dmvnorm_chol <- function (x, chol_Sigma = NULL, chol_inv_Sigma = NULL, log = FALSE) {
# this is a stripped down version of the multivariate normal density with mean zero
# based on the Cholesky factor of the variance-covariance matrix Sigma
if (!is.matrix(x))
x <- rbind(x)
p <- ncol(x)
if (is.null(chol_Sigma) && is.null(chol_inv_Sigma))
stop("'chol_Sigma' or 'chol_inv_Sigma' must be given.")
invSigma <- if (!is.null(chol_Sigma)) {
tcrossprod(backsolve(r = chol_Sigma, x = diag(p)))
} else {
logdetSigma <- if (!is.null(chol_Sigma)) {
2 * determinant(chol_Sigma)$modulus
} else {
- 2 * determinant(chol_inv_Sigma)$modulus
quad <- 0.5 * rowSums((x %*% invSigma) * x)
fact <- -0.5 * (p * log(2 * pi) + logdetSigma)
if (log) as.vector(fact - quad) else as.vector(exp(fact - quad))
dht <- function (x, sigma = 10, df = 3, log = FALSE) {
ind <- x > 0
out <- rep(as.numeric(NA), length(x))
log_const <- log(2) + lgamma(0.5 * (df + 1)) - lgamma(0.5 * df) -
0.5 * (log(df) + log(pi)) - log(sigma)
log_kernel <- - 0.5 * (df + 1) * log(1 + x[ind]^2 / (df * sigma^2))
out[ind] <- log_const + log_kernel
if (log) out else exp(out)
cor2cov <- function (R, vars, sds = NULL) {
p <- nrow(R)
if (is.null(sds)) sds <- sqrt(vars)
sds * R * rep(sds, each = p)
robbins_monro_univ <- function (scale, acceptance_it, it, target_acceptance = 0.45) {
step_length <- scale / (target_acceptance * (1 - target_acceptance))
if (acceptance_it) {
scale + step_length * (1 - target_acceptance) / it
} else {
scale - step_length * target_acceptance / it
logPC_D_sds <- function (sds, t_inv_L, half_t_df = 3, half_t_sigma) {
# log posterior conditional for sds
log_p_b <- sum(dmvnorm_chol(b, chol_inv_Sigma = t_inv_L * rep(1 / sds, each = p),
log = TRUE))
# prior is a half Student's-t
log_p_sds <- sum(dht(sds, sigma = half_t_sigma, df = half_t_df,
log = TRUE))
log_p_b + log_p_sds
logPC_D_L <- function (L, sds, eta_LKJ = 2) {
p <- length(sds)
# log posterior conditional for the L matrix
log_p_b <- sum(dmvnorm_chol(b, chol_Sigma = L * rep(sds, each = p),
log = TRUE))
# LKJ prior on the Cholesky factor; check the following link for more info:
log_p_L <- sum((p - 2:p + 2 * eta_LKJ - 2) * log(L[diags2]))
log_p_b + log_p_L
reconstr_D <- function (L, sds) {
p <- length(sds)
LL <- matrix(0.0, p, p)
LL[upper.tri(LL, TRUE)] <- L
cor2cov(crossprod(LL), sds = sds)
deriv_L <- function (L, i, sds, log_target, eps = 1e-06,
direction = c("backward", "forward")) {
direction <- match.arg(direction)
if (direction == "forward") {
L_eps1 <- L
L_eps1[upper_tri_ind][i] <- L_eps1[upper_tri_ind][i] * (1 + eps)
ll1 <- L_eps1[seq(1, colmn_ind[i] - 1), colmn_ind[i]]
ss1 <- sum(ll1 * ll1)
L_eps1[colmn_ind[i], colmn_ind[i]] <- sqrt(1 - ss1)
(logPC_D_L(L_eps1, sds) - log_target) / eps
} else {
L_eps2 <- L
L_eps2[upper_tri_ind][i] <- L_eps2[upper_tri_ind][i] * (1 - eps)
ll2 <- L_eps2[seq(1, colmn_ind[i] - 1), colmn_ind[i]]
ss2 <- sum(ll2 * ll2)
if (ss2 > 1) return(as.numeric(NA))
L_eps2[colmn_ind[i], colmn_ind[i]] <- sqrt(1 - ss2)
(log_target - logPC_D_L(L_eps2, sds)) / eps
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