
Defines functions print.resamplertset loocv strat.boot strat.sub kfold bootstrap print1.resample print.resample plot.resample resample

Documented in bootstrap kfold loocv plot.resample print.resample resample strat.boot strat.sub

# resample.R
# ::rtemis::
# 2015-23 E.D. Gennatas rtemis.org

#' Resampling methods
#' Create resamples of your data, e.g. for model building or validation.
#' "bootstrap" gives the standard bootstrap, i.e. random sampling with replacement, using
#' [bootstrap], "strat.sub" creates stratified subsamples using [strat.sub],
#' while "strat.boot" uses [strat.boot] which runs [strat.sub] and then
#' randomly duplicates some of the training cases to reach original length of input
#' (default) or length defined by `target.length`.
#' `resample` is used by multiple \pkg{rtemis} learners, `gridSearchLearn`, and
#' [train_cv]. Note that option 'kfold', which uses [kfold] results in resamples
#' of slightly different length for y of small length, so avoid all operations which rely
#' on equal-length vectors. For example, you can't place resamples in a data.frame, but
#' must use a list instead.
#' @param y Vector or data.frame: Usually the outcome; `NROW(y)` defines sample size
#' @param n.resamples Integer: Number of training/testing sets required
#' @param resampler Character: Type of resampling to perform: "bootstrap", "kfold",
#' "strat.boot", "strat.sub".
#' @param index List where each element is a vector of training set indices. Use this for
#' manual/pre-defined train/test splits
#' @param group Integer, vector, length = `length(y)`: Integer vector, where numbers
#' define fold membership. e.g. for 10-fold on a dataset with 1000 cases, you could use
#' `group = rep(1:10, each = 100)`
#' @param stratify.var Numeric vector (optional): Variable used for stratification.
#' @param train.p Float (0, 1): Fraction of cases to assign to traininig set for
#' `resampler = "strat.sub"`
#' @param strat.n.bins Integer: Number of groups to use for stratification for
#'   `resampler = "strat.sub" / "strat.boot"`
#' @param target.length Integer: Number of cases for training set for
#' `resampler = "strat.boot"`.
#' @param id.strat Vector of IDs which may be replicated: resampling should
#' force replicates of each ID to only appear in the training or testing.
#' @param rtset List: Output of an [setup.resample] (or named list with same
#' structure). NOTE: Overrides all other arguments. Default = NULL
#' @param seed Integer: (Optional) Set seed for random number generator, in order to make
#' output reproducible. See `?base::set.seed`
#' @param verbosity Logical: If TRUE, print messages to console
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @seealso [train_cv]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' y <- rnorm(200)
#' # 10-fold (stratified)
#' res <- resample(y, 10, "kfold")
#' # 25 stratified subsamples
#' res <- resample(y, 25, "strat.sub")
#' # 100 stratified bootstraps
#' res <- resample(y, 100, "strat.boot")

resample <- function(y,
                     n.resamples = 10,
                     resampler = c("strat.sub", "strat.boot", "kfold", 
                                   "bootstrap", "loocv"),
                     index = NULL,
                     group = NULL,
                     stratify.var = y,
                     train.p = .75,
                     strat.n.bins = 4,
                     target.length = NROW(y),
                     id.strat = NULL,
                     rtset = NULL,
                     seed = NULL,
                     verbosity = TRUE) {
  # If rtset is provided, it takes precedence over all other arguments,
  # excluding the verbosity arg
  if (!is.null(rtset)) {
    resampler <- rtset$resampler
    n.resamples <- rtset$n.resamples
    .stratify.var <- rtset$stratify.var
    train.p <- rtset$train.p
    strat.n.bins <- rtset$strat.n.bins
    target.length <- rtset$target.length
    id.strat <- rtset$id.strat
    seed <- rtset$seed
    index <- rtset$index
    group <- rtset$group

  type <- if (!is.null(index)) ".index" else if (!is.null(group)) ".group" else ".res"

  if (type == ".res") {
    # type = "res" ----
    resampler <- match.arg(resampler)

    # Input ----
    if (NCOL(y) > 1) {
      if (survival::is.Surv(y)) {
        if (verbosity > 0) msg2("Survival object will be stratified on time")
        y <- y[, 1]
      } else {
        if (verbosity > 0) msg2("Input contains more than one columns; will stratify on last")
        y <- y[[NCOL(y)]]
    if (!is.null(id.strat)) {
      # Only keep unique IDs  
      idl <- !duplicated(id.strat)
      y <- y[idl]
    if (is.null(target.length)) target.length <- NROW(y) # TODO: move
    if (resampler == "strat.sub" || resampler == "strat.boot") {
      if (train.p <= 0 || train.p >= 1) {
        stop("train.p must be greater than 0 and less than 1")

    # Resample ----
    .stratify.var <- if (is.null(stratify.var)) y else stratify.var
    # stratify.var is for printing with parameterSummary
    stratify.var <- if (is.null(stratify.var)) {
      getName(y, "y")
    } else {

    n.resamples <- as.integer(n.resamples)
    if (resampler == "loocv") n.resamples <- length(y)

    # Print parameters ----
    if (verbosity > 0) {
      if (resampler == "strat.sub") {
        parameterSummary(n.resamples, resampler, stratify.var,
          train.p, strat.n.bins,
          title = "Resampling Parameters"
      } else if (resampler == "strat.boot") {
        parameterSummary(n.resamples, resampler, stratify.var, train.p,
          strat.n.bins, target.length,
          title = "Resampling Parameters"
      } else if (resampler == "kfold") {
        parameterSummary(n.resamples, resampler, stratify.var, strat.n.bins,
          title = "Resampling Parameters"
      } else {
        parameterSummary(n.resamples, resampler,
          title = "Resampling Parameters"

    # Make resamples ----
    if (resampler == "bootstrap") {
      ## Bootstrap ----
      res.part <- bootstrap(
        x = y,
        n.resamples = n.resamples,
        seed = seed
    } else if (resampler == "kfold") {
      ## kfold ----
      res.part <- kfold(
        x = y,
        k = n.resamples,
        stratify.var = .stratify.var,
        strat.n.bins = strat.n.bins,
        seed = seed,
        verbosity = verbosity
    } else if (resampler == "loocv") {
      ## LOOCV ----
      res.part <- loocv(x = y)
    } else if (resampler == "strat.boot") {
      ## strat.boot ----
      res.part <- strat.boot(
        x = y,
        n.resamples = n.resamples,
        train.p = train.p,
        stratify.var = .stratify.var,
        strat.n.bins = strat.n.bins,
        target.length = target.length
    } else {
      ## strat.sub ----
      res.part <- strat.sub(
        x = y,
        n.resamples = n.resamples,
        train.p = train.p,
        stratify.var = .stratify.var,
        strat.n.bins = strat.n.bins,
        seed = seed,
        verbosity = verbosity
    if (!is.null(id.strat)) {
      ### Get ID by resample ----
      id_by_res <- lapply(res.part, \(x) id.strat[idl][x])
      ### Get resamples on original data with replicates ----
      res.part <- lapply(id_by_res, \(x) which(id.strat %in% x))
  } else if (type == ".group") {
    # type = "group" ----
    n.resamples <- length(unique(group))
    res.part <- vector("list", n.resamples)
    res.part <- plyr::llply(unique(group), function(i) which(group == i))
    names(res.part) <- unique(group)
    resampler <- "custom.group"
  } else {
    # type = "index" ----
    if (!is.list(index)) stop("index must be list of training set indices")
    n.resamples <- length(index)
    res.part <- index
    resampler <- "custom"
    if (is.null(names(res.part))) {
      names(res.part) <- paste0("Resample", seq(n.resamples))

  desc <- switch(resampler,
    kfold = "independent folds",
    strat.sub = "stratified subsamples",
    strat.boot = "stratified bootstraps",
    bootstrap = "bootstrap resamples",
    loocv = "independent folds (LOOCV)",
    "custom resamples"

  if (verbosity > 0) msg2("Created", n.resamples, desc)

  # Attributes ----
  class(res.part) <- c("resample", "list")
  attr(res.part, "N") <- n.resamples
  attr(res.part, "resampler") <- resampler
  attr(res.part, "seed") <- seed
  if (resampler %in% c("strat.sub", "strat.boot")) {
    attr(res.part, "train.p") <- train.p
  if (resampler %in% c("strat.sub", "strat.boot", "kfold")) {
    strat.n.bins <- attr(res.part, "strat.n.bins")
    attr(res.part, "strat.n.bins") <- NULL
    attr(res.part, "strat.n.bins") <- strat.n.bins
  if (resampler == "strat.boot") attr(res.part, "target.length") <- target.length
  if (!is.null(id.strat)) {
    attr(res.part, "id.strat") <- id.strat
} # rtemis::resample

#' `plot` method for `resample` object
#' Run [mplot3_res] on a [resample] object
#' @method plot resample
#' @param x Vector; numeric or factor: Outcome used for resampling
#' @param col Vector, color
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to [mplot3_res]
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @export

plot.resample <- function(x, col = NULL, ...) {
  mplot3_res(x, col = col, ...)
} # rtemis::plot.resample

#' `print` method for [resample] object
#' Print resample information
#' @method print resample
#' @param x [resample] object
#' @param ... Not used
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @export

print.resample <- function(x, ...) {
  objcat("resample object")
  .attributes <- attributes(x)
  .attributes$names <- .attributes$class <- NULL
  # .attributes[[1]] <- .attributes[[2]] <- NULL

#' @export

print1.resample <- function(x, verbosity = TRUE, ...) {
  resampler <- attr(x, "resampler")
  if (resampler == "loocv") {
    .text <- "Leave-one-out crossvalidation"
  } else {
    .text <- paste0(
      attr(x, "N"),
      resamples <- switch(resampler,
        strat.sub = " stratified subsamples",
        bootstrap = " bootstraps",
        strat.boot = " stratified bootstraps",
        kfold = "-fold crossvalidation"

  if (verbosity > 0) print(.text)
} # rtemis::print1.resample

#' Bootstrap Resampling
#' @param x Input vector
#' @param n.resamples Integer: Number of resamples to make. Default = 10
#' @param seed Integer: If provided, set seed for reproducibility. Default = NULL
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @export

bootstrap <- function(x, n.resamples = 10,
                      seed = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)

  ids <- seq_along(x)
  .length <- length(x)
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)

  res <- lapply(seq(n.resamples), function(i) sort(sample(ids, .length, replace = TRUE)))
  names(res) <- paste0("Bootsrap_", seq(n.resamples))
} # rtemis::bootstrap

#' K-fold Resampling
#' @inheritParams resample
#' @param x Input Vector
#' @param k Integer: Number of folds. Default = 10
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @export

kfold <- function(x, k = 10,
                  stratify.var = NULL,
                  strat.n.bins = 4,
                  seed = NULL,
                  verbosity = TRUE) {
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)

  if (is.null(stratify.var)) stratify.var <- x
  stratify.var <- as.numeric(stratify.var)
  # ->> update
  max.bins <- length(unique(stratify.var))
  if (max.bins < strat.n.bins) {
    if (max.bins == 1) stop("Only one unique value present in stratify.var")
    if (verbosity > 0) msg2("Using max n bins possible =", max.bins)
    strat.n.bins <- max.bins

  ids <- seq_along(x)
  # cuts
  cuts <- cut(stratify.var, breaks = strat.n.bins, labels = FALSE)
  cut.bins <- sort(unique(cuts))

  # ids by cut
  idl <- lapply(seq_along(cut.bins), function(i) ids[cuts == cut.bins[i]])
  # length of each cut
  # idl.length <- sapply(idl, length)
  idl.length <- as.numeric(table(cuts))

  # split each idl into k folds after randomizing them
  idl.k <- vector("list", length(cut.bins))
  for (i in seq_along(cut.bins)) {
    cut1 <- cut(sample(idl.length[i]), breaks = k, labels = FALSE)
    idl.k[[i]] <- lapply(seq(k), function(j) idl[[i]][cut1 == j])

  res <- lapply(seq(k), \(i) seq(ids)[-sort(unlist(lapply(seq_along(cut.bins), \(j) idl.k[[j]][[i]])))])

  names(res) <- paste0("Fold_", seq(k))
  attr(res, "strat.n.bins") <- strat.n.bins
} # rtemis::kfold

#' Resample using Stratified Subsamples
#' @inheritParams resample
#' @param x Input vector
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @export

strat.sub <- function(x,
                      n.resamples = 10,
                      train.p = .75,
                      stratify.var = NULL,
                      strat.n.bins = 4,
                      seed = NULL,
                      verbosity = TRUE) {
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  if (is.null(stratify.var)) stratify.var <- x
  stratify.var <- as.numeric(stratify.var)
  max.bins <- length(unique(stratify.var))
  if (max.bins < strat.n.bins) {
    if (verbosity > 0) msg2("Using max n bins possible =", max.bins)
    strat.n.bins <- max.bins
  ids <- seq_along(x)
  cuts <- cut(stratify.var, breaks = strat.n.bins, labels = FALSE)
  cut.bins <- sort(unique(cuts))
  idl <- lapply(seq_along(cut.bins), function(i) ids[cuts == cut.bins[i]])
  idl.length <- as.numeric(table(cuts))
  res <- lapply(seq(n.resamples), function(i) {
    sort(unlist(sapply(seq_along(cut.bins), function(j) {
      sample(idl[[j]], train.p * idl.length[j])
  names(res) <- paste0("Subsample_", seq(n.resamples))
  attr(res, "strat.n.bins") <- strat.n.bins
} # rtemis::strat.sub

#' Stratified Bootstrap Resampling
#' @inheritParams resample
#' @param x Input vector
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @export

strat.boot <- function(x, n.resamples = 10,
                       train.p = .75,
                       stratify.var = NULL,
                       strat.n.bins = 4,
                       target.length = NULL,
                       seed = NULL,
                       verbosity = TRUE) {
  if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)

  res.part1 <- strat.sub(
    x = x, n.resamples = n.resamples,
    train.p = train.p,
    stratify.var = stratify.var,
    strat.n.bins = strat.n.bins,
    verbosity = verbosity

  # Make sure target.length was not too short by accident
  res.length <- length(res.part1[[1]])
  if (is.null(target.length)) target.length <- length(x)
  if (target.length < res.length) target.length <- length(x)

  # Add back this many cases
  add.length <- target.length - res.length
  doreplace <- ifelse(add.length > res.length, 1, 0)
  res.part2 <- lapply(res.part1, function(i) sample(i, add.length, replace = doreplace))
  res <- mapply(c, res.part1, res.part2, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  res <- lapply(res, sort)
  names(res) <- paste0("StratBoot_", seq(n.resamples))
  attr(res, "strat.n.bins") <- strat.n.bins
} # rtemis::strat.boot

#' Leave-one-out Resampling
#' @param x Input vector
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @export

loocv <- function(x) {
  res <- lapply(seq(x), function(i) (seq(x))[-i])
  names(res) <- paste0("Fold_", seq(res))
} # rtemis::loocv

#' @export

print.resamplertset <- function(x, verbosity = TRUE, ...) {
  if (x$resampler == "loocv") {
    .text <- "Leave-one-out crossvalidation"
  } else {
    .text <- paste0(
      resamples <- switch(x$resampler,
        strat.sub = " stratified subsamples",
        bootstrap = " bootstraps",
        strat.boot = " stratified bootstraps",
        kfold = "-fold crossvalidation"

  if (verbosity > 0) print(.text)

  ## FIXME: I'm pretty sure print() methods should return the
  ## object itself, i.e. invisible(x) /HB 2023-09-29
} # rtemis::print.resamplertset
egenn/rtemis documentation built on Oct. 17, 2024, 11:16 p.m.