
Defines functions DfFroc2Lroc

Documented in DfFroc2Lroc

#' Simulates an "AUC-equivalent" LROC dataset from an FROC dataset
#' @description  Simulates a multiple-modality multiple-reader "AUC-equivalent" 
#'    LROC dataset from a supplied FROC dataset.
#' @param dataset The FROC dataset to be converted to LROC.
#' @return The AUC-equivalent LROC dataset
#' @details The FROC paradigm can have 0 or more marks per case. However, 
#'    LROC is restricted to \bold{exactly one mark per case}. For the NL array 
#'    of the LROC data, for non-disesed cases, the \bold{highest} rating of the 
#'    FROC marks, or -Inf if there are no marks, is copied to case index 
#'    k1 = 1 to k1 = K1 of the LROC dataset. For each diseased case, if the 
#'    max LL rating exceeds the max NL rating, then the max LL rating is copied 
#'    to the LL array, otherwise the max NL rating is copied to the LL_IL array. 
#'    The max NL rating on each diseased case is then set to -Inf (since the LROC
#'    paradigm only allows one mark. The equivalent FROC dataset has the same 
#'    HrAuc as the original LROC dataset. See example. The main use of this 
#'    function is to test the Significance testing functions using MRMC LROC 
#'    datasets, which I currently don't have.
#' @examples 
#' lrocDataset <- DfFroc2Lroc(dataset05)
#' frocHrAuc <- UtilFigureOfMerit(dataset05, FOM = "HrAuc")   
#' lrocWilcoxonAuc <- UtilFigureOfMerit(lrocDataset, FOM = "Wilcoxon")
#' testthat::expect_equal(frocHrAuc, lrocWilcoxonAuc)
#' @export

DfFroc2Lroc <- function(dataset) #  !!!in tests!!!  test-LrocDfConversionFunctions.R
  I <- length(dataset$ratings$NL[,1,1,1])
  J <- length(dataset$ratings$NL[1,,1,1])
  K <- length(dataset$ratings$NL[1,1,,1])
  K2 <- length(dataset$ratings$LL[1,1,,1])
  K1 <- K - K2
  #  For the NL array of the LROC data, for non-disesed cases, the highest rating of the 
  #  FROC marks, or a minimum rating value (less than lowest finite rating, see below) 
  #  if there are no marks, is copied to case index k1 = 1 to k1 = K1 of the LROC dataset.   

  NL <- apply(dataset$ratings$NL, c(1, 2, 3), max)# keep max NL rating; 
  dim(NL) <- c(dim(NL), 1) # add the fourth "unnecessary" dimension
  LL <- dataset$ratings$LL
  lowestRating <- min(min(NL[is.finite(NL)]), min(LL[is.finite(LL)]))
  NL[,,1:K1,1][!is.finite(NL[,,1:K1,1])] <- lowestRating - 10 # 10 less than lowest finite rating
  # increased from one to ten to make it stand out
  # the entries for diseased cases are set to -Inf below ...
  # after assigning to LL_IL array (if it excees the max LL rating)
  LL <- array(lowestRating - 10, dim = c(I,J,K2,1)) # ensure a finite LL rating on each case
  LL_IL <- array(lowestRating - 10, dim = c(I,J,K2,1)) # ensure a finite LL_IL rating on each case
  #  For each diseased case, if the 
  #  max LL rating exceeds the max NL rating, then the max LL rating is copied 
  #  to the LL array, otherwise the max NL rating is copied to the LL_IL array. 
  #  Then the max NL rating on the diseased case is set to -Inf (since the LROC
  #  paradigm only allows one mark).
  LL1 <- dataset$ratings$LL
  for (i in 1:I) {
    for (j in 1:J) {
      for (k in 1:K2) {
        maxLL <- max(LL1[i,j,k,]) # max LL
        maxNL <- NL[i,j,k+K1,1] # max NL on diseased case
        if (maxLL > maxNL) # assign to appropriate array
          LL[i,j,k,1] <- maxLL # assign to LL array
        else  {
          LL_IL[i,j,k,1] <- maxNL # assign to LL_IL array
        NL[i,j,k+K1,1] <- -Inf # LROC NL array for diseased case is -Inf
        # commenting above line does not affect FOM results
  perCase <- array(1, dim = c(K2))
  IDs <- array(1, dim = c(K2,1))
  weights <- array(1, dim = c(K2,1))
  weights[,1] <- 1
  fileName <- paste0("DfFroc2Lroc(", dataset$descriptions$fileName, ")")
  name <- dataset$descriptions$name
  design <- "FCTRL"
  truthTableStr <- NA
  type <- "LROC"
  modalityID <- dataset$descriptions$modalityID
  readerID <- dataset$descriptions$readerID
  return(convert2dataset(NL, LL, LL_IL, 
                         perCase, IDs, weights,
                         fileName, type, name, truthTableStr, design,
                         modalityID, readerID))
dpc10ster/rjafroc documentation built on Jan. 18, 2024, 4:37 a.m.