
Defines functions extract_picarro choose_directory

Documented in choose_directory extract_picarro

# Program: extract_picarro_data.r
# Author Dominic Woolf
# Revised Jan 19 2018, 
# Contains functions to extract raw picarro data and convert to respired CO2 & CH4 

co2.density_30C = 0.001778
co2.carbon.frac = 12.01 / 44.0095

#' Interactive dialogue to allow user to select a directory
#' Function to select a directory interactively in a platform-independent way
#' @details
#' This function allows directory selection in a way that should work 
#' on any (most?) platforms.
#' @param caption Optional text to print in title of selection dialogue
#' @export
#' @return Length one character vector containing path to selected directory
#' @author
#'   Dominic Woolf.
#'   d.woolf@cornell.edu
#' @examples
#' choose_directory()
choose_directory = function(caption = 'Select data directory') {
  if (exists('utils::choose.dir')) {
    choose.dir(caption = caption) 
    } else {
      tk_choose.dir(caption = caption)

#' Data extraction from Lehmann lab Picarro isotope analyzer
#' Function to convert raw data from picarro analyzer to respiration data
#' @details
#' This function returns a data.table with respired CO2 and CH4 
#' concentrations and delta-13C values for each jar at each samping time
#' The data path \strong{must} contain the following three things: 
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item All raw Picarro data files for this experiment. Can be in nested subdirectories.
#'   NB picarro files are assumed to end in .dat -- No other files in the data path should have this ending
#'   \item fractional_volume.txt  = provides fraction of head space gas divided by total volume including residal gas in the analyzer and pipework. Only required if the parameter use_dodgy_fudge_factor is set to TRUE
#'   \item logfile (filename must start with the characters "logfile"), which contains epoch time, sample ID, and step ID 
#'           ("Step 2" = sample analysis;
#'            "Step 3" = end of step 2;
#'            "Step 5" = purge analysis;
#'            "Step 6" = end of step 5).
#' }
#' The returned data.table columns, and their descriptions are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item jar = jar number to which row corresponds
#' \item epoch = epoch time of measurement
#' \item cycle = number of sampling cycle (i.e. increments each time a specific jar is analyzed)
#' \item combined_jar_cycle = jar number and cycle number pasted together
#' \item CO2_purge = Picarro-measured CO2 concentration at the end of the purge step (ppm)
#' \item CO2_respiration = Picarro-measured CO2 concentration at the peak (smoothed maximum) of the sampling step (ppm)
#' \item d13C_purge = Picarro-measured d13-CO2 (smoothed) at the end of the purge step (per mille). 
#' \strong{Note that this value is unreliable (just noise), when purging with CO2-free air.  
#' Do not use unless you are sure you understand what you are doing.}
#' \item d13C_respiration = Picarro-measured d13-CO2 at the concentration-peak (smoothed maximum) of 
#' the sampling step (per mille).
#' \item <dilute.co2 is (smoothed) 1st value from each jar/cycle. I.e. concentration in pipework before 
#' headspace gas reaches the analyser>
#' \strong{d13C values for dilute.co2 could be unreliable if CO2 concentrations are low.  
#' Use these isotope values with caution.}
#' \item dilute.co2_purge = dilute.co2 concentration in purge step (ppm).
#' \item dilute.co2_respiration = dilute.co2 concentration in sampling step (ppm).
#' \item dilute.d13C_purge = dilute.co2 d13C in purge step (per mille).
#' \item dilute.d13C_respiration = dilute.co2 d13C in sampling step (per mille).
#' \item fractional_volume = jar-specific correction factor for fraction of gas at picarro that 
#' originates from within the headspace rather than the pipework
#' \item headspace.co2 = CO2_respiration, corrected for fractional_volume (ppm).
#' \item headspace.co2_purge = CO2_purge, corrected for fractional_volume (ppm).
#' \item fractional_mass = fractional_volume converted to mass of CO2 basis (mg/mg)
#' \item respired.co2 = CO2_respiration, corrected for fractional_volume (ppm).
#' \item headspace.d13c = d13C_respiration, corrected for fractional_volume (per mille).
#' \strong{This correction provides highly suspect values.  Use d13C_respiration values instead}.
#' \item day = epoch time converted into days since the first measurement on that sample (days).

#' \item <Methane (CH4 has columns corresponding to the CO2 descriptions above):
#'    CH4_purge, CH4_respiration, d13CH4_purge, d13CH4_respiration, dilute.ch4_purge, 
#'    dilute.ch4_respiration, dilute.d13CH4_purge, dilute.d13CH4_respiration
#'    CH4_purge, headspace.ch4, headspace.ch4_purge, headspace.d13ch4, evolved.ch4
#' }
#' @param data_path Directory containing all raw data from picarro analyzer within nested subdirectories. 
#' If not provided, user will be asked for path interactively.
#' @param lambda Optional smoothing parameter (positive real numeric). 
#' Higher values give greater smoothing. Smaller values follow data more closely. See help(regSmooth) for more details.
#' @param raw.data Optional logical value for whether to return raw data tables in addition to the processed
#' one.  Useful for diagnostics and trouble shooting.
#' @param use_dodgy_fudge_factor Required parameter indicting whether to correct headspace 
#' concentrations using the factors in fractional_volume.txt file.  Note that these correction factors were
#' introduced by Silene deCiuces to correct for observed differences between a
#' standard calibration gas and Picarro measurements. These discrepancies may or may not have been caused by mixing with gas in the pipework or 
#' by exchanges with ambient air through leaks.Depending on the current setup of the instrument, these
#' corrections may or may not be required.  If you are not sure, then please run a calibration standard to find out.
#' @import data.table 
#' @export
#' @return Provides a data.table with respired CO2 and CH4 concentrations and delta-13C values for each jar 
#' at each samping time. See details.  If called with raw.data = TRUE, then function returns a named list containing
#' short.data = the above table; long.data = the same data in long format; and pic.data = the raw Picarro data, with
#' columns added for sample number, step, cycle, and smoothed data.
#' @author
#'   Dominic Woolf.
#'   d.woolf@cornell.edu
#' @examples
#' short.data = extract_picarro()
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(short.data[-1], aes(day, respired.co2)) +
#'   geom_line() +
#'   facet_wrap(~ jar)
#' ggplot(short.data[-1], aes(day, evolved.ch4)) +
#'   geom_line() +
#'   facet_wrap(~ jar)
extract_picarro = function(data_path = NA, use_dodgy_fudge_factor, lambda = 1e-4, raw.data = FALSE) {
  #  Load Data Files 
  old.options = options(warn=1)
  if (missing(use_dodgy_fudge_factor)) {
      'You did not specify the parameter use_dodgy_fudge_factor. This factor will now be used by default.\n\n
Note that this factor uses the values specified in the file "fractional_volume.txt", and attempts to correct the Picarro measuements based on how much of the sampled gas is from the sample headspace versus from residual gas in the pipework.\n\n
It is possible that this fudge factor was, in fact, based on exchanges with ambient air through unresolved leaks rather than on any real mixing of sample and flush gases.\n
If you have not already done so, you should determine whether this correction is indeed necessary. And use a standard gas to measure the correct calibration values for your test.\n')
      ,fill = TRUE)
    use_dodgy_fudge_factor = TRUE 
  if (is.na(data_path)) data_path = choose_directory(caption = "Select data directory")
  logfile = list.files(data_path, pattern = 'logfile*', full.names = TRUE)
  if (length(logfile) != 1L) stop('Need exactly one logfile in the data path')
  log_data = fread(logfile)
  if (use_dodgy_fudge_factor) fractional_volume = fread(paste0(data_path,"/fractional_volume.txt"))
  picarro_files = list.files(data_path, pattern='.*[.]dat$', recursive = T, full.names = TRUE)
  if (!(length(picarro_files) >= 1)) stop('No Picarro data files found in selected directory')
  cat('Reading Picarro data files.\n')
  columns_to_keep = c("EPOCH_TIME", "HP_12CH4_dry", "HP_Delta_iCH4_Raw", "12CO2_dry", "Delta_Raw_iCO2")
  fread.picarro = function(fname) {
    pic.data = fread(fname, fill = TRUE)
    if (length(setdiff(columns_to_keep, names(pic.data)))) {
      stop(paste('Columns', setdiff(columns_to_keep, names(pic.data)), 'missing from', fname))
    if (!all(complete <- complete.cases(pic.data))) {
      warning(paste('data missing from', fname, ": skipping line(s)", which(!complete), "\n"))
      pic.data = pic.data[complete]
  pic.data = lapply(picarro_files, fread.picarro)
  pic.data = rbindlist(pic.data)
  setkey(pic.data, 'EPOCH_TIME') # sort data chronologically
  difftime = pic.data[, diff(EPOCH_TIME)]
  gaps = which(difftime > mean(difftime) + 5*sd(difftime))
  if (length(gaps)) warning(paste('large gap in data at EPOCH time = ', pic.data[gaps, EPOCH_TIME]))
  #  Data Preprocessing  
  drop.cols = setdiff(names(pic.data), columns_to_keep)
  pic.data[, (drop.cols) := NULL]   # drop unused columns
  pic.data = pic.data[EPOCH_TIME > log_data$epoch[1]] # discard any picarro data from before the first entry in the log file
  pic.data[, log_previous := findInterval(EPOCH_TIME, log_data$epoch, left.open  = TRUE)] # find which line of the logfile is the last one before current data epoch time
  pic.data[, step   := log_data[log_previous, step]]   # read (from logfile) which step we are on at current time
  pic.data[, jar := log_data[log_previous, sample]] # read (from logfile) which sample we are on at current time
  pic.data[, last(EPOCH_TIME) - first(EPOCH_TIME), by=.(step, log_previous)][1:4, max(V1)]
  pic.data = pic.data[step %in% c('step2', 'step5')] # only keep sample and purge analysis data
  max_step.time = pic.data[, .(max(last(EPOCH_TIME) - first(EPOCH_TIME))), by=.(step, log_previous)][-.N, .(maxtime = max(V1)), by=step]
  final_step = pic.data[, . (last(EPOCH_TIME) - first(EPOCH_TIME)), by=.(step, log_previous)][.N]
  if (final_step[, V1 > max_step.time[step == .SD$step, maxtime *1.5]]) {
    # there seems to be far too much data following the fnal entry in the log file 
    # we can assume that the log file stopped recording.
    # therefore issue a warning, but truncate the data and process anything before the last logfile entry
    warning('The logfile seems to have stopped recording before the Picarro data stopped.  Removing data after the final logfile entry, and continue processing the rest...')
    pic.data = pic.data[log_previous < final_step$log_previous]
  # pic.data = pic.data[complete.cases(pic.data)] # remove any rows with NA - commented out as we did this while reading files
  pic.data[step == 'step2', step := 'respiration'] # give the steps meaningful names
  pic.data[step == 'step5', step := 'purge']
  cycle.length = which(log_data[-1, paste(step,sample)] == log_data[1, paste(step,sample)])[1] # how many lines in log file before we return to the same jar and step
  if (is.na(cycle.length)) cycle.length = log_data[,.N] # in case the log file is too short for the cycle to repeat (i.e. only one sampling time per jar)
  log_data[, cycle := ceiling((1:.N) / cycle.length)] # number the data collection cycles. Each cycle represents how long it takes to go through all jars and the start over
  pic.data[, cycle := log_data[log_previous, cycle]] 
  pic.data[step=="purge", cycle := cycle + 1L]     # Associate purge data with analysis data that follows (rather than precedes) it
  pic.data[, combined_jar_cycle := factor(paste(formatC(jar, digits = 4, flag="0"), formatC(cycle, digits = 4, flag="0"), sep=","))]
  # smooth the CO2 data before finding maximum... to protect against noise spikes
  cat('Smoothing data. This may take a minute.\n')
  pic.data[, CO2_12_smooth := regSmooth(EPOCH_TIME, `12CO2_dry`, lambda = 1e-4)$yhat, by = .(combined_jar_cycle, step)]
  cat('Finished smoothing.\n')
  #  Reduce data to one row per jar measurement  
  long.data = pic.data[, .(epoch = (EPOCH_TIME[1] + EPOCH_TIME[.N])/2,  # Use middle of sampling step as representative time
                           CO2 = max(CO2_12_smooth, na.rm = T), # Use maximum CO2 concentration for respired CO2 in the headspace
                           d13C = Delta_Raw_iCO2[which.max(CO2_12_smooth)], # d13C at same time as maxCO2
                           last.co2 = CO2_12_smooth[.N],  # Use final CO2 concentration for purge CO2 in the headspace
                           last.d13C = Delta_Raw_iCO2[.N],
                           dilute.co2 = CO2_12_smooth[1],  # dilute.co2 is 1st value from each jar/cycle (i.e. concentration in pipework before headspace gas reaches the analyser)
                           dilute.d13C = Delta_Raw_iCO2[1],
                           CH4 = HP_12CH4_dry[which.max(CO2_12_smooth)], # CH4 at same time as maxCO2
                           d13CH4 = HP_Delta_iCH4_Raw[which.max(CO2_12_smooth)], # d13C at same time as maxCO2
                           last.ch4 = HP_12CH4_dry[.N],  # Use final CH4 concentration for purge CH4                           
                           last.d13CH4 = HP_Delta_iCH4_Raw[.N],
                           dilute.ch4 = HP_12CH4_dry[1],  # dilute.ch4 is 1st value from each jar/cycle (i.e. concentration in pipework before headspace gas reaches the analyser)
                           dilute.d13CH4 = HP_Delta_iCH4_Raw[1]
  ), by=.(jar, cycle, combined_jar_cycle, step)] 
  long.data[step == 'purge',  `:=`(CO2 = last.co2, 
                                   d13C = last.d13C,
                                   CH4 = last.ch4,
                                   d13CH4 = last.d13CH4)]
  # convert from long to wide format with separate columns for purge and respiration data
  short.data = dcast(long.data, 
                     combined_jar_cycle ~ step, 
                     value.var = c('epoch','jar','cycle',
                                   'CO2', 'd13C', 'dilute.co2', 'dilute.d13C',
                                   "CH4", "d13CH4", "dilute.ch4", "dilute.d13CH4"))
  short.data = short.data[complete.cases(short.data)] # There's no purge data to go with the first respiration, nor respiration data to go with the final purge - so we remove these lines
  short.data[, (c('jar_purge', 'cycle_purge', 'epoch_purge')) := NULL] # the dcast gave us duplicates of the sample and cycle columns, so lets get rid of the extras
  setnames(short.data, c('epoch_respiration', 'jar_respiration', 'cycle_respiration'), c('epoch','jar', 'cycle'))
  #  Correct CO2 concentrations for residual co2 in pipework & analyzer
  # fractional_volume from the file fractional_volume.txt provides headspace divided by total volume (incl. analyzer and pipework)
  if (use_dodgy_fudge_factor) {
    short.data = merge(short.data, fractional_volume, all.x = T, by='jar')
  } else {
    short.data[, fractional_volume := 1]
  # headspace CO2 is measured CO2, adjusted for the fraction of CO2 from pipework dilutant
  short.data[, headspace.co2  := (CO2_respiration - (1-fractional_volume) * dilute.co2_respiration) / fractional_volume ]
  short.data[, headspace.co2_purge  := (CO2_purge - (1-fractional_volume) * dilute.co2_purge) / fractional_volume ]
  # Need to adjust d13C by *quantity* of dilutant co2 relative to *quantity* respired (not concentrations!!)
  short.data[, fractional_mass  := fractional_volume * CO2_respiration/headspace.co2] #like fractional volume, but on a mass of carbon basis
  short.data[, headspace.d13c := (d13C_respiration - (1-fractional_mass)*dilute.d13C_respiration)/fractional_mass]
  # subtract ppm co2 that was in the jar to begin with
  short.data[, respired.co2 := headspace.co2 - headspace.co2_purge] 

  #  Apply the same correction factors to the CH4 data
  short.data[, headspace.ch4  := (CH4_respiration - (1-fractional_volume) * dilute.ch4_respiration) / fractional_volume ]
  short.data[, headspace.ch4_purge  := (CH4_purge - (1-fractional_volume) * dilute.ch4_purge) / fractional_volume ]
  short.data[, headspace.d13ch4 := (d13CH4_respiration - (1-fractional_mass)*dilute.d13CH4_respiration) / fractional_mass]
  short.data[, evolved.ch4 := headspace.ch4 - headspace.ch4_purge] # subtract ppm co2 that was in the jar to begin with

  #  Add a days since start column, and we're done!
  short.data[, day := (epoch - epoch[1]) / (60 * 60 * 24), by = jar]
  cat('All done. Have a nice day :-)\n')
  if (raw.data) return(list(short.data=short.data, long.data=long.data, pic.data=pic.data)) else return(short.data)

#' Isotope partitioning of CO2 and CH4 data from Picarro analyzer
#' Function to partition respiration data from picarro analyzer by source, using d13C of two substrates.
#' Partitioning is done using the d13C values as measured by the picarro, without correction for fractional volume
#' @details
#' This function returns a data.table with respired CO2 and CH4 
#' concentrations and delta-13C values for each jar at each samping time
#' The data path \strong{must} contain the following: 
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item jars.txt = file specifying the treatment in each jar. Also has columns for quantity of each substrate, and the headspace volume of the jar.
#'   \item d13c.txt = file specifying d13C of two substrates for each treatment. Treatment names must correspond with those in jars.txt
#' }
#' @param respiration_data data.table containing extracted respiration data from Picarro analyzer. Typically created by function extract_picarro
#' @param data_path Directory containing jars.txt and treatments.txt.  If not provided, user will be asked for path interactively.
#' @import data.table 
#' @export
#' @return Provides a data.table with the original respired CO2 and CH4 concentrations and delta-13C values 
#' for each jar at each samping time, from the input data.table. 
#' Columns are added to this data.table for mass of CO2 and CH4 respired during ech sampling period,
#' cumulative values of the same - both total and partitioned per substrate. 
#' @author
#'   Dominic Woolf.
#'   d.woolf@cornell.edu
#' @examples
#' short.data = extract_picarro()
#' partition.data = partition_picarro(short.data)
partition_picarro = function(respiration_data = short.data, data_path = NA, remove_first = TRUE) {
  respiration_data = copy(respiration_data)
  # read in data files
  if (is.na(data_path)) data_path = choose_directory(caption = "Select data directory")
  jarfile = list.files(data_path, pattern = '^jars.txt$', full.names = TRUE)
  if (length(jarfile) != 1L) stop('Need exactly one jars.txt file in the data path')
  jar_data = fread(jarfile)
  treatmentsfile = list.files(data_path, pattern = '^treatments.txt$', full.names = TRUE)
  if (length(treatmentsfile) != 1L) stop('Need exactly one treatments.txt file in the data path')
  treatments_data = fread(treatmentsfile)
  #first reading is always off (possibly due to entrained air in the soil)
  # so, we remove the first measurement for each jar (if remove_first is true)
  if (remove_first) respiration_data = respiration_data[, .SD[-1], by = jar, .SDcols= names(respiration_data)]
  # merge jar and treament metadata into the repiration data
  respiration_data = respiration_data[jar_data, on='jar']
  respiration_data = respiration_data[treatments_data, on='treatment']
  # convert CO2 concentrations to mass of carbon, based on headspace volume
  respiration_data[, respired.co2_C.mg := respired.co2 * headspace.vol * co2.density_30C * co2.carbon.frac]

  #partition the CO2-carbon
  respiration_data[, amendment.co2_C.mg := respired.co2_C.mg * (amendment.d13c - d13C_respiration)/(amendment.d13c - soil.d13c)]
  respiration_data[, soil.co2_C.mg := respired.co2_C.mg - amendment.co2_C.mg]
  respiration_data[, cum.co2_C.mg := cumsum(respired.co2_C.mg), by = jar]
  respiration_data[, cum.amendment.co2_C.mg := cumsum(amendment.co2_C.mg), by = jar]
  respiration_data[, cum.soil.co2_C.mg := cumsum(soil.co2_C.mg), by = jar]
domwoolf/picarro documentation built on Aug. 26, 2020, 8:44 p.m.