
test_exprblock = function()

    scr = readScript("testcode/inputtest1.R")
    res = getInputs(scr)[[1]]
    checkTrue(all(res@inputs == c("n", "c", "titletxt")), "Failed to exclude symbols from input list that are ouputs from previous line in expression block")
    checkTrue(all(res@outputs == c("a", "b")))

#this one (formulas) will be hard to pass, but is probably important if we want
#to use CodeDepends on analysis code people are actually using
#It may be impossible to catch this 100% of the time, eg when analyst uses a
#positional matching to specify the data argument, but we should probably catch
#it when they do data=... (or potentially even dat=...)
test_formula = function()
    scr = readScript("testcode/inputtest2.R")
    res = getInputs(scr)[[2]] #fit = lm(b~a, data=df)
    checkTrue(all(res@inputs == "df"), "Test for understanding that formula elements don't indicate additional inputs when data argument is used, eg in lm, failed.")
    checkTrue(all(res@outputs == "fit"))


#knowing that "assign" and "<<-" indicate output
test_altoutput = function()
    scr = readScript("testcode/inputtest3.R")
    res = getInputs(scr)[[1]]
    checkTrue("assigned" %in% res@outputs, "Detection of assign call as output failed.")
    checkTrue("dblarrow" %in% res@outputs, "Detection of <<- as assignment (output) failed.")

test_libsymbols = function()
        scr = readScript("testcode/inputtest4.R")
        res = getInputs(scr, collector = CodeDepends:::inputCollector(checkLibrarySymbols = TRUE))
        checkTrue( ! ( "pi" %in% res[[1]]@inputs ) , "'pi' symbol, present in base package, returned as input variable")
        checkTrue("f" %in% res[[3]]@inputs, "code-defined function f not detected as input when used as an argument to sapply in subsequent code")
        checkTrue( ! ( "rnorm" %in% res[[4]]@inputs) , "package defined functiornorm returned as input variable when used as argument to sapply")
        checkTrue("f" %in% res[[5]]@inputs, "code-defined function f not detected as input when called by subsequent code")

sameset = function(x,y) {
    if(!is.vector(x) || !is.vector(y))
        stop("x,y need to be vectors")
    if(!identical(class(x), class(y)))
    identical(sort(unique(x)), sort(unique(y)))

test_colons = function() {
    scr = readScript(,txt = "stats::rnorm(n, x)")
    inp = getInputs(scr)[[1]]
    checkTrue(sameset(names(inp@functions), c("::", "rnorm")), "Not identifying functions correctly in double colon calls")
    checkTrue(sameset(inp@inputs, c("n", "x")), "Not identifying inputs correctly in double colon calls")
    checkTrue(sameset(inp@libraries, c("stats")), "Did not correctly identify libraries used via ::")

test_pipe = function() {
    scr = readScript("testcode/inputtest5.R")
    res = getInputs(scr)[[1]]
    checkTrue(sameset(names(res@functions), c("%>%", "::", paste0("f", 1:4))),
              "Did not correctly identify functions called via pipe")
    checkTrue(sameset(res@libraries, c("stats", "graphics")), "Didn't catch libraries called via :: within pipe expression")
    checkTrue(sameset(res@inputs, c("df", "w", "z")), "Didn't correctly id initial and additional inputs to pipe expression")
    checkIdentical(res@outputs, "out", "Didn't correctly identify output of -> in pipe expression")

duncantl/CodeDepends documentation built on Oct. 22, 2023, 9:16 p.m.