
processScript <- function(name, desc, script_path, logLevel = "info", textLevel = "none", overwrite = FALSE, warn = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {

  if(!file.exists(script_path)) {
    stop("Could not locate script: ", script_path)

  new_script_path <- paste0(script_directory, name, ".R")

  if(file.exists(new_script_path) & !overwrite) {
    err <- paste0("File ", basename(script_path), " has already been processed for crontabR. Please set `overwrite = TRUE` to overwrite the existing version.")
    if(warn) {
    } else {
  } else {

    if(!dir.exists(script_directory)) {

    script <- readLines(script_path)

    if(grepl("## crontabR Automation Script for", script[1])) {
      script_start <- grep("##### Do not edit above this line #####", script)[1] + 1
      script_end <- grep("##### Do not edit below this line #####", script)[1] - 1
      script <- script[script_start:script_end]

    header <- c(
      paste("## crontabR Automation Script for", name),
      paste("##", desc),
      paste0("setCronjobValues('", name, "', '", gsub("'", "\\'", desc, fixed = TRUE), "', '", logLevel, "', '", textLevel, "')"),
      "cronLog(\"Script Started\")",
      "##### Do not edit above this line #####"

    footer <- c(
      "##### Do not edit below this line #####",
      "cronLog(\"Script Complete\")",

    script <- c(header, script, footer)

    writeLines(script, new_script_path)



ebailey78/crontabR documentation built on June 5, 2019, 7:27 a.m.