
Defines functions sampleRanges

Documented in sampleRanges

#' Sampling Taxon Ranges
#' A function for simulating the effect of incomplete sampling of the fossil
#' record.
#' @details 
#' This function implements a range of sampling models in continuous time. Be
#' default, sampling is simulated under the simplest model, where sampling
#' occurs as a Poisson process under a instantaneous sampling rate (\code{r}) which is
#' homogeneous through time and across lineages (Foote, 1997). Under this model,
#' the waiting times to sampling events are exponentially distributed, with an
#' average waiting time of 1/r. This useful property allows sampling to be
#' rapidly simulated for many taxa under this simple model in \code{sampleRanges}, by
#' repeatedly drawing waiting times between sampling events from an exponential
#' distribution. This is the model that is run when 
#' \code{alpha}, \code{beta} and \code{rTimeRatio}.
#' In addition to this simple model, \code{sampleRanges} also can consider a range of
#' additional models, including the \emph{"hatP"} and \emph{"incP"} options of Liow et al.
#' (2010). To describe the behavior of these models, users alter the default
#' values for \code{alpha}, \code{beta} and \code{rTimeRatio}.
#' These parameters, and \code{r}, can either
#' be a single value which describes the behavior of the entire dataset or as a
#' vector, of same length as the number of taxa, which describes the per-taxon
#' value.  When any \code{rTimeRatio}, alpha or beta value is not equal to one, then
#' the sampling rate will vary across the duration of a taxon's temporal range.
#' In general, setting alpha and beta equal to a value above 2 will produce a "hat" or
#' bell-shaped curve, where sampling rates peak at the midpoint of taxon
#' ranges, while setting them unequal will produce asymmetric bell curves
#' according to the beta function (Liow et al., 2010; Liow et al. set
#' \code{alpha = 4} and \code{beta = 4}). \code{rTimeRatio} is the
#' ratio of the sampling rate of the
#' latest (most recent) time divided by the earliest (oldest) time.
#' The input \code{r} values will be interpreted differently based on whether one \code{r}
#' value or per-taxon values were used. If one value was input, then it is
#' assumed that \code{r} represent the grand mean \code{r} for the entire dataset for purposes
#' of time-varying \code{r}, such that if \code{rTimeRatio} is not equal to 1, taxa near the
#' end and start of the dataset will have very different per-taxon mean
#' sampling rate. 
#' If per-taxon values of \code{r} were input, then each \code{r} is consider
#' the per-taxon mean sampling rate. These will not be changed, but any
#' within-lineage variation is distributed so that the mean is still the input
#' per-taxon value. This also changes the interpretation of \code{rTimeRatio}, such
#' that when a single \code{r} value and \code{rTimeRatio} is given, it is assumed the ratio
#' describes the change in sampling rates from the start of the dataset to the
#' end, while if multiple values are given for either \code{r} or \code{rTimeRatio} will
#' instead see the value as describing the ratio at the first and last times of
#' each taxon. For the pure hat model, this interpretation of \code{r} as a grand mean
#' sampling means that taxa will have a sampling rate of \code{2 * r} at the mid-peak of their
#' range, which will have considerable implications for taxonomic incompleteness.
#' The particular distinctions about these parameter values are important: all
#' models simulated in \code{sampleRanges} are structured to be effectively nested
#' inside a most general model with parameters \code{r},
#' \code{alpha}, \code{beta} and \code{rTimeRatio}.
#' Note that the modeling of sampling in this function is independent and
#' secondary of the actual simulation of the ranges, which are (generally)
#' produced by the models of \code{simFossilRecord} with argument \code{r}
#' (sampling rate) not set. Thus, 'hat-shaped range distributions' 
#' are only contained within single morphotaxa -- they do \emph{not}
#' cross multiple morphotaxa in the case of anagenesis. Cryptic taxa each have
#' their own hat and do not share a single hat; by default the ranges of
#' cryptic taxa are merged to produce the range of a single observed
#' morphotaxon.
#' 'Hats' are constrained to start and end with a taxon's range, representing
#' the rise and fall of taxa in terms of abundance and geographic range (Liow
#' et al., 2010). 
#' However, for still-living taxa at the modern day, it is
#' unknown how much longer they may be alive (for memory-less Poisson models,
#' there is no age-dependent extinction). 
#' The treatment of these taxa with regards to their 'hat' (i. e. the beta distribution)
#' is controlled by the argument \code{randLivehat}.
#' When \code{randLiveHat = FALSE}, the beta distribution is fit so that the last appearance of
#' still-alive taxa at the modern day is treated as a last appearance for calculating the hat. 
#' When \code{TRUE}, the default option, the still-alive taxa are considered to have gotten some
#' distance between 0 and 1 through the beta distribution, as of the modern day. 
#' This point of progression is stochastically selected for each taxon by
#' pulling a number from a uniform distribution, and used for calculating the hat.
#' Because sampling rate varies over morphotaxon ranges under any of these more
#' complex models, sampling events cannot be quickly simulated as waiting times
#' pulled from an exponential distribution. Instead, the taxon durations are
#' discretized into a large number of small time intervals of length \code{minInt}
#' (see above; \code{minInt} should be small enough that only one sampling event could
#' feasibly happen per interval). The probability of an event occurring within
#' each interval is calculated and used to stochastically simulate sampling
#' events. For each interval, a number between 0 and 1 is randomly pulled from
#' a uniform distribution and to the per-interval sampling probability to test
#' if a sampling event occurred (if the random number is less than the
#' probability, a sampling event is recorded). In general, this method is
#' slower but otherwise comparable to the quicker waiting times method. See the
#' examples below for a small test of this.
#' As with many functions in the \code{paleotree} library, absolute time is always
#' decreasing, i.e. the present day is zero.
#' If \code{min.taxa} is set to zero, the simulation may produce output in which no
#' taxa were ever sampled.
#' If \code{modern.samp.prob} is set to 1.0 (the default), then living taxa will
#' always be sampled at least at the present day (if there are any living
#' taxa). If the probability is less than 1, they will be sampled with that
#' probability at the modern day.
#' By default, this function will merge sampling events from morphologically
#' cryptic taxa, listing them as occurrences for the earliest member of that
#' group. To change this behavior, set \code{merge.cryptic = FALSE}.
#' Conditioning on sampling some minimum number of taxa may create strange
#' simulation results for some analyses, such as simulation analyses of
#' birth-death processes. Set \code{min.taxa = 0} to remove this conditioning.

#' @param taxaData A two-column matrix of per-taxon ranges. The five-column matrix
#' output of \code{simFossilRecord}, post transformation with \code{fossilRecord2fossilTaxa}
#' can also be supplied, which will be common in simulation usages.

#' @param r Instantaneous average sampling rate per lineage time units; given
#' as a vector of \code{length = 1} or \code{length} equal to the number of taxa.

#' @param alpha Alpha parameter of beta distribution; given as a vector of
#' \code{length = 1} or \code{length} equal to the number of taxa.

#' @param beta Beta parameter of beta distribution; given as a vector of 
#' \code{length = 1} or \code{length} equal to the number of taxa.

#' @param rTimeRatio Ratio of most recent sampling rate over earliest sampling
#' rate; given as a vector of \code{length = 1} or \code{length} equal to the number of taxa.

#' @param modern.samp.prob Probability of sampling living taxa at the present
#' day (time = 0), see below.

#' @param min.taxa Minimum number of taxa sampled. The default is 2.

#' @param ranges.only If \code{TRUE}, gives taxon first and last occurrences only. If
#' \code{FALSE}, gives the time of all sampling events as a list.

#' @param minInt Minimum interval size used for simulating complex models. See details.

#' @param merge.cryptic If \code{TRUE}, sampling events for cryptic species will be
#' merged into one taxon.

#' @param randLiveHat If \code{TRUE}, taxa still alive at modern day have the
#' end-point of their 'hat' chosen from a uniform distribution.

#' @param alt.method If \code{TRUE}, use the alternative method of discretizing time
#' even if a simple model of sampling is being simulated.

#' @param plot If \code{TRUE}, plots the sampling models for each taxon against time.

#' @return If \code{ranges.only} is \code{TRUE}, then the output is a two-column per-taxon
#' matrix of first and last appearances in absolute time. \code{NA}s mean the respective taxon
#' was never sampled in the simulation.
#' If \code{ranges.only = FALSE} (the default), the output is a list, where each
#' element is a vector of sampling events the timing of sampling events, each
#' corresponding to a different taxon in the input. Elements that are \code{NA} are
#' unsampled taxa.

#' @author David W. Bapst

#' @seealso \code{\link{simFossilRecord}}, \code{\link{binTimeData}}

#' @references Foote, M. 1997 Estimating Taxonomic Durations and Preservation
#' Probability. \emph{Paleobiology} \bold{23}(3):278--300.
#' Liow, L. H., T. B. Quental, and C. R. Marshall. 2010 When Can Decreasing
#' Diversification Rates Be Detected with Molecular Phylogenies and the Fossil
#' Record? \emph{Systematic Biology} \bold{59}(6):646--659.

#' @examples
#' set.seed(444)
#' record <- simFossilRecord(
#'              p = 0.1, 
#'              q = 0.1, 
#'              nruns = 1,
#' 	            nTotalTaxa = c(30,40), 
#' 	            nExtant = 0
#' 	            )
#' taxa <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(record)
#' # let's see what the 'true' diversity curve looks like in this case
#' layout(1:2)
#' taxicDivCont(taxa)
#' # simulate a fossil record with imperfect sampling with sampleRanges
#' rangesCont <- sampleRanges(taxa,r = 0.5)
#' # plot the diversity curve based on the sampled ranges
#' taxicDivCont(rangesCont)
#' # compare the true history to what we might observe!
#' #let's try more complicated models!
#' # a pull-to-the-recent model with x5 increase over time
#'    # similar to Liow et al.'s  incP
#' layout(1:2)
#' rangesCont1 <- sampleRanges(taxa,
#'                             r = 0.5,
#'                             rTimeRatio = 5,
#'                             plot = TRUE
#'                             )
#' taxicDivCont(rangesCont1)
#' # a hat-shaped model
#' layout(1:2)
#' rangesCont1 <- sampleRanges(taxa,
#'                             r = 0.5,
#'                             alpha = 4,
#'                             beta = 4,
#'                             plot = TRUE
#'                             )
#' taxicDivCont(rangesCont1)
#' # a combination of these
#' layout(1:2)
#' rangesCont1 <- sampleRanges(taxa,
#'                             r = 0.5,
#'                             alpha = 4,
#'                             beta = 4,
#'                             rTimeRatio = 5,
#'                             plot = TRUE
#'                             )
#' taxicDivCont(rangesCont1)
#' # testing with cryptic speciation
#' layout(1)
#' recordCrypt <- simFossilRecord(p = 0.1, q = 0.1, 
#'                                prop.cryptic = 0.5, 
#'                                nruns = 1,
#'                                nTotalTaxa = c(20,30), 
#'                                nExtant = 0
#'                                )
#' taxaCrypt <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(recordCrypt)
#' rangesCrypt <- sampleRanges(taxaCrypt,r = 0.5)
#' taxicDivCont(rangesCrypt)
#' #an example of hat-shaped models (beta distributions) when there are live taxa
#' set.seed(444)
#' recordLive <- simFossilRecord(p = 0.1, 
#'                               q = 0.05, 
#'                               nruns = 1,
#'                               nTotalTaxa = c(5,100),
#'                               nExtant = c(10,100)
#'                               )
#' taxaLive <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(recordLive)
#' #with end-points of live taxa at random points in the hat
#' rangesLive <- sampleRanges(taxaLive,
#'                            r = 0.1,
#'                            alpha = 4,
#'                            beta = 4,
#'                            randLiveHat = TRUE,
#'                            plot = TRUE
#'                            )
#' #with all taxa end-points at end-point of hat
#' rangesLive <- sampleRanges(taxaLive,
#'                            r = 0.1,
#'                            alpha = 4,
#'                            beta = 4,
#'                            randLiveHat = FALSE,
#'                            plot = TRUE
#'                            )
#' \donttest{
#' #simulate a model where sampling rate evolves under brownian motion
#' tree <- taxa2phylo(taxa,obs = taxa[,3])
#' sampRateBM <- rTraitCont(tree)
#' sampRateBM <- sampRateBM-min(sampRateBM)
#' layout(1:2)
#' rangesCont1 <- sampleRanges(taxa,r = sampRateBM,plot = TRUE)
#' taxicDivCont(rangesCont1)
#' #evolving sampling rate, hat model and pull of the recent
#' layout(1:2)
#' rangesCont1 <- sampleRanges(taxa,
#'                             r = sampRateBM,
#'                             alpha = 4,
#'                             beta = 4,
#'                             rTimeRatio = 5,
#'                             plot = TRUE
#'                             )
#' taxicDivCont(rangesCont1)
#' layout(1)
#' #the simpler model is simulated by pulling waiting times from an exponential
#' #more complicated models are simulated by discretizing time into small intervals
#' #are these two methods comparable?
#' #let's look at the number of taxa sampled under both methods
#' summary(replicate(100,sum(!is.na(
#'                sampleRanges(taxa,
#'                             r = 0.5,
#'                             alt.method = FALSE
#'                             )
#'                [,1]))))
#' summary(replicate(100,sum(!is.na(
#'                sampleRanges(taxa,
#'                             r = 0.5,
#'                             alt.method = TRUE
#'                             )
#'                [,1]))))
#' #they look pretty similar!
#' }

#' @export sampleRanges
sampleRanges <- function(
		alpha = 1,
		beta = 1,
		rTimeRatio = 1,
		modern.samp.prob = 1,
		min.taxa = 2,
		ranges.only = TRUE,
		minInt = 0.01,
		merge.cryptic = TRUE,
		randLiveHat = TRUE,
		alt.method = FALSE,
		plot = FALSE
	#sample ranges using a taxaData matrix as input 
	#if (ranges.only = TRUE)
		# outputs matrix of FADs/LADs, with NAs for unsampled taxa
	#if (ranges.only = FALSE)
		# outputs per-species list with vectors of dates where that species was sampled
	# ranges and occurance are output on a BACKWORD-moving time-scale
		# as expected for paleo data
	#if modern.samp.prob = 1
		# then all still-living taxa (taxa at 0 for LAD) are ALWAYS last observed at zero
		# this approximates the fact that we think the
			# present-day living biota is almost perfectly sampled
			# (well, relative to the fossil record)
	#if r is a vector
		# then it is considered to be a vector of per-species sampling rates
		# r is the mean sampling rate for a species
	# rTimeRatio is the ratio of the latest taxon-avg sampling rates
		# by the earliest taxonavg sampling rates
		# i.e. the proportional increase over 
			# (a) the entire taxon's history or
			# (b) the taxon duration (if specific)
		# either a single value for all taxa or taxon-specific values
	# all parameters can be given as single values or species-specific values
	# names <- paste("t",1:4,sep = "");taxaData <- cbind(c(250,230,210,200),c(240,215,205,0))
		# min.taxa = 2;minInt = 0.01;modern.samp.prob = 0;plot = T
		# ranges.only = F;alt.method = F;randLiveHat = TRUE;merge.cryptic = TRUE
	#r <- c(0.2,0.1,0.3,0.4);alpha <- 4;beta <- 4;rTimeRatio <- 2
	#r <- c(0,0.1,0.3,0.4);alpha <- beta <- rTimeRatio <- 2
	if(ncol(taxaData) == 6){				#also allow it to accept taxaData objects
		living <- taxaData[,5]
		cryptic <- sapply(1:nrow(taxaData),function(x) if(taxaData[x,1] != taxaData[x,6]){which(taxaData[,1] == taxaData[x,6])}else{NA})
		timeData <- taxaData[,3:4,drop = FALSE]
			names <- paste("t",taxaData[,1],sep = "")
			names <- rownames(taxaData)
	if(ncol(taxaData) == 2){			
		# assumes it has two matrices
		living <- rep(0,nrow(taxaData))
		living[taxaData[,2] == 0] <- 1
		cryptic <- rep(NA,nrow(taxaData))
		timeData <- taxaData
			names <- paste("t",1:nrow(taxaData),sep = "")
			names <- rownames(taxaData)
		stop("min.taxa set higher than number of taxa in input")
	if(merge.cryptic == TRUE & nrow(taxaData)<sum(!is.na(cryptic))){
		stop("min.taxa set higher than number of non-cryptic taxa in input")
	timeData <- timeData[!is.na(timeData[,1]),,drop = FALSE]
		stop("Weird NAs in Data??")
		stop("timeData is not in time relative to modern (decreasing to present)")
		stop("Some dates in timeData <0 ?")
	#check input parameters for inconsistencies
		stop("some r values < 0")
	if(any(alpha <= 0) | any(beta <= 0)){
		stop("some shape parameters (alpha, beta)  <=  0")
	if(length(alpha) == 1){
		alpha <- rep(alpha,length(names))
		if(length(alpha) != length(names)){
			stop("Multiple alpha values input but not same length as number of taxa?")
	if(length(beta) == 1){
		beta <- rep(beta,length(names))
		if(length(beta) != length(names)){
			stop("Multiple beta values input but not same length as number of taxa?")
	if(length(rTimeRatio) != 1){
		if(length(rTimeRatio) != length(names)){
			stop("Multiple rTimeRatio values input but not same length as number of taxa?")
	midpoint <- (max(timeData)+min(timeData))/2
	taxa.midpoints <- ((timeData[,1]+timeData[,2])/2)
	#need to calculate rTimeChange based on rTimeRatio
	r_start <- r/((rTimeRatio/2)+0.5)
	r_end <- 2*r*(1-1/(rTimeRatio+1))
	if(length(r) == 1 & length(rTimeRatio) == 1){
		#thanks to Emily King and Brian Koch for helping me with this bit!
		if(max(timeData) == min(timeData)){
			denomTime <- 1
			denomTime <- (max(timeData)-min(timeData))
		rTimeChange <- (r_end-r_start)/denomTime
		rTimeChange <- rep(rTimeChange,length(names))
	}else{	#if there's multiple r values, multiple ratios or both...
		dur1 <- timeData[,1]-timeData[,2]
		rTimeChange <- (r_end-r_start)/dur1
	if(length(r) == 1){		#get per-taxon r.avg for each taxon, if not input already
		taxa.timeChange <- midpoint-taxa.midpoints
		r <- r+(rTimeChange*taxa.timeChange)
	if(length(r) != length(names)){
		stop("Multiple r values given but not same length as number of taxa?")
		stop("rTimeRatio so low as to cause some species-specific avg r < 0")
	if(any(alpha != 1) | any(beta != 1) | any(rTimeChange != 0) | alt.method){
		#get per species time vectors of r
		rangesTimes <- apply(timeData,1,
			function(x) seq(x[1],x[2],by = -minInt)
		# get the time change component per minInt of the taxon ranges
			# first get the different of each min int from the midpoints,
			# then calculate the change r accordint to rTimeChange
		taxa.shiftTimes <- lapply(1:length(r),
			function(x) taxa.midpoints[x]-rangesTimes[[x]]
		taxa.rShiftTime <- lapply(1:length(r),
			function(x) rTimeChange[x]*taxa.shiftTimes[[x]]
		# if randLiveHat is TRUE, scale 
		# for each taxon decide on an end.hat
			# use runif if extant, 1 is extinct
			end.hat <- ifelse(living == 1, runif(length(living)),1)
			end.hat <- rep(1,length(rangesTimes))
		#now get the hat component, combine with the time component
		scaledTimes <- lapply(1:length(end.hat),
			function(x) seq(0,end.hat[x],length.out = length(rangesTimes[[x]]))
		rHat <- lapply(1:length(r),
			function(x) r[x]*dbeta(scaledTimes[[x]],alpha[x],beta[x])
		rHatTime <- lapply(1:length(r),
			function(x) rHat[[x]]+taxa.rShiftTime[[x]]
		#transform so that the hats always are above zero
			# but have correct means and correct timechange slope (so complicated!)
		#rHatTime <- lapply(rHatTime,function(x) (x-min(x))/(1-(min(x)/mean(x))))
		rHatTime1 <- lapply(rHatTime,function(x) ifelse(x<0,0,x))
		rHatTime <- lapply(1:length(rHatTime),
			function(x) {
					mean(rHatTime[[x]]) * rHatTime1[[x]] / mean(rHatTime1[[x]])
		rHatTime <- NULL
				c(min(unlist(rHatTime)), max(unlist(rHatTime))),
				type = "n",
				xlim = c(max(timeData), min(timeData)),	
				xlab = "Time (Time-Units before Present)",
				ylab = c("Instant. Sampling Rate","(per lineage time-units)")
			for(i in 1:length(r)){
				lines(rangesTimes[[i]],rHatTime[[i]],lwd = 2)
				type = "n",
				xlim = c(max(timeData),min(timeData)),
				xlab = "Time (Time-Units before Present)",
				ylab = c("Instant. Sampling Rate","(per lineage time-units)")
			for(i in 1:length(r)){
				lines(timeData[i,],c(r[i],r[i]),lwd = 2)
	#plot(rangesTimes[[2]],rHatTime[[2]],type = "l",lwd = 3,xlim = c(max(rangesTimes[[2]]),
	#	min(rangesTimes[[2]])),xlab = "time",ylab = "Instantaneous Sampling Rate (per Lmy)")
	#(x <- cbind(r,sapply(rHatTime,mean)));plot(x);abline(0,1)	
	#means should be close to actual r
	#okay, now to actually do the sampling
	redo <- TRUE
		#sampled occurances
		samp_occ <- list()	
		for(i in 1:nrow(timeData)){
					#the time of speciation is the lower bound
					samps <- timeData[i,1]	
					#keep sampling until you go past the time of extinction
						samps <- c(samps,min(samps)-rexp(1,rate = r[i]))
					samps <- samps[-c(1,length(samps))]
				}else{samps <- numeric(0)}
				samps <- rangesTimes[[i]][
					sapply(rHatTime[[i]],function(x) runif(1) <= (x*minInt))
			if(modern.samp.prob>0){if(living[i] == 1){		
				#rework modern.sampling as a probability
				if(runif(1) <= modern.samp.prob){
					samps <- c(samps,0)
				samp_occ[[i]] <- samps
				samp_occ[[i]] <- NA
		redo <- min.taxa > sum(
			sapply(samp_occ, function(x) !any(is.na(x)))
	names(samp_occ) <- names
	if(any(!is.na(cryptic)) & merge.cryptic){
		for(i in which(!is.na(cryptic))){
			samp_occ[[cryptic[i]]] <- c(samp_occ[[cryptic[i]]],samp_occ[[i]])
			samp_occ[[i]] <- NA
		ranges <- cbind(sapply(samp_occ,max), sapply(samp_occ,min))
		rownames(ranges) <- names;colnames(ranges) <- c("FAD","LAD")
		res <- ranges
		res <- samp_occ
dwbapst/paleotree documentation built on July 9, 2024, 9:18 a.m.