
Defines functions paternity

Documented in paternity

#' Estimates fractional paternity probability
#' This function estimates fractional paternity for offspring
#'  given a set of potential fathers.
#' @param offspring A particular offspring. Often as a row
#'  from a \code{data.frame} with columns as loci and other 
#'  meta data.
#' @param mother The assumed mother of the offspring as a row
#'  from a \code{data.frame} with columns as loci and other 
#'  meta data.
#' @param fathers A \code{data.frame} of potential fathers.
#' @param ID The name of the column where the dad's adult ID column
#'  is found in the \code{data.frame} of potential fathers.
#' @param OffID The name of the column where the offspring ID is 
#'  located.  All offspring from a maternal individual should have
#'  have the same maternal \code{ID} to indicate which mother they
#'  are from but must also have a unique offspring ID.
#' @param strict A flag (default=FALSE) to use strict paternity (e.g.,
#'  where only one dad can be the father) versus fractional paternity 
#'  (e.g., where potentially more than one father is assignable but 
#'  whose likelihood is based upon their transition probabilities).
#' @return A \code{data.frame} with indications of paternity by row.  Columns 
#'  will include ID, OffID, DadID, and potentially Fij.
#' @export
#' @author Rodney J. Dyer \email{rjdyer@@vcu.edu}
#' @examples
#' freqs <- c(1/3,1/3,1/3)
#' loci <- rep( paste("Loc",1:6,sep="-"), each=3)
#' alleles <- LETTERS[1:3]
#' f <- data.frame(Locus=loci, Allele=alleles, Frequency=freqs)
#' f
#' adults <- make_population(f,N=20)
#' adults
#' offs <- mate( adults[1,], adults[2,], N=10)
#' offs$OffID <- offs$ID
#' offs$MomID <- adults$ID[1]
#' paternity( offs, adults[1,], adults )
paternity <- function( offspring, mother, fathers, ID="ID", OffID="OffID", strict=FALSE){

  if( missing(offspring) | missing(mother) | missing(fathers) )
    stop("you need to pass offspring, mother, and putative fathers to paternity()")
  if( !(ID %in% names(offspring)) | !(ID %in% names(mother)) | !(ID %in% names(fathers)))
    stop("You need to have an ID column in offspring, mother, and putative father data sets.")
  if( nrow(mother) > 1 )
    stop("The paternity function is designed to work on a single family array (e.g., only one mother at a time).")
  locus_names <- column_class(offspring,"locus")
  if( !(all( locus_names == column_class(mother,"locus"))))
    stop("You need to have the same loci in both mother and offspring for paternity() to work.")
  if( !(all( locus_names == column_class(fathers,"locus"))))
    stop("You need to have the same loci in both potential dads and offspring for paternity() to work.")
  K <- dim(offspring)[1]
  N <- length(fathers[[ID]])
  ret <- data.frame()
  # TODO iterate across offspring
  for( off in 1:K) {
    oret <- data.frame(MomID=mother[[ID]], OffID=offspring[off,][[OffID]], DadID=fathers[[ID]],  Fij=0)
    for( i in 1:N) {
      fij <- list()
      for( locus in locus_names){
        o <- offspring[off,][[locus]]
        m <-mother[[locus]]
        f <- fathers[i,][[locus]]
        if( !is.na(o) & !is.na(m) & !is.na(f) ) 
          fij[[locus]] <- transition_probability(o,m,f)

      oret$Fij[i] <- prod(as.numeric(fij))
    if( sum(oret$Fij)>0)
      oret$Fij <- oret$Fij/ sum( oret$Fij )
    oret <- oret[ oret$Fij>0 , ]
    if( dim(oret)[1]>0)
      ret <- rbind( ret, oret )
  ret <- ret[ order( ret[,1], ret[,2], -ret[,4]),]
  rownames(ret) <- 1:length(rownames(ret))
  if( strict )
    ret <- ret[ret$Fij==1,]
dyerlab/gstudio documentation built on Feb. 2, 2024, 8:24 p.m.