
Defines functions calc_selectivity validEffortVector validGearParams `initial_effort<-` initial_effort getInitialEffort `selectivity<-` selectivity getSelectivity `catchability<-` catchability getCatchability `gear_params<-` gear_params setFishing

Documented in calc_selectivity catchability gear_params getCatchability getInitialEffort getSelectivity initial_effort selectivity setFishing validEffortVector validGearParams

#' Set fishing parameters
#' @section Setting fishing:
#' \strong{Gears}
#' In `mizer`, fishing mortality is imposed on species by fishing gears. The
#' total per-capita fishing mortality (1/year) is obtained by summing over the
#' mortality from all gears,
#' \deqn{\mu_{f.i}(w) = \sum_g F_{g,i}(w),}
#' where the fishing mortality \eqn{F_{g,i}(w)} imposed by gear \eqn{g} on
#' species \eqn{i} at size \eqn{w} is calculated as:
#' \deqn{F_{g,i}(w) = S_{g,i}(w) Q_{g,i} E_{g},}
#' where \eqn{S} is the selectivity by species, gear and size, \eqn{Q} is the 
#' catchability by species and gear and \eqn{E} is the fishing effort by gear.
#' \strong{Selectivity}
#' The selectivity at size of each gear for each species is saved as a three
#' dimensional array (gear x species x size). Each entry has a range between 0 
#' (that gear is not selecting that species at that size) to 1 (that gear is
#' selecting all individuals of that species of that size). This three
#' dimensional array can be specified explicitly via the `selectivity`
#' argument, but usually mizer calculates it from the `gear_params` slot of
#' the MizerParams object.
#' To allow the calculation of the `selectivity` array, the `gear_params` slot
#' must be a data frame with one row for each gear-species combination. So if
#' for example a gear can select three species, then that gear contributes three
#' rows to the `gear_params` data frame, one for each species it can select. The
#' data frame must have columns `gear`, holding the name of the gear, `species`,
#' holding the name of the species, and `sel_func`, holding the name of the
#' function that calculates the selectivity curve. Some selectivity functions
#' are included in the package: `knife_edge()`, `sigmoid_length()`,
#' `double_sigmoid_length()`, and `sigmoid_weight()`. 
#' Users are able to write their own size-based selectivity function. The first
#' argument to the function must be `w` and the function must return a vector of
#' the selectivity (between 0 and 1) at size.
#' Each selectivity function may have parameters. Values for these
#' parameters must be included as columns in the gear parameters data.frame.
#' The names of the columns must exactly match the names of the corresponding
#' arguments of the selectivity function. For example, the default selectivity
#' function is `knife_edge()` that a has sudden change of selectivity from 0 to 1
#' at a certain size. In its help page you can see that the `knife_edge()`
#' function has arguments `w` and `knife_edge_size`. The first argument, `w`, is
#' size (the function calculates selectivity at size). All selectivity functions
#' must have `w` as the first argument. The values for the other arguments must
#' be found in the gear parameters data.frame. So for the `knife_edge()`
#' function there should be a `knife_edge_size` column. Because `knife_edge()`
#' is the default selectivity function, the `knife_edge_size` argument has a
#' default value = `w_mat`.
#' The most commonly-used selectivity function is `sigmoid_length()`. It has a
#' smooth transition from 0 to 1 at a certain size. The `sigmoid_length()`
#' function has the two parameters `l50` and `l25` that are the lengths in cm at
#' which 50% or 25% of the fish are selected by the gear. If you choose this
#' selectivity function then the `l50` and `l25` columns must be included in the
#' gear parameters data.frame.
#' In case each species is only selected by one gear, the columns of the
#' `gear_params` data frame can alternatively be provided as columns of the
#' `species_params` data frame, if this is more convenient for the user to set
#' up. Mizer will then copy these columns over to create the `gear_params` data
#' frame when it creates the MizerParams object. However changing these columns
#' in the species parameter data frame later will not update the `gear_params`
#' data frame.
#' \strong{Catchability}
#' Catchability is used as an additional factor to make the link between gear
#' selectivity, fishing effort and fishing mortality. For example, it can be set
#' so that an effort of 1 gives a desired fishing mortality. In this way effort
#' can then be specified relative to a 'base effort', e.g. the effort in a
#' particular year. 
#' Catchability is stored as a two dimensional array (gear x species). This can
#' either be provided explicitly via the `catchability` argument, or the
#' information can be provided via a `catchability` column in the `gear_params`
#' data frame. 
#' In the case where each species is selected by only a single gear, the
#' `catchability` column can also be provided in the `species_params` data
#' frame. Mizer will then copy this over to the `gear_params` data frame when
#' the MizerParams object is created.
#' \strong{Effort}
#' The initial fishing effort is stored in the `MizerParams` object. If it is
#' not supplied, it is set to zero. The initial effort can be overruled when
#' the simulation is run with `project()`, where it is also possible to specify
#' an effort that varies through time.
#' @param params A MizerParams object
#' @param selectivity Optional. An array (gear x species x size) that holds the
#'   selectivity of each gear for species and size, \eqn{S_{g,i,w}}.
#' @param catchability Optional. An array (gear x species) that holds the catchability of
#'   each species by each gear, \eqn{Q_{g,i}}.
#' @param initial_effort Optional. A number or a named numeric vector specifying
#'   the fishing effort. If a number, the same effort is used for all gears. If
#'   a vector, must be named by gear.
#' @param reset `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#'   If set to TRUE, then both `catchability` and `selectivity` will
#'   be reset to the values calculated from the gear parameters, even if it was
#'   previously overwritten with a custom value. If set to FALSE (default) then
#'   a recalculation from the gear parameters will take place only if no custom
#'   value has been set.
#' @param ... Unused
#' @return `setFishing()`: A MizerParams object with updated fishing
#'   parameters.
#' @export
#' @seealso [gear_params()]
#' @family functions for setting parameters
setFishing <- function(params, selectivity = NULL, catchability = NULL,
                       reset = FALSE,
                       initial_effort = NULL, ...) {
    assert_that(is(params, "MizerParams"),
    species_params <- params@species_params
    gear_params <- params@gear_params
    sp_names <- as.character(species_params$species)
    no_sp <- length(sp_names)
    w_names <- dimnames(params@selectivity)[[3]]
    no_w <- length(params@w)
    gear_names <- as.character(unique(gear_params$gear))
    no_gears <- length(gear_names)
    if (reset) {
        if (!is.null(selectivity)) {
            warning("Because you set `reset = TRUE`, the value you provided ", 
                    "for `selectivity` will be ignored and a value will be ",
                    "calculated from the gear parameters.")
            selectivity <- NULL
        comment(params@selectivity) <- NULL
        if (!is.null(catchability)) {
            warning("Because you set `reset = TRUE`, the value you provided ", 
                    "for `catchability` will be ignored and a value will be ",
                    "calculated from the gear parameters.")
            catchability <- NULL
        comment(params@catchability) <- NULL
    if (!is.null(selectivity) && is.null(comment(selectivity))) {
        if (is.null(comment(params@selectivity))) {
            comment(selectivity) <- "set manually"
        } else {
            comment(selectivity) <- comment(params@selectivity)
    if (!is.null(catchability) && is.null(comment(catchability))) {
        if (is.null(comment(params@catchability))) {
            comment(catchability) <- "set manually"
        } else {
            comment(catchability) <- comment(params@catchability)
    # The number of gears could be set by the catchability array
    if (!is.null(catchability) && (dim(catchability)[[1]] != no_gears)) {
        if (is.null(selectivity)) {
            stop("The catchability array has changed the number of gears. ",
                 "Therefore you also need to supply a selectivity array.")
        if (is.null(dimnames(catchability))) {
            stop("The catchability array needs to set the names of the ",
                 " gears via its dimnames.")
        # change gear number and names
        gear_names <- unique(dimnames(catchability)[[1]])
        no_gears <- length(gear_names)
        if (no_gears != dim(catchability)[[1]]) {
            stop("The gear names provided via the dimnames of the ",
                 "catchability array need to be all different.")
    if (!is.null(selectivity)) {
        assert_that(length(dim(selectivity)) == 3,
                    dim(selectivity)[[1]] == no_gears,
                    dim(selectivity)[[2]] == no_sp,
                    dim(selectivity)[[3]] == no_w)
        dnames <- dimnames(selectivity)
        if (!is.null(dnames)) {
            if (!identical(dnames[[1]], gear_names)) {
                stop("The gear dimnames in the selectivity array do ",
                     "not match the gear names.")
            if (!identical(dnames[[2]], sp_names)) {
                stop("The species dimnames in the selectivity array do ",
                     "not match the species names.")
            if (!identical(dnames[[3]], w_names)) {
                warning("I have changed the size dimnames in the ",
                        "selectivity array to agree with mizer conventions.")
        dimnames(selectivity) <- list(gear = gear_names, 
                                      sp = sp_names,
                                      w = w_names)
        params@selectivity <- selectivity
    } else {
        selectivity <- calc_selectivity(params)
        if (!is.null(comment(params@selectivity)) &&
            different(selectivity, params@selectivity)) {
            message("The selectivity has been commented and therefore will ",
                    "not be recalculated from the gear parameters.")
        } else {
            params@selectivity <- selectivity
    if (!is.null(catchability)) {
        assert_that(length(dim(catchability)) == 2,
                    dim(catchability)[[2]] == no_sp)
        # Check dimnames if they were provided, otherwise set them
        dnames <- dimnames(catchability)
        if (!is.null(dnames)) {
            if (!identical(dnames[[1]], gear_names)) {
                stop("The gear dimnames in the catchability array do ",
                     "not match the gear names.")
            if (!identical(dnames[[2]], sp_names)) {
                stop("The species dimnames in the catchability array do ",
                     "not match the species names.")
        } else {
            dimnames(catchability) <- list(gear = gear_names,
                                           sp = sp_names)
        params@catchability <- catchability
    } else {
        catchability <- 
            array(0, dim = c(no_gears, no_sp),
                  dimnames = list(gear = gear_names, 
                                  sp = sp_names
        for (g in seq_len(nrow(gear_params))) {
                          as.character(gear_params$species[[g]])]] <-
        if (!is.null(comment(params@catchability)) &&
            different(catchability, params@catchability)) {
            message("The catchability has been commented and therefore will ",
                    "not be updated from the gear parameters.")
        } else {
            params@catchability <- catchability
    if (!is.null(initial_effort)) {
        params@initial_effort[] <- validEffortVector(initial_effort, params)
        comment(params@initial_effort) <- comment(initial_effort)
    # Get rid of any efforts for gears that no longer exist and set effort
    # for new gears to zero (done by `validEffortVector()`).
    existing <- names(params@initial_effort) %in% gear_names
    params@initial_effort <- validEffortVector(params@initial_effort[existing], 
    params@time_modified <- lubridate::now()

#' Gear parameters
#' These functions allow you to get or set the gear parameters stored in
#' a MizerParams object. These are used by [setFishing()] to set up the 
#' selectivity and catchability and thus together with the fishing effort
#' determine the fishing mortality.
#' The `gear_params` data has one row for each gear-species pair and one
#' column for each parameter that determines how that gear interacts with that
#' species. The columns are:
#' * `species` The name of the species
#' * `gear` The name of the gear
#' * `catchability` A number specifying how strongly this gear selects this
#'   species.
#' * `sel_func` The name of the function that calculates the selectivity curve.
#' * One column for each selectivity parameter needed by the selectivity
#'   functions.
#' For the details see [setFishing()]. 
#' There can optionally also be a column `yield_observed` that allows you to
#' specify for each gear and species the total annual fisheries yield. This is
#' used by [mizerExperimental::matchYield()].
#' The fishing effort, which is also needed to determine the fishing mortality
#' exerted by a gear is not set via the `gear_params` data frame but is set
#' with `initial_effort()` or is specified when calling `project()`.
#' If you change a gear parameter, this will be used to recalculate the
#' `selectivity` and `catchability` arrays by calling [setFishing()],
#' unless you have previously set these by hand.
#' `gear_params<-` automatically sets the row names to contain the species name
#' and the gear name, separated by a comma and a space. The last example below
#' illustrates how this facilitates changing an individual gear parameter.
#' @param params A MizerParams object
#' @return Data frame with gear parameters
#' @export
#' @family functions for setting parameters
#' @examples 
#' params <- NS_params
#' # gears set up in example
#' gear_params(params)
#' # setting totally different gears
#' gear_params(params) <- data.frame(
#'     gear = c("gear1", "gear2", "gear1"),
#'     species = c("Cod", "Cod", "Haddock"),
#'     catchability = c(0.5, 2, 1),
#'     sel_fun = c("sigmoid_weight", "knife_edge", "sigmoid_weight"),
#'     sigmoidal_weight = c(1000, NA, 800),
#'     sigmoidal_sigma = c(100, NA, 100),
#'     knife_edge_size = c(NA, 1000, NA)
#'     )
#' gear_params(params)
#' # changing an individual entry
#' gear_params(params)["Cod, gear1", "catchability"] <- 0.8
gear_params <- function(params) {

#' @rdname gear_params
#' @param value A data frame with the gear parameters.
#' @seealso [validGearParams()]
#' @export
`gear_params<-` <- function(params, value) {
    value <- validGearParams(value, params@species_params)
    params@gear_params <- value

#' @rdname setFishing
#' @return `getCatchability()` or equivalently `catchability()`: An array (gear
#'   x species) that holds the catchability of each species by each gear,
#'   \eqn{Q_{g,i}}. The names of the dimensions are "gear, "sp".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' str(getCatchability(NS_params))
getCatchability <- function(params) {

#' @rdname setFishing
#' @export
catchability <- function(params) {

#' @rdname setFishing
#' @param value .
#' @export
`catchability<-` <- function(params, value) {
    setFishing(params, catchability = value)

#' @rdname setFishing
#' @return `getSelectivity()` or equivalently `selectivity()`: An array (gear x
#'   species x size) that holds the selectivity of each gear for species and
#'   size, \eqn{S_{g,i,w}}. The names of the dimensions are "gear, "sp", "w".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' str(getSelectivity(NS_params))
getSelectivity <- function(params) {

#' @rdname setFishing
#' @export
selectivity <- function(params) {

#' @rdname setFishing
#' @export
`selectivity<-` <- function(params, value) {
    setFishing(params, selectivity = value)

#' @rdname setFishing
#' @return `getInitialEffort()` or equivalently `initial_effort()`: A named
#'   vector with the initial fishing effort for each gear.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' str(getInitialEffort(NS_params))
getInitialEffort <- function(params) {

#' Initial fishing effort
#' The fishing effort is a named vector, specifying for each fishing gear the
#' effort invested into fishing with that gear. The effort value for each gear
#' is multiplied by the catchability and the selectivity to determine the
#' fishing mortality imposed by that gear, see [setFishing()] for more details.
#' The initial effort you have set can be overruled when running a simulation
#' by providing an `effort` argument to [project()] which allows you to
#' specify a time-varying effort.
#' @param params A MizerParams object
#' @return Effort vector
#' @export
initial_effort <- function(params) {

#' @rdname initial_effort
#' @param value The initial fishing effort
#' @export
`initial_effort<-` <- function(params, value) {
    setFishing(params, initial_effort = value)

#' Check validity of gear parameters and set defaults
#' The function returns a valid gear parameter data frame that can be used
#' by `setFishing()` or it gives an error message.
#' The gear_params data frame is allowed to have zero rows, but if it has
#' rows, then the following requirements apply:
#' * There must be columns `species` and `gear` and any species - gear pair is 
#'   allowed to appear at most once. Any species that appears must also appear
#'   in the `species_params` data frame.
#' * There must be a `sel_func` column. If a selectivity function is not 
#'   supplied, it will be set to "knife_edge".
#' * There must be a `catchability` column. If a catchability is not supplied,
#'   it will be set to 1.
#' * All the parameters required by the selectivity functions must be provided.
#' If gear_params is empty, then this function tries to find the necessary
#' information in the species_params data frame. This restricts each species
#' to be fished by only one gear. Defaults are used for information that can
#' not be found in the species_params dataframe, as follows:
#' * If there is no `gear` column or it is NA then a new gear named after the
#'   species is introduced.
#' * If there is no `sel_func` column or it is NA then `knife_edge` is used.
#' * If there is no `catchability` column or it is NA then this is set to 1.
#' * If the selectivity function is `knife_edge` and no `knife_edge_size` is
#'   provided, it is set to `w_mat`.
#' The row names of the returned data frame are of the form
#' "species, gear".
#' When `gear_params` is `NULL` and there is no gear information in
#' `species_params`, then a gear called `knife_edge_gear` is set up with a
#' `knife_edge` selectivity for each species and a `knive_edge_size` equal to
#' `w_mat`. Catchability is set to 0.3 for all species.
#' @param gear_params Gear parameter data frame
#' @param species_params Species parameter data frame
#' @return A valid gear parameter data frame
#' @concept helper
#' @seealso [gear_params()]
#' @export
validGearParams <- function(gear_params, species_params) {
    catchability_default <- ifelse(defaults_edition() < 2, 1, 0.3)
    # if no gear parameters are given, set up knife-edge gear
    if (is.null(gear_params) && 
        !("gear" %in% names(species_params) || 
            "sel_func" %in% names(species_params))) {
        gear_params <- 
            data.frame(species = species_params$species,
                       gear = "knife_edge_gear",
                       sel_func = "knife_edge",
                       knife_edge_size = species_params$w_mat,
                       catchability = catchability_default,
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # for old versions of R
    species_params <- completeSpeciesParams(species_params)
    no_sp <- nrow(species_params)
    # If no gear_params are supplied, but there is either a gear or sel_func
    # column in the species_params data frame, then try to extract information
    # from there.
    if ((is.null(gear_params) || nrow(gear_params) == 0) &&
        ("gear" %in% names(species_params) || 
         "sel_func" %in% names(species_params))) {
        # Try to take parameters from species_params
        gear_params <- 
            data.frame(species = as.character(species_params$species),
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        if ("gear" %in% names(species_params)) {
            gear_params$gear <- as.character(species_params$gear)
            gear_params$gear[is.na(gear_params$gear)] <- 
        } else {
            gear_params$gear <- species_params$species
        if ("sel_func" %in% names(species_params)) {
            gear_params$sel_func <- as.character(species_params$sel_func)
            gear_params$sel_func[is.na(gear_params$sel_func)] <- "knife_edge"
        } else {
            gear_params$sel_func <- "knife_edge"
        if ("catchability" %in% names(species_params)) {
            gear_params$catchability <- species_params$catchability
            gear_params$catchability[is.na(gear_params$catchability)] <-
        } else {
            gear_params$catchability <- catchability_default
        # copy over any selectivity function parameters
        for (g in seq_len(no_sp)) {
            args <- names(formals(as.character(gear_params[g, "sel_func"])))
            args <- args[!(args %in% c("w", "species_params", "..."))]
            for (arg in args) {
                if (!arg %in% names(gear_params)) {
                    gear_params[[arg]] <- NA
                if (arg %in% names(species_params) && 
                    !is.na(species_params[g, arg])) {
                    gear_params[g, arg] <- species_params[g, arg]
                } else if (arg == "knife_edge_size") {
                    gear_params[g, arg] <- species_params$w_mat[[g]]
                } else {
                    stop("You need to provide an `", arg, "` column in the species parameter data frame.")
    # An empty gear_params data frame is valid
    if (nrow(gear_params) == 0) {
    if (!all(c("species", "gear") %in% names(gear_params))) {
        stop("`gear_params` must have columns 'species' and 'gear'.")
    # Check that every species mentioned in gear_params exists
    if (!all(gear_params$species %in% species_params$species)) {
        stop("The gear_params dataframe contains species that do not exist in the model.")
    # Check that there are no duplicate gear-species pairs
    if (anyDuplicated(gear_params[, c("species", "gear")])) {
        stop("Some species - gear pairs appear more than once.")
    # Default selectivity function is knife_edge
    if (!("sel_func" %in% names(gear_params))) {
        gear_params$sel_func <- "knife_edge"
    gear_params$sel_func[is.na(gear_params$sel_func)] <- "knife_edge"
    # Default gear name is species name
    sel <- is.na(gear_params$gear)
    gear_params$gear[sel] <- gear_params$species[sel]
    # Ensure there is knife_edge_size column if any knife_edge selectivity function
    if (any(gear_params$sel_func == "knife_edge") &&
        !("knife_edge_size" %in% names(gear_params))) {
        gear_params$knife_edge_size <- NA
    # Check that every row is complete
    for (g in seq_len(nrow(gear_params))) {
        if ((gear_params$sel_func[[g]] == "knife_edge") &&
            is.na(gear_params$knife_edge_size[[g]])) {
            sel <- species_params$species == gear_params$species[[g]]
            gear_params$knife_edge_size[[g]] <- species_params$w_mat[sel]
        # get args
        # These as.characters are annoying - but factors everywhere
        arg <- names(formals(as.character(gear_params[g, "sel_func"])))
        arg <- arg[!(arg %in% c("w", "species_params", "..."))]
        if (!all(arg %in% colnames(gear_params))) {
            stop("Some arguments needed for the selectivity function are ",
                 "missing in the gear parameter dataframe.")
        # Check that there are no missing values for selectivity parameters
        if (any(is.na(as.list(gear_params[g, arg])))) {
            stop("Some selectivity parameters are NA.")
    if (!("catchability" %in% names(gear_params))) {
        gear_params$catchability <- catchability_default
    gear_params$catchability[is.na(gear_params$catchability)] <- 
    rownames(gear_params) <- paste(gear_params$species, gear_params$gear,
                                       sep = ", ")


#' Return valid effort vector
#' A valid effort vector is a named vector with one effort value for each gear.
#' The function also accepts an `effort` that is not yet valid:
#' * a scalar, which is then replicated for each gear
#' * an unnamed vector, which is then assumed to be in the same order as the
#'   gears in the params object
#' * a named vector in which the gear names have a different order than in the
#'   params object. This is then sorted correctly.
#' * a named vector which only supplies values for some of the gears.
#'   The effort for the other gears is then set to zero.
#' An `effort` argument will lead to an error if it is either
#' * unnamed and of the wrong length
#' * named but where some names do not match any of the gears
#' * not numeric
#' @param effort A vector or scalar.
#' @export
#' @concept helper
#' @rdname initial_effort
validEffortVector <- function(effort, params) {
    assert_that(is(params, "MizerParams"),
                (is.null(effort) || is.numeric(effort)))
    gear_names <- dimnames(params@catchability)[[1]]
    no_gears <- length(gear_names)
    # If only one effort is given, it is replicated for all gears
    if (length(effort) == 1) {
        effort <- rep(effort, no_gears)
        names(effort) <- gear_names
    # If effort is unnamed but of the right length, then set gear names
    if (is.null(names(effort))) {
        if (length(effort) != no_gears) {
            stop("Effort vector must be the same length as the number of fishing gears.")
        names(effort) <- gear_names
    # Effort vector should not supply effort for non-existent gears
    if (!all(names(effort) %in% gear_names)) {
        stop("The effort vector is invalid as it has names that are not among the gear names")

    # Set any missing efforts to default
    effort_default <- ifelse(defaults_edition() < 2, 0, 1)
    missing <- setdiff(gear_names, names(effort))
    new <- rep(effort_default, length(missing))
    names(new) <- missing
    effort <- c(effort, new)
    # Set any NAs to default
    effort[is.na(effort)] <- effort_default
    # Sort vector
    effort <- effort[gear_names]

#' Calculate selectivity from gear parameters
#' This function calculates the selectivity for each gear, species and size from
#' the gear parameters. It is called by [setFishing()] when the `selectivity` is
#' not set by the user.
#' @param params A MizerParams object
#' @return An array (gear x species x size) with the selectivity values
#' @concept helper
#' @export
#' @examples
#' params <- NS_params
#' calc_selectivity(params)["Pelagic", "Herring", ]
calc_selectivity <- function(params) {
    assert_that(is(params, "MizerParams"))
    species_params <- params@species_params
    gear_params <- params@gear_params
    sp_names <- as.character(species_params$species)
    no_sp <- length(sp_names)
    w_names <- dimnames(params@selectivity)[[3]]
    no_w <- length(params@w)
    gear_names <- as.character(unique(gear_params$gear))
    no_gears <- length(gear_names)
    selectivity <- 
        array(0, dim = c(no_gears, no_sp, no_w),
              dimnames = list(gear = gear_names, 
                              sp = sp_names,
                              w = w_names
    for (g in seq_len(nrow(gear_params))) {
        # These as.characters are annoying - but factors everywhere
        species <- as.character(gear_params[g, "species"])
        gear <- as.character(gear_params[g, "gear"])
        sel_func <- as.character(gear_params[g, "sel_func"])
        # get args
        arg <- names(formals(sel_func))
        # lop off the arguments that we will supply
        arg <- arg[!(arg %in% c("w", "species_params", "..."))]
        if (!all(arg %in% colnames(gear_params))) {
            stop("Some arguments needed for the selectivity function are ",
                 "missing in the gear_params dataframe.")
        # Check that there are no missing values for selectivity parameters
        if (any(is.na(as.list(gear_params[g, arg])))) {
            stop("Some selectivity parameters are NA.")
        # Call selectivity function with selectivity parameters
        par <- c(list(w = params@w, 
                      species_params = as.list(species_params[species, ])),
                 as.list(gear_params[g, arg]))
        sel <- do.call(sel_func, args = par)
        selectivity[gear, species, ] <- sel
drfinlayscott/mizer documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 9:18 p.m.