
#' @name AnnotationFilter
#' @title Filters for annotation objects
#' @aliases CdsStartFilter CdsEndFilter ExonIdFilter ExonNameFilter
#'     ExonStartFilter ExonEndFilter ExonRankFilter GeneIdFilter
#'     GenenameFilter GeneBiotypeFilter GeneStartFilter GeneEndFilter
#'     EntrezFilter SymbolFilter TxIdFilter TxNameFilter
#'     TxBiotypeFilter TxStartFilter TxEndFilter ProteinIdFilter
#'     UniprotFilter SeqNameFilter SeqStrandFilter
#'     AnnotationFilter-class CharacterFilter-class
#'     IntegerFilter-class CdsStartFilter-class CdsEndFilter-class
#'     ExonIdFilter-class ExonNameFilter-class ExonStartFilter-class
#'     ExonEndFilter-class ExonRankFilter-class GeneIdFilter-class
#'     GenenameFilter-class GeneBiotypeFilter-class
#'     GeneStartFilter-class GeneEndFilter-class EntrezFilter-class
#'     SymbolFilter-class TxIdFilter-class TxNameFilter-class
#'     TxBiotypeFilter-class TxStartFilter-class TxEndFilter-class
#'     ProteinIdFilter-class UniprotFilter-class SeqNameFilter-class
#'     SeqStrandFilter-class supportedFilters
#'     show,AnnotationFilter-method show,CharacterFilter-method
#'     show,IntegerFilter-method show,GRangesFilter-method
#' @description
#' The filters extending the base \code{AnnotationFilter} class
#' represent a simple filtering concept for annotation resources.
#' Each filter object is thought to filter on a single (database)
#' table column using the provided values and the defined condition.
#' Filter instances created using the constructor functions (e.g.
#' \code{GeneIdFilter}).
#' \code{supportedFilters()} lists all defined filters. It returns a two column
#' \code{data.frame} with the filter class name and its default field.
#' Packages using \code{AnnotationFilter} should implement the
#' \code{supportedFilters} for their annotation resource object (e.g. for
#' \code{object = "EnsDb"} in the \code{ensembldb} package) to list all
#' supported filters for the specific resource.
#' @details
#' By default filters are only available for tables containing the
#' field on which the filter acts (i.e. that contain a column with the
#' name matching the value of the \code{field} slot of the
#' object). See the vignette for a description to use filters for
#' databases in which the database table column name differs from the
#' default \code{field} of the filter.
#' @usage
#' CdsStartFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' CdsEndFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' ExonIdFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' ExonNameFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' ExonRankFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' ExonStartFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' ExonEndFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' GeneIdFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' GenenameFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' GeneBiotypeFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' GeneStartFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' GeneEndFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' EntrezFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' SymbolFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' TxIdFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' TxNameFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' TxBiotypeFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' TxStartFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' TxEndFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' ProteinIdFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' UniprotFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' SeqNameFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' SeqStrandFilter(value, condition = "==")
#' @param value \code{character()}, \code{integer()}, or
#'     \code{GRanges()} value for the filter
#' @param condition \code{character(1)} defining the condition to be
#'     used in the filter. For \code{IntegerFilter}, one of
#'     \code{"=="}, \code{"!="}, \code{">"}, \code{"<"}, \code{">="}
#'     or \code{"<="}. For \code{CharacterFilter}, one of \code{"=="},
#'     \code{"!="}, \code{"startsWith"}, \code{"endsWith"} or \code{"contains"}.
#'     Default condition is \code{"=="}.
#' @return The constructor function return an object extending
#'     \code{AnnotationFilter}. For the return value of the other methods see
#'     the methods' descriptions.
#' @seealso \code{\link{AnnotationFilterList}} for combining
#'     \code{AnnotationFilter} objects.

.CONDITION <- list(
    IntegerFilter = c("==", "!=", ">", "<", ">=", "<="),
    CharacterFilter =  c("==", "!=", "startsWith", "endsWith", "contains"),
    GRangesFilter = c("any", "start", "end", "within", "equal")

.FIELD <- list(
    CharacterFilter = c(
        "exon_id", "exon_name", "gene_id", "genename", "gene_biotype",
        "entrez", "symbol", "tx_id", "tx_name", "tx_biotype",
        "protein_id", "uniprot", "seq_name", "seq_strand"),
    IntegerFilter = c(
        "cds_start", "cds_end", "exon_start", "exon_rank", "exon_end",
        "gene_start", "gene_end", "tx_start", "tx_end")

.valid_condition <- function(condition, class) {
    txt <- character()

    test0 <- length(condition) == 1L
    if (!test0)
        txt <- c(txt, "'condition' must be length 1")

    test1 <- test0 && (condition %in% .CONDITION[[class]])
    if (!test1) {
        value <- paste(sQuote(.CONDITION[[class]]), collapse=" ")
        txt <- c(txt, paste0("'", condition, "' must be in ", value))

    if (length(txt)) txt else TRUE

## AnnotationFilter

#' @exportClass AnnotationFilter
.AnnotationFilter <- setClass(
    contains = "VIRTUAL",
    slots = c(
        condition= "==",
        not= FALSE

setValidity("AnnotationFilter", function(object) {
    txt <- character()

    value <- .value(object)
    condition <- .condition(object)
    not <- .not(object)
    test_len <- length(condition) == 1L
    test_NA <- !any(is.na(condition))

    if (test_len && !test_NA)
        txt <- c(txt, "'condition' can not be NA")
    test0 <- test_len && test_NA

    test1 <- condition  %in% c("startsWith", "endsWith", "contains", ">",
                               "<", ">=", "<=")
    if (test0 && test1 && length(value) > 1L)
        txt <- c(txt, paste0("'", condition, "' requires length 1 'value'"))

    if(length(not) != 1)
        txt <- c(txt, '"not" value must be of length 1.')

    if (any(is.na(value)))
        txt <- c(txt, "'value' can not be NA")

    if (length(txt)) txt else TRUE

.field <- function(object) object@field

.condition <- function(object) object@condition

.value <- function(object) object@value

.not <- function(object) object@not

#' @rdname AnnotationFilter
#' @aliases condition
#' @description \code{condition()} get the \code{condition} value for
#'     the filter \code{object}.
#' @param object An \code{AnnotationFilter} object.
#' @export
setMethod("condition", "AnnotationFilter", .condition)

#' @rdname AnnotationFilter
#' @aliases value
#' @description \code{value()} get the \code{value} for the filter
#'     \code{object}.
#' @export
setMethod("value", "AnnotationFilter", .value)

#' @rdname AnnotationFilter
#' @aliases field
#' @description \code{field()} get the \code{field} for the filter
#'     \code{object}.
#' @export
setMethod("field", "AnnotationFilter", .field)

#' @rdname AnnotationFilter
#' @description \code{not()} get the \code{not} for the filter \code{object}.
#' @export
setMethod("not", "AnnotationFilter", .not)

#' @importFrom methods show
#' @export
setMethod("show", "AnnotationFilter", function(object){
    if(.not(object)) cat("NOT\n")
    cat("class:", class(object),
        "\ncondition:", .condition(object), "\n")

## CharacterFilter, IntegerFilter

#' @exportClass CharacterFilter
.CharacterFilter <- setClass(
    contains = c("VIRTUAL", "AnnotationFilter"),
    slots = c(value = "character"),
    prototype = list(
        value = character()

setValidity("CharacterFilter", function(object) {
    .valid_condition(.condition(object), "CharacterFilter")

#' @importFrom methods show callNextMethod
#' @export
setMethod("show", "CharacterFilter", function(object) {
    cat("value:", .value(object), "\n")

#' @exportClass IntegerFilter
.IntegerFilter <- setClass(
    contains = c("VIRTUAL", "AnnotationFilter"),
    slots = c(value = "integer"),
    prototype = list(
        value = integer()

setValidity("IntegerFilter", function(object) {
    .valid_condition(.condition(object), "IntegerFilter")

#' @export
setMethod("show", "IntegerFilter", function(object) {
    cat("value:", .value(object), "\n")

#' @rdname AnnotationFilter
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importClassesFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @exportClass GRangesFilter
.GRangesFilter <- setClass(
    contains = "AnnotationFilter",
    slots = c(
        value = "GRanges",
        feature = "character"
    prototype = list(
        value  = GRanges(),
        condition = "any",
        field = "granges",
        feature = "gene"

setValidity("GRangesFilter", function(object) {
    .valid_condition(.condition(object), "GRangesFilter")

.feature <- function(object) object@feature

#' @rdname AnnotationFilter
#' @param type \code{character(1)} indicating how overlaps are to be
#'     filtered. See \code{findOverlaps} in the IRanges package for a
#'     description of this argument.
#' @examples
#' ## filter by GRanges
#' GRangesFilter(GenomicRanges::GRanges("chr10:87869000-87876000"))
#' @export
GRangesFilter <-
    function(value, feature = "gene",
             type = c("any", "start", "end", "within", "equal"))
    condition <- match.arg(type)
        field = "granges",
        value = value,
        condition = condition,
        feature = feature)

.feature <- function(object) object@feature

#' @aliases feature
#' @description \code{feature()} get the \code{feature} for the
#'     \code{GRangesFilter} \code{object}.
#' @rdname AnnotationFilter
#' @export
feature <- .feature

#' @importFrom GenomicRanges show
#' @export
setMethod("show", "GRangesFilter", function(object) {
    cat("feature:", .feature(object),

## Create install-time classes

#' @rdname AnnotationFilter
#' @name AnnotationFilter
#' @param feature \code{character(1)} defining on what feature the
#'     \code{GRangesFilter} should be applied. Choices could be
#'     \code{"gene"}, \code{"tx"} or \code{"exon"}.
#' @examples
#' ## Create a SymbolFilter to filter on a gene's symbol.
#' sf <- SymbolFilter("BCL2")
#' sf
#' ## Create a GeneStartFilter to filter based on the genes' chromosomal start
#' ## coordinates
#' gsf <- GeneStartFilter(10000, condition = ">")
#' gsf
#' @export CdsStartFilter CdsEndFilter ExonIdFilter ExonNameFilter
#' @export ExonStartFilter ExonEndFilter ExonRankFilter GeneIdFilter
#' @export GenenameFilter GeneBiotypeFilter GeneStartFilter
#' @export GeneEndFilter EntrezFilter SymbolFilter TxIdFilter
#' @export TxNameFilter TxBiotypeFilter TxStartFilter TxEndFilter
#' @export ProteinIdFilter UniprotFilter SeqNameFilter SeqStrandFilter
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @exportClass CdsStartFilter CdsEndFilter ExonIdFilter
#'     ExonNameFilter ExonStartFilter ExonEndFilter ExonRankFilter
#'     GeneIdFilter GenenameFilter GeneBiotypeFilter GeneStartFilter
#'     GeneEndFilter EntrezFilter SymbolFilter TxIdFilter TxNameFilter
#'     TxBiotypeFilter TxStartFilter TxEndFilter ProteinIdFilter
#'     UniprotFilter SeqNameFilter SeqStrandFilter

.fieldToClass <- function(field) {
    class <- gsub("_([[:alpha:]])", "\\U\\1", field, perl=TRUE)
    class <- sub("^([[:alpha:]])", "\\U\\1", class, perl=TRUE)
    paste0(class, if (length(class)) "Filter" else character(0))

.filterFactory <- function(field, class) {
    force(field); force(class)          # watch for lazy evaluation
    as.value <-
        if (field %in% .FIELD[["CharacterFilter"]]) {
            function(x) {
#               if(!is.character(x))
#                  stop("Input to a ", field,
#                       "filter must be a character vector.")
        } else {
            function(x) {
                    stop("Input to a ", field,
                         "filter must be a numeric vector.")

    function(value, condition = "==") {
        value <- as.value(value)
        condition <- as.character(condition)
        new(class, field=field, condition = condition, value=value)

    makeClass <- function(contains) {
        fields <- .FIELD[[contains]]
        classes <- .fieldToClass(fields)
        for (i in seq_along(fields)) {
            setClass(classes[[i]], contains=contains, where=topenv())
                .filterFactory(fields[[i]], classes[[i]]),
    for (contains in names(.FIELD))

## Utilities - supportedFilters

.FILTERS_WO_FIELD <- c("GRangesFilter")

.supportedFilters <- function() {
    fields <- unlist(.FIELD, use.names=FALSE)
    filters <- .fieldToClass(fields)
    d <- data.frame(
      filter=c(filters, .FILTERS_WO_FIELD),
      field=c(fields, rep(NA, length(.FILTERS_WO_FIELD)))

#' @rdname AnnotationFilter
#' @examples
#' supportedFilters()
#' @export
setMethod("supportedFilters", "missing", function(object) {
dvantwisk/AnnotationFilter documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:11 p.m.