected parameter/method combination not available")
  qPar =     dcast(pp, BreathTestRecordID ~ Method + Parameter, value.var =
  # Remove outliers
  nOutliers = 0
  cParameters = names(qPar)[-1]
  p1 = names(qPar)[2]
  p2 = names(qPar)[3]
  if (outlierFak > 0) {
    range = ldply(qPar[,cParameters], function(x) {
      sd = outlierFak * sqrt(var(x, na.rm = TRUE))
      m = median(x, na.rm = TRUE)
      data.frame(lower = m - sd , upper = m + sd)
    rownames(range) = range[,".id"]
    inRange = qPar[,p1] > range[p1, "lower"] &
      qPar[,p1] < range[p1, "upper"]   &
      qPar[,p2] > range[p2, "lower"] &
      qPar[,p2] < range[p2, "upper"]
    nOutliers = nrow(qPar[!inRange,])
    qPar = qPar[inRange,]
  qPar = na.omit(qPar)
  # A dirty workaround for a degenerate case. hdr.boxplot does not like
  # duplicated values in some cases
  dup = duplicated(qPar[,2:3])
  qPar[dup, 2:3] = qPar[dup, 2:3] * 1.000001
  qPar$index = 1:nrow(qPar)
  # plot HDI graph
  sub = NULL
  if (nOutliers == 1) {
    sub = paste0(nOutliers, "outlier removed")
  } else {
    sub = paste0(nOutliers, "outliers removed")
    qPar[,p1], qPar[,p2], prob, show.points = showPoints, pch = 16,
    xlab = p1, ylab = p2,
    kde.package = kde.package,
    shadecols = brewer.pal(length(prob), brewerPalette),
    main = main,
    pointcol = "gray70",
    sub = paste0(nOutliers, " outliers removed")
  # Display the points in color
  markedRecords = MarkedRecords(con)[,-1]
  if (!is.null(showColors) && !is.null(markedRecords)) {
    markedRecords = droplevels(markedRecords[markedRecords$color %in% showColors,])
    colorRecords =  join(markedRecords, qPar[,c("BreathTestRecordID", "index")],
                         by = "BreathTestRecordID")
    showPar = join(qPar[qPar$index %in% colorRecords$index,], colorRecords,
                   by = "BreathTestRecordID")
    col = as.character(showPar[,"color"])
    col[col == "orange"] = "darkorange" # otherwise not visible
    col[col == "red"] = "darkred" # otherwise not visible
    points(showPar[,cParameters], col = col, cex = 2, pch = 16)
    # Plot arrows between those items that have a
    colorCount = table(colorRecords$color)
    arrowColors = names(colorCount)[colorCount > 1]
    arrowRecords = arrange(colorRecords[colorRecords$color %in% arrowColors,], RecordDate)
    arrowRecords = join(arrowRecords, qPar, by = "BreathTestRecordID")
    d_ply(arrowRecords,.(color), function(arrowRecord) {
      for (i in 2:(nrow(arrowRecords))) {
        x0 = arrowRecord[i - 1,p1]
        y0 = arrowRecord[i - 1,p2]
        x1 = arrowRecord[i,p1]
        y1 = arrowRecord[i,p2]
          x0,y0,x1,y1,lwd = 3,angle = 20,code = 2,col = "gray95"
        if (!is.null(warnings())) {
          text(x0,y0,pos = 3,"Multiple")
    if (showDateLabels && nrow(showPar) > 0)
      text(showPar[,cParameters],labels = showPar[,"RecordDate"],cex = 0.8,adj =

#' @title Reads Setting table
#' @description Returns a data frame of the entries of the form \code{<color>Item}
#' in the settings table. If a patient was selected, adds all records of the patient.
#' Example of Setting table in database:
#'' SettingID    Value
#'' RedItem      Patient_10574
#'' GreenItem    Record_433 }
#' @param con Connection to sqlite database; if missing, uses default database.
#' @return Data frame with columns
#' \code{SettingsID, color, PatientID, BreathTestRecordID, RecordDate}.
#' @author Dieter Menne, \email{dieter.menne@@menne-biomed.de}
#' @examples
#' databasePath = CreateSimulatedBreathTestDatabase()
#' con = OpenSqliteConnection(databasePath)
#' MarkedRecords(con)
#' dbDisconnect(con)
#' @export
MarkedRecords = function(con = NULL) {
  SettingID = NULL # Keep notes quiet
  # Check if local database is used
  isLocal = is.null(con)
  if (isLocal)
    con = OpenSqliteConnection()
  on.exit(if (isLocal)
  # Get all settings that end in 'Item'
  s = dbGetQuery(con,"SELECT * from Setting where SettingID like '%Item'")
  if (nrow(s) == 0)
  s$isPatient = str_detect(s$Value,"Patient")
  s$Record = str_match(s$Value,"\\D*_(.*)")[,2]
  s$Color = tolower(str_sub(s$SettingID,1,nchar(s$SettingID) - 4))
  ddply(s,.(SettingID),function(x) {
    if (x$isPatient) {
      q = paste0(
        "SELECT BreathTestRecordID,RecordDate from BreathTestRecord where PatientID='",
      p = dbGetQuery(con,q)[,1:2,drop = FALSE]
      if (nrow(p) > 0) {
        RecordDate = as.Date(p$RecordDate)
          color = x$Color,PatientID = as.character(x$Record),
          BreathTestRecordID = as.integer(p[,1]),
          RecordDate = RecordDate
      } else
    }  else {
      q = paste(
        "SELECT PatientID,RecordDate from BreathTestRecord where BreathTestRecordID=",
      p = na.omit(dbGetQuery(con,q)[1,,drop = FALSE])
      if (nrow(p) > 0)
          color = x$Color,PatientID = as.character(p$PatientID),
          BreathTestRecordID = as.integer(x$Record),
          RecordDate = as.Date(p$RecordDate)
dmenne/d13cbreath documentation built on March 1, 2020, 3:41 a.m.