#Truncated distribution function
#One-hurdle likelihood:
# { p, yi = 0
# Yi|theta = {
# { (1-p)*f(x|theta), yi > 0
#Two-hurdle likelihood:
# { p, yi = 0
# {
# Yi|theta = { (1-q)*(1-p)*f(x|theta), 0 < yi < psi
# {
# { q*(1-p)*g(x|theta), yi >= psi
# theta = BX = B0 + B1*x1 + B2*x2 ...
# logit(p) = 1/(1 + exp(-BX)); BX = B0 + B1*x1 + B2*x2 ...
# logit(q) = 1/(1 + exp(-BX)); BX = B0 + B1*x1 + B2*x2 ...
#' Hurdle Model Count Data Regression
#' @description \code{hurdle} is used to fit single or
#' double-hurdle regression models to count data via Bayesian inference.
#' @param y numeric response vector.
#' @param x numeric predictor matrix.
#' @param hurd numeric threshold for 'extreme' observations of two-hurdle models.
#' \code{Inf} for one-hurdle models.
#' @param dist character specification of response distribution.
#' @param dist.2 character specification of response distribution for
#' 'extreme' observations of two-hurdle models.
#' @param control list of parameters for controlling the fitting process,
#' specified by \code{\link{hurdle_control}}.
#' @param iters number of iterations for the Markov chain to run.
#' @param burn numeric burn-in length.
#' @param nthin numeric thinning rate.
#' @param plots logical operator. \code{TRUE} to output plots.
#' @param progress.bar logical operator. \code{TRUE} to print progress bar.
#' @details
#' Setting \code{dist} and \code{dist.2} to be the same distribution creates a
#' single \code{dist}-hurdle model, not a double-hurdle model. However, this
#' is being considered in future package updates.
#' @return \code{hurdle} returns a list which includes the items
#' \describe{
#' \item{pD}{measure of model dimensionality \eqn{p_D} where
#' \eqn{p_D = \bar{D} - D(\bar{\theta}}) is the \eqn{"mean posterior deviance -
#' deviance of posterior means"}}
#' \item{DIC}{Deviance Information Criterion where \eqn{DIC = \bar{D} - p_D}}
#' \item{PPO}{Posterior Predictive Ordinate (PPO) measure of fit}
#' \item{CPO}{Conditional Predictive Ordinate (CPO) measure of fit}
#' \item{pars.means}{posterior mean(s) of third-component parameter(s) if
#' \code{hurd != Inf}}
#' \item{ll.means}{posterior means of the log-likelihood distributions of
#' all model components}
#' \item{beta.means}{posterior means regression coefficients}
#' \item{dev}{posterior deviation where \eqn{D = -2LogL}}
#' \item{beta}{posterior distributions of regression coefficients}
#' \item{pars}{posterior distribution(s) of third-component parameter(s) if
#' \code{hurd != Inf}}
#' }
#' @author
#' Taylor Trippe <\email{ttrippe@@luc.edu}> \cr
#' Earvin Balderama <\email{ebalderama@@luc.edu}>
#' @import stats
#' @import graphics
#' @import utils
#' @examples
#' #Generate some data:
#' p=0.5; q=0.25; lam=3;
#' mu=10; sigma=7; xi=0.75;
#' n=200
#' set.seed(2016)
#' y <- rbinom(n,1,p)
#' nz <- sum(1-y)
#' extremes <- rbinom(sum(y),1,q)
#' ne <- sum(extremes)
#' nt <- n-nz-ne
#' yt <- sample(mu-1,nt,replace=TRUE,prob=dpois(1:(mu-1),3)/(ppois(mu-1,lam)-ppois(0,lam)))
#' yz <- round(rgpd(nz,mu,sigma,xi))
#' y[y==1] <- c(yt,yz)
#Source code
hurdle <- function(y, x = NULL, hurd = Inf,
dist = c("poisson", "nb", "lognormal"),
dist.2 = c("gpd", "poisson", "lognormal", "nb"),
control = hurdle_control(),
iters = 1000, burn = 500, nthin = 1,
plots = FALSE, progress.bar = TRUE){
#Initial values
N <- length(y)
dist <- match.arg(dist)
dist.2 <- match.arg(dist.2)
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = iters, style = 3)
x <- cbind(rep(1, N), x)
x <- as.matrix(x)
x.col <- ncol(x)
regressions <- 3
out.fx <- out.gx <- out.probs <- NULL
beta <- matrix(0, x.col, regressions)
XB1 <- c(x%*%beta[,1])
XB2 <- c(x%*%beta[,2])
XB3 <- c(x%*%beta[,3])
lam <- mu <- sigma <- exp(XB1)
xi <- control$xi.start
p <- 1/(1 + exp(-XB2))
q <- 1/(1 + exp(-XB3))
a <- control$a
b <- control$b
size <- control$size
beta.prior.mean <- control$beta.prior.mean
beta.prior.sd <- control$beta.prior.sd
beta.tune <- matrix(rep(c(control$pars.tune, rep(control$probs.tune, 2)), each = x.col), x.col, regressions)
beta.acc <- matrix(0, x.col, regressions)
att <- 0
#Keep vectors
keep.beta <- array(0, c(iters, x.col, regressions))
keep.pars <- NULL
keep.dev <- track.ppo <- track.icpo <- 0
#If using a two-hurdle model
if(hurd != Inf){
#Initial values
lam2 <- control$lam.start
mu2 <- control$mu.start
xi2 <- control$xi.start
sigma2 <- control$sigma.start
lam2.tune <- mu2.tune <- xi2.tune <- sigma2.tune <- control$pars.tune
lam2.acc <- mu2.acc <- xi2.acc <- sigma2.acc <- 0
#Keep vectors
keep.pars <- matrix(0, iters, 4)
pZ <- PZ(p[y == 0], log = T)
pT <- PT(p[0 < y & y < hurd], q[0 < y & y < hurd], log = T)
LT <- dist_ll(y = y[0 < y & y < hurd], hurd = hurd, size = size,
lam = lam[0 < y & y < hurd], mu = mu[0 < y & y < hurd],
xi = xi, sigma = sigma[0 < y & y < hurd], dist = dist, g.x = F, log = T)
pE <- PE(p[y >= hurd], q[y >= hurd], log = T)
LE <- dist_ll(y = y[y >= hurd], hurd = hurd, size = size,
lam = control$lam.start, mu = control$mu.start,
xi = xi, sigma = control$sigma.start, dist = dist.2, g.x = T, log = T)
ll <- NULL
ll[y == 0] <- pZ
ll[0 < y & y < hurd] <- pT + LT
ll[y >= hurd] <- pE + LE
#MCMC start
for(i in 2:iters){
for(thin in 1:nthin){
att <- att + 1
#Update f(x) parameters
out.fx <- update_beta(y = y[0 < y & y < hurd], x[which(0 < y & y < hurd),],
hurd, dist = dist, like.part = LT,
beta.prior.mean, beta.prior.sd,
beta, XB1[0 < y & y < hurd], beta.acc, beta.tune,
g.x = F)
if(dist == "poisson"){
beta[,1] <- out.fx$beta1; beta.acc[,1] <- out.fx$beta1.acc
XB1 <- x%*%beta[,1]
lam <- exp(XB1)
if(dist == "nb" | dist == "lognormal"){
beta[,1] <- out.fx$beta1; beta.acc[,1] <- out.fx$beta1.acc
XB1 <- x%*%beta[,1]
mu <- exp(XB1)
### Comment out GPD from the typical distribution
# if(dist == "gpd"){
# beta[,1] <- out.fx$beta1; beta.acc[,1] <- out.fx$beta1.acc
# XB1 <- x%*%beta[,1]
# sigma <- exp(XB1)
# }
LT <- dist_ll(y = y[0 < y & y < hurd], hurd = hurd, size = size,
lam = lam[0 < y & y < hurd], mu = mu[0 < y & y < hurd], xi = xi,
sigma = sigma[0 < y & y < hurd], dist = dist, g.x = F, log = T)
if(hurd != Inf){
#Update g(x) parameters
out.gx <- update_pars(y = y[y >= hurd], hurd,
dist = dist.2, like.part = LE,
a, b, size, lam2, mu2, xi2, sigma2,
lam2.acc, mu2.acc, xi2.acc, sigma2.acc,
lam2.tune, mu2.tune, xi2.tune, sigma2.tune,
g.x = T)
if(dist.2 == "poisson"){
lam2 <- out.gx$lam; lam2.acc <- out.gx$lam.acc
if(dist.2 == "nb" | dist.2 == "lognormal"){
mu2 <- out.gx$mu; mu2.acc <- out.gx$mu.acc
if(dist.2 == "gpd"){
xi2 <- out.gx$xi; xi2.acc <- out.gx$xi.acc
sigma2 <- out.gx$sigma; sigma2.acc <- out.gx$sigma.acc
LE <- dist_ll(y = y[y >= hurd], hurd = hurd, size = size,
lam = lam2, mu = mu2, xi = xi2,
sigma = sigma2, dist = dist.2, g.x = T, log = T)
out.probs <- update_probs(y, x, hurd, p, q,
beta.prior.mean, beta.prior.sd,
pZ, pT, pE,
beta, XB2, XB3, beta.acc, beta.tune)
beta[,2] <- out.probs$beta2; beta.acc[,2] <- out.probs$beta2.acc
XB2 <- x%*%beta[,2]
p <- 1/(1 + exp(-XB2))
beta[,3] <- out.probs$beta3; beta.acc[,3] <- out.probs$beta3.acc
XB3 <- x%*%beta[,3]
q <- 1/(1 + exp(-XB3))
#Update likelihood
pZ <- PZ(p[y == 0], log = T)
pT <- PT(p[0 < y & y < hurd], q[0 < y & y < hurd], log = T)
pE <- PE(p[y >= hurd], q[y >= hurd], log = T)
ll[y == 0] <- pZ
ll[0 < y & y < hurd] <- pT + LT
ll[y >= hurd] <- pE + LE
}#End thinning
keep.dev[i] <- -2*sum(ll)
keep.beta[i,,] <- beta
if(hurd != Inf){
keep.pars[i,] <- c(lam2, mu2, sigma2, xi2)
if(i > burn){
track.ppo <- track.ppo + exp(ll)
track.icpo <- track.icpo + 1/exp(ll)
#Update tuning parameters
if(i < 0.75*burn & att > 50){
for(k in 1:regressions){
beta.tune[,k] <- ifelse(beta.acc[,k]/att < 0.20, 0.8*beta.tune[,k], beta.tune[,k])
beta.tune[,k] <- ifelse(beta.acc[,k]/att > 0.50, 1.2*beta.tune[,k], beta.tune[,k])
beta.acc <- matrix(0, x.col, regressions)
if(hurd != Inf){
lam2.tune <- ifelse(lam2.acc/att < 0.20, 0.8*lam2.tune, lam2.tune)
lam2.tune <- ifelse(lam2.acc/att > 0.50, 1.2*lam2.tune, lam2.tune)
mu2.tune <- ifelse(mu2.acc/att < 0.20, 0.8*mu2.tune, mu2.tune)
mu2.tune <- ifelse(mu2.acc/att > 0.50, 1.2*mu2.tune, mu2.tune)
xi2.tune <- ifelse(xi2.acc/att < 0.20, 0.8*xi2.tune, xi2.tune)
xi2.tune <- ifelse(xi2.acc/att > 0.50, 1.2*xi2.tune, xi2.tune)
sigma2.tune <- ifelse(sigma2.acc/att < 0.20, 0.8*sigma2.tune, sigma2.tune)
sigma2.tune <- ifelse(sigma2.acc/att > 0.50, 1.2*sigma2.tune, sigma2.tune)
lam2.acc <- mu2.acc <- xi2.acc <- sigma2.acc <- 0
att <- 0
if(plots == T){
if(i > burn & i%%200 == 0){
num.plots <- ifelse(hurd != Inf, par(mfrow = c(2,3)), par(mfrow = c(1,3))); num.plots
plot(keep.beta[burn:i,1,1], type = "l",
ylab = "", main = bquote(beta[0]~Typical~Mean))
abline(h = mean(keep.beta[burn:i,1,1]), col = 2)
plot(keep.beta[burn:i,1,2], type = "l",
ylab = "", main = bquote(beta[0]~Zero~Prob))
abline(h = mean(keep.beta[burn:i,1,2]), col = 2)
if(hurd != Inf){
plot(keep.beta[burn:i,1,3], type = "l",
ylab = "", main = bquote(beta[0]~Extreme~Prob))
abline(h = mean(keep.beta[burn:i,1,3]), col = 2)
if(dist.2 == "poisson"){
plot(keep.pars[burn:i,1], type = "l",
ylab = "", main = bquote(Extreme~Mean~lambda))
abline(h = mean(keep.pars[burn:i,1]), col = 2)
if(dist.2 == "nb" | dist.2 == "lognormal"){
plot(keep.pars[burn:i,2], type = "l",
ylab = "", main = bquote(Extreme~Mean~mu))
abline(h = mean(keep.pars[burn:i,2]), col = 2)
if(dist.2 == "gpd"){
plot(keep.pars[burn:i,4], type = "l",
ylab = "", main = bquote(xi[gpd]))
abline(h = mean(keep.pars[burn:i,4]), col = 2)
plot(keep.pars[burn:i,3], type = "l",
ylab = "", main = bquote(sigma[gpd]))
abline(h = mean(keep.pars[burn:i,3]), col = 2)
plot(burn:i, keep.dev[burn:i], type="l",
ylab = "", xlab = "Index", main = bquote(D==-2*sum(loglike)))
abline(h = mean(keep.dev[burn:i]), col = 2)
if(progress.bar){setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)}
}#End loop
#Diagnostics (plots, pD, DIC)
beta.bar <- apply(array(keep.beta[(burn):iters,,], c(iters-burn, x.col, regressions)), 2:3, mean)
XB1 <- c(x%*%beta.bar[,1])
XB2 <- c(x%*%beta.bar[,2])
XB3 <- c(x%*%beta.bar[,3])
typ.mean.bar <- pz.bar <- pe.bar <- NULL
typ.mean.bar <- exp(XB1)
pz.bar <- 1/(1 + exp(-XB2))
pe.bar <- 1/(1 + exp(-XB3))
if(hurd != Inf){
ext.lam.bar <- mean(keep.pars[burn:i,1])
ext.mu.bar <- mean(keep.pars[burn:i,2])
ext.sigma.bar <- mean(keep.pars[burn:i,3])
ext.xi.bar <- mean(keep.pars[burn:i,4])
PZ.bar <- PT.bar <- PE.bar <- LT.bar <- LE.bar <- NULL
PZ.bar <- PZ(pz.bar[y == 0], log = T)
PT.bar <- PT(pz.bar[0 < y & y < hurd], pe.bar[0 < y & y < hurd], log = T)
PE.bar <- PE(pz.bar[y >= hurd], pe.bar[y >= hurd], log = T)
LT.bar <- dist_ll(y[0 < y & y < hurd], hurd = hurd,
lam = typ.mean.bar, mu = typ.mean.bar,
dist = dist, g.x = F, log = T)
ll.means <- c(PZ.bar, PT.bar, LT.bar)
if(hurd != Inf){
LE.bar <- dist_ll(y[y >= hurd], hurd = hurd,
lam = ext.lam.bar, mu = ext.mu.bar,
sigma = ext.sigma.bar, xi = ext.xi.bar,
dist = dist.2, g.x = T, log = T)
ll.means <- c(PZ.bar, PT.bar, PE.bar, LT.bar, LE.bar)
#pD (effective # of parameters) = mean deviance - deviance at posterior means
pD <- mean(keep.dev[(burn + 1):iters]) - (-2*sum(ll.means))
#DIC = mean deviance + pD
DIC <- mean(keep.dev[(burn + 1):iters]) + pD
ll.means <- list(PZ.bar = PZ.bar, PT.bar = PT.bar, LT.bar = LT.bar)
pars.means <- list(typ.mean.bar = typ.mean.bar, pz.bar = pz.bar)
beta.means <- list(typ.mean = beta.bar[,1], pz = beta.bar[,2])
if(hurd != Inf){
if(dist.2 == "poisson"){
pars.means <- list(typ.mean.bar = typ.mean.bar, pz.bar = pz.bar,
pe.bar = pe.bar, ext.lam.bar = ext.lam.bar)
pars <- list(lambda = keep.pars[(burn + 1):iters,1])
if(dist.2 == "nb" | dist.2 == "lognormal"){
pars.means <- list(typ.mean.bar = typ.mean.bar, pz.bar = pz.bar,
pe.bar = pe.bar, ext.mu.bar = ext.mu.bar)
keep.pars <- list(mu = keep.pars[(burn + 1):iters,2])
if(dist.2 == "gpd"){
pars.means <- list(typ.mean.bar = typ.mean.bar, pz.bar = pz.bar,
pe.bar = pe.bar, ext.sigma.bar = ext.sigma.bar, ext.xi.bar = ext.xi.bar)
keep.pars <- list(sigma = keep.pars[(burn + 1):iters,3], xi = keep.pars[(burn + 1):iters,4])
ll.means <- list(PZ.bar = PZ.bar, PT.bar = PT.bar, PE.bar = PE.bar,
LT.bar = LT.bar, LE.bar = LE.bar)
beta.means <- list(typ.mean = beta.bar[,1], pz = beta.bar[,2], pe = beta.bar[,3])
keep.beta <- keep.beta[(burn + 1):iters,,]
if(hurd == Inf || dist == dist.2){
#Keep betas
keep.beta <- keep.beta[(burn + 1):iters,,-3]
#No 'extreme' parameter estimations
keep.pars <- NULL
#Function Output
output <- list(pD = pD,
PPO = track.ppo/(iters - burn),
CPO = (iters - burn)/(track.icpo),
pars.means = pars.means,
ll.means = ll.means,
beta.means = beta.means,
dev = keep.dev[(burn + 1):iters],
beta = keep.beta,
pars = keep.pars
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