
#' Convert a function into a script which can be run from command line
#' Only handling functions which take character arguments
#' @param f function
#' @param fname name of the function. Must provide if f is anonymous
#' @param script file to write the script to
funcToScript = function(f
    , fname = deparse(substitute(f))
    , script = paste0(fname, ".R")
    # Print everything right to the script
    sink(script, type = "output")

"#!/usr/bin/env Rscript\n"
, "# Auto generated at ", as.character(Sys.time())
, "\n\n\n"
, fname, " <- "
args <- as.list(commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))
do.call(", fname, ", args)"

# Testing

# Clark: We could use a package like optparse or docopt to handle named
# arguments. We could also hook it up with a documentation generation
# system like Roxygen.

#' Write Row Sums Of Infile To Outfile
fileRowSums = function(infile, outfile, ...)
    X = read.table(infile, ...)
    Xs = rowSums(X)
    write.table(Xs, outfile, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

fileRowSums("123.txt", stdout())

duncantl/CodeAnalysis documentation built on Feb. 21, 2024, 10:49 p.m.