
Defines functions aTest

Documented in aTest

aTest <- function( fitWithoutAnn, fitWithAnn, vDigit=1000 ) {
	# check correctness of arguments
	if ( !is( fitWithoutAnn, "GPA" ) ) {
		stop( " Input for 'fitWithoutAnn' argument is not 'GPA' class object. Please check the input." )
	if ( !is( fitWithAnn, "GPA" ) ) {
		stop( " Input for 'fitWithAnn' argument is not 'GPA' class object. Please check the input." )
	if ( vDigit %% 10 != 0 | vDigit <= 0 ) {
		stop( "Inappropriate value for 'vDigit' argument. It should be multiples of 10, e.g., 10, 100, ..." )
	# load fits
	empiricalNull <- fitWithoutAnn@setting$empiricalNull
	pis <- fitWithoutAnn@fit$pis
	betaAlpha <- fitWithoutAnn@fit$betaAlpha
	if ( empiricalNull ) {
		betaAlphaNull <- fitWithoutAnn@fit$betaAlphaNull
	# constant
	nBin <- nrow(fitWithAnn@gwasPval)	
	nGWAS <- ncol(fitWithAnn@gwasPval)	
	binaryList <- vector( "list", nGWAS )
	for ( k in 1:nGWAS ) {
		binaryList[[k]] <- c( 0, 1 )
	binaryMat <- expand.grid( binaryList )
	nComp <- nrow(binaryMat)
	combVec <- apply( binaryMat, 1, function(bm) paste( bm, collapse="" ) )
	#annMat <- as.matrix(fitWithAnn@annMat)	
	nAnn <- ncol(fitWithAnn@annMat)
	nPis <- length(pis)
	nAlpha <- length(betaAlpha)
	# LRT: numerator
	q1 <- matrix( colSums(fitWithAnn@annMat) / nrow(fitWithAnn@annMat), nAnn, nComp )
	betaDist <- matrix( NA, nBin, nComp )		
	for ( k in 1:nGWAS ) {
		betaDist[,k] <- dbeta( fitWithAnn@gwasPval[,k], betaAlpha[k], 1 )
	if ( empiricalNull ) {
		betaNullDist <- matrix( NA, nBin, nComp )		
		for ( k in 1:nGWAS ) {
			betaNullDist[,k] <- dbeta( fitWithAnn@gwasPval[,k], betaAlphaNull[k], 1 )
    llmat <- matrix( NA, nBin, nComp )	
    for ( g in 1:nComp ) {
        # mixing proportion
	    llmat[,g] <- pis[g]
        # emission for GWAS	   
	    for ( k in 1:nGWAS ) {
	        if( binaryMat[g,k] == 1 ) {
	        	# signal SNP		        	
	        	llmat[,g] <- llmat[,g] * betaDist[,k]
        	} else if ( empiricalNull ) {
	        	# null SNP, if null is empirically estimated
	        	llmat[,g] <- llmat[,g] * betaNullDist[,k]
    	# emission for annotation data
    	for ( d in 1:nAnn ) {
        	llmat[,g] <- llmat[,g] * 
        		c( ( 1 - q1[d,g] ), q1[d,g] )[ ( fitWithAnn@annMat[,d] + 1 ) ]
	ll0 <- sum( log( rowSums( llmat ) ) )
	# LRT: denominator
	ll1 <- fitWithAnn@fit$loglik[ length(fitWithAnn@fit$loglik) ]
	# LRT
	LRT <- -2 * ( ll0 - ll1 )
	# calculate p-value
	degree.of.freedom <- nAnn * ( nComp - 1 )	
	pvalue <- pchisq( LRT, degree.of.freedom, lower.tail=FALSE )
	# SE for q1
	cov.GPA.wAnn <- cov( fitWithAnn, silent=TRUE )
	seVec <- sqrt(diag(cov.GPA.wAnn))
	# summary	
	cat( "Hypothesis testing for annotation enrichment\n" )
	cat( "( Note: This version of test is designed for single annotation data )\n" )
	cat( "--------------------------------------------------\n" )
	cat( "q:\n" )
	cat( "GWAS combination: ", paste( combVec, collapse=" " ), "\n" )
	for ( d in 1:nAnn ) {    	
		cat( "Annotation #",d,":\n")
    	cat( "    ", paste( round(fitWithAnn@fit$q1[d,]*vDigit)/vDigit, collapse=" " ), "\n" )
    	if ( empiricalNull ) {
    		locQ1 <- (nPis-1+2*nAlpha+nPis*(d-1)+1):(nPis-1+2*nAlpha+nPis*d)
		} else {
			locQ1 <- (nPis-1+nAlpha+nPis*(d-1)+1):(nPis-1+nAlpha+nPis*d)
    	cat( "  ( ", paste( round(seVec[locQ1]*vDigit)/vDigit, collapse=" " ), " )\n" )
	cat( "\n" )
	cat( "Ratio of q over baseline (",combVec[1],"):\n" )
	cat( "GWAS combination: ", paste( combVec[-1], collapse=" " ), "\n" )
	q1ratio <- q1ratioSE <- matrix( NA, nrow(fitWithAnn@fit$q1), (ncol(fitWithAnn@fit$q1)-1) )
	for ( d in 1:nAnn ) {
		# estimates
		q1ratio[d,] <- fitWithAnn@fit$q1[d,-1] / fitWithAnn@fit$q1[d,1]
		# SE
		for ( j in 2:ncol(q1) ) {
			qderiv <- rep( 0, nrow(fitWithAnn@fit$q1)*ncol(fitWithAnn@fit$q1) )
			qderiv[ ncol(fitWithAnn@fit$q1) * (d-1) + 1 ] <- - fitWithAnn@fit$q1[d,j] / fitWithAnn@fit$q1[d,1]^2
			qderiv[ ncol(fitWithAnn@fit$q1) * (d-1) + j ] <- 1 / fitWithAnn@fit$q1[d,1]
			gderiv <- as.matrix( c( rep( 0, nrow(cov.GPA.wAnn) - nrow(fitWithAnn@fit$q1)*ncol(fitWithAnn@fit$q1) ), qderiv ) )
			q1ratioSE[d,(j-1)] <- sqrt( t(gderiv) %*% cov.GPA.wAnn %*% gderiv )
	for ( d in 1:nAnn ) {   
		cat( "Annotation #",d,":\n") 	
		cat( "    ", paste( round(q1ratio[d,]*vDigit)/vDigit, collapse=" " ), "\n" )
		cat( "  ( ", paste( round(q1ratioSE[d,]*vDigit)/vDigit, collapse=" " ), " )\n" )
	cat( "\n" )
    cat( "test statistics: ", paste( round(LRT*vDigit)/vDigit, collapse=" " ), "\n" )
    cat( "p-value: ", pvalue, "\n", collapse=" " )
	cat( "--------------------------------------------------\n" )
	return( list( q=fitWithAnn@fit$q1, statistics=LRT, pvalue=pvalue ) )
dongjunchung/GPA documentation built on March 1, 2020, 3:44 a.m.