
Defines functions generate_predictions generate_quadriture reproduce_breaks replace_numeric_with_average return_constant_for_predicted_data bin_if_theres_a_flexplot_formula generate_predictors make_data_types_the_same get_model_n check_missing get_terms get_cforest_variables compare_fits_errors whats_model2 get_re

get_re = function(model) {
  if (!(class(model)[1] %in% c("lmerMod", "glmerMod"))) {
  text_formula = paste0(formula(model))[3]
  re = gsub(".* | [.+]", "\\1", text_formula)
  re = gsub(")", "", re)

whats_model2 = function(model1,model2=NULL) {
  if (is.null(model2)){

compare_fits_errors = function(data, outcome, predictors, testme=NULL) {
  ## see if all predictors are categorical
  dv_is_factor = length(unique(data[,outcome]))<3
  axis_is_factor = ifelse(length(predictors)>0,
  if (dv_is_factor & axis_is_factor) {
    stop("Well, darn. You've found a limitation of flexplot. Flexplot cannot use the compare.fits function when
         both your outcome variable and your x-axis variable are categorical. Maybe try putting a numeric variable on the x-axis. ")
  ##### make sure they're putting the same variables from formula in terms
  if (!(all(predictors %in% testme))){
    missing_vars = paste0(predictors[!(predictors%in%testme)], collapse=", ")
    stop(paste0("Sorry, but some variables in formula don't match what's in the model. Specifically, these variables are your in your formula, but not in the model:\n    ", missing_vars))
  ##### make sure they're using the right dataset
  if (!(all(predictors %in% names(data)))){
    stop(paste0("Sorry, but some variables in formula don't match what's in the dataset. Specifically: ", paste0(variables[!(variables%in%data)], collapse=","), ". Did you input the wrong dataset?"))

# function that extracts variables from cforest model
get_cforest_variables = function(model, return.type=c("all", "predictors", "response")) {
  return.type = match.arg(return.type)
  ## get all variables 
  vars = attr(model, "data")@formula
  if (return.type == "all") {
    response = unlist(strsplit(as.character(vars$response)[2], " + ", fixed=T))
    input = unlist(strsplit(as.character(vars$input)[2], " + ", fixed=T))
    all_vars = c(response, input)
  if (return.type == "predictors") {
    input = unlist(strsplit(as.character(vars$input)[2], " + ", fixed=T))
  response = unlist(strsplit(as.character(vars$response)[2], " + ", fixed=T))

get_terms = function(model) {
  model.type = class(model)[1]
  #### extract the terms from each MODEL
  if (model.type == "RandomForest") {
    predictors = get_cforest_variables(model, "predictors");
    response = get_cforest_variables(model, "response");
    return(list(predictors = predictors, response=response))
  form = formula(model) 
  response = all.vars(form)[1]
  return(list(predictors = predictors, response=response))

check_missing = function(model1, model2=NULL, data, variables) {

  ### if they haven't supplied model 2, no need to check
  if (is.null(model2)) return(data)
  n1 = get_model_n(model1)
  n2 = get_model_n(model2)
  if (n1<nrow(data) | n2<nrow(data)){
    data = na.omit(data[,variables])

get_model_n = function(model) {

  mod_class = class(model)[1]
  if (mod_class == "RandomForest") return(attr(model, "responses")@nobs)
  if (mod_class == "randomForest.formula") return(length(model$predicted))
  if (mod_class == "lmerMod" | mod_class == "glmerMod") return(nobs(model))
  if (mod_class == "rpart") return(length(model$y))

make_data_types_the_same = function(variable, predicted_data, model_data) {
  class_model = class(model_data[,variable])
  class_prediction = class(predicted_data[,variable])
  if (identical(class_model, class_prediction)) return(predicted_data[,variable])
  # if it's an ordered factor
  if (class_model[1] == "ordered") {
    old_levels = levels(model_data[,variable])
    new_x = factor(predicted_data[,variable], levels=old_levels, ordered=T)
  # if it's a regular factor
  if (class_model[1] == "factor") {
    old_levels = levels(model_data[,variable])
    new_x = factor(predicted_data[,variable], levels=old_levels)
  if (class(model_data[,variable])[1] == "numeric") return(as.numeric(as.character(predicted_data[,variable])))
  if (class(model_data[,variable])[1] == "integer") return(as.integer(predicted_data[,variable]))

### function to generate prediction matrix spanning the range of the data
generate_predictors = function(data, formula, model, ...) {
  ## extract variable slots
  variables = all.vars(formula, unique=FALSE)
  outcome = variables[1]
  predictors = variables[-1]
  k = bin_if_theres_a_flexplot_formula(formula, data, ...)
  # identify those variables in the model that are not plotted
  # (If I don't do this, we'll get a jagged line in the visuals)
  vars_in_model = get_predictors(model)
  which_are_missing = remove_nonlinear_terms(vars_in_model[!(vars_in_model %in% variables)])
  # replace the missing variables with mean (numeric) or a level
  new_values = which_are_missing %>% purrr::map(return_constant_for_predicted_data, data=k, model=model)
  if (length(which_are_missing)>0) k[,which_are_missing] = new_values
  # remove the outcome variable (because it's replaced with "prediction" now)
  k[,outcome] = NULL
  # remove variables not in there
  #find all variables in either formula or model
  all_variables_in_either = remove_nonlinear_terms(unique(c(predictors, vars_in_model)))
  return(k[,all_variables_in_either, drop=FALSE])

bin_if_theres_a_flexplot_formula = function(formula, data, ...) {
  # extract given/axis
  given.axis = flexplot_axis_given(formula)
  given = given.axis$given
  axis = given.axis$axis
  # reproduce breaks from flexplot in the dataset (if they supply them)
  list_values = list(...)
  # see if they didn't give a flexplot formula
  given_length = length(given)
  axis_length  = length(axis)
  if (axis_length>2 & is.na(given[1])) return(data) 
  # if they have a flexplot formula, bin things
  binned_data = reproduce_breaks(data, formula, list_values)
  # # for all binned variables, average within bins
  a = names(breaks) %>% purrr::map(replace_numeric_with_average, data=k, breaks=breaks)
  k[,names(breaks)] = a

return_constant_for_predicted_data = function(missing_variable, data, model) {
  if (length(missing_variable)==0) return(NA)
  if (is.numeric(data[,missing_variable])) {
    message(paste0("Note: You didn't choose to plot ", missing_variable, " so I am inputting the median\n"))
    data[,missing_variable] = median(data[,missing_variable], na.rm=T)
  # this had issues when a random effect (as factor)
  val = unique(as.character(data[[missing_variable]]))[1]
  #only display the message if it's not a glmer mod
  if (!(class(model)[1] %in% c("lmerMod", "glmerMod"))) {
    message(paste0("Note: You didn't choose to plot ",
                   missing_variable, " so I am inputting '", val, "'\n"))
  data[,missing_variable] = val

replace_numeric_with_average = function(variable, breaks, data) {
  binned_name = paste0(variable, "_binned")
  f = make.formula(variable, binned_name)
  means_by_bin = aggregate(f, FUN=mean, data=data)
  data[,variable] = round(as.numeric(as.character(
                             labels = means_by_bin[,2]))), digits=3)

reproduce_breaks = function(data, formula, list_values) {
  # check if they supplied bins, breaks, or labels arguments in ....
  # arguments = c("bins", "breaks", "labels")
  # are_arguments_in_dotdotdot = any(arguments %in% names(list_values))
  # if (!(are_arguments_in_dotdotdot)) return(list(binned_data=data, breaks=NULL))
  ## extract variable slots
  variables = all.vars(formula, unique=FALSE)
  outcome = variables[1]
  predictors = variables[-1]
  given.axis = flexplot_axis_given(formula)
  given = given.axis$given
  axis = given.axis$axis
  # find bins/breaks/labels
  bins  =  if("bins"   %in% names(list_values))  unlist(list_values["bins"]) else 3
  breaks = if("breaks" %in% names(list_values)) (list_values["breaks"]$breaks) else NULL
  labels = if("labels" %in% names(list_values)) (list_values["labels"]$labels) else NULL
  break.me = flexplot_break_me(data, predictors, given, axis, bins)
  breaks = flexplot_create_breaks(break.me = break.me, breaks, data, labels, bins=bins)

  # now make the binned columns in the dataset
  binned_data = bin_variables(data=data, bins=bins, labels=labels, break.me=break.me, breaks=breaks)
  return(list(binned_data=binned_data, breaks=breaks))

generate_quadriture = function(x, number_points = 15) {
  seq(from=min(x), to=max(x), length.out=15)

generate_predictions = function(model, re, pred.values, pred.type, report.se) {

  model.type = class(model)[1]

  if ((model.type == "lmerMod" | model.type == "glmerMod") & !re){
    return(data.frame(prediction = 
                 predict(model, pred.values, type="response", re.form=NA), model="fixed effects"))
  if ((model.type == "lmerMod" | model.type == "glmerMod") & re){
    # get both random and fixed effects
    random_effects = data.frame(prediction = predict(model, pred.values, type="response", re.form=NULL), 
                                model="random effects")
    fixed_effects = data.frame(prediction = predict(model, pred.values, type="response", re.form=NA), 
                                model="fixed effects")
    return(prediction = rbind(random_effects, fixed_effects))
  if (model.type == "polr"){
        data.frame(prediction = predict(model, pred.values, type="class", re.form=NA), model= model.type)		

  if (model.type=="RandomForest") {
    ## get dataset to test that classes are all the same
    response = attr(model, "data")@get("response")
    outcome = attr(model, "data")@get("input")
    data = cbind(response, outcome)
    # check if classes differ from old to new, and correct if they are
    class_preds = lapply(pred.values, class)
    class_data = lapply(data[names(pred.values)], class)
    if (!identical(class_preds, class_data)) {
      for (i in 1:length(class_preds)) {
        if ("factor" %in% (class(data[,names(pred.values[i])]))) {
          ordered = ifelse("ordered" %in% (class(data[,names(pred.values[i])])), T, F) 
          pred.values[,i] = factor(pred.values[,i], levels=levels(data[,names(pred.values[i])]), ordered=ordered)
        } else {
          class(pred.values[,i]) = class(data[,names(pred.values[i])])
    prediction = predict(model, newdata=pred.values, OOB = TRUE)
    d = data.frame(prediction = prediction, model=model.type)
    names(d)[1] = "prediction"
  if (model.type == "rpart") {
      data.frame(prediction = predict(model, pred.values), model= model.type)		
  int = ifelse(report.se, "confidence", "none")
    data.frame(prediction = predict(model, pred.values, interval=int, type=pred.type),
dustinfife/flexplot documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 9:01 p.m.