
#' Read and parse .ini file to list
#' @param filepath file to parse
#' @param encoding Encoding of filepath parameter, will default to system
#' encoding if not specifield
#' @details Lines starting with '#' or ';' are comments and will not be parsed
#' @seealso \code{\link{write.ini}}
#' @return List with length equivalent to number of [sections], each section is
#' a new list
#' @examples
#' ## Create a new temp ini for reading
#' iniFile <- tempfile(fileext = '.ini')
#' sink(iniFile)
#' cat("; This line is a comment\n")
#' cat("# This one too!\n")
#' cat("[    Hello World]\n")
#' cat("Foo = Bar          \n")
#' cat("Foo1 = Bar=345 \n")
#' sink()
#' ## Read ini
#' checkini <- read.ini(iniFile)
#' ## Check structure
#' checkini
#' checkini$`Hello World`$Foo
#' @export
read.ini <- function(filepath, encoding = getOption("encoding")) {

  index <- function(x, rune) {
    equalPosition = numeric(1)
    for(pos in 1:nchar(x)) {
      if (strsplit(x, '')[[1]][pos] == rune) {
        equalPosition = pos
  # internal helper function to find where a character occur

  sectionREGEXP <- '^\\s*\\[\\s*(.+?)\\s*]'
  # match section and capture section name

  keyValueREGEXP <- '^\\s*[^=]+=.+'
  # match "key = value" pattern

  ignoreREGEXP <- '^\\s*[;#]'
  # match lines with ; or # at start

  trim <- function(x) sub('^\\s*(.*?)\\s*$', '\\1', x)
  # amazing lack of trim at old versions of R

  ini <- list()
  con <- file(filepath, open = 'r', encoding = encoding)

  while ( TRUE ) {

    line <- readLines(con, n = 1, encoding = encoding, warn = F)
    if ( length(line) == 0 ) {

    if ( grepl(ignoreREGEXP, line) ) {

    if ( grepl(sectionREGEXP, line) ) {
      matches <- regexec(sectionREGEXP, line)
      lastSection <- regmatches(line, matches)[[1]][2]

    if ( grepl(keyValueREGEXP, line) ) {
      key <- trim(paste0(strsplit(line, '')[[1]][1:(index(line, '=') - 1)], collapse = ''))
      value <- trim(paste0(strsplit(line, '')[[1]][(index(line, '=') + 1):nchar(line)], collapse = ''))

      ini[[ lastSection ]] <- c(ini[[ lastSection ]], list(key = value))
      names(ini[[ lastSection ]])[ match('key', names(ini[[ lastSection ]])) ] <- key



#' Write list to .ini file
#' @param x List with structure to be write at .ini file.
#' @param filepath file to write
#' @param encoding Encoding of filepath parameter, will default to system
#' encoding if not specifield
#' @seealso \code{\link{read.ini}}
#' @examples
#' ## Create a new temp ini for writing
#' iniFile <- tempfile(fileext = '.ini')
#' ## Create a new list holding our INI
#' newini <- list()
#' newini[[ "Hello World" ]] <- list(Foo = 'Bar')
#' ## Write structure to file
#' write.ini(newini, iniFile)
#' ## Check file content
#' \dontrun{
#' file.show(iniFile)
#' }
#' @export
write.ini <- function(x, filepath, encoding = getOption("encoding")) {

  con <- file(filepath, open = 'w', encoding = encoding)

  for(section in names(x) ) {
    writeLines( paste0('[', section, ']'), con)
    for (key in x[ section ]) {
      writeLines( paste0(names(key), '=', key), con)
    writeLines("", con)

dvdscripter/ini documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:49 p.m.