
Defines functions print.parameters_loadings .long_loadings .wide_loadings reshape_loadings.data.frame reshape_loadings.parameters_efa reshape_loadings

Documented in reshape_loadings reshape_loadings.data.frame reshape_loadings.parameters_efa

#' Reshape loadings between wide/long formats
#' Reshape loadings between wide/long formats.
#' @examples
#' if (require("psych")) {
#'   pca <- model_parameters(psych::fa(attitude, nfactors = 3))
#'   loadings <- reshape_loadings(pca)
#'   loadings
#'   reshape_loadings(loadings)
#' }
#' @export
reshape_loadings <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname reshape_loadings
#' @inheritParams principal_components
#' @export
reshape_loadings.parameters_efa <- function(x, threshold = NULL, ...) {
  current_format <- attributes(x)$loadings_format

  if (is.null(current_format) || current_format == "wide") {
    .long_loadings(x, threshold = threshold)
  } else {

#' @rdname reshape_loadings
#' @param loadings_columns Vector indicating the columns corresponding to loadings.
#' @export
reshape_loadings.data.frame <- function(x, threshold = NULL, loadings_columns = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(loadings_columns)) loadings_columns <- seq_len(ncol(x))
  if (length(loadings_columns) > 1) {
    .long_loadings(x, threshold = threshold, loadings_columns = loadings_columns)

#' @keywords internal
.wide_loadings <- function(loadings,
                           loadings_columns = "Loading",
                           component_column = "Component",
                           variable_column = "Variable",
                           ...) {
  if (is.numeric(loadings[[component_column]])) {
    loadings[[component_column]] <- paste0("F", loadings[[component_column]])

  complexity_column <- if ("Complexity" %in% colnames(loadings)) "Complexity" else NULL
  uniqueness_column <- if ("Uniqueness" %in% colnames(loadings)) "Uniqueness" else NULL

  reshape_columns <- c(loadings_columns, component_column, variable_column, complexity_column, uniqueness_column)

  loadings <- stats::reshape(
    idvar = variable_column,
    timevar = component_column,
    direction = "wide",
    v.names = loadings_columns,
    sep = "_"
  names(loadings) <- gsub(paste0(loadings_columns, "_"), "", names(loadings), fixed = TRUE)
  attr(loadings, "loadings_format") <- "wide"
  class(loadings) <- unique(c("parameters_loadings", class(loadings)))

  # clean-up, column-order
  row.names(loadings) <- NULL
  column_order <- c(setdiff(colnames(loadings), c("Complexity", "Uniqueness")), c("Complexity", "Uniqueness"))
  loadings[column_order[column_order %in% colnames(loadings)]]

#' @keywords internal
.long_loadings <- function(loadings, threshold = NULL, loadings_columns = NULL) {
  if (is.null(loadings_columns)) {
    loadings_columns <- attributes(loadings)$loadings_columns

  if (!is.null(threshold)) {
    loadings <- .filter_loadings(loadings, threshold = threshold, loadings_columns = loadings_columns)

  # Reshape to long
  long <- stats::reshape(loadings,
    direction = "long",
    varying = list(names(loadings)[loadings_columns]),
    v.names = "Loading",
    timevar = "Component",
    idvar = "Variable"

  # Restore component names
  for (i in 1:insight::n_unique(long$Component)) {
    component <- unique(long$Component)[[i]]
    name <- names(loadings)[loadings_columns][[i]]
    long[long$Component == component, "Component"] <- name

  # Filtering
  long <- long[!is.na(long$Loading), ]

  row.names(long) <- NULL
  # Reorder columns
  loadings <- long[, c(
    names(loadings)[-loadings_columns][!names(loadings)[-loadings_columns] %in% c("Component", "Variable", "Loading")]

  attr(loadings, "loadings_format") <- "long"
  class(loadings) <- unique(c("parameters_loadings", class(loadings)))

#' @export
print.parameters_loadings <- function(x, ...) {
  formatted_table <- insight::format_table(x)
easystats/parameters documentation built on Feb. 14, 2025, 9:35 a.m.