
Defines functions get_biome

Documented in get_biome

#' Get biome data from netcdf and json files and return and/or write a config
#' file.
#' @export
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON fromJSON
#' @import utils
#' @import stats
#' @param latitude the selected latitude.
#' @param longitude the selected longitude.
#' @param data_dir path of the netcdf and map csv data files.
#' @param output_filename name of file to write (without extension). Only needed if write is TRUE.
#' @param save_output boolean whether to write the data.
#' @return JSON of biome data.
get_biome <- function(latitude,
                      data_dir = "/app/data/",
                      output_filename = "biome.csv",
                      save_output = FALSE) {

  #convert lat/lon to floats if they are strings
  if(typeof(latitude)=="character") latitude <- as.numeric(latitude)
  if(typeof(longitude)=="character") longitude <- as.numeric(longitude)

  #results are a list
  res <- list()

  #list of data sources
  variable_query_list <- list(
    # "saatchi_agb_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "",
    #   ncfile = "saatchi.nc",
    #   variable = "agb_1km"
    # ),
    # "saatchi_bgb_num" = list(
    #   icdir = "",
    #   ncfile = "saatchi.nc",
    #   variable = "bgb_1km"
    # ),
    # "nbcd_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "",
    #   ncfile = "nbcd.nc",
    #   variable = "reprojx1"
    # ),
    # "soc_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "",
    #   ncfile = "SoilCarbonDataS.nc",
    #   variable = "HWSDa_OC_Dens_Sub_5min.rst"
    # ),
    "global_bare_latent_heat_flux_num" = list(
      ncdir = "GCS/PotVeg/Bare/",
      ncfile = "global_bare_latent_10yr_avg.nc",
      variable = "latent"
    "global_bare_net_radiation_num" = list(
      ncdir = "GCS/PotVeg/Bare/",
      ncfile = "global_bare_rnet_10yr_avg.nc",
      variable = "rnet"
    # "us_corn_latent_heat_flux_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Crops/US/Corn/",
    #   ncfile = "us_corn_latent_10yr_avg.nc",
    #   variable = "latent"
    # ),
    # "us_corn_net_radiation_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Crops/US/Corn/",
    #   ncfile = "us_corn_rnet_10yr_avg.nc",
    #   variable = "netrad"
    # ),
    # "us_misc_latent_heat_flux_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Crops/US/MXG/",
    #   ncfile = "us_mxg_latent_10yr_avg.nc",
    #   variable = "latent"
    # ),
    # "us_misc_net_radiation_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Crops/US/MXG/",
    #   ncfile = "us_mxg_rnet_10yr_avg.nc",
    #   variable = "netrad"
    # ),
    # "us_soy_latent_heat_flux_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Crops/US/Soybean/",
    #   ncfile = "us_soyb_latent_10yr_avg.nc",
    #   variable = "latent"
    # ),
    # "us_switch_latent_heat_flux_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Crops/US/Switch/",
    #   ncfile = "us_switch_latent_10yr_avg.nc",
    #   variable = "latent"
    # ),
    # "us_soybean_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Crops/US/Soybean/fractioncover/",
    #   ncfile = "fsoy_2.7_us.0.5deg.nc",
    #   variable = "fsoy"
    # ),
    # "us_corn_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Crops/US/Corn/fractioncover/",
    #   ncfile = "fcorn_2.7_us.0.5deg.nc",
    #   variable = "fcorn"
    # ),
    # "br_sugc_latent_heat_flux_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Crops/Brazil/Sugarcane/",
    #   ncfile = "brazil_sugc_latent_10yr_avg.nc",
    #   variable = "latent"
    # ),
    # "br_bare_sugc_net_radiation_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Crops/Brazil/Bare/",
    #   ncfile = "brazil_bare_sugc_rnet_10yr_avg.nc",
    #   variable = "rn"
    # ),
    # "br_bare_sugc_latent_heat_flux_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Crops/Brazil/Bare/",
    #   ncfile = "brazil_bare_sugc_latent_10yr_avg.nc",
    #   variable = "latent"
    # ),
    # "br_sugc_latent_heat_flux_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Crops/Brazil/Sugarcane/",
    #   ncfile = "brazil_sugc_latent_10yr_avg.nc",
    #   variable = "latent"
    # ),
    # "braz_fractional_soybean_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Crops/Brazil/Soybean/",
    #   ncfile = "brazil_soyb_fractional_10yr_avg.nc",
    #   variable = "brzsoyrast"
    # ),
    # "braz_soybean_num" = list(
    #   #note there was an error in previous code that pointed this to sugarcane
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Crops/Brazil/Soybean/",
    #   ncfile = "brazil_soyb_latent_10yr_avg.nc",
    #   variable = "latent"
    # ),
    # "braz_fractional_sugarcane_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Crops/Brazil/Sugarcane/",
    #   ncfile = "brazil_sugc_fractional_10yr_avg.nc",
    #   variable = "brzSGrast"
    # ),
    # "braz_sugarcane_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Crops/Brazil/Sugarcane/",
    #   ncfile = "brazil_sugc_latent_10yr_avg.nc",
    #   variable = "latent"
    # ),
    "global_pasture_num" = list(
      ncdir = "GCS/",
      ncfile = "Pasture2000_5min.nc",
      variable = "farea"
    "global_cropland_num" = list(
      ncdir = "GCS/",
      ncfile = "Cropland2000_5min.nc",
      variable = "farea"
    "global_potVeg_latent_num" = list(
      ncdir = "GCS/PotVeg/PotentialVeg/",
      ncfile = "global_veg_latent_10yr_avg.nc",
      variable = "latent"
    "global_potVeg_rnet_num" = list(
      ncdir = "GCS/PotVeg/PotentialVeg/",
      ncfile = "global_veg_rnet_10yr_avg.nc",
      variable = "rnet"
    # "hwsd_toc" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Maps/",
    #   ncfile = "hwsd.nc",
    #   variable = "t_oc"
    # ),
    # "hwsd_trefbulk" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Maps/",
    #   ncfile = "hwsd.nc",
    #   variable = "t_ref_bulk"
    # ),
    # "hwsd_soc" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Maps/",
    #   ncfile = "hwsd.nc",
    #   variable = "s_oc"
    # ),
    # "hwsd_srefbulk" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Maps/",
    #   ncfile = "hwsd.nc",
    #   variable = "s_ref_bulk"
    # ),
    #Disabled per request in ruby code
    # "us_springwheat_num" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Crops/US/SpringWheat/fractioncover/",
    #   ncfile = "fswh_2.7_us.0.5deg.nc",
    #   variable = "fswh"
    # ),
    "synmap" = list(
      ncdir = "GCS/Maps/",
      ncfile = "Hurtt_SYNMAP_Global_HD_2010.nc",
      variable = "biome_type"
    "koppen" = list(
      ncdir = "GCS/Maps/",
      ncfile = "koppen_geiger.nc",
      variable = "Band1"
    "fao" = list(
      ncdir = "GCS/Maps/",
      ncfile = "gez_2010_wgs84.nc",
      variable = "gez_abbrev"
    # "ramankutty" = list(
    #   ncdir = "GCS/Maps/",
    #   ncfile = "ramankutty.nc",
    #   variable = ""
    # ),
    "ibis" = list(
      ncdir = "GCS/Maps/",
      ncfile = "vegtype.nc",
      variable = "vegtype"
    # "IPCC_AGB__Mg_ha" = list( # will never be used
    #   ncdir = "",
    #   ncfile = "IPCC_AGB_Mg_ha.nc",
    #   variable = "ipcc"
    # ),
    # "NACP_FI_AGB_US" = list(
    #   ncdir = "",
    #   ncfile = "NACP_FI_AGB_US.nc",
    #   variable = "biomass"
    # ),
    # "NACP_LiDAR_Boreal_AGB" = list(
    #   ncdir = "",
    #   ncfile = "NACP_LiDAR_Boreal_AGB.nc",
    #   variable = "AGB_Mg_ha"
    # ),
    # "US_Forest biomass data" = list(
    #   ncdir = "",
    #   ncfile = "US_Forest_biomass_data.nc",
    #   variable = "biomass"
    # ),
    "SOC" = list( # pull in C in top meter of soil from SOC.nc (Sanderman NoLU map)
      ncdir = "",
      ncfile = "SOC.nc",
      variable = "SOCS_0_100cm_year_NoLU_10km"
    ) # ,
    # "LiDAR_AGB_Boreal_Eurasia" = list(
    #   ncdir = "",
    #   ncfile = "LiDAR_AGB_Boreal_Eurasia.nc",
    #   variable = "AGB_Mg_ha"
    # )

  #iterate through the list of data sources and
  #load the data for the lat/lon pair.
  res <- lapply(variable_query_list, function(x) {
    get_ncdf(paste0(data_dir, "netcdf/", x$ncdir), x$ncfile, latitude, longitude, x$variable)[[x$variable]][[1]]

  # ### specific calculations based on loaded data
  # # US Latent (LE)
  # res$us_switch_latent_heat_flux_diff <- res$us_switch_latent_heat_flux_num -
  #   res$global_bare_latent_heat_flux_num
  # res$us_corn_latent_heat_flux_diff <- res$us_corn_latent_heat_flux_num  -
  #   res$global_bare_latent_heat_flux_num
  # res$us_soy_latent_heat_flux_diff <- res$us_soy_latent_heat_flux_num -
  #   res$global_bare_latent_heat_flux_num
  # res$us_misc_latent_heat_flux_diff <- res$us_misc_latent_heat_flux_num  -
  #   res$global_bare_latent_heat_flux_num
  # # US Net (Rnet)
  # res$us_misc_net_radiation_diff <- res$us_misc_net_radiation_num -
  #   res$global_bare_net_radiation_num
  # res$us_soy_net_radiation_diff <- res$us_soy_net_radiation_num -
  #   res$global_bare_net_radiation_num
  # res$us_switch_net_radiation_diff <- res$us_switch_net_radiation_num -
  #   res$global_bare_net_radiation_num
  # res$us_corn_net_radiation_diff <- res$us_corn_net_radiation_num -
  #   res$global_bare_net_radiation_num
  # # BR Latent
  # res$br_sugc_latent_heat_flux_diff <- res$br_sugc_latent_heat_flux_num  -
  #   res$br_bare_sugc_latent_heat_flux_num
  # # BR Net
  # res$br_sugc_net_radiation_diff <- res$br_sugc_net_radiation_num -
  #   res$br_bare_sugc_net_radiation_num

  ###### Get the appropriate biome (new method)
  #read in the map data
  map_vegtypes <- read.csv(paste0(data_dir, "map_vegtypes.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  koppen_biomes <- read.csv(paste0(data_dir, "koppen_biomes.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  fao_biomes <- read.csv(paste0(data_dir, "fao_biomes.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  biome_defaults <- read.csv(paste0(data_dir, "biome_defaults.csv"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  vegtype_names <- names(map_vegtypes)[4:14]

  #Get vegtypes based on map values
  synmap_vegtypes_df <- subset(map_vegtypes, Value == res$synmap & Map == "SYNMAP")
  koppen_vegtypes_df <- subset(map_vegtypes, Value == res$koppen & Map == "KOPPEN")
  fao_vegtypes_df <- subset(map_vegtypes, Value == tolower(res$fao) & Map == "FAO")
  ibis_vegtypes_df <- subset(map_vegtypes, Value == res$ibis & Map == "IBIS")
  #ramankutty_vegtypes <- subset(map_vegtypes, Value == res$ramankutty & Map == "RAMANKUTTY")

  koppen_code <- koppen_vegtypes_df$Category
  synmap_category <- synmap_vegtypes_df$Category

  # 1. get vegtypes for each map
  synmap_vegtypes <- vegtype_names[as.logical(array(synmap_vegtypes_df[4:14]))]
  koppen_vegtypes <- vegtype_names[as.logical(array(koppen_vegtypes_df[4:14]))]
  fao_vegtypes <- vegtype_names[as.logical(array(fao_vegtypes_df[4:14]))]
  ibis_vegtypes <- vegtype_names[as.logical(array(ibis_vegtypes_df[4:14]))]
  #ramankutty_vegtypes <- vegtype_names[as.logical(array(ramankutty_vegtypes_df[4:14]))]
  vegtypes <- na.omit(unique(c(synmap_vegtypes, koppen_vegtypes, fao_vegtypes, ibis_vegtypes)))

  biome_codes <- subset(koppen_biomes, Zone == koppen_code)[vegtypes]

  biome_data <- list(
    "native_eco" = list(),
    "agroecosystem_eco" = list()

  #Iterate through each biome code to load the default biome data and apply
  #other logic as needed according to:
  #"Overview of biomes mapping & assignment of default values.docx"
  for(i in 1:length(biome_codes)) {
    biome_code <- biome_codes[[i]]
    vegtype <- gsub("\\.", " ", vegtypes[[i]])
    biome <- gsub(" ", "_", vegtype)

    #Use FAO for Grass/Pasture Types
    if(biome_code %in% c("APX", "GX")) {
      if(res$fao == "NA") {
        #TODO: select a correct or best guess biome_code when res$fao is unavailable
        print("Error, no value found in res$fao for selected coordinates.")
        return('{ "Message" :"Error, no value found in res$fao for selected coordinates.", "code" :"404"}')
      else {
        biome_code <- subset(fao_biomes, CODE == tolower(res$fao))[[biome_code]]
    #biome default data, depending on above selected code
    biome_default <- as.list(as.character(biome_defaults[[biome_code]])) #values

    #fix for blank biomes that are selected - hopefully remove
    if(length(biome_default) == 0) biome_default <- as.list(rep(0, nrow(biome_defaults)))

    #continue on...
    names(biome_default) <- biome_defaults[['variable']] #keys
    biome_default$code <- biome_code      #keep code name for posterity
    biome_default$vegtype <- vegtype  #keep vegetation type name for posterity
    biome_default$name <- biome

    #Calculate OM
    # hwsd_soc <- ((res$hwsd_toc/100) * 0.3 * res$hwsd_trefbulk +
    #                (res$hwsd_soc/100) * 0.7 * res$hwsd_srefbulk) * 10000

    SOM <- res$SOC * 1.72413793103448 # convert to soil organic matter (SOM)

    biome_default$OM_SOM <-  as.numeric(biome_default$f_vSOC) * SOM
    # if(biome == "Cropland") {
    #   biome_default$OM_SOM <- 0.43*hwsd_soc
    # }
    # else {
    #   biome_default$OM_SOM <- 0.3*hwsd_soc
    #   biome_default$IPCC_AGB_Mg_ha <- res$IPCC_AGB_Mg_ha # will never be used
    #   biome_default$NACP_FI_AGB_US <- res$NACP_FI_AGB_US * 0.1736111111
    #   biome_default$NACP_LiDAR_Boreal_AGB <- res$NACP_LiDAR_Boreal_AGB
    #   biome_default$US_Forest_biomass_data <- res$US_Forest_biomass_data * 2.241244
    #   biome_default$LiDAR_AGB_Boreal_Eurasia <- res$LiDAR_AGB_Boreal_Eurasia
    #   biome_default$SOC <- res$SOC * 17.2413793103448
    # }

    #SW Radiative Forcing
    ### Biophysical
    # If ibis_vegtypes is the same length as synmap_vegtypes, so for that vegtype
    if(vegtypes[[i]] %in% ibis_vegtypes) {
      biome_default$sw_radiative_forcing <- (res$global_potVeg_rnet_num -
                                               res$global_bare_net_radiation_num) / 51007200000*1000000000
      biome_default$latent <- (res$global_potVeg_latent_num -
                                 res$global_bare_latent_heat_flux_num) / 51007200000*1000000000
      biome_default$biophysical_net <- biome_default$latent
      if(vegtypes[[i]] == "Barren") {
        biome_default$sw_radiative_forcing <- 0
        biome_default$latent <- 0
        biome_default$biophysical_net <- 0
    else {
      biome_default$sw_radiative_forcing <- 0
      biome_default$latent <- 0
      biome_default$biophysical_net <- 0

    #Set biome type
    if(biome %in% c("Pasture", "Cropland")) {
      biome_type <- "agroecosystem_eco"
      biome_default$sw_radiative_forcing <- 0
      biome_default$latent <- 0
    else {
      biome_type <- "native_eco"

    ### Various fixes
    # naming
    if(biome == "Pasture") biome <- "Grassland_Pasture"

    # add synmap flag
    biome_default$in_synmap <- (vegtypes[[i]] %in% synmap_vegtypes)

    ### Add to our list of biome data
    # Add to the list of exclusions here if needed. If all exclusions don't
    # apply, the biome is added to the biome_data.
    if(biome_default$vegtype == "Savanna" && biome_default$code != "S1") {
      #dont include if savannah and not S1 since we don't have data.
    } else {
      biome_data[[biome_type]][[biome]] <- biome_default

  ### ADD "OTHER" biomes if needed
  # TODO - note that in this line:
  # if(synmap_vegtypes$Other == 1) { stuff here... }

  # ### Agricultural ecosystems
  # name_indexed_file <- paste0(data_dir, "name_indexed_ecosystems.json")
  # name_indexed_ecosystems <- fromJSON(file(name_indexed_file))
  # if (!is.na(res$us_corn_num) && res$us_corn_num > 0.01) {
  #   biome_data$agroecosystem_eco["Maize"] <- name_indexed_ecosystems["US corn"]
  # }
  # if (!is.na(res$us_soybean_num) && res$us_soybean_num > 0.01) {
  #   biome_data$agroecosystem_eco["Soybean"] <- name_indexed_ecosystems["US soy"]
  # }
  # if (res$braz_fractional_soybean_num == 1 &
  #     !is.na(res$br_sugc_latent_heat_flux_diff)) {
  #   biome_data$agroecosystem_eco["Soybean"] <- name_indexed_ecosystems["BR soy"]
  # }
  # if (!is.na(res$braz_sugarcane_num) &
  #     res$braz_sugarcane_num > 0.01 &
  #     res$braz_sugarcane_num < 110.0) {
  #   biome_data$agroecosystem_eco["Sugarcane"] <- name_indexed_ecosystems["BR sugarcane"]
  # }
  # if (res$braz_fractional_sugarcane_num == 1 &
  #     !is.na(res$br_sugc_latent_heat_flux_diff)) {
  #   biome_data$agroecosystem_eco["Sugarcane"] <- name_indexed_ecosystems["BR sugarcane"]
  # }
  # if (!is.na(res$us_misc_latent_heat_flux_diff) == 1) {
  #   biome_data$agroecosystem_eco["Miscanthus"] <- name_indexed_ecosystems["miscanthus"]
  #   biome_data$biofuel_eco["Miscanthus"] <- name_indexed_ecosystems["miscanthus"]
  # }
  # if (!is.na(res$us_switch_latent_heat_flux_diff) == 1) {
  #   biome_data$agroecosystem_eco["Switchgrass"] <- name_indexed_ecosystems["switchgrass"]
  #   biome_data$biofuel_eco["Switchgrass"] <- name_indexed_ecosystems["switchgrass"]
  # }

  # Set 0 values
  for(eco in names(biome_data$agroecosystem_eco)) {
    biome_data$agroecosystem_eco[[eco]]$OM_SOM <- 0
    biome_data$agroecosystem_eco[[eco]]$latent <- 0
    biome_data$agroecosystem_eco[[eco]]$sw_radiative_forcing <- 0

  #write the data to a file if specified
  if (save_output == TRUE) {

ebimodeling/ghgvcR documentation built on April 28, 2021, 8:19 p.m.