
Defines functions .get_predicted_args

# process predict-specific arguments ------------------------------------------

.get_predicted_args <- function(x,
                                data = NULL,
                                predict = "expectation",
                                include_random = "default",
                                include_smooth = TRUE,
                                ci = NULL,
                                ci_method = NULL,
                                verbose = TRUE,
                                ...) {
  # First step, check whether "predict" or type argument is used -------------

  # check whether user possibly used the "type" instead of "predict" argument
  dots <- list(...)

  # one of "type" or "predict" must be provided...
  if (is.null(dots$type) && is.null(predict)) {
    format_error("Please supply a value for the `predict` argument.")

  # ...but not both
  if (!is.null(dots$type) && !is.null(predict) && isTRUE(verbose)) {
      "Both `predict` and `type` were given, thus, `type` was used and `predict` was ignored.",
      "Note that the preferred argument for `get_predicted()` is `predict`.",
      "If the `type` argument should be used and to avoid this message, set `predict = NULL` explicitly, e.g.,:",
      "`get_predicted(model, predict = NULL, type = \"response\")`"

  # copy "type" to "predict"
  if (!is.null(dots$type)) {
    predict <- dots$type

  if (length(predict) > 1L) {
    predict <- predict[1]
    if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
        sprintf("More than one option provided in `predict`. Using first option `%s` now.", predict[1])

  # Intermediate step, get model information and evaluate data argument ------

  # Get info
  info <- model_info(x, verbose = FALSE)

  # Data
  if (!is.null(dots$newdata) && is.null(data)) data <- dots$newdata
  if (is.null(data)) data <- get_data(x, verbose = FALSE)

  # Intermediate step, check data classes  ------
  # if data=NULL, check terms
  # if data!=NULL, check data

  if (is.null(data)) {
    flag_matrix <- .safe(
      any(grepl("matrix", attributes(stats::terms(x))$dataClasses, fixed = TRUE)), FALSE
  } else {
    flag_matrix <- .safe(any(vapply(data, inherits, TRUE, what = "matrix")), FALSE)
  if (isTRUE(flag_matrix) && isTRUE(verbose)) {
      "Some of the variables were in matrix-format - probably you used `scale()` on your data?",
      "If so, and you get an error, please try `datawizard::standardize()` to standardize your data."

  # Second step, evaluate "predict" argument                      ------------

  # check `predict` user-input
  predict_method <- lapply(
    class(x), function(i) {
      .safe(utils::getS3method("predict", i))
  # check whether model class has a predict method
  predict_method <- .safe(
    predict_method[!vapply(predict_method, is.null, TRUE)][[1]]
  # define easystats prediction-types
  easystats_methods <- c("expectation", "link", "prediction", "classification")
  # retrieve model object's predict-method prediction-types (if any)
  type_methods <- suppressWarnings(eval(formals(predict_method)$type))
  # and together, these prediction-types are supported...
  supported <- c(easystats_methods, type_methods)

  # check aliases - ignore "expected" when this is a valid type-argument (e.g. coxph)
  if (predict %in% c("expected", "response") && !"expected" %in% supported) {
    predict <- "expectation"
  if (predict == "predicted") {
    predict <- "prediction"

  # Warn if get_predicted() is not called with an easystats- or
  # model-supported predicted type
  if (isTRUE(verbose) && !is.null(predict) && !predict %in% supported) {
      sprintf("`predict` = \"%s\"` is not officially supported by `get_predicted()`.", predict),
      "`predict` will be passed directly to the `predict()` method for the model and not validated.",
      "Please check the validity and scale of the results.",
      "Set `verbose = FALSE` to silence this warning, or use one of the supported values for the `predict` argument:",
      paste(" ", toString(sprintf('"%s"', setdiff(easystats_methods, c("expected", "predicted")))))

  # Third step, prepare arguments that define the type/scale of predictions --

  my_transform <- FALSE

  # type_arg  = what we pass down to type
  # scale_arg = the scale of the predictions (link, response, terms, ...)
  #             this may differ from type_arg, because we back-transform
  # transform = whether we back-transform predictions, SE and CI

  # define prediction type (that's for the initial call to stats::predict)

  # terms
  if (predict == "terms") {
    type_arg <- "terms"
    scale_arg <- "terms"
    my_transform <- FALSE

    # linear models are always on response scale (there is no other, unless gaussian("log"))
  } else if (info$is_linear && !info$is_gam && !identical(info$link_function, "log")) {
    type_arg <- "response"
    scale_arg <- "response"
    my_transform <- FALSE

    # type = "response" always on link-scale - for later back-transformation
  } else if (predict %in% c("expectation", "response", "prediction", "classification")) {
    # exception for glmmTMB with truncated family - behaviour changed to
    # correct conditional and response predictions for truncated distributions
    # https://github.com/glmmTMB/glmmTMB/issues/634
    if (inherits(x, "glmmTMB") && isTRUE(info$is_hurdle)) {
      type_arg <- "response"
      scale_arg <- "response"
      my_transform <- FALSE
    } else {
      if (inherits(x, c("hurdle", "zeroinfl", "zerotrunc"))) {
        # pscl: hurdle/zeroinfl and countreg
        type_arg <- "count"
      } else if (inherits(x, "coxph")) {
        # survival: coxph
        type_arg <- "lp"
      } else {
        # default behaviour for "response"
        type_arg <- "link"
      scale_arg <- "response"
      my_transform <- TRUE

    # link-scale
  } else if (predict == "link") {
    if (inherits(x, "coxph")) {
      # survival: coxph
      type_arg <- "lp"
    } else {
      type_arg <- "link"
    scale_arg <- "link"
    my_transform <- FALSE

    # user provided a valid "type" value, which is not one of our "predict" values
  } else if (predict %in% type_methods) {
    if (predict == "count") {
      # pscl
      type_arg <- "count"
      scale_arg <- "link"
      my_transform <- FALSE
    } else if (predict == "zero") {
      # pscl
      type_arg <- "zero"
      scale_arg <- "link"
      my_transform <- FALSE
    } else if (predict %in% c("risk", "lp")) {
      # cosph
      type_arg <- "lp"
      scale_arg <- "link"
      my_transform <- predict == "risk"
    } else if (predict == "lp") {
      # coxph
      type_arg <- "lp"
      scale_arg <- "link"
      my_transform <- FALSE
    } else {
      # unknown / default
      type_arg <- scale_arg <- predict
      my_transform <- FALSE

    # unknown
  } else {
    type_arg <- scale_arg <- predict
    my_transform <- FALSE

  # 2. step: define CI type
  if (predict %in% c("prediction", "classification")) {
    ci_type <- "prediction"
  } else {
    ci_type <- "confidence"

  # Smooth
  smooths <- clean_names(find_smooth(x, flatten = TRUE))
  if (!is.null(smooths)) {
    for (smooth in smooths) {
      # Fix smooth to average value
      if (!smooth %in% names(data) || !include_smooth) {
        include_smooth <- FALSE
        data[[smooth]] <- mean(get_data(x, verbose = FALSE)[[smooth]], na.rm = TRUE)

  # Fourth step, evaluate random effects                       ---------------

  allow_new_levels <- isTRUE(dots$allow.new.levels)

  # if we have no mixed model, don't process random effects
  if (!is_mixed_model(x)) {
    include_random <- FALSE

  # check whether "include_random" is NULL (i.e. include random effects)
  # or NA (i.e. don't include random effects) and then set to TRUE/FALSE
  # respectively. This allows us checking the data to see if RE variables
  # are in the data or not.

  if (is.null(include_random)) {
    include_random <- TRUE
  } else if (is.na(include_random)) {
    include_random <- FALSE

  # only check and yield warnings when random effects are requested.
  if ((isTRUE(include_random) || identical(include_random, "default")) && !is.null(data) && !is.null(x)) {
    # get random effect terms
    re_terms <- find_random(x, flatten = TRUE)

    # In case include_random is TRUE, but there's actually no
    # or not all random factors in data, set include_random to FALSE
    if (!all(re_terms %in% names(data))) {
      if (isTRUE(verbose) && isTRUE(include_random)) {
          "`include_random` was set to `TRUE`, but not all random effects were found in `data`.",
          "Setting `include_random = FALSE` now."
      include_random <- FALSE
    } else if (allow_new_levels) {
      # include_random still might be "default" - change to TRUE here
      include_random <- TRUE
    } else {
      # we have random effects in data, but do we also have new levels?
      # get data of random effects from the model, and compare random effect
      # variables with data provided by the user - all values/levels need to
      # be present in the data, if user did not set argument "allow.new.levels"
      # to TRUE.

      re_data <- get_random(x)
      all_levels_found <- vapply(re_terms, function(i) {
        all(unique(data[[i]]) %in% re_data[[i]])
      }, TRUE)

      if (all(all_levels_found)) {
        # include_random still might be "default" - change to TRUE here
        include_random <- TRUE
      } else {
        if (isTRUE(verbose) && isTRUE(include_random)) {
            "`include_random` was set to `TRUE`, but grouping factor(s) in `data` has new levels not in the original data.",
            "Either use `allow.new.levels=TRUE`, or make sure to include only valid values for grouping factor(s).",
            "Setting `include_random = FALSE` now."
        include_random <- FALSE

    # else, we might have a formula. if so, do not change include_random.
    # also, do not change if predictions for each observation are requested
    # (i.e. data = NULL)
  } else if (!inherits(include_random, "formula") && !is.null(data)) {
    include_random <- FALSE

  # Add (or set) random variables to "NA"
  if (isFALSE(include_random)) {
    ran_effects <- find_variables(x, effects = "random", verbose = FALSE)$random
    if (!is.null(ran_effects)) {
      if (inherits(x, c("stanreg", "brmsfit"))) {
        # rstantools predictions doens't allow for NaNs in newdata
        data[ran_effects] <- NULL
      } else {
        data[ran_effects] <- NA

  re.form <- .format_reform(include_random)

  # Return all args                                            ---------------

    data = data,
    include_random = include_random,
    re.form = re.form,
    include_smooth = include_smooth,
    ci_type = ci_type,
    ci = ci,
    ci_method = ci_method,
    type = type_arg,
    predict = predict,
    scale = scale_arg,
    transform = my_transform,
    info = info,
    allow_new_levels = allow_new_levels
easystats/insight documentation built on Oct. 2, 2024, 8:19 a.m.