
Defines functions pixTranspose pixSetDims pixFlipLR pixFlipTB pixEqual as.raster.PIX tmp pixNumericSubset pixClone pixGetInputFormat pixAnd pixXor pixOr pixSubtract pixSetPixels pixGetRGBPixels pixGetPixels pixGetDims pixSetRes pixGetRes pixDilateBrick pixErodeBrick pixOpenBrick pixCloseBrick pixOpenGray pixDilateGray pixErodeGray pixCloseGray pixFindSkew pixConvertTo8 pixInvert pixThresholdToBinary pixThresholdToValue pixAddGray

Documented in pixAddGray pixAnd pixClone pixCloseBrick pixCloseGray pixConvertTo8 pixDilateBrick pixDilateGray pixEqual pixErodeBrick pixErodeGray pixFindSkew pixFlipLR pixFlipTB pixGetDims pixGetInputFormat pixGetPixels pixGetRes pixGetRGBPixels pixInvert pixOpenBrick pixOpenGray pixOr pixSetDims pixSetPixels pixSetRes pixSubtract pixThresholdToBinary pixThresholdToValue pixTranspose pixXor

setAs("character", "Pix", function(from) pixRead(from))

pixAddGray =
function(pix1, pix2, target = NULL)
  .Call("R_pixAddGray", pix1, pix2, target)

pixThresholdToValue =
function(pix, threshold, newValue, target = NULL)
  .Call("R_pixThresholdToValue", pix, target, as.integer(threshold), as.integer(newValue))

pixThresholdToBinary =
function(pix, threshold)
  .Call("R_pixThresholdToBinary", pix, as.integer(threshold))

pixInvert =
function(pix, target = NULL)
  .Call("R_pixInvert", pix, target)

pixConvertTo8 =
function(pix, colormap = FALSE)
  .Call("R_pixConvertTo8", pix, as.logical(colormap))

pixFindSkew =
  .Call("R_pixFindSkew", pix)

pixCloseGray =
function(pix, horiz, vert)
    .Call("R_pixCloseGray", pix, as.integer(horiz), as.integer(vert))

pixErodeGray =
function(pix, horiz, vert)
    .Call("R_pixErodeGray", pix, as.integer(horiz), as.integer(vert))

pixDilateGray =
function(pix, horiz, vert)
    .Call("R_pixDilateGray", pix, as.integer(horiz), as.integer(vert))

pixOpenGray =
function(pix, horiz, vert)
    .Call("R_pixOpenGray", pix, as.integer(horiz), as.integer(vert))

pixCloseBrick =
function(pix, horiz, vert, target = NULL)
    .Call("R_pixCloseBrick", pix, target, as.integer(horiz), as.integer(vert))

pixOpenBrick =
function(pix, horiz, vert, target = NULL)
    .Call("R_pixOpenBrick", pix, target, as.integer(horiz), as.integer(vert))

pixErodeBrick =
function(pix, horiz, vert, target = NULL)
    .Call("R_pixErodeBrick", pix, target, as.integer(horiz), as.integer(vert))

pixDilateBrick =
function(pix, horiz, vert, target = NULL)
    .Call("R_pixDilateBrick", pix, target, as.integer(horiz), as.integer(vert))

pixRotateAMGray =
    # AM = Area Mapping, i.e. interpolation. See docs in leptonica code.
function(pix, angle, grayVal = 0L)
    .Call("R_pixRotateAMGray", pix, as.numeric(angle), as.integer(grayVal))

pixRotate =
    # type - L_ROTATE_AREA_MAP
    # incolor  defaults to L_BRING_IN_WHITE. XXX Use this symbolic version.
function(pix, angle = -pi/2, type = 1L, incolor = 1L, width = 0L, height = 0L)
  .Call("R_pixRotate", pix, as.numeric(angle), as.integer(type), as.integer(incolor), as.integer(width), as.integer(height))

pixGetRes =
   structure(.Call("R_pixGetRes", pix), names = c("rows", "columns"))

pixSetRes =
function(pix, h, v = h)
  res = as.integer(c(h, v))
  .Call("R_pixSetRes", pix, res)

pixGetDims =
   structure(.Call("R_pixGetDims", pix), names = c("rows", "columns", "depth"))

pixGetPixels =
function(pix, dims = pixGetDims(pix), transpose = FALSE)
    ans = .Call("R_pixGetPixels", pix, as.logical(transpose))
    dim(ans) = if(transpose) rev(dims[1:2]) else dims[1:2]

pixGetRGBPixels =
function(pix, dims = pixGetDims(pix))
    ans = .Call("R_pixGetRGBPixels", pix)
    dims[3] = 3L
    dim(ans) = dims # [1:2]

pixSetPixels =
function(pix, vals, dims = pixGetDims(pix))
    dims = dims[1:2]
    if(!all(dims == dim(vals)))
        stop("dimensions are not equal to the image's dimensions")

    if(typeof(vals) != "integer") {
        tmp = as.integer(vals)
        attributes(tmp) = attributes(vals)
        vals = tmp

    .Call("R_pixSetRGBPixels", pix, vals)

pixSubtract =
function(s1, s2, target = NULL)
   .Call("R_pixSubtract", s1, s2, target)

pixOr =
function(s1, s2, target = NULL)
   .Call("R_pixOr", s1, s2, target)

pixXor =
function(s1, s2, target = NULL)
   .Call("R_pixOr", s1, s2, target)

pixAnd =
function(s1, s2, target = NULL)
   .Call("R_pixAnd", s1, s2, target)

pixGetInputFormat =
function(pix, format)
   as(.Call("R_pixGetInputFormat", pix), "InputFileFormat")

pixClone =
   .Call("R_pixClone", pix)

pixZero =
    # This does not zero the pixels in pix, but returns whether the pix is 'empty'
    # TRUE return indicates if all the values were 0
    #  meaning no black pixels in a binary image
    #  all pixels are black in a grayscale image
    #  all colors in all RGB pixels are 0.
  .Call("R_pixZero", pix)

setMethod("[", c("Pix", "missing", "missing"),
          function(x, i, j, ...)  {

setMethod("[", c("Pix", "numeric", "missing"),
          function(x, i, j, ...) {
              pixNumericSubset(x, i, seq(1, ncol(x)), ...)              

setMethod("[", c("Pix", "missing", "numeric"),
          function(x, i, j, ...) {
              pixNumericSubset(x, seq(1, nrow(x)), j, ...)

pixNumericSubset =
function(x, i, j, ...)
    d = dim(x)
    if(length(i) == 0)
        i = seq(1, d[1])
    else {
        i = as.integer(i)        
        if(any(i < 0))
            i = seq(1, d[1])[i]

    if(length(j) == 0)
        j = seq(1, d[1])
    else {
        j = as.integer(j)    
        if(any(j < 0))
            j = seq(1, d[2])[j]
    ans = .Call("R_pixGetSubsetPixels", x, i, j)

    dim(ans) = c(length(i), length(j))
setMethod("[", c("Pix", "numeric", "numeric"), pixNumericSubset)

setMethod("[", c("Pix", "logical", "logical"),
          function(x, i, j, ...) {
              ix = which(i)
              if(length(ix) == 0)
                  return(matrix(0, nrow(x), 0))
              jx = which(j)
              if(length(jx) == 0)
                  return(matrix(0, 0, ncol(x)))
              pixNumericSubset(x, ix, jx, ...)
setMethod("[", c("Pix", "logical", "missing"),
          function(x, i, j, ...) {
              ix = which(i)
              if(length(ix) == 0)
                  return(matrix(0, nrow(x), 0))
              pixNumericSubset(x, ix, integer(), ...)              

setMethod("[", c("Pix", "missing", "logical"),
          function(x, i, j, ...) {
              ij = which(j)
              if(length(ij) == 0)
                  return(matrix(0, 0, ncol(x)))
              pixNumericSubset(x, integer(), ij, ...)                            

# Should do the cross over combinations, e.g., numeric, integer; numeric, logical
# no methods for character indexing.

setMethod("[", c("Pix", "matrix"),
          function(x, i, j, ...) {
            pixGetPixels(x)[ i, ... ]

#??? Is this signature correct? Is it value that should be a matrix and i and j are missing.
setMethod("[<-", c("Pix", "matrix", "missing"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
              if(ncol(i) == 2) {
                  i = matrix(as.integer(i), , 2)
                  if(length(value) < nrow(i))
                     value = rep(value, length = nrow(i))

                  .Call("R_pixSet2DMatrixVals", x, i, value)

              stop('not implemented yet')

setMethod("[<-", c("Pix", "missing", "numeric"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
              x[seq(1L, length = nrow(x)), j, ...] = value

tmp =
          function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
              i = as.integer(i)
                  j = seq(1L, length = ncol(x))
                  j = as.integer(j)
              # check for negative values.
              vals = as.integer(value)
              .Call("R_pixSetMatrixVals", x, i, j, vals)

setMethod("[<-", c("Pix", "numeric", "missing"), tmp)
setMethod("[<-", c("Pix", "numeric", "numeric"), tmp)

setMethod("[<-", c("Pix", "logical", "missing"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
              x[which(i), seq(1L, length = ncol(x))] = value

setMethod("[<-", c("Pix", "missing", "logical"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
              x[seq(1L, length = nrow(x)), which(j)] = value

setMethod("[<-", c("Pix", "logical", "logical"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
              x[which(i), which(j)] = value

    setGeneric("nrow", function(x) standardGeneric("nrow"))

    setGeneric("ncol", function(x) standardGeneric("ncol"))

setMethod("nrow", "Pix",

setMethod("ncol", "Pix",

setMethod("dim", "Pix",

pixGetDepth =
    # This doesn't call the C routine, but just accesses the value via the dimensions.

as.raster.Pix = as.raster.PIX =
function(x, rgb = pixGetDepth(x) > 8, maxPixel = NA, ...)    
    pixels = if(rgb)

        maxPixel = max(pixels)
    pixels[] = pixels/maxPixel

pixEqual =
function(pix1, pix2, useAlpha = TRUE, useCMap = FALSE)
  .Call("R_pixEqual", pix1, pix2, as.logical(useAlpha), as.logical(useCMap))

pixFlipTB =
function(pix, target = NULL)
  .Call("R_pixFlipTB", pix, target)

pixFlipLR =
function(pix, target = NULL)
  .Call("R_pixFlipLR", pix, target)

setGeneric("pixCreate", function(x, ...)  standardGeneric("pixCreate"))
setMethod("pixCreate", "numeric",
          function(x, ...) {
              x = as.integer(x)
              if(length(x) < 3)
                 stop("Need width, height, and depth to create a Pix object")
              .Call("R_pixCreate", x)

pixSetDims =
function(pix, width, height, depth, dims = c(width, height, depth))    
  .Call("R_pixSetDimensions", pix, as.integer(dims))

pixTranspose =
function(pix, vert = TRUE, horiz = FALSE)

      # Create a new pix with nrow, ncol being those flipped from pix
    d = GetImageDims(pix)
    p2 = pixCreate(d[c(2, 1, 3)])

    # Transpose the matrix and optionally reverse the order of each o the rows and the columns
      # get the pix as a matrix
#    m = pix[,]    
    m = pixGetPixels(pix, transpose = TRUE) # equivalent to t(m)
        m = m[, ncol(m):1]
        m = m[nrow(m):1,]

      # Copy this matrix to the pix
    .Call("R_pixSetAllPixels", p2, dim(m), m)
duncantl/Rtesseract documentation built on March 25, 2022, 5:50 a.m.