
Defines functions test_docker_installation

Documented in test_docker_installation

#' Tests whether docker is correctly installed and available
#' @param detailed Whether top do a detailed check
#' @importFrom crayon red green bold
#' @importFrom dynutils safe_tempdir
#' @examples
#' test_docker_installation()
#' if (test_docker_installation()) {
#'   test_docker_installation(detailed = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
test_docker_installation <- function(detailed = FALSE) {
  if (!detailed) {

      out <- processx::run("docker", c("info", "--format", "{{.OSType}}"), error_on_status = FALSE, stderr_callback = print_processx, timeout = 2)
      ostype <- out$stdout %>% trimws() %>% gsub("'", "", .) # remove trailing ' (in windows)

      out$status == 0 && ostype == "linux"
    error = function(e) {
  } else {
    # test if docker command is found
    output <- tryCatch(
      processx::run("docker", "version", error_on_status = FALSE, stderr_callback = print_processx),
      error = function(e) {list(status = 1)}
    if (output$status == 0) {
      message(crayon::green("\u2714 Docker is installed"))
    } else {
      installation_url <- switch(
        windows = "https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/install/ (for Windows 10) or https://docs.docker.com/toolbox/toolbox_install_windows/ (for older Windows installations)",
        darwin = "https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/",

      msg <- paste0(
        "\u274C An installation of docker is necessary to run this method. See ", installation_url, " for instructions."

    # test if docker daemon is running
    output <- processx::run("docker", c("version", "--format", "{{.Client.APIVersion}}"), error_on_status = FALSE, stderr_callback = print_processx)
    if (output$status != 0) {
        "\u274C Docker daemon does not seem to be running... \n",
        "- Try running ", crayon::bold('dockerd'), " in the command line \n",
        "- See https://docs.docker.com/config/daemon/"
    message(crayon::green("\u2714 Docker daemon is running"))

    # test if docker version is recent enough
    version <- output$stdout %>% trimws() %>% gsub("'", "", .) # remove trailing ' (in windows)
    if (utils::compareVersion("1.0", version) > 0) {
      stop(crayon::red("\u274C Docker API version is", version, ". Requires 1.0 or later"))

    message(crayon::green(paste0("\u2714 Docker is at correct version (>1.0): ", version)))

    # test if docker format is linux
    output <- processx::run("docker", c("info", "--format", "{{.OSType}}"), error_on_status = FALSE, stderr_callback = print_processx)
    ostype <- output$stdout %>% trimws() %>% gsub("'", "", .) # remove trailing ' (in windows)

    if (ostype != "linux") {
        "\u274C Docker is not running in linux mode, but in ", ostype, " mode. \n",
        " Please switch to linux containers: https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/#switch-between-windows-and-linux-containers"

    message(crayon::green("\u2714 Docker is in linux mode"))

    # test if docker images can be pulled
    output <- processx::run("docker", c("pull", "alpine:3.7"), error_on_status = FALSE, stderr_callback = print_processx, spinner = TRUE)
    if (output$status != 0) {
      stop(crayon::red("\u274C Unable to pull docker images."))
    message(crayon::green("\u2714 Docker can pull images"))

    # test if docker can run images, will fail on windows if linux containers are not enabled
    output <- processx::run("docker", c("run", "alpine:3.7"), error_on_status = FALSE, stderr_callback = print_processx)
    if (output$status != 0) {
      stop(crayon::red("\u274C Unable to run an image"))
    message(crayon::green("\u2714 Docker can run image"))

    # test if docker volume can be mounted
    volume_dir <- dynutils::safe_tempdir("")
    output <- processx::run("docker", c("run", "-v", paste0(volume_dir, ":/mount"), "alpine:3.7"), error_on_status = FALSE, stderr_callback = print_processx)
    if (output$status != 0) {
        "\u274C Unable to mount temporary directory: ", volume_dir, ". \n",
        "\tOn windows, you need to enable the shared drives (https://rominirani.com/docker-on-windows-mounting-host-directories-d96f3f056a2c)"
    message(crayon::green("\u2714 Docker can mount temporary volumes"))

    message(crayon::green(crayon::bold(pad("\u2714 Docker test successful ", 90, side = "right", "-"))))

dynverse/babelwhale documentation built on July 31, 2023, 2:11 a.m.