immigration_shamp: Transmission Module for those immigrating out of the country...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value


Stochastically simulates disease transmission from the heat bath given the current state of the active HIV negative population.





Master data list object of class dat containing networks, individual-level attributes, and summary statistics.


Current time step.


This function takes all active HIV negative MSMF nodes and calculates a transmission probability for each individual based on race specific exposure to the heatbath which incorperates race specific prevalence estiamtes for determining risk. After transmission events, individual-level attributes for the infected persons are updated and summary statistics for incidence calculated.

The input values dat$param$'R' were R is a race specific probability taking values (B,BI,H,HI,W).


For each new infection, the disease status, infection time, and related HIV attributes are updated for the infected node. Summary statistics for disease incidence overall, and by race are calculated and stored on dat$epi.

dth2/EpiModelHIV_SHAMP documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:56 p.m.