
#' Calculate basic statistics on a quantitative variable
#' Does a tidy calculation of basic stats. "Tidy" means that `qstats()` takes a
#' data table as input and produces a data table as output. The output will have one column
#' for each of the statistics requested as well as columns for any grouping variables.
#' @param formula indicating which variables are to be used. See details.
#' @param data the data table containing the variables
#' @param .level the confidence or coverage level (default: 0.95)
#' @param .wide format the output in a nice way for human reading. The default
#' is to output a tidy data table with one row for each of the groups
#' defined by the categorical variables on the right side of the formula.
#' @param ... the names of the statistics desired. Default: the favorite
#' statistics from `fav_stats()` in the mosaic package.
#' @details
#' Use a one-sided formula if there is only one quantitative variable involved
#' or a two-sided formula with the quantitative variable on the left
#' and categorical variables on the right. Note that `qstats()` uses only the formula to define
#' splitting into groups and ignores any grouping imposed by `dplyr::group_by()`.
#' It is unlike `dplyr::summarise()` in that respect.  QUESTION: Should this be configured to work
#' both with `group_by()` and the formula, using all the variables mentioned.
#' Available statistics:
#' * `min`, `Q1`, `median`, `mean`, `Q3`, `max`, `sd`, `n`, `missing`. When no specific statistics are named, these will be the output.
#' * Intervals giving the high and low values:
#'     - `coverage`: covers the central 95% of the data
#'     - `mean.conf`: confidence interval on the mean
#'     - `median.conf`: confidence interval on the median
#'     - `sd.conf`: confidence interval on the standard deviation
#'  * Just one end of the interval, use a name like `sd.conf.low`
#' @examples
#' mtcars %>% qstats( ~ hp, mean, median, sd.conf)
#' mtcars %>% qstats(hp ~ cyl, mean, median, sd.conf)
#' mtcars %>% qstats(hp ~ cyl)
#' @export
qstats <- function(formula, data, ..., .level = 0.95, .wide = FALSE) {
  stopifnot(.level <= 1, .level >= 0)
  others <- lazyeval::lazy_dots(...)
  replace <- function(set, what, a, b) {
    if (what %in% set) {
      inds <- 1:length(set)
      n <- which(what == set)
      left <- set[inds < n]
      middle <- c(a, b)
      right <- set[inds > n]

      return(c(left, middle, right))
  others_names <-
    if (length(others) == 0) { # default set of stats
      c("min", "Q1", "median", "Q3", "max", "mean", "sd", "n", "missing")
    } else { # stats specified in ...
      unlist(lapply(others, FUN = function(x) as.character(x$expr)))
  # allow appreviation for intervals
  others_names <- replace(others_names, "coverage", "coverage.low", "coverage.high")
  others_names <- replace(others_names, "mean.conf", "mean.conf.low", "mean.conf.high")
  others_names <- replace(others_names, "median.conf", "median.conf.low", "median.conf.high")
  others_names <- replace(others_names, "sd.conf", "sd.conf.low", "sd.conf.high")

  if (inherits(formula, "data.frame") && inherits(data, "formula")) {
    # switched at birth. Likely because input is piped in
    tmp <- data
    data <- formula
    formula <- tmp
  if ( ! inherits(formula, "formula")) stop("first arg must be a formula")
  if ( ! inherits(data, "data.frame")) stop("second arg must be a data table")
  MF <- model.frame(formula, data)
  var_names <- sprintf("`%s`", names(MF)) # backquote to deal with odd names like log(x)

  # calculations available
  to_do <- c(
    min = "base::min(__data__, na.rm = TRUE)",
    Q1 = "stats::quantile(__data__, na.rm = TRUE, probs = 0.25)",
    median = "stats::median(__data__, na.rm = TRUE)",
    Q3 = "stats::quantile(__data__, na.rm = TRUE, probs = 0.75)",
    max = "base::max(__data__, na.rm = TRUE)",
    mean = "base::mean(__data__, na.rm = TRUE)",
    sd = "stats::sd(__data__, na.rm = TRUE)",
    n = "n()",
    missing = "sum(is.na(__data__))",
    mean.conf.low = "statPREP:::ci_mean(__data__, level = __level__, upper = FALSE)",
    mean.conf.high = "statPREP:::ci_mean(__data__, level = __level__, upper = TRUE)",
    median.conf.low = "statPREP:::ci_median(__data__, level = __level__, upper = FALSE)",
    median.conf.high = "statPREP:::ci_median(__data__, level = __level__, upper = TRUE)",
    sd.conf.low = "statPREP:::ci_sd(__data__, level = __level__, upper = FALSE)",
    sd.conf.high = "statPREP:::ci_sd(__data__, level = __level__, upper = TRUE)",
    mean.stderr = "statPREP:::stderr_mean(__data__)",
    coverage.low = "stats::quantile(__data__, probs = (1-__level__)/2, na.rm = TRUE)",
    coverage.high = "stats::quantile(__data__, probs = 1-(1-__level__)/2, na.rm = TRUE)"

  # Fill in the variables and other params of the statistics.
  to_do <- gsub("__data__", var_names[1], to_do)
  to_do <- gsub("__level__", as.character(.level), to_do)

  # make it into a list
  to_do <- as.list(to_do)

  # Check to see if the requested statistics are available
  bogus_names <- others_names[! others_names %in% names(to_do)]
  if (length(bogus_names))
    warning("No such statistic available: ", paste(bogus_names, collapse = ", "))
  others_names <- setdiff(others_names, bogus_names)

  if (length(others_names) != 0) to_do <- to_do[others_names]

  # To do ... check for quantitative grouping variables with many, many levels
  # give a warning with advice to use ntiles() on such variables
  do.call(dplyr::group_by_, c(list(MF), as.list(var_names[-1]))) -> TMP
  dplyr::ungroup(do.call(dplyr::summarise_, c(list(TMP), as.list(to_do))))

ci_mean <- function(vals, level = 0.95, upper = TRUE) {
  # deduce the quantile for the top and bottom of the CI
  bottom_level <- (1 - level)/2
  top_level <- 1 - bottom_level
  p_for_t <- ifelse(upper, top_level, bottom_level)
  n = length(vals)
  base::mean(vals, na.rm = TRUE) + stats::qt(p_for_t, n-1) * stats::sd(vals, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(n)
stderr_mean <- function(vals) {
  stats::sd(vals) / length(vals)
ci_median <- function(vals, level=0.95, upper = TRUE) {
  vals <- sort(vals)
  n <- length(vals)
  bottom_level <- (1-level)/2
  top_level <- 1 - bottom_level
  p_for_norm <- ifelse(upper, top_level, bottom_level)
  ci_index <- (n + qnorm(p_for_norm) * sqrt(n))/2 + upper
ci_sd <- function(vals, level=0.95, upper = TRUE) {
  n <- length(vals)
  bottom_level <- (1-level)/2
  top_level <- 1 - bottom_level
  # the following seems backwards, but it's not because
  # of the form of the CI for standard deviations
  p_for_chisq <- ifelse( ! upper, top_level, bottom_level)
  result = (n-1) * stats::sd(vals, na.rm = TRUE)^2 / qchisq(p_for_chisq, df=n-1)

dtkaplan/statPREPpackage documentation built on May 15, 2019, 5:22 p.m.