
#'Log to the rAutomate Logging System
#'@param msg The message to log
#'@param level The loglevel to log to
#'@param app The app to which to associate the log entry
#'\code{crontabR} contains a logging system that will automatically log most errors
#'and warnings to a log file saved in \code{~/.crontabR/logs/log}. In addition, you
#'may use the \code{cronLog} function to log additional information to the log. The
#'log can be one of six different levels; error, warn, info, verbose, debug, or silly.
#'@rdname logging
cronLog <- function(msg, level = "info", app = getOption("crontabRjobValues")$name) {

  if(is.null(app)) app = "crontabR"

  ll <- getOption("crontabRjobValues")$logLevel
  tl <- getOption("crontabRjobValues")$textLevel

  if(is.null(ll)) ll <- "info"
  if(is.null(tl)) tl <- "none"

  levels <- c(none = -1, error = 0, warn = 1, info = 2, verbose = 3, debug = 4, silly = 5)

  if(level %in% names(levels)) {

    if(levels[level] <= levels[ll]) {

      if(!dir.exists(dirname(log_file()))) dir.create(dirname(log_file()), recursive = TRUE)

      msg <- gsub("|", ".", msg, fixed = TRUE)
      rec <- list(level, app, Sys.time(), msg)

      write.table(rec, log_file(), append = TRUE, sep = "|", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)


    if(levels[level] <= levels[tl]) {

      sendCrontabAlert("crontabR Alert", paste0(app, " - ", level, ": ", msg))


  } else {

    cronLog(paste0("Unrecognized logging level: ", level), "error", app)
    warning("Unrecognized logging level: ", level)



#'@rdname logging
#'@param expr an expression to be evaluated with crontabR logging.
#'\code{logErrors} isn't meant to be used by users. Each script that is automated
#'with \code{crontabR} is wrapped in this function so that errors, warnings, and
#'messages are automatically logged. Errors are logged at level \code{error},
#'warnings are logged at level \code{warn}, and messages are logged at level
#'\code{verbose}. In addition, any value the script returns will be logged at
#'level \code{info}.
logErrors <- function(expr) {

  x <- withCallingHandlers({expr},
                             warning = function(w) {
                               cronLog(w$message, "warn")
                             error = function(e) {
                               cronLog(e$message, "error")
                               mailR::send.mail(from = crontab_alert_options$from,
                                                to = crontab_alert_options$to,
                                                subject = subject,
                                                body = message,
                                                html = FALSE,
                                                smtp = list(host.name = crontab_alert_options$host,
                                                            port = crontab_alert_options$port,
                                                            user.name = crontab_alert_options$user,
                                                            passwd = crontab_alert_options$pass,
                                                            ssl = crontab_alert_options$ssl),
                                                authenticate = crontab_alert_options$user != "",
                                                send = TRUE)
                             message = function(m) {
                               cronLog(m$message, "verbose")

  if(length(x) > 0) {
    x <- try(as.character(x))
    if(!"try-error" %in% class(x)) cronLog(as.character(x), "info")


ebailey78/crontabR documentation built on June 5, 2019, 7:27 a.m.