
Defines functions pf_find_pets

Documented in pf_find_pets

#' Search for pets
#' Retrieve a data frame of information about pets that are listed on
#' Petfinder.com. Filter searches based on characteristics such as animal 
#' type, breed, size, age, or location.
#' @param token An access token, provided by\code{\link{pf_accesstoken}}.
#' @param type The type(s) of animals to be found. A full list of animal types, along with their respective coat and color options, can be found by running pf_list_types(token).
#' @param breed The breed(s) of animals to be found. A full list of breeds for a given animal type can be found by running pf_breeds(token, type).
#' @param size The size(s) of animals to be found. Possible values are "small", "medium", "large", and "xlarge".
#' @param gender The gender(s) of animals to be found. Possible values are "male", "female", and "unknown".
#' @param age The age(s) of animals to be found. Possible values are "baby", "young", "adult", and "senior".
#' @param color The color(s) of animals to be found. A full list of animal types, along with their respective coat and color options, can be found by running pf_list_types(token).
#' @param coat The coat(s) of animals to be found. A full list of animal types, along with their respective coat and color options, can be found by running pf_list_types(token).
#' @param status The status of animals to be found. Possible values are "adoptable", "adopted", or "found".
#' @param name The name of animals to be found (includes partial matches; e.g. "Fred" will return "Alfredo" and "Frederick").
#' @param organization The organization(s) associated with animals to be found. Values should be provided as identification numbers.
#' @param location The location of animals to be found. Values can be specified as "City, State", "latitude, longitude", or "zipcode".
#' @param distance The distance, in miles, from the provided location to find animals. Note that location is required to use distance.
#' @param sort The attribute on which to sort results. Possible attributes are "recent", "-recent", "distance", or "-distance".
#' @param page The page(s) of results to return (default = 1). 
#' @param limit The maximum number of results to return per page (maximum = 100).
#' @return A data frame of results matching the search parameters
#' @export
#' @importFrom httr GET add_headers content
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' puppies <- pf_find_pets(token, type = "dog", age = "baby", page = 1:5)
#' pf_find_pets(token, type = "dog", age = "baby", location = "Ames, IA")
#' }
pf_find_pets <- function(token = NULL, type = NULL, breed = NULL, size = NULL, 
                         gender = NULL, age = NULL, color = NULL, coat = NULL,
                         status = NULL, name  = NULL, organization = NULL,
                         location = NULL, distance = NULL, 
                         sort = "recent", page = 1, limit = 20) {
  args <- as.list(match.call())[-1]
  query_args <- args[!names(args) %in% c("token", "page")] %>% purrr::map(eval)
  query_args <- query_args[(query_args != "") & !is.na(query_args)]
  if(length(query_args) > 0) {
    query_args <- stats::setNames(unlist(query_args, use.names=F),
                                  rep(names(query_args), lengths(query_args)))
  type_args <- grepl("type", names(query_args))
  query_args[type_args] <- query_args[type_args] %>%
    gsub(pattern = "[& ,]{2,4}", replacement = "-")
  query <- paste(names(query_args), query_args, sep = "=", collapse = "&") %>%
    gsub(pattern = "[ ]", replacement = "%20")
  base <- "https://api.petfinder.com/v2/animals?"
  probe <- GET(url = paste0(base, query),
               add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer", token)))
  if (probe$status_code != 200) {stop(pf_error(probe$status_code))}
  if (length(page) == 1 && page == 1) {
    animal_info <- content(probe)$animals
  } else {
    max_page <- content(probe)$pagination$total_pages
    if (max(page) > max_page) {
      warning("You have specified one or more page numbers that do not exist.")
      if (any(page <= max_page)) {
        page <- page[page <= max_page]
      } else {
        warning("No valid pages were specified. Defaulting to page 1.")
        animal_info <- content(probe)$animals
  animal_info <- lapply(paste0(base, query, "&page=", page), function(x) {
    results <- GET(url = x,
                   add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer", token)))
    if (results$status_code != 200) {stop(pf_error(results$status_code))}
  }) %>% 
  animal_df <- purrr::map_dfr(animal_info, .f = function(x) {
    rlist::list.flatten(x) %>%
      rbind.data.frame(deparse.level = 0, stringsAsFactors = F)
earl88/PetFindr documentation built on Jan. 18, 2020, 9:10 a.m.