

#lmeFit <- lme(log(serBilir) ~ ns(year, k = 8, B = c(0, 14.5)) +
#                  IE + IE:ns(year - S, k = 4.5, B = c(0, 13.5)), data = pbc2,
#              random = ~ ns(year, k = 8, B = c(0, 14.5)) + IE +
#                  IE:ns(year - S, k = 4.5, B = c(0, 13.5)) | id,
#              control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"))

lmeFit <- lme(log(serBilir) ~ year + IE + IE:year, data = pbc2,
              random = ~ year + IE + IE:year | id,
              control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"))

CoxFit <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ strata(CR) * (age + sex + IE),
                data = pbc2_CR)

fForms <- ~ value(log(serBilir)) + value(log(serBilir)):IE + value(log(serBilir)):CR

jointFit <- jm(CoxFit, lmeFit, time_var = "year", functional_forms = fForms,
               priors = list(Tau_alphas = list(diag(1), diag(1), 10000 * diag(1))),
               n_iter = 15000L, n_burnin = 5000L)


lmeFit <- lme(log(serBilir) ~ year, data = pbc2, random = ~ year | id)

CoxFit <- coxph(Surv(years, status2) ~ age + sex, data =

jointFit2 <- jm(CoxFit, lmeFit, time_var = "year")

pbc2.idCR <- crLong(, statusVar = "status", censLevel = "alive",
                    nameStrata = "CR")

CoxFit_CR <- coxph(Surv(years, status2) ~ (age + drug) * strata(CR),
                   data = pbc2.idCR)

fm1 <- lme(log(serBilir) ~ poly(year, 2) * drug, data = pbc2,
           random = ~ poly(year, 2) | id)
fm2 <- lme(prothrombin ~ year * drug, data = pbc2, random = ~ year | id)

CR_forms <- list(
    "log(serBilir)" = ~ value(log(serBilir)):CR,
    "prothrombin" = ~ value(prothrombin):CR

jointFit3 <- jm(CoxFit_CR, list(fm1, fm2), time_var = "year",
              functional_forms = CR_forms,
              n_iter = 25000L, n_burnin = 5000L, n_thin = 5L)

save(list = c("jointFit", "jointFit2", "jointFit3"),
     file = "./Development/CI/model.RData")


# the data frame that contains the combination of values to
# create the plot
for (tt in c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)) {
    t0 <- tt
    newDF <- with(pbc2, expand.grid(year = seq(0, 12, length.out = 55), S = t0))
    newDF$IE <- as.numeric(newDF$year >= newDF$S)

    # the effects plot
    print(xyplot(pred + low + upp ~ year,
                 data = effectPlotData(lmeFit, newDF, pbc2),
                 lty = c(1, 2, 2), col = c(2, 1, 1), lwd = 2, type = "l",
                 abline = list(v = tt, col = "blue", lty = 3, lwd = 3),
                 xlab = "Follow-up time (years)",
                 ylab = "log Serum Billirubin"))

lmeFit <- lme(log(serBilir) ~ ns(year, 2, B = c(0, 15)), data = pbc2,
              random = ~ ns(year, 2, B = c(0, 15)) | id)

CoxFit <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ strata(CR) * (age + sex),
                data = pbc2_CR)

fForms <- ~ value(log(serBilir)) + value(log(serBilir)):CR

jointFit <- jm(CoxFit, lmeFit, time_var = "year", functional_forms = fForms,
               n_iter = 15000L, n_burnin = 5000L)



# Causal Effects from Joint Models #

# We fit the joint model of interest.

# In the longitudinal sub-model we postulate that the trajectory changes
# after the occurrence of the intermediate event IE. Note that the formulation
# of the model allows for a 'sudden' drop/jump of the subject-specific profiles,
# i.e., the intercept and slope change.
lmeFit <- lme(log(serBilir) ~ year + IE + IE:year, data = pbc2,
              random = ~ year + IE + IE:year | id,
              control = lmeControl(opt = "optim"))

# In the event process sub-model we fit cause-specific hazards functions, also
# including IE as a time-varying covariate
CoxFit <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ strata(CR) * (age + sex + IE),
                data = pbc2_CR)

# In the functional forms we specify that the effect of the longitudinal
# biomarker is different before and after the IE status for death, but the
# biomarker has no effect on the risk of transplantation
dummy <- function (f, lvl) as.numeric(f == lvl)
fForms <- ~ value(log(serBilir)):dummy(CR, "transplanted") +
    value(log(serBilir)):dummy(CR, "dead"):dummy(IE, 0) +
    value(log(serBilir)):dummy(CR, "dead"):dummy(IE, 1)

# To specify that the biomarker has no effect on the risk of transplantation, we
# contraint the corresponding association parameter alpha via the prior (i.e.,
# we assume prior mean zero and prior precision 20000)
jointFit <- jm(CoxFit, lmeFit, time_var = "year", functional_forms = fForms,
               priors = list(Tau_alphas = list(diag(20000, 1), diag(1), diag(1))),
               n_iter = 15000L, n_burnin = 5000L)


# We take as an example Patient 81 from the PBC dataset.
# We calculate the cumulative incidence probabilities in the presence and
# absence of the intermediate event IE.
# The data.frame 'newdataL' contains the longitudinal measurements
newdataL <- pbc2[pbc2$id %in% c(81), ]
newdataL$status2 <- 0
# The data.frame 'newdataE_withIE' contains the event information in the
# presence of the IE.
newdataE_withIE <- pbc2_CR[pbc2_CR$id %in% c(81), ]
newdataE_withIE$event <- 0
# The data.frame 'newdataE_withoutIE' contains the event information in the
# absence of the IE.
newdataE_withoutIE <- newdataE_withIE[c(1, 3), ]

# We specify the follow-up times t0 at which we want to calculate the
# conditional causal effect, and the length of the medically-relevant time
# window Delta_t
t0 <- c(3, 5, 7 , 9)
Delta_t <- 2

causal_effect <- matrix(0.0, length(t0), 3,
                        dimnames = list(paste("t0 =", t0),
                                        c("Effect", "95%_low", "95%_upp")))

for (i in seq_along(t0)) {
    # Some data management steps first:
    # In the longitudinal data.frame we keep the measurements before t0
    newdataL_i <- newdataL[newdataL$year <= t0[i], ]
    # In the event data.frame without the IE we set the stop time at t0
    newdataE_withoutIE_i <- newdataE_withoutIE
    newdataE_withoutIE_i$stop <- t0[i]
    # In the event data.frame with the IE we set that the IE occurs a bit after t0
    # and a bit afterward is the last time the patient was available
    newdataE_withIE_i <- newdataE_withoutIE_i
    newdataE_withIE_i$IE <- 1

    # We calculate the predictions using the two datasets
    newdata_withIE_i <- list(newdataL = newdataL_i, newdataE = newdataE_withIE_i)
    newdata_withoutIE_i <- list(newdataL = newdataL_i, newdataE = newdataE_withoutIE_i)

    predSurv_withoutIE <- predict(jointFit, newdata = newdata_withoutIE_i,
                                  process = "event", times = t0[i] + Delta_t,
                                  return_mcmc = TRUE)
    predSurv_withIE <- predict(jointFit, newdata = newdata_withoutIE_i,
                               newdata2 = newdata_withIE_i, return_mcmc = TRUE,
                               process = "event", times = t0[i] + Delta_t)

    # The conditional causal effect
    causal_effect[i, 1] <- predSurv_withIE$pred[2] - predSurv_withoutIE$pred[2]

    # 95% CI
    samples <- predSurv_withIE$mcmc[2, ] - predSurv_withoutIE$mcmc[2, ]
    causal_effect[i, 2:3] <- quantile(samples, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))



# Marginal causal effect

# To calculate the marginal causal effect, we will average over the subjects
# at risk,

# We specify the follow-up time t0 at which we want to calculate the
# conditional causal effect, and the length of the medically-relevant time
# window Delta_t
t0 <- 3
Delta_t <- 2

n <- nrow(newdataL)
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
   t0 <- newdataL$year[i]
   newdataL_i <- newdataL[newdataL$year <= t0, ]
   newdataL_i$years <- t0
   newdataE2_i <- newdataE2
   newdataE2_i$stop <- t0 + 1e-03
   newdataE_i <- newdataE
   newdataE_i$stop <- c(t0 + 1e-06, t0 + 1e-03, t0 + 1e-06, t0 + 1e-03)
   newdataE_i$start[c(2, 4)] <- c(t0 + 1e-06, t0 + 1e-06)
   newdata_i <- list(newdataL = newdataL_i, newdataE = newdataE_i)
   newdata2_i <- list(newdataL = newdataL_i, newdataE = newdataE2_i)
   predSurv <- predict(jointFit, newdata = newdata_i, process = "event",
                       return_newdata = TRUE, times = t0 + Delta_t)
   predSurv2 <- predict(jointFit, newdata = newdata2_i, process = "event",
                       return_newdata = TRUE, times = t0 + Delta_t)

drizopoulos/JMbayes2 documentation built on July 15, 2024, 11:13 p.m.