
Defines functions predict.hytreew partLmw hytw hytreew

Documented in predict.hytreew

# hytreew.R
# ::rtemis::
# 2018 E.D. Gennatas www.lambdamd.org

#' `rtemis internal`: Low-level Hybrid Tree procedure
#' Train a Hybrid Tree for Regression
#' Note that lambda is treated differently by `glmnet::glmnet` and `MASS::lm.ridge`
#' @inheritParams s_LIHAD
#' @param x data.frame
#' @param lin.type Character: "glmnet", "cv.glmnet" use the equivalent `glmnet` functions.
#' "lm.ridge" uses the MASS function of that name, "glm" uses `lm.fit`,
#' "forward.stagewise" and "stepwise" use `lars::lars` with `type` defined accordingly
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

hytreew <- function(x, y,
                    max.depth = 5,
                    weights = rep(1, NROW(y)),
                    init = mean(y),
                    gamma = .1,
                    shrinkage = 1,
                    # lincoef --
                    lin.type = "glmnet",
                    cv.glmnet.nfolds = 5,
                    which.cv.glmnet.lambda = "lambda.min",
                    alpha = 1,
                    lambda = .05,
                    lambda.seq = NULL,
                    # rpart --
                    minobsinnode = 2,
                    minobsinnode.lin = 10,
                    part.minsplit = 2,
                    part.xval = 0,
                    part.max.depth = 1,
                    part.cp = 0,
                    part.minbucket = 5,
                    save.fitted = FALSE,
                    verbose = TRUE,
                    trace = 0,
                    n.cores = rtCores) {
  # [ Check y is not constant ] ===
  if (is_constant(y)) {
    coefs <- list(rep(0, NCOL(x) + 1))
    names(coefs) <- c("(Intercept)", colnames(x))
    .mod <- list(
      init = init,
      shrinkage = shrinkage,
      rules = "TRUE",
      coefs = coefs
    class(.mod) <- c("hytreew", "list")

  # Globals ----
  .env <- environment()
  .env$x <- x
  .env$y <- y
  .env$df <- data.frame(x, y)
  .env$dm <- data.matrix(x)
  .env$gamma <- gamma

  # lin1 ----
  if (verbose) msg2("Training Hybrid Tree (max depth = ", max.depth, ")...", sep = "")
  if (trace > 0) msg2("Training lin1...", color = red)
  coef.c <- lincoef(x, y,
    method = lin.type,
    alpha = alpha, lambda = lambda, lambda.seq = lambda.seq,
    cv.glmnet.nfolds = cv.glmnet.nfolds,
    which.cv.glmnet.lambda = which.cv.glmnet.lambda
  Fval <- init + shrinkage * (data.matrix(cbind(1, x)) %*% coef.c)[, 1] # n
  if (trace > 0) msg2("hytreew Fval is", head(Fval), color = red)

  # Run hytw ----
  root <- list(
    x = x,
    y = y,
    Fval = Fval,
    weights = weights,
    index = rep(1, length(y)),
    depth = 0,
    partlin = NULL, # To hold the output of partLmw
    left = NULL, # \  To hold the left and right nodes,
    right = NULL, # /  if partLmw splits
    lin = NULL,
    part = NULL,
    coef.c = coef.c,
    terminal = FALSE,
    type = NULL,
    rule = "TRUE"
  mod <- hytw(
    node = root,
    max.depth = max.depth,
    minobsinnode = minobsinnode,
    minobsinnode.lin = minobsinnode.lin,
    shrinkage = shrinkage,
    alpha = alpha,
    lambda = lambda,
    lambda.seq = lambda.seq,
    cv.glmnet.nfolds = cv.glmnet.nfolds,
    which.cv.glmnet.lambda = which.cv.glmnet.lambda,
    coef.c = coef.c,
    part.minsplit = part.minsplit,
    part.xval = part.xval,
    part.max.depth = part.max.depth,
    part.cp = part.cp,
    part.minbucket = part.minbucket,
    .env = .env,
    keep.x = FALSE,
    simplify = TRUE,
    lin.type = lin.type,
    verbose = verbose,
    trace = trace

  # Outro ----
  .mod <- list(
    init = init,
    shrinkage = shrinkage,
    rules = .env$leaf.rule,
    coefs = .env$leaf.coef
  class(.mod) <- c("hytreew", "list")

  if (save.fitted) .mod$fitted <- predict(.mod, x)
} # rtemis::hytree

# Recursive function
hytw <- function(node = list(
                   x = NULL,
                   y = NULL,
                   Fval = NULL,
                   weights = NULL,
                   index = NULL,
                   depth = NULL,
                   partlin = NULL, # To hold the output of partLmw
                   left = NULL, # \  To hold the left and right nodes,
                   right = NULL, # /  if partLmw splits
                   lin = NULL,
                   part = NULL,
                   coef.c = NULL,
                   terminal = NULL,
                   type = NULL,
                   rule = NULL
                 coef.c = 0,
                 max.depth = 5,
                 minobsinnode = 2,
                 minobsinnode.lin = 5,
                 shrinkage = 1,
                 # lincoef --
                 lin.type = "glmnet",
                 alpha = 1,
                 lambda = .1,
                 lambda.seq = NULL,
                 cv.glmnet.nfolds = 5,
                 which.cv.glmnet.lambda = "lambda.min",
                 # rpart --
                 part.minsplit = 2,
                 part.xval = 0,
                 part.max.depth = 1,
                 part.minbucket = 5,
                 part.cp = 0,
                 .env = NULL,
                 keep.x = FALSE,
                 simplify = TRUE,
                 verbose = TRUE,
                 trace = 0) {
  # Exit ----
  if (node$terminal) {
  # x <- node$x
  # y <- node$y
  x <- .env$x
  y <- .env$y
  depth <- node$depth
  Fval <- node$Fval # n
  resid <- y - Fval # n
  if (trace > 0) msg2("hytw Fval   is", head(Fval), color = red)
  if (trace > 0) msg2("hytw resid   is", head(resid), color = red)
  nobsinnode <- length(node$index)

  # Add partlin to node ----
  if (node$depth < max.depth && nobsinnode >= minobsinnode) {
    # if (trace > 0) msg2("y1 (resid) is", resid, color = red)
    node$partlin <- partLmw(
      x1 = x, y1 = resid, # remove x
      weights = node$weights,
      .env = .env,
      minobsinnode.lin = minobsinnode.lin,
      # lincoef --
      lin.type = lin.type,
      alpha = alpha,
      lambda = lambda,
      lambda.seq = lambda.seq,
      cv.glmnet.nfolds = cv.glmnet.nfolds,
      which.cv.glmnet.lambda = which.cv.glmnet.lambda,
      # rpart --
      part.minsplit = part.minsplit,
      part.xval = part.xval,
      part.max.depth = part.max.depth,
      part.cp = part.cp,
      part.minbucket = part.minbucket,
      verbose = verbose,
      trace = trace
    # Fval <- Fval + shrinkage * (node$partlin$part.val + node$partlin$lin.val)
    # resid <- y - Fval
    # if (trace > 1) msg2("Fval is", Fval)

    # '- If node split ----
    if (!node$partlin$terminal) {
      node$type <- "split"
      left.index <- node$partlin$left.index
      right.index <- node$partlin$right.index
      if (trace > 1) msg2("Depth:", depth, "left.index:", node$partlin$left.index)
      # x.left <- x[left.index, , drop = FALSE]
      # x.right <- x[right.index, , drop = FALSE]

      # weights.left <- weights.right <- node$weights
      # weights.left[right.index] <- weights.left[right.index] * gamma
      # weights.right[left.index] <- weights.right[left.index] * gamma

      # y.left <- y[left.index]
      # y.right <- y[right.index]
      # if (trace > 1) msg2("y.left is", y.left)
      # if (trace > 1) msg2("y.right is", y.right)

      Fval.left <- Fval + shrinkage * (node$partlin$part.val + node$partlin$lin.val.left)
      Fval.right <- Fval + shrinkage * (node$partlin$part.val + node$partlin$lin.val.right)

      # resid.left <- y - Fval.left
      # resid.right <- y - Fval.right
      coef.c.left <- coef.c.right <- coef.c

      # Cumulative sum of coef.c
      coef.c.left <- coef.c.left + c(
        node$partlin$lin.coef.left[1] + node$partlin$part.c.left,
      coef.c.right <- coef.c.right + c(
        node$partlin$lin.coef.right[1] + node$partlin$part.c.right,
      if (trace > 1) msg2("coef.c.left is", coef.c.left, "coef.c.right is", coef.c.right)
      # coef.c.right[[paste0("depth", depth + 1)]] <- list(coef = node$partlin$lin.coef,
      #                                                    c = node$partlin$part.c.right)
      if (!is.null(node$partlin$cutFeat.point)) {
        rule.left <- node$partlin$split.rule
        rule.right <- gsub("<", ">=", node$partlin$split.rule)
      } else {
        rule.left <- node$partlin$split.rule
        rule.right <- paste0("!", rule.left) # fix: get cutFeat.name levels and find complement

      # Init Left and Right nodes
      node$left <- list(
        x = .env$x,
        y = .env$y,
        weights = node$partlin$weights.left,
        Fval = Fval.left,
        index = left.index,
        depth = depth + 1,
        coef.c = coef.c.left,
        partlin = NULL, # To hold the output of partLmw
        left = NULL, # \  To hold the left and right nodes,
        right = NULL, # /  if partLmw splits
        terminal = FALSE,
        type = NULL,
        rule = paste0(node$rule, " & ", node$partlin$rule.left)
      node$right <- list(
        x = .env$x,
        y = .env$y,
        weights = node$partlin$weights.right,
        Fval = Fval.right,
        index = right.index,
        depth = depth + 1,
        coef.c = coef.c.right,
        partlin = NULL, # To hold the output of partLmw
        left = NULL, # \  To hold the right and right nodes,
        right = NULL, # /  if partLmw splits
        terminal = FALSE,
        type = NULL,
        rule = paste0(node$rule, " & ", node$partlin$rule.right)

      # if (!keep.x) node$x <- NULL
      node$split.rule <- node$partlin$split.rule
      if (simplify) {
        node$y <- node$Fval <- node$index <- node$depth <- node$lin <- node$part <- node$type <- node$partlin <- NULL

      # Run Left and Right nodes
      # Left ----
      if (trace > 0) msg2("Depth = ", depth + 1, "; Working on Left node...", sep = "")
      node$left <- hytw(node$left,
        coef.c = coef.c.left,
        max.depth = max.depth,
        minobsinnode = minobsinnode,
        minobsinnode.lin = minobsinnode.lin,
        shrinkage = shrinkage,
        # lincoef --
        lin.type = lin.type,
        alpha = alpha,
        lambda = lambda,
        lambda.seq = lambda.seq,
        cv.glmnet.nfolds = cv.glmnet.nfolds,
        which.cv.glmnet.lambda = which.cv.glmnet.lambda,
        # rpart --
        part.minsplit = part.minsplit,
        part.xval = part.xval,
        part.max.depth = part.max.depth,
        part.cp = part.cp,
        part.minbucket = part.minbucket,
        .env = .env,
        keep.x = keep.x,
        simplify = simplify,
        verbose = verbose,
        trace = trace
      # Right ----
      if (trace > 0) msg2("Depth = ", depth + 1, "; Working on Right node...", sep = "")
      node$right <- hytw(node$right,
        coef.c = coef.c.right,
        max.depth = max.depth,
        minobsinnode = minobsinnode,
        minobsinnode.lin = minobsinnode.lin,
        shrinkage = shrinkage,
        # lincoef --
        lin.type = lin.type,
        alpha = alpha,
        lambda = lambda,
        lambda.seq = lambda.seq,
        cv.glmnet.nfolds = cv.glmnet.nfolds,
        which.cv.glmnet.lambda = which.cv.glmnet.lambda,
        # rpart --
        part.minsplit = part.minsplit,
        part.xval = part.xval,
        part.max.depth = part.max.depth,
        part.cp = part.cp,
        part.minbucket = part.minbucket,
        .env = .env,
        keep.x = keep.x,
        simplify = simplify,
        verbose = verbose,
        trace = trace
      if (simplify) node$coef.c <- NULL
    } else {
      # partLmw did not split
      node$terminal <- TRUE
      .env$leaf.rule <- c(.env$leaf.rule, node$rule)
      .env$leaf.coef <- c(.env$leaf.coef, list(node$coef.c))
      node$type <- "nosplit"
      if (trace > 0) msg2("STOP: nosplit")
      if (simplify) node$x <- node$y <- node$Fval <- node$index <- node$depth <- node$type <- node$partlin <- NULL
    } # !node$terminal
  } else {
    # max.depth or minobsinnode reached
    node$terminal <- TRUE
    .env$leaf.rule <- c(.env$leaf.rule, node$rule)
    .env$leaf.coef <- c(.env$leaf.coef, list(node$coef.c))
    if (node$depth == max.depth) {
      if (trace > 0) msg2("STOP: max.depth")
      node$type <- "max.depth"
    } else if (nobsinnode < minobsinnode) {
      if (trace > 0) msg2("STOP: minobsinnode")
      node$type <- "minobsinnode"
    if (simplify) node$x <- node$y <- node$Fval <- node$index <- node$depth <- node$type <- node$partlin <- NULL
  } # max.depth, minobsinnode

} # rtemis::hytw

#' \pkg{rtemis} internal: Ridge and Stump
#' Fit a linear model on (x, y) and a tree on the residual yhat - y
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
partLmw <- function(x1, y1, # remove x, use .env$x
                    # lincoef --
                    # rpart --
                    trace) {
  # Part ----
  if (trace > 1) msg2("partLmw")
  dat <- data.frame(x1, y1)
  part <- rpart::rpart(y1 ~ ., dat,
    weights = weights,
    control = rpart::rpart.control(
      minsplit = part.minsplit,
      xval = part.xval,
      maxdepth = part.max.depth,
      minbucket = part.minbucket,
      cp = part.cp
  part.val <- predict(part) # n

  if (is.null(part$splits)) {
    if (trace > 0) msg2("Note: rpart did not split")
    terminal <- TRUE
    cutFeat.name <- cutFeat.point <- cutFeat.category <- NULL
    split.rule <- NULL
    part.c.left <- part.c.right <- 0
    left.index <- right.index <- split.rule.left <- split.rule.right <- NULL
    lin.val.left <- lin.val.right <- 0
    lin.coef.left <- lin.coef.right <- rep(0, NCOL(x1) + 1)
  } else {
    if (part$splits[1, 2] == 1) {
      left.yval.row <- 3
      right.yval.row <- 2
    } else {
      left.yval.row <- 2
      right.yval.row <- 3
    part.c.left <- part$frame$yval[left.yval.row]
    part.c.right <- part$frame$yval[right.yval.row]
    terminal <- FALSE
    cutFeat.name <- rownames(part$splits)[1]
    cutFeat.point <- cutFeat.category <- NULL
    if (!is.null(cutFeat.name)) {
      cutFeat.index <- which(names(x1) == cutFeat.name)
      if (is.numeric(x1[[cutFeat.name]])) {
        cutFeat.point <- part$splits[1, "index"]
        if (trace > 0) {
          msg2("Split Feature is \"", cutFeat.name,
            "\"; Cut Point = ", cutFeat.point,
            sep = ""
        split.rule.left <- paste(cutFeat.name, "<", cutFeat.point)
        split.rule.right <- paste(cutFeat.name, ">=", cutFeat.point)
      } else {
        cutFeat.category <- levels(x1[[cutFeat.name]])[which(part$csplit[1, ] == 1)]
        if (trace > 0) {
          msg2("Split Feature is \"", cutFeat.name,
            "\"; Cut Category is \"", cutFeat.category,
            sep = ""
        split.rule.left <- paste0(cutFeat.name, " %in% ", "c(", paste(cutFeat.category, collapse = ", "))
        split.rule.right <- paste0("!", cutFeat.name, " %in% ", "c(", paste(cutFeat.category, collapse = ", "))
      if (length(cutFeat.point) > 0) {
        left.index <- which(x1[, cutFeat.index] < cutFeat.point)
        right.index <- seq_len(NROW(x1))[-left.index]
      } else {
        left.index <- which(is.element(x1[, cutFeat.index], cutFeat.category))
        right.index <- seq_len(NROW(x1))[-left.index]
      # ? should weights be assigned after this so are available even if there was no split
      weights.left <- weights.right <- weights
      weights.left[right.index] <- weights.left[right.index] * .env$gamma
      weights.right[left.index] <- weights.right[left.index] * .env$gamma
    } # !is.null(cutFeat.name)

  # Lin ----
  resid <- y1 - part.val # n
  # resid.left <- resid[left.index]
  # resid.right <- resid[right.index]
  if (!is.null(cutFeat.name)) {
    if (is_constant(resid) || length(resid) < minobsinnode.lin) {
      if (trace > 0) msg2("Not fitting any more lines here")
      lin.val.left <- rep(0, length(y1))
      lin.coef.left <- rep(0, NCOL(x1) + 1)
    } else {
      # dat <- data.frame(x1[left.index, , drop = FALSE], resid.left)
      # dat.mm <- model.matrix(resid.left ~ ., dat)
      lin.coef.left <- lincoef(x1, resid,
        weights = weights.left,
        method = lin.type,
        alpha = alpha, lambda = lambda, lambda.seq = lambda.seq,
        cv.glmnet.nfolds = cv.glmnet.nfolds,
        which.cv.glmnet.lambda = which.cv.glmnet.lambda
      lin.val.left <- (cbind(1, .env$dm) %*% lin.coef.left)[, 1]
    } # if (is_constant(resid.left))

    if (is_constant(resid) || length(resid) < minobsinnode.lin) {
      if (trace > 0) msg2("Not fitting any more lines here")
      lin.val.right <- rep(0, length(y1))
      lin.coef.right <- rep(0, NCOL(x1) + 1)
    } else {
      lin.coef.right <- lincoef(x1, resid,
        weights = weights.right,
        method = lin.type,
        alpha = alpha, lambda = lambda, lambda.seq = lambda.seq,
        cv.glmnet.nfolds = cv.glmnet.nfolds,
        which.cv.glmnet.lambda = which.cv.glmnet.lambda
      lin.val.right <- (cbind(1, .env$dm) %*% lin.coef.right)[, 1]
    } # if (is_constant(resid.right))
  } # if (!is.null(cutFeat.name))

    weights.left = weights.left,
    weights.right = weights.right,
    lin.coef.left = lin.coef.left,
    lin.coef.right = lin.coef.right,
    part.c.left = part.c.left,
    part.c.right = part.c.right,
    lin.val.left = lin.val.left,
    lin.val.right = lin.val.right,
    part.val = part.val,
    cutFeat.name = cutFeat.name,
    cutFeat.point = cutFeat.point,
    cutFeat.category = cutFeat.category,
    left.index = left.index,
    right.index = right.index,
    split.rule = split.rule.left,
    rule.left = split.rule.left,
    rule.right = split.rule.right,
    terminal = terminal
} # rtemis::partLmw

#' Predict method for `hytreew` object
#' @method predict hytreew
#' @param object `hytreew`
#' @param newdata Data frame of predictors
#' @param n.feat (internal use) Integer: Use first `n.feat` columns of newdata to predict.
#' Defaults to all
#' @param fixed.cxr (internal use) Matrix: Cases by rules to use instead of matching cases to rules using
#' `newdata`
#' @param cxr.newdata (internal use) Data frame: Use these values to match cases by rules
#' @param cxr Logical: If TRUE, return list which includes cases-by-rules matrix along with predicted values
#' @param cxrcoef Logical: If TRUE, return cases-by-rules * coefficients matrix along with predicted values
#' @param verbose Logical: If TRUE, print messages to console
#' @param ... Not used
#' @export
#' @author E.D. Gennatas

predict.hytreew <- function(object, newdata,
                            n.feat = NCOL(newdata),
                            fixed.cxr = NULL,
                            cxr.newdata = NULL,
                            cxr = FALSE,
                            cxrcoef = FALSE,
                            verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  # newdata colnames ----
  if (is.null(colnames(newdata))) colnames(newdata) <- paste0("V", seq_len(NCOL(newdata)))

  # Predict ----
  newdata <- newdata[, seq(n.feat), drop = FALSE]
  rules <- plyr::ldply(object$rules)[, 1]
  if (is.null(fixed.cxr)) {
    cases <- if (is.null(cxr.newdata)) newdata else cxr.newdata
    .cxr <- matchCasesByRules(cases, rules, verbose = verbose)
  } else {
    .cxr <- fixed.cxr

  coefs <- plyr::laply(object$coefs, c)
  # Match coefficients to each case by matrix multiplication
  # Each case only has "1" in .cxr for the corresponding leaf it belongs
  .cxrcoef <- .cxr %*% coefs
  # Add column of ones for intercept
  newdata <- data.matrix(cbind(1, newdata))
  yhat <- sapply(seq_len(NROW(newdata)), function(n) {
    object$init + object$shrinkage * (newdata[n, ] %*% t(.cxrcoef[n, , drop = FALSE]))

  if (!cxrcoef && !cxr) {
    out <- yhat
  } else {
    out <- list(yhat = yhat)
    if (cxrcoef) out$cxrcoef <- .cxrcoef
    if (cxr) out$cxr <- .cxr

} # rtemis:: predict.hytreew
egenn/rtemis documentation built on May 4, 2024, 7:40 p.m.