
# TODO: Add comment
# Author: KirkLi


## extract every functions from PA help doc, and save into a txt
#fun.list <- read.table("C:/Dropbox/doug/pa_functions.txt")
## find fake functions that exist in doc but not in real
#save1 <- sapply(fun.list[,1],function(x){
#			s1 <- try(eval(parse(text=paste0("formals(",x,")"))))
#			if(class(s1)=="try-error"){}
#			else(return(s1))})
#l1 <- lapply(save1,"[",1)
## find functions that require input args
#save2 <- lapply(l1,function(x){
#			if(!is.null(x)){
#				names(x)
#			} else {"N"}
#		})
## find  functions whose first arg is either R or x
#save3 <- fun.list[save2 =="R"|save2 =="x",1]
## delete functions that too generic
#save3 <- save3[!c(grepl("table.",save3))]
#save3 <- save3[!c(grepl("charts.",save3))]
#save3 <- save3[!c(grepl("chart.",save3))]
#metrics.can.use <- as.character(save3)
#y = checkData(R, method = "zoo")
## test rest of the funs
#SS <- list()
#for(i in 1:length(metrics.can.use)){
#	ss <- try(apply(as.matrix(y[,1]),MARGIN = 2,FUN=metrics.can.use[i]))
#	SS[[i]] <- ss
## record functions that are metrics
#metrics.can.use.2 <- as.character(save3[unlist(lapply(SS,class))=="numeric"])
## output the list of functions into a string

table.Performance.pool <- function(...){
	c(		"AdjustedSharpeRatio", 
#			"KellyRatio", problem occurs due to only one method in KellyRatio, will fix

#table.Performance <- function(R,metrics=NULL,metricsNames=NULL, verbose=FALSE,...){
#	# FUNCTION: 47-1 different metrics
#	pool <- c(
#			"AdjustedSharpeRatio", 
#			"AverageDrawdown", 
#			"BernardoLedoitRatio", 
#			"BurkeRatio", 
#			"CalmarRatio", 
#			"CVaR", 
#			"DownsideDeviation", 
#			"DownsideFrequency", 
#			"DownsidePotential", 
#			"DRatio", 
#			"DrawdownDeviation", 
#			"ES", 
#			"ETL", 
#			"Frequency", 
##			"KellyRatio", problem occurs due to only one method in KellyRatio, will fix
#			"kurtosis", 
#			"MartinRatio", 
#			"maxDrawdown", 
#			"mean.geometric", 
#			"mean.LCL", 
#			"mean.stderr", 
#			"mean.UCL", 
#			"MeanAbsoluteDeviation", 
#			"Omega", 
#			"OmegaSharpeRatio", 
#			"PainIndex", 
#			"PainRatio", 
#			"Return.annualized", 
#			"Return.cumulative", 
#			"sd.annualized", 
#			"sd.multiperiod", 
#			"SemiDeviation", 
#			"SemiVariance", 
#			"SharpeRatio.annualized", 
#			"skewness", 
#			"SkewnessKurtosisRatio", 
#			"SmoothingIndex", 
#			"SortinoRatio", 
#			"StdDev", 
#			"StdDev.annualized", 
#			"SterlingRatio", 
#			"UPR", 
#			"UpsideFrequency", 
#			"UpsidePotentialRatio", 
#			"UpsideRisk", 
#			"VaR", 
#			"VolatilitySkewness")
##	extract metric functions' arguments
#	ArgFormals <- lapply(pool,function(x)formals(x))
#	ArgNames <- lapply(ArgFormals,function(x)names(x))
#	ArgString.temp <- unique(unlist(ArgNames))
#	ArgString <- sort(ArgString.temp[-which(ArgString.temp%in%c("R","x","..."))])	
##	ArgNames.use <- lapply(ArgNames,function(x)ArgString.temp[ArgString.temp%in%x])
##	ArgValue <- lapply(ArgNames,function(x)ArgString[ArgString%in%x])
#	metrics.vec <- data.frame(
#			metrics=pool,
#			include=rep(0,length(pool)),
#			metricsNames=pool,
#			stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
##	loop through each metric and input the default values of args
#	for (i in paste0("arg_",ArgString))
#		eval(parse(text=paste0("metrics.vec$",i,"<- '#'")))
#	for (i in 1:length(pool)){
##		i=1
#		ArgFormals.i <- ArgFormals[[i]]
#		ArgNames.use.i <- names(ArgFormals.i)
#		for (ii in ArgString){
##		ii=ArgString[1]
#			if(any(ArgNames.use.i%in%ii)){
#				temp <- ArgFormals.i[which(ArgNames.use.i==ii)]
#				temp <- ifelse(class(temp[[1]])%in%c("call","NULL"),as.character(temp),temp) 
#				metrics.vec[i,paste0("arg_",ii)] <- temp
#			}  
#		}
#	}
##	promote the order of pre-specified metric
#	if(length(metrics)>0){
#		metrics.vec$include[match(metrics,metrics.vec$metrics)] <- 1
#		metrics.vec$metricsNames[match(metrics,metrics.vec$metrics)] <- metricsNames
#		metrics.vec <- metrics.vec[order(metrics.vec$include,decreasing=T),]
#	}
##	open data editor	
#	metrics.vec <- fix(metrics.vec) #allow user to change the input
##   process the selected metrics and args	
#	metrics.choose <- subset(metrics.vec,include==1)
#	if(nrow(metrics.choose)==0) stop("please specify as least one metric")
#	colnames(metrics.choose) <- gsub("arg_","",colnames(metrics.choose))
#	metrics <- as.character(metrics.choose$metrics)
#	metricsNames <-  as.character(metrics.choose$metricsNames)
#	metricsOptArgVal <- 
#			lapply(1:nrow(metrics.choose[,-c(1:3),drop=FALSE]),function(x){
#						xx <- metrics.choose[x,-c(1:3),drop=FALSE]
#						xx[] <- "NA"
#						xy <- as.vector(xx[xx!='#'])
#						names(xy) <-  names(xx)[xx!='#']
#						xy})
#	names(metricsOptArgVal) <- metrics
##   functions to call each metric function with user input args	
#	table.Arbitrary.m <- function(...){
#		y = checkData(R, method = "zoo")
#		columns = ncol(y)
#		rows = nrow(y)
#		columnnames = colnames(y)
#		rownames = rownames(y)
#		Arg.mat <- list()
#		for (column in 1:columns) {
##			 column=1
#			x = as.matrix(y[, column])
#			values = vector("numeric", 0)
#			for (metric in metrics) {
##			 metric=metrics[1]
#				ArgString.i <- paste(names(metricsOptArgVal[[metric]]),metricsOptArgVal[[metric]],sep=" = ")
#				Arg.mat[[metric]] <- ArgString.i
#				ArgString.i <- paste(ArgString.i,collapse =", ")
#				if(length(ArgString.i)>0){
#				if(nchar(ArgString.i>0))
#				newvalue = eval(parse(text=paste0("apply(x, MARGIN = 2, FUN = metric,",ArgString.i,")")))} else
#			newvalue = apply(x, MARGIN = 2, FUN = metric) #...
#				values = c(values, newvalue)
#			}
#			if (column == 1) {
#				resultingtable = data.frame(Value = values, row.names = metricsNames)
#			}
#			else {
#				nextcolumn = data.frame(Value = values, row.names = metricsNames)
#				resultingtable = cbind(resultingtable, nextcolumn)
#			}
#		}
#		names(Arg.mat) <- metrics
#		colnames(resultingtable) = columnnames
#		return(list(resultingtable=resultingtable,
#						Arg.mat=Arg.mat))
#	}
##	table.Arbitrary.m()
##	generating the table	
#	res <- table.Arbitrary.m(...)
##	show printout	
#	if(verbose){
#		cat("###################################","\n")
#		cat("metrics:\n")
#		print(metrics)
#		cat("###################################","\n")
#		cat("metricsNames:\n")
#		print(metricsNames)
#		cat("###################################","\n")
#		cat("metricsOptArg:\n")
#		cat("Attention: for more than one element in args, \n only the first one will be used","\n")
#		print(res$Arg.mat)
#		cat("###################################","\n")
#		cat("table:\n")
#		print(res$resultingtable)
#	}

table.Performance.input.shiny <- function(metrics=NULL,metricsNames=NULL, verbose=FALSE,...){
	# FUNCTION: 47-1 different metrics
#	extract metric functions' arguments
	ArgFormals <- lapply(metrics,function(x)formals(x))
	ArgNames <- lapply(ArgFormals,function(x)names(x))
	ArgString.temp <- unique(unlist(ArgNames))
	ArgString <- sort(ArgString.temp[-which(ArgString.temp%in%c("R","x","..."))])	
#	ArgNames.use <- lapply(ArgNames,function(x)ArgString.temp[ArgString.temp%in%x])
#	ArgValue <- lapply(ArgNames,function(x)ArgString[ArgString%in%x])
	metrics.vec <- data.frame(
#	loop through each metric and input the default values of args
	for (i in paste0("arg_",ArgString))
		eval(parse(text=paste0("metrics.vec$",i,"<- '#'")))
	for (i in 1:length(metrics)){
#		i=1
		ArgFormals.i <- ArgFormals[[i]]
		ArgNames.use.i <- names(ArgFormals.i)
		for (ii in ArgString){
#		ii=ArgString[1]
				temp <- ArgFormals.i[which(ArgNames.use.i==ii)]
				temp <- ifelse(class(temp[[1]])%in%c("call","NULL"),as.character(temp),temp) 
				metrics.vec[i,paste0("arg_",ii)] <- temp
#	promote the order of pre-specified metric
		metrics.vec$include[match(metrics,metrics.vec$metrics)] <- 1
		if(is.null(metricsNames)) metricsNames=metrics 
		metrics.vec$metricsNames[match(metrics,metrics.vec$metrics)] <- metricsNames
		metrics.vec <- metrics.vec[order(metrics.vec$include,decreasing=T),]
#	open data editor	
#	metrics.vec <- fix(metrics.vec) #allow user to change the input
#   process the selected metrics and args	
	metrics.choose <- subset(metrics.vec,include==1)
	if(nrow(metrics.choose)==0) stop("please specify as least one metric")
	colnames(metrics.choose) <- gsub("arg_","",colnames(metrics.choose))
	metrics <- as.character(metrics.choose$metrics)
	metricsNames <-  as.character(metrics.choose$metricsNames)
#	metricsOptArg <- as.list(apply(metrics.choose[,-c(1:3)],1,function(x){
	##						x <- metrics.choose[1,-c(1:3)]
#						x[] <- "NA"
#						names(x)[x!='#']
#					}
#	))
#	metrics.choose[,-c(1:3),drop=FALSE]
	metricsOptArgVal <- 
#						x=2
						xx <- metrics.choose[x,-c(1:3),drop=FALSE]
						xx[] <- "NA"
						xy <- as.vector(xx[xx!='#'])
						names(xy) <-  names(xx)[xx!='#']
	names(metricsOptArgVal) <- metrics
#	names(metricsOptArg) <- metrics
#   functions to call each metric function with user input args	

table.Performance.output.shiny <- function(R,metricsOptArgVal, metrics=NULL,metricsNames=NULL, verbose=FALSE,...){
#	metrics=names(metricsOptArgVal)
	table.Arbitrary.m <- function(...){
		y = checkData(R, method = "zoo")
		columns = ncol(y)
		rows = nrow(y)
		columnnames = colnames(y)
		rownames = rownames(y)
		Arg.mat <- list()
		for (column in 1:columns) {
#			 column=1
			x = as.matrix(y[, column])
			values = vector("numeric", 0)
			for (metric in metrics) {
#			 metric=metrics[1]
				ArgString.i <- paste(names(metricsOptArgVal[[metric]]),metricsOptArgVal[[metric]],sep=" = ")
#				ArgString.i[1] <- "p=0.9"
				Arg.mat[[metric]] <- ArgString.i
#			newvalue = apply(x, MARGIN = 2, FUN = metric)
				ArgString.i <- paste(ArgString.i,collapse =", ")
				if(length(ArgString.i)>0 & nchar(ArgString.i)>0)
					newvalue = eval(parse(text=paste0("apply(x, MARGIN = 2, FUN = metric,",ArgString.i,")"))) else
					newvalue = apply(x, MARGIN = 2, FUN = metric) #...
				values = c(values, newvalue)
			if (column == 1) {
				resultingtable = data.frame(Value = values, row.names = metricsNames)
			else {
				nextcolumn = data.frame(Value = values, row.names = metricsNames)
				resultingtable = cbind(resultingtable, nextcolumn)
		names(Arg.mat) <- metrics
		colnames(resultingtable) = columnnames
		rownames(resultingtable) = metricsNames
#	table.Arbitrary.m()
#	generating the table	
	res <- table.Arbitrary.m(...)
#	show printout	
		cat("Attention: for more than one element in args, \n only the first one will be used","\n")

# Example 1: start with NULL specification
#res <- table.Performance(edhec,verbose=T)
# Example 2: start with Var and ES
#res <- table.Performance(edhec,metrics=c("VaR", "ES"),metricsNames=c("Modified VaR","Modified Expected Shortfall"),verbose=T)

#a1 <- table.Performance.input.shiny("ES")
ecjbosu/PerformanceAnalytics documentation built on March 24, 2020, 3:43 a.m.