
Defines functions add_station plot_longprofile plot_longprofile_old plot_drv

#' Plot long profile for a DRV
#' @param Name Name of the DRV
#' @param case.list List of cases to plot, default is all
#' @param case.desc Standard naming of case.list
#' @param sobek.project Path to sobek project
#' @param param dicharge/waterlevel
#' @param lt.by Linetype defining by this value
#' @param color.by Coloring by this value
#' @param facet.by Facetting by this value
#' @param compare.by Calculating delta by this value. Default 'zustand'
#' @param cmp.sort Should comparing parameter be sorted. Default is FALSE
#' @param group.by Groupping for delta calculation
#' @param color.name Name of color in the legend
#' @param lt.name Name of linetype in the legend
#' @param delta Should delta line also be plotted?
#' @param delta.lt Linetype discretization for Delta lines (vgf, zustand, hwe...)
#' @param reverse.x Logical. If TRUE the x-axis will be reversed
#' @param x.lab x-axis label
#' @param y.lab y-axis label
#' @param to.upstream distance (km) to upstream of the DRV to be included in the graphic
#' @param to.downstream distance (km) to downstream of the DRV to be included in the graphic
#' @param y2.scale scale of y2-axis. Default value will be automatic calculated.
#' @param y2.tick1 The value of the first tick on the y2-axis. Using this and y2.scale to make y2-axis looks nice.
#' @param plot.title Title of the graphic
#' @param text.size Size of text
#' @param text.x.top.angle Angle of text at top
#' @param text.x.bottom.angle Angle of text at bottom
#' @param ntick.x Minimum number of ticks on x-axis. Default = 10
#' @param a.fill Fill color of the highlight area
#' @param a.alpha Transparent ratio (alpha blending) of the highlight area
#' @param overlap List of overlap labels should be avoid
#' @param master.tbl Master table
#' @param man.colors Using for scale_color_manual. Default is NULL (auto coloring)
#' @param hqs Adding HQ Statistic points to the graphic
#' @param verbose Print some messages if TRUE
#' @param do.par If TRUE, parallel computing will be executed
#' @param ts.trim.left Default NULL. Number of days from the begining of simulation time to remove from timeseries (useful to remove "cold start period")
#' @return a ggplot2 graphic
#' @export
plot_drv <- function(
  name = NULL,
  case.list = NULL,
  case.desc = case.list,
  sobek.project = NULL,
  param = 'discharge',
  lt.by = 'zustand',
  color.by = 'vgf',
  facet.by = NULL,
  compare.by = NULL,
  cmp.sort = FALSE,
  group.by = compare.by,
  color.name = 'Farbe',
  lt.name = 'Linienart',
  delta = FALSE,
  delta.lt = compare.by,
  reverse.x = FALSE,
  x.lab = 'Lage (KM)',
  y.lab = ifelse(param == 'discharge',
                 'Abfluss [m³/s]', 'Wasserstand [m+NHN]'),
  to.upstream = 0,
  to.downstream = 0,
  y2.scale = NULL,
  y2.tick1 = NULL,
  plot.title = NULL,
  text.size = 12,
  text.x.top.angle = 90L,
  text.x.top.size = 8L,
  text.x.bottom.angle = 0L,
  line.size = 1.0,
  ntick.x = 10L,
  ntick.y = 7L,
  a.fill =  exl_std[3],
  a.alpha = 0.1,
  overlap = NULL,
  master.tbl = NULL,
  man.colors = NULL,
  hqs = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  do.par = FALSE,
  ts.trim.left = NULL
  if (!is.null(ts.trim.left)) stopifnot(is.numeric(ts.trim.left))
  # preparing parameters--------------------------------------------------------
  param <- tolower(param)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(to.upstream) & is.numeric(to.downstream))
  case_tbl <- parse_case(case.desc = case.desc, orig.name = case.list)
  if (!is.null(compare.by)) {
    if (!compare.by %in% c('zustand', 'vgf', 'notiz', 'zielpegel', 'hwe')) {
      stop("compare.by must be one of ('zustand', 'vgf', 'notiz', 'zielpegel', 'hwe')")
    cmp_vars <- unique(case_tbl[, get(compare.by)])
    if (cmp.sort) cmp_vars <- sort(cmp_vars)
    if (length(cmp_vars) != 2 & delta) {
      stop('compare.by must have two values not: ',
           str_flatten(cmp_vars, collapse = ", " ))
  if (!is.null(group.by)) {
    if (length(group.by) == 1) {
      if (!group.by %in% c('hwe', 'zustand', 'vgf', 'notiz', 'zielpegel')) {
        stop("group.by must be one of ('hwe', 'zustand', 'vgf', 'notiz', 'zielpegel')")
    } else {
      case_tbl[, group__by :=  paste(get(group.by[1]),
                                    sep = "_"
      group.by <- "group__by"
    grp_vars <- unique(case_tbl[, get(group.by)])
  if (delta) {
    if (is.null(compare.by) | is.null(group.by)) {
      stop('For caculating delta, compare.by and group.by must be specified!')
    total_case <-
      unique(as.vector(outer(cmp_vars, grp_vars, paste, sep = "_")))
    if (compare.by != group.by) {
      if (length(total_case) != length(case.list)) {
        stop("Combination of compare.by and group.by is not distinct
             for calculating delta")
    } else{
      if (!near(length(total_case) / 2, length(case.list), 0.1)) {
        stop("Combination of compare.by and group.by is not distinct
             for calculating delta")

  if (is.null(plot.title)) {
    plot.title <- paste('Längsschnitt',
                       str_extract(y.lab, 'Abfluss|Wasserstand'),
                       'entlang DRV:', name
  #----get data----
  if (verbose) cat('Reading data...\n')
  data_tbl <- get_drv_data(name = name,
                           case.list = case.list,
                           case.desc = case.desc,
                           sobek.project = sobek.project,
                           param = param,
                           master.tbl = master.tbl,
                           to.upstream = to.upstream,
                           to.downstream = to.downstream,
                           get.max = TRUE,
                           do.par = do.par,
                           verbose = verbose,
                           ts.trim.left = ts.trim.left)
  data_tbl <- merge(data_tbl, case_tbl, by = 'case', sort = FALSE)
  # data_tbl[, besonderheit := gsub('DRV_', '', besonderheit)]
  drv_begin_tick <- master.tbl[
      pattern = paste("DRV", name, 'Begin', sep = "_"),
      x = besonderheit
  drv_end_tick <- master.tbl[
      pattern = paste("DRV", name, 'End', sep = "_"),
      x = besonderheit
  b_tick <- data_tbl[case == case.list[[1]] &
                       nchar(besonderheit) > 0,
                     c("km", "besonderheit")
  # processing overlap labels
  if (!is.null(overlap)) {
    for (i in seq_along(overlap)) {
      # overlap_i <- b_tick[grepl(overlap[[i]], besonderheit), besonderheit][[1]]
      overlap_i_pos <- b_tick[grepl(overlap[[i]], besonderheit), which = TRUE]
      if (isTRUE(overlap_i_pos > 1)) {
        overlap_nchar <- nchar(b_tick[overlap_i_pos -  1, besonderheit])
               besonderheit := str_replace(besonderheit, 'Polder_|DRV_', '')]
        b_tick[overlap_i_pos, besonderheit := paste(str_dup(' ', 2 * overlap_nchar),
                                                    '--', besonderheit)]
  x_min <- data_tbl[, min(km, na.rm = TRUE)]
  x_max <- data_tbl[, max(km, na.rm = TRUE)]
  y1_min <- data_tbl[, min(scheitel, na.rm = TRUE)]
  y1_max <- data_tbl[, max(scheitel, na.rm = TRUE)]
  # procesisng HQS points
  hqs_point <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(hqs)) {
    hqs <- melt(hqs, id.vars = c('Pegel', 'km'),
                variable.name = 'HQ_Statistik', value.name = 'HQS') %>%
    hqs <- hqs[km >= from.km & km <= to.km]
    hqs[, c('vgf',  'hwe', 'zustand', 'notiz', 'zielpegel') :=
          list(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)]
    # check if there is a mistake to give HQS of Q to 'waterlevel'
    if (min(hqs$HQS, na.rm = TRUE) > 5 * y1_max & param == 'waterlevel') {
      warning('Check if HQ Statistik for Discharge was given for a graphic of waterlevel')
      cat('HQ Statistik points have not been plotted.\n')
    } else {
      hqs_point <- TRUE
      y1_min <- min(min(hqs$HQS, na.rm = TRUE), y1_min)
      y1_max <- max(max(hqs$HQS, na.rm = TRUE), y1_max)
  y1_length <- y1_max - y1_min
  x_pretty <- pretty(x_min:x_max, ntick.x, ntick.x)
  y1_pretty <- pretty(y1_min:y1_max,  ntick.y, ntick.y)
  #----delta == TRUE----
  if (delta) {
    # searching for KM that delta calculation is possible
    km_4_delta <- unique(data_tbl[!is.na(scheitel)]$km)
    y2_name <- paste('Delta',
                     ifelse(param == 'discharge', '[m³/s]', '(m)')
    if (compare.by != group.by) {
      lt.by <- compare.by
      color.by <- group.by
      data_tbl_delta <-
        dcast.data.table(data_tbl[km %in% km_4_delta],
                         km ~ get(compare.by) + get(group.by),
                         value.var = 'scheitel')
      for (i in grp_vars) {
        col_i <- paste('Delta', i, sep = '_')
        col_1 <- paste(cmp_vars[1], i, sep = '_')
        col_2 <- paste(cmp_vars[2], i, sep = '_')
        data_tbl_delta[, eval(col_i) := get(col_2) - get(col_1)]
        data_tbl_delta[, eval(col_1) := NULL]
        data_tbl_delta[, eval(col_2) := NULL]
      data_tbl_delta <- melt(data_tbl_delta, id.vars = 'km',
                             variable.name = group.by,
                             value.name = 'delta',
                             sort = FALSE)
      data_tbl_delta[, delta_color := get(group.by)]
      data_tbl_delta[, eval(group.by) := str_replace(
        get(group.by), 'Delta_', '')
      data_tbl <- merge(data_tbl, data_tbl_delta, by = c('km', group.by),
                        all = TRUE,
                        sort = FALSE)
    } else{
      data_tbl_delta <-
        dcast(data_tbl[km %in% km_4_delta], km  ~ get(compare.by),
              value.var = 'scheitel')
      col_1 <- cmp_vars[1]
      col_2 <- cmp_vars[2]
      data_tbl_delta[, delta := get(col_1) - get(col_2)]
      data_tbl_delta[, eval(col_1) := NULL]
      data_tbl_delta[, eval(col_2) := NULL]
      data_tbl_delta[, delta_color := paste('Delta',
      data_tbl <-
        merge(data_tbl, data_tbl_delta, by = 'km', all = TRUE, sort = FALSE,)
    data_tbl[, delta := round(delta, 3)]
    data_tbl[, Linienart := paste('Delta', get(delta.lt))]
    y2_min <- min(data_tbl$delta, na.rm = TRUE)
    y2_max <- max(data_tbl$delta, na.rm = TRUE)
    y2_length <- y2_max - y2_min
    if (y2_max - y2_min > 10) {
      y2_min <- round(y2_min, -1)
    } else {
      if (abs(y2_min) > 1) y2_min <- floor(y2_min)
    if (is.null(y2.scale)) {
      y2.scale <- y1_length * 0.5 / y2_length
      for (i in 0:3) {
        if (abs(y2.scale) > 10 ** i)
          y2.scale <- round(y2.scale, -i)
      if (verbose) cat('tried with y2.scale =', y2.scale, '\n')
    y2_shift <- y1_min - y2_min * y2.scale
    y1_max <- max(y1_max, y2_max * y2.scale + y2_shift)
    y1_min <- min(y1_min, y2_min * y2.scale + y2_shift)
    y1_length <- y1_max - y1_min
    if (y1_length < 10) {
      y1_max_1 <- y1_max * 100
      y1_min_1 <- y1_min * 100
      y1_pretty <- pretty(y1_min_1:y1_max_1,  ntick.y, ntick.y)
      y1_pretty <- y1_pretty / 100
    } else{
      y1_pretty <- pretty(y1_min:y1_max,  ntick.y, ntick.y)
    check_y1_pretty <- (max(y1_pretty) - min(y1_pretty)) / (y1_max - y1_min)
    if (length(y1_pretty) < 5 | check_y1_pretty > 1) {
      y1_min_1 <- y1_min * 10
      y1_max_1 <- y1_max * 10
      y1_pretty <- pretty(y1_min_1:y1_max_1,  ntick.y, ntick.y)
      y1_pretty <- y1_pretty / 10
    if (!is.null(y2.tick1)) {
      y2_shift = y1_pretty[2] - y2.tick1 * y2.scale
    y2_pretty <- (y1_pretty - y2_shift) / y2.scale
    y2_pmin <- min(y2_pretty)
    y2_pmax <- max(y2_pretty)
    if (0 %between% c(y2_pmin, y2_pmax)) {
      pos_y2_zero <- ceiling(abs(y2_pmax / (y2_pmax - y2_pmin)))
      if (pos_y2_zero > length(y1_pretty)) pos_y2_zero  <- length(y1_pretty)
      y2_shift <- y1_pretty[pos_y2_zero]
      y1_max <- max(y1_max, y2_max * y2.scale + y2_shift)
      y1_min <- min(y1_min, y2_min * y2.scale + y2_shift)
      y1_pretty <- pretty(y1_min:y1_max, 5, 5)
      check_y1_pretty <- (max(y1_pretty) - min(y1_pretty)) / (y1_max - y1_min)
      if (length(y1_pretty) < 5 | check_y1_pretty > 1) {
        y1_min_1 <- y1_min * 10
        y1_max_1 <- y1_max * 10
        y1_pretty <- pretty(y1_min_1:y1_max_1,  ntick.y, ntick.y)
        y1_pretty <- y1_pretty/10
      if (!is.null(y2.tick1)) {
        y2_shift = y1_pretty[2] - y2.tick1 * y2.scale
      y2_pretty <- (y1_pretty - y2_shift) / y2.scale
      y2_pretty <- unique(sort(c(y2_pretty, 0)))
    data_tbl[get(compare.by) == cmp_vars[2], delta := NA]
    data_tbl[get(compare.by) == cmp_vars[2], delta_color := NA]
    data_tbl[is.na(scheitel), delta := NA]
  #----add graphic----
  if (verbose) cat('Preparing graphic...\n')
  # preparing data for highlighting DRV
  setorderv(b_tick, cols = 'km', order = ifelse(reverse.x, -1, 1))
  b_tick[grepl('DRV_([^,;]*)_Begin', besonderheit), drv_start := km]
  b_tick[grepl('DRV_([^,;]*)_End', besonderheit), drv_end := km]
  b_tick[grepl('DRV_([^,;]*)_Begin', besonderheit), drv_nr := .I]
  data_tbl <- merge(data_tbl, b_tick, by = c('km', 'besonderheit'), all.x = TRUE,
                    sort = FALSE)
  # finding DRV list for highlighting them correctly, due to overlapping
  drv_list <- b_tick[grepl('DRV_([^,;]*)_Begin|DRV_([^,;]*)_End', besonderheit),
                     besonderheit] %>%
    str_replace('DRV_', '') %>%
    str_replace('_Beginn', '') %>%
    str_replace('_Ende', '') %>%
  # data_tbl <- merge(data_tbl, b_tick, by = c('km', 'besonderheit'), sort = FALSE)
  g <- ggplot(data = data_tbl,
              aes(x = km,
                  linetype = !!ensym(lt.by),
                  color = !!ensym(color.by),
                  y = scheitel)
  ) +
    theme_bw(base_size = text.size) +
    theme(legend.position = 'bottom',
          legend.key.width = unit(2, "cm"),
          axis.text.x.top =
            element_text(angle = text.x.top.angle,
                         hjust = 0,
                         vjust = 0.5,
                         size = text.x.top.size),
          axis.text.x.bottom =
            element_text(angle = text.x.bottom.angle,
                         hjust = 0.5,
                         size = text.size)
    ) +
    labs(title = plot.title) +
    ylab(y.lab) +
      breaks = y1_pretty,
      labels = function(x) stri_replace_all_fixed(as.character(x), ".", ",")
  if (reverse.x) {
    g <- g +
        name = x.lab,
        breaks = x_pretty,
        sec.axis =  dup_axis(
          breaks = b_tick$km,
          labels = b_tick$besonderheit,
          name = 'Station'
  } else{
    g <- g +
        name = x.lab,
        breaks = x_pretty,
        sec.axis =  dup_axis(
          breaks = b_tick$km,
          labels = b_tick$besonderheit,
          name = 'Station'
  g <- g + geom_line(size = line.size)
  if (!is.null(man.colors)) {
    g <- g + scale_color_manual(values = c(man.colors, man.colors, 'black'))
  g$labels$colour <- color.name
  g$labels$linetype <- lt.name
  if (delta) {
    g <- g + geom_line(
      data = data_tbl,
        y = delta * y2.scale + y2_shift,
        color = delta_color,
        linetype = 'Delta'
      size = line.size
    ) +
        breaks = y1_pretty,
        labels = function(x) stri_replace_all_fixed(as.character(x), ".", ","),
        sec.axis =
            trans = ~ (. - y2_shift) / y2.scale,
            breaks = y2_pretty,
            labels = function(x) stri_replace_all_fixed(as.character(x), ".", ","),
            name = y2_name
  for (i in seq_along(drv_list)) {
    x_min <-
      b_tick[grepl(paste('DRV', drv_list[i], 'Begin', sep = "_"), besonderheit),
    x_max <-
      b_tick[grepl(paste('DRV', drv_list[i], 'End', sep = "_"), besonderheit),
    if (length(x_min) == 0 | length(x_max) == 0) next
    g <- g + annotate(
      xmin = x_min,
      xmax = x_max,
      ymin = -Inf,
      ymax = Inf,
      fill =  a.fill,
      alpha = a.alpha
  if (!is.null(facet.by)) {
    g <- g + facet_grid(rows = ensym(facet.by))
  # adding HQS Points
  if (hqs_point) {
    g <- g + geom_point(
      mapping = aes(y = HQS, shape = HQ_Statistik),
      color = 'black',
      data = hqs,
      size = 2
  if (verbose) {
    if (delta) cat('y2_shift =', y2_shift, 'and y2.scale =', y2.scale, '\n')

#' Plot long profile for a river segment
#' @param river Name of the river
#' @param from.km Start location (km)
#' @param to.km End location (km)
#' @param case.list List of cases to plot, default is all
#' @param case.desc Standard naming of case.list
#' @param sobek.project Path to sobek project
#' @param param dicharge/waterlevel
#' @param lt.by Linetype defining by this value
#' @param color.by Coloring by this value
#' @param compare.by Calculating delta by this value
#' @param cmp.sort Should comparing parameter be sorted. Default is FALSE
#' @param group.by Groupping for delta calculation
#' @param color.name Name of color in the legend
#' @param lt.name Name of linetype in the legend
#' @param color.nrow Number of rows for color legend
#' @param lt.nrow Number of rows for linetype legend
#' @param shape.nrow Number of rows for point shape legend
#' @param pt.size Point size
#' @param delta Should delta also plotted?
#' @param delta.lt Linetype discretization for Delta lines (vgf, zustand, hwe...)
#' @param dband Display max-min band of the delta
#' @param dband.label Display value of max-min band on second y-axis
#' @param reverse.x Logical. If TRUE the x-axis will be reversed
#' @param x.lab x-axis label
#' @param y.lab y-axis label
#' @param to.upstream distance (km) to upstream of the DRV to be included in the graphic
#' @param to.downstream distance (km) to downstream of the DRV to be included in the graphic
#' @param y2.scale scale of y2-axis. Default value will be automatic calculated
#' @param y2.tick1 The value of the first tick on the y2-axis. Using this and y2.scale to make y2-axis looks nice.
#' @param y2.shift Manually set y2.shift (This will overwrite y2.tick1)
#' @param y2.zero if TRUE, a horizotal line at y2.zero will be plotted
#' @param y2.round Decimal place for y2.scale
#' @param plot.title Title of the graphic
#' @param text.size Base size for text
#' @param text.x.top.angle Angle of text at top
#' @param text.x.bottom.angle Angle of text at bottom
#' @param line.size Size for lines
#' @param ntick.x Minimum number of ticks on x-axis. Default = 10
#' @param highlight A vector of two locations (km), ex. c(4, 10) to be highlighted
#' @param a.fill Fill color of the highlight area
#' @param a.alpha Transparent ratio (alpha blending) of the highlight area
#' @param overlap List of overlap labels should be avoid
#' @param talweg If TRUE, and param = waterlevel then the talweg line will be added
#' @param master.tbl Master table
#' @param man.colors Using for scale_color_manual. Default is NULL (auto coloring)
#' @param hqs Adding HQ Statistic points to the graphic
#' @param keep.data Output the original data table
#' @param input.data Take the input.data instead of reading it from sobek.project
#' @param verbose Print some messages if TRUE
#' @param do.par If TRUE, parallel computing will be executed
#' @param ts.trim.left Default NULL. Number of days from the begining of simulation time to remove from timeseries (useful to remove "cold start period")
#' @param remove.inf Remove segment without data
#' @return a ggplot2 graphic
#' @export
plot_longprofile_old <- function(
  river = NULL,
  from.km = -Inf,
  to.km = Inf,
  case.desc = case.list,
  param = 'discharge',
  compare.by = 'zustand',
  group.by = compare.by,
  lt.by = compare.by,
  color.by = group.by,
  delta.lt = compare.by,
  color.name = 'Farbe',
  lt.name = 'Linienart',
  cmp.sort = FALSE,
  color.nrow = 3,
  lt.nrow = 3,
  shape.nrow = 2,
  pt.size = 2.5,
  delta = FALSE,
  dband = TRUE,
  dband.label = FALSE,
  reverse.x = FALSE,
  x.lab = 'Lage (KM)',
  y.lab = ifelse(param == 'discharge',
                 'Abfluss [m³/s]', 'Wasserstand [m+NHN]'),
  y2.scale = NULL,
  y2.tick1 = NULL,
  y2.shift = NULL,
  y2.zero = FALSE,
  y2.round = 2L,
  plot.title = NULL,
  text.size = 12L,
  text.x.top.angle = 90L,
  text.x.top.size = 8L,
  text.x.bottom.angle = 0L,
  line.size = 1.0,
  ntick.x = 10L,
  ntick.y = 7L,
  highlight = NULL,
  highlight.text = NULL,
  a.fill = 'grey',
  a.alpha = 0.5,
  overlap = NULL,
  talweg = FALSE,
  man.colors = NULL,
  hqs = NULL,
  keep.data = FALSE,
  input.data = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  do.par = FALSE,
  ts.trim.left = NULL,
  fav = TRUE,
  remove.inf = FALSE
  # must evaluate lt.by and color.by to avoid problem with ggplot
  if (!delta) dband <- FALSE
  # preparing parameters--------------------------------------------------------
  param <- tolower(param)
  stopifnot(length(unique(case.list)) == length(case.list))
  stopifnot(is.numeric(from.km) & is.numeric(to.km))
  stopifnot(to.km > from.km)
  if (!is.null(highlight)) {
    stopifnot(is.numeric(highlight) & length(highlight) > 1)
    if (!is.null(highlight.text)) {
      stopifnot(length(highlight.text) > 1)
  case_tbl <- parse_case(case.desc = case.desc, orig.name = case.list)
  if (!is.null(compare.by)) {
    if (!compare.by %in% c('zustand', 'vgf', 'notiz', 'hwe', 'zielpegel')) {
      stop("compare.by must be one of ('zustand', 'hwe', 'vgf', 'notiz', 'zielpegel')")
    cmp_vars <- unique(case_tbl[, get(compare.by)])
    if (cmp.sort) cmp_vars <- sort(cmp_vars)
    if (length(cmp_vars) != 2 & delta) {
      if (length(case.list) != 1) stop('compare.by must have two values not: ',
           str_flatten(cmp_vars, collapse = ", " ))
  if (!is.null(group.by)) {
    if (length(group.by) == 1) {
      if (!group.by %in% c('hwe', 'zustand', 'vgf', 'notiz', 'zielpegel')) {
        stop("group.by must be one of ('hwe', 'zustand', 'vgf', 'notiz', 'zielpegel')")
    } else {
      case_tbl[, group__by :=  paste(get(group.by[1]),
                                    sep = "_"
      group.by <- "group__by"
    grp_vars <- unique(case_tbl[, get(group.by)])
  if (delta) {
    if (is.null(compare.by) | is.null(group.by)) {
      stop('For caculating delta, compare.by and group.by must be specified!')
    if (compare.by != group.by) {
      total_case <- unique(as.vector(outer(cmp_vars, grp_vars, paste, sep = "_")))
      if (length(total_case) != length(case.list)) {
        cat("Combination of compare.by and group.by does not have the same length as case.list\n")
        cat('Hint: notiz can be modified and used as a groupping parameter\n')
        stop('Groupping by ', group.by,
             ' is not unique for calculating delta between ', compare.by)
  river_ids <- master.tbl[, .N, by = river]
  if (is.null(river)) {
    setorder(river_ids, -N)
    river <- river_ids$river[[1]]
  } else{
    stopifnot(river %in% river_ids$river)
  #----get data----
  if (is.null(input.data)) {
    if (verbose) cat('Reading data...\n')
    data_tbl <- get_segment_data(
      river = river,
      from.km = from.km,
      to.km = to.km,
      case.list = case.list,
      case.desc = case.desc,
      param = param,
      get.max = TRUE,
      sobek.project = sobek.project,
      master.tbl = master.tbl,
      verbose = verbose,
      do.par = do.par,
      ts.trim.left = ts.trim.left,
      remove.inf = remove.inf
    if (keep.data) {
      dta <- copy(data_tbl)
  } else {
    keep.data <- FALSE
    data_tbl <- input.data[km >= from.km & km <= to.km]
  from.km <- max(min(data_tbl$km, na.rm = TRUE), from.km)
  to.km <- min(max(data_tbl$km, na.rm = TRUE), to.km)
  if (is.null(plot.title)) {
    plot.title <- paste('Längsschnitt ',
                        str_extract(y.lab, 'Abfluss|Wasserstand'),
                        ' entlang ', river, ' von KM ',
                        format(from.km, nsmall = 2, decimal.mark = ","),
                        ' bis KM ',
                        format(to.km, nsmall = 2, decimal.mark = ","),
                        sep = ''
  data_tbl <- merge(data_tbl, case_tbl, by = 'case', sort = FALSE)
  x_min <- data_tbl[, min(km, na.rm = TRUE)]
  x_max <- data_tbl[, max(km, na.rm = TRUE)]
  y1_min <- data_tbl[, min(scheitel, na.rm = TRUE)]
  y1_max <- data_tbl[, max(scheitel, na.rm = TRUE)]
  # procesisng HQS points
  hqs_point <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(hqs)) {
    hqs <- melt(hqs, id.vars = c('Pegel', 'km'),
                variable.name = 'HQ_Statistik', value.name = 'HQS') %>%
    hqs <- hqs[km >= from.km & km <= to.km]
    hqs[, c('vgf',  'hwe', 'zustand', 'notiz', 'zielpegel') :=
          list(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)]
      # check if there is a mistake to give HQS of Q to 'waterlevel'
    if (min(hqs$HQS, na.rm = TRUE) > 5 * y1_max & param == 'waterlevel') {
      warning('Check if HQ Statistik for Discharge was given for a graphic of waterlevel')
      cat('HQ Statistik points have not been plotted.\n')
    } else {
      hqs_point <- TRUE
      y1_min <- min(min(hqs$HQS, na.rm = TRUE), y1_min)
      y1_max <- max(max(hqs$HQS, na.rm = TRUE), y1_max)
  y1_length <- y1_max - y1_min
  x_pretty <- pretty(x_min:x_max, ntick.x, ntick.x)
  y1_pretty <- pretty(y1_min:y1_max, ntick.y, ntick.y)
  #----delta == TRUE----
  if (delta) {
    # searching for KM that delta calculation is possible
    km_4_delta <- unique(data_tbl[!is.na(scheitel)]$km)
    y2_name <- paste('Delta',
                     ifelse(param == 'discharge', '[m³/s]', '(m)')
    if (compare.by != group.by) {
      lt.by <- compare.by
      color.by <- group.by
      data_tbl_delta <-
        dcast(data_tbl[!is.na(scheitel) & km %in% km_4_delta],
                         km ~ get(compare.by) + get(group.by),
                         value.var = 'scheitel')
      for (i in grp_vars) {
        col_i <- paste('Delta', i, sep = '_')
        col_1 <- paste(cmp_vars[1], i, sep = '_')
        col_2 <- paste(cmp_vars[2], i, sep = '_')
        data_tbl_delta[, eval(col_i) := get(col_2) - get(col_1)]
        data_tbl_delta[, eval(col_1) := NULL]
        data_tbl_delta[, eval(col_2) := NULL]
      data_tbl_delta <- melt(data_tbl_delta, id.vars = 'km',
                             variable.name = group.by,
                             value.name = 'delta',
                             sort = FALSE)
      data_tbl_delta[, delta_color := get(group.by)]
      data_tbl_delta[, eval(group.by) := str_replace(
        get(group.by), 'Delta_', '')
      data_tbl <- merge(data_tbl, data_tbl_delta, by = c('km', group.by),
                        all = TRUE,
                        sort = FALSE)
    } else{
      data_tbl_delta <-
        dcast(data_tbl[!is.na(scheitel) & km %in% km_4_delta],
              km  ~ get(compare.by),
              value.var = 'scheitel'
      col_1 <- cmp_vars[1]
      col_2 <- cmp_vars[2]
      data_tbl_delta[, delta := get(col_1) - get(col_2)]
      data_tbl_delta[, eval(col_1) := NULL]
      data_tbl_delta[, eval(col_2) := NULL]
      data_tbl_delta[, delta_color := paste('Delta',
      data_tbl <-
        merge(data_tbl, data_tbl_delta, by = 'km', all = TRUE, sort = FALSE,)
    data_tbl[, delta := round(delta, 3)]
    data_tbl[, Linienart := paste('Delta', get(delta.lt))]
    y2_min <- min(data_tbl$delta, na.rm = TRUE)
    y2_max <- max(data_tbl$delta, na.rm = TRUE)
    y2_length <- y2_max - y2_min
    if (y2_max - y2_min > 10) {
      y2_min <- round(y2_min, -1)
    } else {
      if (abs(y2_min) > 1) y2_min <- floor(y2_min)
    if (is.null(y2.scale)) {
      y2.scale <- y1_length * 0.5 / y2_length
      for (i in 0:3) {
        if (abs(y2.scale) > 10 ** i)
          y2.scale <- round(y2.scale, -i)
    y2_shift <- y1_min - y2_min * y2.scale
    y1_max <- max(y1_max, y2_max * y2.scale + y2_shift)
    y1_min <- min(y1_min, y2_min * y2.scale + y2_shift)
    y1_length <- y1_max - y1_min
    if (y1_length < 10) {
      y1_max_1 <- y1_max * 100
      y1_min_1 <- y1_min * 100
      y1_pretty <- pretty(y1_min_1:y1_max_1, ntick.y, ntick.y)
      y1_pretty <- y1_pretty / 100
    } else{
      y1_pretty <- pretty(y1_min:y1_max, ntick.y, ntick.y)
    check_y1_pretty <- (max(y1_pretty) - min(y1_pretty)) / (y1_max - y1_min)
    if (length(y1_pretty) < 5 | check_y1_pretty > 1) {
      y1_min_1 <- y1_min * 10
      y1_max_1 <- y1_max * 10
      y1_pretty <- pretty(y1_min_1:y1_max_1,  ntick.y, ntick.y)
      y1_pretty <- y1_pretty / 10
    if (!is.null(y2.tick1)) {
      y2_shift = y1_pretty[2] - y2.tick1 * y2.scale
    y2_pretty <- (y1_pretty - y2_shift) / y2.scale
    y2_pmin <- min(y2_pretty)
    y2_pmax <- max(y2_pretty)
    if (0 %between% c(y2_pmin, y2_pmax)) {
      pos_y2_zero <- ceiling(abs(y2_pmax / (y2_pmax - y2_pmin)))
      if (pos_y2_zero > length(y1_pretty)) pos_y2_zero  <- length(y1_pretty)
      y2_shift <- y1_pretty[pos_y2_zero]
      y1_max <- max(y1_max, y2_max * y2.scale + y2_shift)
      y1_min <- min(y1_min, y2_min * y2.scale + y2_shift)
      y1_pretty <- pretty(y1_min:y1_max, ntick.y, ntick.y)
      check_y1_pretty <- (max(y1_pretty) - min(y1_pretty)) / (y1_max - y1_min)
      if (length(y1_pretty) < 5 | check_y1_pretty > 1) {
        y1_min_1 <- y1_min * 10
        y1_max_1 <- y1_max * 10
        y1_pretty <- pretty(y1_min_1:y1_max_1,  ntick.y, ntick.y)
        y1_pretty <- y1_pretty/10
      if (!is.null(y2.tick1)) {
        y2_shift = y1_pretty[2] - y2.tick1 * y2.scale
      y2_pretty <- (y1_pretty - y2_shift) / y2.scale
      y2_pretty <- unique(sort(c(y2_pretty, 0)))
    data_tbl[get(compare.by) == cmp_vars[2], delta := NA]
    data_tbl[get(compare.by) == cmp_vars[2], delta_color := NA]
    data_tbl[is.na(scheitel), delta := NA]
    if (dband) {
      round_nr <- ifelse(param == 'discharge', 0, y2.round)
      d_min <- round(min(data_tbl$delta, na.rm = TRUE), round_nr)
      d_max <- round(max(data_tbl$delta, na.rm = TRUE), round_nr)
      data_tbl[, dband_min := min(delta, na.rm = TRUE), by = km]
      data_tbl[, dband_max := max(delta, na.rm = TRUE), by = km]
      data_tbl[is.infinite(dband_min), dband_min := NA]
      data_tbl[is.infinite(dband_max), dband_max := NA]
  #----add graphic----
  b_tick <- data_tbl[case == case.list[[1]] &
                       nchar(besonderheit) > 0,
                     c("km", "besonderheit")
  b_tick_river <- b_tick[grepl('Lat_|M_|Zufluss', besonderheit)]
  b_tick <- b_tick[!besonderheit %in% b_tick_river$besonderheit]
  b_tick_measure <- b_tick[grepl('RHR_|Polder_|DRV_|RRE_|Flutpolder', besonderheit)]
  # processing overlap labels
  if (!is.null(overlap)) {
    for (i in seq_along(overlap)) {
      overlap_i_pos <- b_tick[grepl(overlap[[i]], besonderheit), which = TRUE]
      if (isTRUE(overlap_i_pos > 1)) {
        overlap_nchar <- nchar(b_tick[overlap_i_pos -  1, besonderheit])
               besonderheit := str_replace(besonderheit, 'Polder_|DRV_', '')]
        b_tick[overlap_i_pos, besonderheit := paste(str_dup(' ', 2 * overlap_nchar),
                                                    '--', besonderheit)]
  if (verbose) cat('Preparing graphic...\n')
  if (!is.null(compare.by)) {
    data_tbl[[compare.by]] <- factor(data_tbl[[compare.by]],
                                     levels = c(cmp_vars)
  b_tick[, label := str_remove(besonderheit, 'M_|Lat_|Polder_|RHR_|RRE_|DRV_')]
  b_tick_measure[, label := str_remove(besonderheit, 'Polder_|RHR_|RRE_|DRV_')]
  b_tick_river[, label := str_remove(besonderheit, 'Polder_|RHR_|RRE_|DRV_')]
  g_base <- ggplot(data = data_tbl,
              aes(x = km,
                  linetype = !!ensym(lt.by),
                  color = !!ensym(color.by),
                  y = scheitel)
  ) +
    theme_bw(base_size = text.size) +
    theme(legend.position = 'bottom',
          legend.key.width = unit(2, "cm"),
          axis.text.x.top =
            element_text(angle = text.x.top.angle,
                         hjust = 0,
                         vjust = 0.5,
                         size = text.x.top.size),
          axis.text.x.bottom =
            element_text(angle = text.x.bottom.angle,
                         hjust = 0.5,
                         size = text.size)
    ) +
    labs(title = plot.title) +
  if (nrow(b_tick_river) > 0) {
    x_above_breaks <- b_tick[!besonderheit %in% b_tick_river$besonderheit, km]
    x_above_labels <- b_tick[!besonderheit %in% b_tick_river$besonderheit, label]
  } else {
    x_above_breaks <- b_tick$km
    x_above_labels <- b_tick$besonderheit
  if (fav) {
    sec_x_axis <- dup_axis(
      breaks = x_above_breaks,
      labels = x_above_labels,
      name = 'Station'
  } else {
    sec_x_axis <- waiver()
  if (reverse.x) {
    g <- g_base +
        name = x.lab,
        breaks = x_pretty,
        sec.axis = sec_x_axis
  } else {
    g <- g_base +
        name = x.lab,
        breaks = x_pretty,
        sec.axis = sec_x_axis
  g <- g + geom_line(size = line.size)
  if (talweg & param == 'waterlevel') {
    if (verbose) cat('Reading profile...\n')
    pf_tbl <- get_profile_tbl(
      case = case.list[[1]],
      sobek.project = sobek.project
    )[, c('def_id', 'zb')]
    data_tbl <- merge(data_tbl, pf_tbl, by.x = 'ID_F', by.y = 'def_id',
                      sort = FALSE)
    y1_min <- min(y1_min, data_tbl$zb, na.rm = TRUE)
    y1_max <- max(y1_max, data_tbl$zb, na.rm = TRUE)
    y1_pretty <- pretty(y1_min:y1_max, ntick.y, ntick.y)
    if (delta) y2_pretty <- (y1_pretty - y2_shift) / y2.scale
    g <- g + geom_line(data = data_tbl,
                         y = zb,
                         color = 'Talweg',
                         linetype = 'Talweg'
                       size = line.size)
  if (!delta) g <- g + scale_y_continuous(
    breaks = y1_pretty,
    labels = function(x) stri_replace_all_fixed(as.character(x), ".", ",")
  if (!is.null(man.colors)) {
    g <- g + scale_color_manual(values = c(man.colors, man.colors))
  if (delta) {
    # manual setting for y2 axis
    if (!is.null(y2.shift)) {
      if (verbose) cat('Manual y2-axis setting with y2.scale and y2.shift, y2.tick1 was ignored!\n')
      y2_shift <- y2.shift
      y1_min <- min(y1_min, data_tbl$scheitel, na.rm = TRUE)
      y1_max <- max(y1_max, data_tbl$scheitel, na.rm = TRUE)
      if (hqs_point) {
        y1_min <- min(min(hqs$HQS, na.rm = TRUE), y1_min)
        y1_max <- max(max(hqs$HQS, na.rm = TRUE), y1_max)
      y2_min <- (y1_min - y2_shift) / y2.scale
      y2_max <- (y1_max - y2_shift) / y2.scale
      if (dband.label) {
        y2_min <- min(y2_min, d_min)
        y2_max <- max(y2_max, d_max)
      y1_min <- min(y2_min * y2.scale + y2_shift, y1_min)
      y1_max <- max(y2_max * y2.scale + y2_shift, y1_max)
      y1_pretty <- pretty(y1_min:y1_max, ntick.y, ntick.y)
      y2_pretty <- (y1_pretty - y2_shift) / y2.scale
    if (dband.label) {
      y2_pretty <- sort(c(d_min, d_max, y2_pretty))
    if (y2.zero) {
      g <- g + geom_hline(yintercept = y2_shift,
                          color = 'black',
                          size = 0.5,
                          linetype = 'solid'
      y2_pretty <- unique(sort(c(y2_pretty, 0)))
    g <- g + geom_line(
      data = data_tbl,
        x = km,
        y = delta * y2.scale + y2_shift,
        color = delta_color,
        linetype = Linienart
      size = line.size
    ) +
        breaks = y1_pretty,
        labels = function(x) stri_replace_all_fixed(as.character(x), ".", ","),
        sec.axis =
            trans = ~ (. - y2_shift) / y2.scale,
            breaks = y2_pretty,
            labels = function(x) stri_replace_all_fixed(as.character(x), ".", ","),
            name = y2_name
  #----adding highlight area----
  # Consider to remove this
  if (!is.null(highlight)) {
    g <- g + annotate('rect',
                      xmin = highlight[[1]],
                      xmax = highlight[[2]],
                      ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf,
                      fill =  a.fill,
                      alpha = a.alpha
    if (!is.null(highlight.text)) {
      g <- g + annotate(
        x = highlight[[1]],
        y = y1_min + abs(y1_max - y1_min) / 2,
        label = highlight.text[[1]],
        angle = 90, vjust = 0, hjust = 0.5
      ) +
          x = highlight[[2]],
          y = y1_min + abs(y1_max - y1_min) / 2,
          label = highlight.text[[2]],
          angle = 90, vjust = 0, hjust = 0.5
  # adding HQS Points
  if (hqs_point) {
      g <- g + geom_point(
        mapping = aes(y = HQS, shape = HQ_Statistik),
        color = 'black',
        data = hqs,
        size = pt.size
  g <- g +  guides(
    colour = guide_legend(nrow = color.nrow),
    shape = guide_legend(nrow = shape.nrow),
    linetype = guide_legend(nrow = lt.nrow)
  if (dband) {
    g <- g +
          x = km,
          ymax = y2.scale * dband_min + y2_shift,
          ymin = y2.scale * dband_max + y2_shift
        color = NA,
        linetype = 'dashed',
        fill = a.fill,
        alpha = a.alpha
  # ----adding besonderheit symbol----
  y_lims <-  ggplot_build(g)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y.range
  if (nrow(b_tick_river) > 0 & fav) {
    g <- g + geom_point(
      data = data_tbl[km %in% b_tick_river$km],
      aes(x = km, y = -Inf),
      color = 'blue',
      shape = '\u2191',
      show.legend = FALSE,
      size = 8
    ) +
        data = data_tbl[km %in% b_tick_river$km][,
                  besonderheit := str_remove_all(besonderheit, "M_|Lat_")],
        aes(x = km, y = y_lims[1], label = besonderheit),
        color = 'blue',
        size = 4,
        angle = 45,
        hjust = 0.5,
        vjust = 0.5,
        show.legend = FALSE

  if (verbose) {
    if (delta) cat('y2_shift =', y2_shift, 'and y2.scale =', y2.scale,  '\n')
  g$labels$colour <- color.name
  g$labels$linetype <- lt.name
  if (keep.data) {
    ret <- list(data_tbl = dta, g = g)
  } else {
    ret <- g

#' Plot long profile for a river segment
#' @param river Name of the river
#' @param from.km Start location (km)
#' @param to.km End location (km)
#' @param case.list List of cases to plot, default is all
#' @param case.desc Standard naming of case.list
#' @param sobek.project Path to sobek project
#' @param param dicharge/waterlevel
#' @param lt.by Linetype defining by this value
#' @param color.by Coloring by this value
#' @param compare.by Calculating delta by this value
#' @param cmp.sort Should comparing parameter be sorted. Default is FALSE
#' @param group.by Groupping for delta calculation
#' @param color.name Name of color in the legend
#' @param lt.name Name of linetype in the legend
#' @param color.nrow Number of rows for color legend
#' @param lt.nrow Number of rows for linetype legend
#' @param shape.nrow Number of rows for point shape legend
#' @param pt.size Point size
#' @param delta Should delta also plotted?
#' @param delta.lt Linetype discretization for Delta lines (vgf, zustand, hwe...)
#' @param dband Display max-min band of the delta
#' @param reverse.x Logical. If TRUE the x-axis will be reversed
#' @param x.lab x-axis label
#' @param y.lab y-axis label
#' @param to.upstream distance (km) to upstream of the DRV to be included in the graphic
#' @param to.downstream distance (km) to downstream of the DRV to be included in the graphic
#' @param y2.scale scale of y2-axis. Default value will be automatic calculated
#' @param y2.shift This value is to align the y2-Zero (at position y2.shift) to the main y-axis
#' @param y2.zero if TRUE, a horizotal line at y2.zero will be plotted
#' @param y2.round Decimal place for y2.scale
#' @param plot.title Title of the graphic
#' @param txt.size Base size for text
#' @param txt.top element_text() for the x-top
#' @param txt.bottom element_text() for the x-bottom
#' @param line.size Size for lines
#' @param delta.size Size for delta lines
#' @param ntick.x Minimum number of ticks on x-axis. Default = 10
#' @param a.fill Fill color of the highlight area
#' @param a.alpha Transparent ratio (alpha blending) of the highlight area
#' @param master.tbl Master table
#' @param man.colors Using for scale_color_manual. Default is NULL (auto coloring)
#' @param hqs Adding HQ Statistic points to the graphic
#' @param keep.data Output the original data table
#' @param input.data Take the input.data instead of reading it from sobek.project
#' @param verbose Print some messages if TRUE
#' @param do.par If TRUE, parallel computing will be executed
#' @param ts.trim.left Default NULL. Number of days from the begining of simulation time to remove from timeseries (useful to remove "cold start period")
#' @param remove.inf Remove segment without data
#' @return a ggplot2 graphic
#' @export
plot_longprofile <- function(
  river = NULL,
  from.km = -Inf,
  to.km = Inf,
  case.desc = case.list,
  param = 'discharge',
  compare.by = 'zustand',
  group.by = compare.by,
  lt.by = 'zustand',
  delta.lt = 'vgf',
  color.name = 'Farbe',
  lt.name = 'Linienart',
  cmp.sort = FALSE,
  color.nrow = 3,
  lt.nrow = 3,
  shape.nrow = 2,
  pt.size = 2.5,
  delta = FALSE,
  dband = delta,
  reverse.x = FALSE,
  x.lab = NULL,
  y.lab = ifelse(param == 'discharge',
                 'Abfluss [m³/s]', 'Wasserstand [m+NHN]'),
  y2.scale = NULL,
  y2.shift = NULL,
  y2.zero = FALSE,
  y2.round = 2L,
  y2.name = "Scheitelreduktion",
  plot.title = NULL,
  txt.size = 12L,
  txt.top = element_text(angle = 90, size = txt.size),
  txt.bottom = element_text(angle = 0, size = txt.size),
  line.size = 1.0,
  delta.size = line.size,
  ntick.x = 10L,
  ntick.y = 7L,
  a.fill = 'grey',
  a.alpha = 0.5,
  x.expand = expansion(0.02),
  man.colors = six_colors,
  hqs = NULL,
  keep.data = FALSE,
  input.data = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  do.par = FALSE,
  ts.trim.left = NULL,
  fav = TRUE,
  agg.fun = NULL,
  get.max = TRUE,
  talweg = FALSE,
  remove.inf = TRUE
) {
  # processing parameters ---------------------------------------------------
  if (!delta) dband <- FALSE
  param <- tolower(param)
  stopifnot(length(unique(case.desc)) == length(case.desc))
  stopifnot(is.numeric(from.km) && is.numeric(to.km))
  stopifnot(to.km > from.km)
  case_tbl <- parse_case(case.desc = case.desc, orig.name = case.list)
  if (!is.null(compare.by)) {
    for (a_cmp in compare.by) {
      if (!a_cmp %in% c('hwe', 'zustand', 'vgf', 'notiz', 'zielpegel')) {
        stop("group.by & compare.by must be a combination of ('hwe', 'zustand', 'vgf', 'notiz', 'zielpegel')")
    case_tbl[, compare__by := do.call(paste, .SD), .SDcols = compare.by]
    cmp_vars <- unique(case_tbl[, get(compare.by)])
    if (!is.null(cmp.sort)) cmp_vars <- sort(cmp_vars, decreasing = cmp.sort)
    if (length(cmp_vars) != 2 & delta) {
      if (length(case.list) != 1) stop('compare.by must have two values not: ',
                                       str_flatten(cmp_vars, collapse = ", " ))
  if (!is.null(group.by)) {
    for (a_grp in group.by) {
      if (!a_grp %in% c('hwe', 'zustand', 'vgf', 'notiz', 'zielpegel')) {
        stop("group.by & compare.by must be a combination of ('hwe', 'zustand', 'vgf', 'notiz', 'zielpegel')")
    case_tbl[, group__by := do.call(paste, .SD), .SDcols = group.by
    grp_vars <- unique(case_tbl[, group__by])
  if (delta) {
    if (is.null(compare.by) || is.null(group.by)) {
      stop('For caculating delta, compare.by and group.by must be specified!')
    total_case <- length(unique(as.vector(outer(cmp_vars, grp_vars, paste)))) / 2
    if (total_case != length(case.desc)) {
      cat("Combination of compare.by and group.by does not have the same length as case.desc\n")
      cat('Hint: notiz can be modified and used as a groupping parameter\n')
      stop('Groupping by ', paste(group.by, collapse = ' & '),
           ' is not unique for calculating delta between ',
           paste(compare.by, collapse = ' & ')
  river_ids <- master.tbl[, .N, by = river]
  if (is.null(river)) {
    river <- river_ids[N == max(N), river]
  } else{
    stopifnot(river %in% river_ids$river)
  if (missing(x.lab)) x.lab <- paste(river, 'km', sep = '-')
  #----processing data----
  if (is.null(input.data)) {
    if (verbose) cat('Reading data...\n')
    data_tbl <- get_segment_data(
      river = river,
      from.km = from.km,
      to.km = to.km,
      case.list = case.list,
      case.desc = case.desc,
      param = param,
      get.max = get.max,
      agg.fun = agg.fun,
      sobek.project = sobek.project,
      master.tbl = master.tbl,
      verbose = verbose,
      do.par = do.par,
      ts.trim.left = ts.trim.left,
      remove.inf = remove.inf
    if (keep.data) {
      dta <- copy(data_tbl)
  } else {
    keep.data <- FALSE
    data_tbl <- input.data[km >= from.km & km <= to.km]
  from.km <- max(min(data_tbl$km, na.rm = TRUE), from.km)
  to.km <- min(max(data_tbl$km, na.rm = TRUE), to.km)
  y1_range <- range(data_tbl$scheitel)
  data_tbl <- merge(data_tbl, case_tbl, by = 'case', sort = FALSE)
  if (delta) {
    # searching for KM that delta calculation is possible
    km_4_delta <- unique(data_tbl[!is.na(scheitel)]$km)
    if (!identical(compare.by, group.by)) {
      data_tbl_delta <-
        dcast.data.table(data_tbl[!is.na(scheitel) & km %in% km_4_delta],
                         km ~ compare__by + group__by,
                         value.var = 'scheitel')
      for (i in grp_vars) {
        col_1 <- paste(cmp_vars[1], i, sep = '_')
        col_2 <- paste(cmp_vars[2], i, sep = '_')
        data_tbl_delta[, eval(i) := get(col_2) - get(col_1)]
        data_tbl_delta[, eval(col_1) := NULL]
        data_tbl_delta[, eval(col_2) := NULL]
      data_tbl_delta <- melt(data_tbl_delta, id.vars = 'km',
                             variable.name = 'group__by',
                             value.name = 'delta',
                             sort = FALSE)
      round_digit <- ifelse(param == "discharge", 1, 3)
      data_tbl_delta[, delta := round(delta, round_digit)]
      data_tbl <- merge(data_tbl, data_tbl_delta, by = c('km', 'group__by'),
                        all = TRUE,
                        sort = FALSE)
    } else{
      data_tbl_delta <-
        dcast(data_tbl[!is.na(scheitel) & km %in% km_4_delta],
              km  ~ compare__by,
              value.var = 'scheitel'
      col_1 <- cmp_vars[1]
      col_2 <- cmp_vars[2]
      data_tbl_delta[, delta := get(col_1) - get(col_2)]
      data_tbl_delta[, eval(col_1) := NULL]
      data_tbl_delta[, eval(col_2) := NULL]
      data_tbl <-
        merge(data_tbl, data_tbl_delta, by = 'km', all = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
    data_tbl[, delta := round(delta, 3)]
    y2_range <- range(data_tbl_delta$delta, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (y2_range[2] - y2_range[1] == 0) y2_range[2] <- y2_range[1] + 1
    if (dband) {
      round_nr <- ifelse(param == 'discharge', 0, y2.round)
      d_min <- round(min(data_tbl$delta, na.rm = TRUE), round_nr)
      d_max <- round(max(data_tbl$delta, na.rm = TRUE), round_nr)
      data_tbl[, dband_min := min(delta, na.rm = TRUE), by = km]
      data_tbl[, dband_max := max(delta, na.rm = TRUE), by = km]
      data_tbl[is.infinite(dband_min), dband_min := NA]
      data_tbl[is.infinite(dband_max), dband_max := NA]
  if (!is.null(delta.lt)) {
    data_tbl[, delta_lt := paste('Delta', get(delta.lt))]
  } else {
    data_tbl[, delta_lt := "Delta"]

  #----add graphic----
  if (verbose) cat('Preparing graphic...\n')
  g_base <- ggplot(data = data_tbl,
                   aes(x = km,
                       linetype = compare__by,
                       color = group__by,
                       y = scheitel)
  ) +
    theme_bw(base_size = txt.size) +
    theme(legend.position = 'bottom',
          legend.key.width = unit(1.5, "cm"),
          axis.text.x.top = txt.top,
          axis.text.x.bottom = txt.bottom
    ) +
    labs(title = plot.title) +
  if (reverse.x) {
    g <- g_base +
        name = x.lab,
        expand = x.expand,
        breaks = pretty(from.km:to.km, ntick.x, ntick.x)
  } else {
    g <- g_base +
        name = x.lab,
        expand = x.expand,
        breaks = pretty(from.km:to.km, ntick.x, ntick.x)

  # +++add main lines -------------------------------------------------------
  g <- g + geom_line(size = line.size)
  # +++add hqs -------------------------------------------------------
  if (!is.null(hqs) & param == 'discharge') {
    hqs <- melt(hqs, id.vars = c('Pegel', 'km'),
                variable.name = 'HQ Statistik', value.name = 'HQS') %>%
    hqs <- hqs[km >= from.km & km <= to.km]
    y1_range <- range(y1_range, hqs$HQS, na.rm = TRUE)
    hqs[, c('compare__by', 'group__by') := list(NA, NA)]
    g <- g + geom_point(
      mapping = aes(y = HQS, shape = `HQ Statistik`),
      color = 'black',
      data = hqs,
      size = pt.size
  # +++add manual colors -------------------------------------------------------
  # create manual color vector
  if (!is.null(man.colors)) {
    mcolor_v <- vector(mode = 'character')
    for (i in seq_along(grp_vars)) {
      mcolor_v[[grp_vars[i]]] <- man.colors[i]
    g <- g + scale_color_manual(
      name = color.name,
      values = mcolor_v
  y1_range <- range(data_tbl[!is.infinite(scheitel), scheitel], na.rm = TRUE)
  y1_breaks <- pretty(y1_range[1]:y1_range[2], ntick.y, ntick.y)
  if (talweg & param == 'waterlevel') {
    if (verbose) cat('Reading profile...\n')
    pf_tbl <- get_profile_tbl(
      case = case.list[[1]],
      sobek.project = sobek.project
    )[, c('def_id', 'zb')]
    data_tbl <- merge(data_tbl, pf_tbl, by.x = 'ID_F', by.y = 'def_id',
                      sort = FALSE)
    y1_range <- range(y1_range, data_tbl$zb, na.rm = TRUE)
    y1_pretty <- pretty(y1_range[1]:y1_range[2], ntick.y, ntick.y)
    # if (delta) y2_pretty <- (y1_pretty - y2_shift) / y2.scale
    g <- g + geom_line(data = data_tbl,
                         y = zb,
                         color = 'Talweg',
                         linetype = 'Talweg'
                       size = line.size)
  # +++add delta lines -------------------------------------------------------
  # processing y2 scale
  if (delta) {
    if (!is.null(delta.lt)) {
      delta_lt_vars <- paste('Delta', case_tbl[, unique(get(delta.lt))])
    } else {
      delta_lt_vars <- 'Delta'
    y1_length <- abs(y1_range[2] - y1_range[1])
    y2_length <- abs(y2_range[2] - y2_range[1])
    y2_scale <- ifelse(is.null(y2.scale),
                       pretty(y1_length / y2_length)[1], y2.scale)
    y2_shift <- ifelse(is.null(y2.shift), y1_breaks[1], y2.shift)
    y1_range <- range(y1_range, y2_range * y2_scale + y2_shift)
    y1_breaks <- pretty(y1_range[1]:y1_range[2], ntick.y, ntick.y)
    y2_breaks <- (y1_breaks - y2_shift) / y2_scale
    y2_breaks <- unique(c(0, y2_breaks))
    y2_name <- paste0(y2.name, ' [',
                     ifelse(param == 'discharge', 'm³/s', 'm'),
    g <- g +
        aes(y = delta * y2_scale + y2_shift, linetype = delta_lt),
        data = data_tbl[compare__by == cmp_vars[1]],
        size = delta.size
      ) +
        name = y.lab,
        breaks = y1_breaks,
        labels = function(x) stri_replace_all_fixed(as.character(x), ".", ","),
        sec.axis = sec_axis(
          name = y2_name,
          labels = function(x) stri_replace_all_fixed(as.character(x), ".", ","),
          trans = ~(. - y2_shift) / y2_scale,
          breaks = y2_breaks
      ) +
        name = lt.name,
        breaks = c(cmp_vars, delta_lt_vars)
    # +++add dband -------------------------------------------------------
    if (dband) {
      data_tbl[, dband_min := min(delta, na.rm = TRUE), by = km]
      data_tbl[, dband_max := max(delta, na.rm = TRUE), by = km]
      data_tbl[is.infinite(dband_min), dband_min := NA]
      data_tbl[is.infinite(dband_max), dband_max := NA]
      g <- g +
            x = km,
            ymax = y2_scale * dband_min + y2_shift,
            ymin = y2_scale * dband_max + y2_shift
          color = NA,
          linetype = 'dashed',
          fill = a.fill,
          alpha = a.alpha
    if (y2.zero) {
      g <- g + geom_hline(yintercept = y2_shift,
                          size = 0.5, color = 'grey20')
  } else {
    g <- g + scale_y_continuous(
      name = y.lab,
      labels = function(x) stri_replace_all_fixed(as.character(x), ".", ","),
      breaks = y1_breaks
  g$labels$linetype <- lt.name
  g$labels$colour <- color.name
  g <- g + guides(
    color = guide_legend(
      nrow = color.nrow
    linetype = guide_legend(
      nrow = lt.nrow
    shape = guide_legend(
      nrow = shape.nrow
  if (verbose & delta) cat("tried with y2_scale = ", y2_scale, " y2_shift = ",
                   y2_shift, "\n")
  if (keep.data) {
    return(list(g = g, data_tbl = dta))
  } else {

#' Add favorites to long profile graphic
#' @param g the long profile graphic
#' @param fav table of favorites
#' @param p_pos Symbol position for pegel, in percentage of y_limit
#' @param p_txt Text position for pegel
#' @param d_color Color for DRV
#' @param d_size Line size for DRV
#' @param d_angle Text angle for DRV
#' @param d_txt Text position for DRV
#' @param gs_color Color for polders
#' @param gs_size Point size for polders
#' @param gs_angle Text angle for polders
#' @param gs_txt Text position for polders
#' @return a ggplot
#' @export
add_station <- function(g,
                        p_pos = 1,
                        p_txt = 0.97,
                        p_color = 'blue',
                        p_size = 3,
                        p_angle = 0,
                        d_color = 'magenta',
                        d_size = 5,
                        d_angle = 0,
                        d_txt = Inf,
                        gs_txt = d_txt,
                        gs_color = 'black',
                        gs_size = 4,
                        gs_angle = 0) {
  y_lims <-  ggplot_build(g)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y.range
  # add NA columns to avoid "missing" variable warnings
  fav[, compare__by := NA][, group__by := NA][, delta_lt := NA]
  riv_fav <- fav[type == 'm']
  riv_chk <- nrow(riv_fav) > 0
  p_fav <- fav[type == 'p']
  p_chk <- nrow(p_fav) > 0
  gs_fav <- fav[type == 'gs']
  gs_chk <- nrow(gs_fav) > 0
  drv_fav <- fav[type == 'd']
  drv_chk <- nrow(gs_fav) > 0
  # add river
  if (riv_chk) {
    g <- g + geom_point(
      aes(x = km, y = -Inf),
      data = riv_fav,
      color = 'blue',
      shape = '\u2191',
      show.legend = FALSE,
      size = 8
    ) +
        data = riv_fav,
        aes(x = km, y = y_lims[1], label = akz),
        color = 'blue',
        size = 4,
        angle = 90,
        hjust = 0,
        vjust = 0.5,
        show.legend = FALSE
  # add Pegel
  if (p_chk) {
    g <- g + geom_point(
      aes(x = km, y = y_lims[2] * p_pos),
      data = p_fav,
      color = p_color,
      shape = 'diamond',
      show.legend = FALSE,
      size = p_size
    ) +
        data = p_fav,
          x = km,
          y = y_lims[2] * p_txt,
          label = akz
        color = p_color,
        size = p_size,
        angle = p_angle,
        hjust = 0.5,
        vjust = 1,
        show.legend = FALSE
  # add DRV
  if (drv_chk) {
    drv_fav[, x_end := max(km, na.rm = TRUE), by = label]
    drv_fav[, akz := paste0('\n', akz)]
    g <- g +
        aes(y = Inf,
            yend = Inf,
            xend = x_end),
        color = d_color,
        linetype = "solid",
        data = drv_fav,
        size = d_size
      ) +
          x = (km + x_end) / 2,
          y = y_lims[2] * d_txt,
          label = akz
        data = drv_fav,
        check_overlap = TRUE,
        color = d_color,
        angle = d_angle,
        vjust = 1,
        hjust = 0.5
  # add Polders
  if (gs_chk) {
    gs_fav[, akz := paste0('\n', akz)]
    g <- g +
        aes(y = Inf),
        color = gs_color,
        data = gs_fav,
        size = gs_size
      ) +
        aes(y = y_lims[2] * gs_txt, label = akz),
        data = gs_fav,
        check_overlap = TRUE,
        color = gs_color,
        angle = gs_angle,
        vjust = 1,
        hjust = 0.5
dquang/sobekio documentation built on July 9, 2020, 10:15 p.m.