
Defines functions test_singularity_installation

Documented in test_singularity_installation

#' Tests whether singularity is correctly installed and available
#' @param detailed Whether top do a detailed check
#' @importFrom crayon red green bold
#' @importFrom dynutils safe_tempdir
#' @examples
#' test_singularity_installation()
#' if (test_singularity_installation()) {
#'   test_singularity_installation(detailed = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
test_singularity_installation <- function(detailed = FALSE) {
  if (!detailed) {
    output <- tryCatch(
      processx::run("singularity", "version", error_on_status = FALSE, stderr_callback = print_processx, timeout = 2),
      error = function(e) {list(status = 1, message = e$message)}

    output$status == 0
  } else {
    output <- tryCatch(
      processx::run("singularity", "version", error_on_status = FALSE, stderr_callback = print_processx, timeout = 2),
      error = function(e) {list(status = 1, message = e$message)}

    if (output$status == 1) {
        "\u274C Singularity (>= 3.0) or Apptainer could not be found. ",
        "Install the latest stable release from: https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/releases."

    message(crayon::green(paste0("\u2714 Singularity is installed")))

    if (!is_singularity_apptainer()) {
      major_version <- as.integer(gsub("^([^.]*)\\..*", "\\1", output$stdout))

      if (major_version < 3) {
          "\u274C An older version of Singularity was detected (", output$stdout, "). ",
          "Install the latest stable release following the installation instructions at https://sylabs.io/docs/."

      message(crayon::green(paste0("\u2714 Singularity is at correct version (>=3.0): ", gsub("\n", "", output$stdout), " is installed")))

    output <- processx::run("singularity", c("exec", "docker://alpine:3.7", "echo", "hi"), error_on_status = FALSE, stderr_callback = print_processx, spinner = TRUE, echo = FALSE)
    if (output$status != 0 || output$stdout != "hi\n") {
      stop(crayon::red("\u274C Singularity is unable to run pull and run a container from Dockerhub."))
    message(crayon::green("\u2714 Singularity can pull and run a container from Dockerhub"))

    # test if singularity volume can be mounted
      volume_dir <- dynutils::safe_tempdir("test")
      on.exit(unlink(volume_dir, force = TRUE, recursive = TRUE))
      writeLines("hello", paste0(volume_dir, "/test"))
    }, error = function(e) {
      folder <- file.path(tempfile()) %>% fix_macosx_tmp()
      stop(crayon::red(paste0("\u274C Unable to create temporary folder: ", folder, ".")))

    output <- processx::run("singularity", c("exec", "-B", paste0(volume_dir, ":/mount"), "docker://alpine:3.7", "cat", "/mount/test"), error_on_status = FALSE, stderr_callback = print_processx)
    if (output$status != 0 || output$stdout != "hello\n") {
      stop(crayon::red(paste0("\u274C Unable to mount temporary directory: ", volume_dir, ".")))

    message(crayon::green("\u2714 Singularity can mount temporary volumes"))
    message(crayon::green(crayon::bold(pad("\u2714 Singularity test successful ", 90, side = "right", "-"))))

dynverse/babelwhale documentation built on July 31, 2023, 2:11 a.m.