
Defines functions estimates.zeroinfl estimates.glm estimates.RandomForest estimates.lm estimates.glmerMod estimates.lmerMod estimates.default estimates

Documented in estimates estimates.default estimates.glm estimates.glmerMod estimates.lm estimates.lmerMod estimates.RandomForest estimates.zeroinfl

#' Report Estimates (effect sizes and parameters)
#' Report object Estimates
#' @param object a object
#' @param mc Should model comparisons be performed?
#' @export
estimates = function(object, mc=TRUE){

#' Output APA style statistical significance from an object 
#' Output APA style statistical significance from an object
#' @param object a object
#' @param mc Should model comparisons be performed?
#' @return One or more objects containing parameter estimates and effect sizes
#' @export
estimates.default = function(object, mc=TRUE){
	out = summary(object)
	class(out) = "estimates"

#' Report lmerMod object Estimates (effect sizes and parameters)
#' Report lmerMod object Estimates
#' @param object a lm object
#' @param mc Should model comparisons be performed?
#' @return One or more objects containing parameter estimates and effect sizes
#' @export
estimates.lmerMod = function(object, mc=TRUE){
  fixed = lme4::fixef(object)
  rand = lme4::VarCorr(object)

  # fit a baseline model
  baseline = fit_baseline_model(object)
  icc_stats = unlist(icc(baseline))
  # compute rsq 
  rsq = model.comparison(object, baseline)$r_squared_change
  # return the objects
  ret = list( fixed = fixed,
              rand = rand, 
              icc = icc_stats
  attr(ret, "class") = "lmer_estimates"

#' Report glmerMod object Estimates (effect sizes and parameters)
#' Report glmerMod object Estimates
#' @param object a glmerMod object
#' @param mc Should model comparisons be performed? Currently not used
#' @return One or more objects containing parameter estimates and effect sizes
#' @export
estimates.glmerMod = function(object, mc=FALSE){
  fixed = lme4::fixef(object)
  rand = lme4::VarCorr(object)
  # fit a baseline model
  baseline = fit_baseline_model(object)
  icc_stats = unlist(icc(baseline))
  # compute rsq 
  rsq = model.comparison(object, baseline)$r_squared_change
  # return the objects
  ret = list( fixed = fixed,
              rand = rand, 
              icc = icc_stats
  attr(ret, "class") = "lmer_estimates"

#' Report lm object Estimates (effect sizes and parameters)
#' Report lm object Estimates
#' @param object a lm object
#' @param mc Should model comparisons be performed?
#' @return One or more objects containing parameter estimates and effect sizes
#' @export
estimates.lm = function(object, mc=TRUE){

	#### generate list of coefficients
	terms = attr(terms(object), "term.labels")
	variables = as.character(attr(terms(object), "variables")); variables = variables[-1]
	outcome = variables[1]
	predictors = variables[-1]

	# for intercept only models, return the mean
	if (length(predictors) == 0 ) {
	  f = as.formula(paste0(outcome, "~1"))
	  est = compare.fits(formula = f, data=object$model, model1=object, model2=NULL, return.preds=T, report.se=T)[1,]
	  return = est[1:3]
	  names(return) = c("Mean", "Lower", "Upper")
	  return$d = coef(object)/summary(object)$sigma

  #### look for interaction terms
	terms = remove_interaction_terms(object)
	#### get dataset
	d = object$model
  #### identify factors
	variable_types = which_terms_are_factors_or_numbers(d, terms)
	factors = variable_types$factors
	numbers = variable_types$numbers
	# compute semi-partial
  semi.p = compute_semi_partial(object)
  # get summaries for factors
  factor_summaries = populate_estimates_factors(object, factors)
  coef.matrix = factor_summaries$coef.matrix
  difference.matrix = factor_summaries$difference.matrix
  # get summaries for numeric
  coef.matrix.numb = populate_estimates_numeric(object, numbers)
  # compute r squared and its CI
  r.squared = compute_r_squared(object)
	#### report correlation
  correlation = compute_correlation(object)
  # model comparison (I think this is only for JASP)
  mod.comps = return_model_comparisons(object, terms, mc)

	ret = list(r.squared=r.squared, semi.p=semi.p, correlation = correlation, factor.summary = coef.matrix, 
	           difference.matrix=difference.matrix, factors=factors, numbers.summary=coef.matrix.numb, numbers=numbers, 
	           model.comparison = mod.comps)
	attr(ret, "class") = "estimates"

#' Report RandomForest object Estimates (effect sizes and parameters)
#' Report RandomForest object Estimates
#' @param object a RandomForest object
#' @param mc Should model comparisons be performed? 
#' Currently not implemented for RandomForest objects
#' @return One or more objects containing parameter estimates and effect sizes
#' @export
estimates.RandomForest = function(object, mc=TRUE) {
  y = unlist(attr(object, "data")@get("response"))
  ### compute OOB
  oob = predict(object, OOB=T, type="response")
  if (!is.numeric(y)){
    oob = round(length(which(oob==y))/length(y), digits=3)
    rsq = NA
  } else {
    ### quantile of differences
    numeric = T
    rsq = cor(oob, y)[1,1]^2
    oob = round(quantile(abs(oob-y)), digits=3)
  #### compute variable importance
  importance = party::varimp(object)
  if (!numeric){
    importance = round(sort(importance, decreasing=T), digits=4)
  } else {
    vals = sort(importance, decreasing=T)
    vals[vals<0] = 0
    importance = round(sqrt(vals), digits=3)
  estimates = list(oob=oob, rsq = rsq, importance=importance)
  attr(estimates, "class") = "rf_estimates"
  attr(estimates, "numeric") = numeric

#' Report glm object Estimates (effect sizes and parameters)
#' Report glm object Estimates
#' @param object a glm object
#' @param mc Should model comparisons be performed? Currently not used
#' @return One or more objects containing parameter estimates and effect sizes
#' @export
estimates.glm = function(object, mc=FALSE){

	#### generate list of coefficients
	terms = remove_interaction_terms(object)
	#### get dataset
	d = extract_data_from_fitted_object(object)
	factor_or_number = which_terms_are_factors_or_numbers(d, terms)
	numbers = factor_or_number$numbers
	factors = factor_or_number$factors
  preds = output_glm_predictions(object, terms)
	#### output coefficients
  coef.matrix = output_coef_matrix_glm(object, preds, numbers)
  if (!is.na(preds)[1] & length(numbers)>0){
    # input +/- 1 SD prediction for all numeric variables
    predicted_difference_of_one_SD = sapply(preds[numbers], function(x){abs(round(x[2]-x[1], digits=2))})
    coef.matrix[numbers,"Prediction Difference (+/- 1 SD)"] = predicted_difference_of_one_SD
    coef.matrix = round_coefficient_matrix(coef.matrix)

	if (length(factors) == 0) return(coef.matrix)
	# loop through all factors and input their predictions
	for (i in 1:length(factors)){
		current_factor_predictions = unlist(preds[factors[i]])
		levs = unique(d[,factors[i]]); levs = paste0(factors[i], levs)

		# find that level in the coef.matrix
		non_referent_groups = (levs %in% row.names(coef.matrix)); 
		referent_group = !non_referent_groups
		#if (length(which(non_referent_groups))>0) {
		  #compute differences between referent group and other levels
		  predicted_differences = round_string(unlist(current_factor_predictions)[which(non_referent_groups)] - 
		                                       unlist(current_factor_predictions)[which(referent_group)], digits=2)
		  labeled_predicted_differences = paste0(predicted_differences, " (relative to ", levs[referent_group], ")")
		    # fill in for non-referent groups
  		coef.matrix[levs[non_referent_groups], "Prediction Difference (+/- 1 SD)"] = labeled_predicted_differences
  # # return sensitivity/specificity table
  # if (family(object)$link == "logit") {
  #   sensitivity_specificity_table = sensitivity.table(object)%>%data.frame
  # }
	# give the referent group raw prediction if there's only one factor
	if (length(factors)==1){
	  referent_group_prediction = round_string(unlist(current_factor_predictions)[referent_group], digits=2)
	  referent_group_label = levs[referent_group]
	  coef.matrix[1,"Prediction Difference (+/- 1 SD)"] = paste0(referent_group_prediction, " (", referent_group_label, " prediction)")
  ##attr(coef.matrix, "class") = "glm.estimates"

#' Report zeroinfl object Estimates (effect sizes and parameters)
#' Report zeroinfl object Estimates
#' @param object a zeroinfl object
#' @param mc Should model comparisons be performed? Currently not used
#' @return Estimates for a zero inflated model
#' @export
estimates.zeroinfl = function(object, mc=FALSE){
	#### get dataset
	d = object$model
	#### generate list of coefficients
	terms = attr(terms(object), "term.labels")
	#### identify factors
	if (length(terms)>1){
		factors = names(which(unlist(lapply(d[,terms], is.factor))));
		numbers = names(which(unlist(lapply(d[,terms], is.numeric))));
	} else {
		factors = terms[which(is.factor(d[,terms]))]
		numbers = terms[which(is.numeric(d[,terms]))]
	#### output predictions
	n.func = function(term){anchor.predictions(object, term, shutup=T)$prediction}
	preds = lapply(terms, n.func); names(preds) = terms
	#### output coefficients
	coef.matrix = data.frame(A = coef(object)[1:(length(terms)+1)], 
							B = coef(object)[(length(terms)+2):length(coef(object))])
	names(coef.matrix) = c(object$dist, object$link)
	row.names(coef.matrix) = subsetString(row.names(coef.matrix), "_", 2)
	coef.matrix[numbers,"Prediction Difference (+/- 1 SD)"] = sapply(preds[numbers], function(x){abs(round(x[2]-x[1], digits=2))})
dustinfife/flexplot documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 9:01 p.m.