
Defines functions setup.LightRuleFit setup.MARS setup.lincoef setup.Ranger setup.GBM setup.LIHAD setup.earlystop setup.decompose setup.preprocess setup.color setup.cv.resample setup.meta.resample setup.bag.resample setup.grid.resample setup.resample

Documented in setup.bag.resample setup.color setup.cv.resample setup.decompose setup.earlystop setup.GBM setup.grid.resample setup.LightRuleFit setup.LIHAD setup.lincoef setup.MARS setup.meta.resample setup.preprocess setup.Ranger setup.resample

# setup.R
# ::rtemis::
# 2016-8 E.D. Gennatas rtemis.org

#' \pkg{rtemis} default-setting functions
#' These functions output lists of default settings for different \pkg{rtemis} functions.
#' This removes the need of passing named lists of arguments, and provides autocompletion,
#' making it easier to setup functions without having to refer to the manual.
#' @name rtset
#' @author E.D. Gennatas

#' Set [resample] settings
#' @inheritParams resample
#' @export

setup.resample <- function(
    resampler = "strat.sub",
    n.resamples = 10,
    stratify.var = NULL,
    train.p = .8,
    strat.n.bins = 4,
    target.length = NULL,
    id.strat = NULL,
    seed = NULL) {
    resampler = resampler,
    n.resamples = n.resamples,
    stratify.var = stratify.var,
    train.p = train.p,
    strat.n.bins = strat.n.bins,
    target.length = target.length,
    id.strat = id.strat,
    seed = seed
} # rtemis::setup.resample

#' Set [resample] parameters for `gridSearchLearn`
#' @inheritParams resample
#' @export

setup.grid.resample <- function(
    resampler = "kfold", n.resamples = 5,
    stratify.var = NULL, train.p = .75, strat.n.bins = 4,
    target.length = NULL, verbosity = 1) {
    resampler = resampler,
    n.resamples = n.resamples,
    stratify.var = stratify.var,
    train.p = train.p,
    strat.n.bins = strat.n.bins,
    target.length = target.length,
    verbosity = verbosity
} # rtemis::setup.grid.resample

#' Set [resample] parameters for `rtMod` bagging
#' @inheritParams resample
#' @export

setup.bag.resample <- function(
    resampler = "strat.sub", n.resamples = 10,
    stratify.var = NULL, train.p = .75, strat.n.bins = 4,
    target.length = NULL, verbosity = 1) {
    resampler = resampler,
    n.resamples = n.resamples,
    stratify.var = stratify.var,
    train.p = train.p,
    strat.n.bins = strat.n.bins,
    target.length = target.length,
    verbosity = verbosity
} # rtemis::setup.bag.resample

#' Set [resample] parameters for meta model training
#' @inheritParams resample
#' @export

setup.meta.resample <- function(
    resampler = "strat.sub", n.resamples = 4,
    stratify.var = NULL, train.p = .75, strat.n.bins = 4,
    target.length = NULL, verbosity = TRUE) {
    resampler = resampler,
    n.resamples = n.resamples,
    stratify.var = stratify.var,
    train.p = train.p,
    strat.n.bins = strat.n.bins,
    target.length = target.length,
    verbosity = verbosity
} # rtemis::setup.meta.resample

#' `setup.cv.resample`: [resample] defaults for cross-validation
#' @inheritParams resample
#' @export

setup.cv.resample <- function(
    resampler = "strat.sub",
    n.resamples = 10,
    stratify.var = NULL,
    train.p = .8,
    strat.n.bins = 4,
    target.length = NULL,
    id.strat = NULL,
    verbosity = 1) {
    resampler = resampler,
    n.resamples = n.resamples,
    stratify.var = stratify.var,
    train.p = train.p,
    strat.n.bins = strat.n.bins,
    target.length = target.length,
    id.strat = id.strat,
    verbosity = verbosity
} # rtemis::setup.cv.resample

# #' rtset
# #' @author E.D. Gennatas
# #' @export
# rtset <- function(fn) {
#   .args <- as.list(formals(fn))
#   return(.args)
# }

# #' \code{setup.cluster}: Set up parallel processing using forking (Linux, macOS) or PSOCK cluster (macOS, Linux, Windows)
# #' Defaults to type = "fork", which would call \code{mclapply}
# #' Some functions fail to work correctly with \code{mclapply}, like \code{nnet::multinom}, in those cases
# #' we use PSOCK cluster
# #'
# #' @param type Character: "fork", "psock"
# #' @param hosts Vector of strings: For type = "psock": Host names on which to run (macOS, Linux, Windows)
# #' @param n.cores Integer: Number of cores to use on \code{localhost} for type = "fork" (macOS, Linux only)
# #' @param ... \code{setup.cluster}: Additional argument to be passed to \code{parallel::makePSOCKcluster}
# #' @return List with parameters
# #' @export

# setup.cluster <- function(type = "fork",
#                           hosts = NULL,
#                           n.cores = rtCores, ...) {

#   c(list(type = type, hosts = hosts, n.cores = n.cores), list(...))

# } # rtemis::setup.cluster

#' Set [colorGrad] parameters
#' @inheritParams colorGrad
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @export

setup.color <- function(
    n = 101, colors = NULL,
    space = "rgb",
    lo = "#01256E",
    lomid = NULL,
    mid = "white",
    midhi = NULL,
    hi = "#95001A",
    colorbar = FALSE,
    cb.mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1), ...) {
    n = n, colors = colors, space = space,
    lo = lo, lomid = lomid, mid = mid, midhi = midhi, hi = hi,
    colobar = colorbar, cb.mar = cb.mar
  ), list(...))
} # rtemis::setup.color

#' Set [preprocess] parameters for [train_cv] `.preprocess` argument
#' @inheritParams preprocess
#' @export

setup.preprocess <- function(
    completeCases = FALSE,
    removeCases.thres = NULL,
    removeFeatures.thres = NULL,
    impute = FALSE,
    impute.type = "missRanger",
    impute.missRanger.params = list(pmm.k = 0, maxiter = 10),
    impute.discrete = get_mode,
    impute.numeric = mean,
    integer2factor = FALSE,
    integer2numeric = FALSE,
    logical2factor = FALSE,
    logical2numeric = FALSE,
    numeric2factor = FALSE,
    numeric2factor.levels = NULL,
    numeric.cut.n = 0,
    numeric.cut.labels = FALSE,
    numeric.quant.n = 0,
    character2factor = FALSE,
    scale = FALSE,
    center = FALSE,
    removeConstants = TRUE,
    oneHot = FALSE,
    exclude = NULL) {
    completeCases = completeCases,
    removeCases.thres = removeCases.thres,
    removeFeatures.thres = removeFeatures.thres,
    impute = impute,
    impute.type = impute.type,
    impute.missRanger.params = impute.missRanger.params,
    impute.discrete = impute.discrete,
    impute.numeric = impute.numeric,
    integer2factor = integer2factor,
    integer2numeric = integer2numeric,
    logical2factor = logical2factor,
    logical2numeric = logical2numeric,
    numeric2factor = numeric2factor,
    numeric2factor.levels = numeric2factor.levels,
    character2factor = character2factor,
    scale = scale,
    center = center,
    removeConstants = removeConstants,
    oneHot = oneHot,
    exclude = exclude
} # rtemis::setup.preprocess

#' Set decomposition parameters for [train_cv] `.decompose` argument
#' @param decom Character: Name of decomposer to use.
#' @param k Integer: Number of dimensions to project to.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to decomposer
#' @export

setup.decompose <- function(
    decom = "ICA",
    k = 2, ...) {
  c(list(decom = decom, k = k), list(...))
} # rtemis::setup.decompose

#' Set [earlystop] parameters
#' @inheritParams earlystop
#' @export

setup.earlystop <- function(
    window = 150,
    window_decrease_pct_min = 0.01,
    total_decrease_pct_max = NULL) {
    window = window,
    window_decrease_pct_min = window_decrease_pct_min,
    total_decrease_pct_max = total_decrease_pct_max
} # rtemis::setup.earlystop

#' Set [s_LIHAD] parameters
#' @inheritParams s_LIHAD
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @export

setup.LIHAD <- function(max.depth = 2,
                        learning.rate = 1,
                        lincoef.params = setup.lincoef("glmnet"),
                        alpha = 0,
                        lambda = .1,
                        minobsinnode = 2,
                        minobsinnode.lin = 20, ...) {
      max.depth = max.depth,
      learning.rate = learning.rate,
      lincoef.params = lincoef.params,
      alpha = alpha,
      lambda = lambda,
      minobsinnode = minobsinnode,
      minobsinnode.lin = minobsinnode.lin
} # rtemis::setup.ADDT

#' Set [s_GBM] parameters
#' @inheritParams s_GBM
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @export

setup.GBM <- function(
    interaction.depth = 2,
    shrinkage = .001,
    max.trees = 5000,
    min.trees = 100,
    bag.fraction = .9,
    n.minobsinnode = 5,
    grid.resample.params = setup.resample("kfold", 5),
    ifw = TRUE,
    upsample = FALSE,
    downsample = FALSE,
    resample.seed = NULL, ...) {
      interaction.depth = interaction.depth,
      shrinkage = shrinkage,
      max.trees = max.trees,
      min.trees = min.trees,
      bag.fraction = bag.fraction,
      n.minobsinnode = n.minobsinnode,
      grid.resample.params = grid.resample.params,
      ifw = ifw,
      upsample = upsample,
      downsample = downsample,
      resample.seed = resample.seed
} # rtemis::setup.GBM

#' Set [s_Ranger] parameters
#' @inheritParams s_Ranger
#' @export

setup.Ranger <- function(n.trees = 1000,
                         min.node.size = 1,
                         mtry = NULL,
                         grid.resample.params = setup.resample("kfold", 5),
                         ifw = TRUE,
                         upsample = FALSE,
                         downsample = FALSE,
                         resample.seed = NULL, ...) {
      n.trees = n.trees,
      min.node.size = min.node.size,
      mtry = mtry,
      grid.resample.params = grid.resample.params,
      ifw = ifw,
      upsample = upsample,
      downsample = downsample,
      resample.seed = resample.seed
} # rtemis::setup.Ranger

# \code{setup.MXN}: Set parameters for \link{s_MXN}
# @inheritParams s_MXN
# @export
# setup.MXN <- function(n.hidden.nodes = NULL,
#                       output = NULL,
#                       activation = 'relu',
#                       ctx = mxnet::mx.cpu(),
#                       optimizer = "sgd",
#                       initializer = mxnet::mx.init.Xavier(),
#                       batch.size = NULL,
#                       momentum = .9,
#                       max.epochs = 2000,
#                       min.epochs = 25,
#                       early.stop = "train",
#                       early.stop.n.steps = NULL,
#                       early.stop.relativeVariance.threshold = NULL,
#                       learning.rate = NULL,
#                       dropout = 0,
#                       dropout.before = 1,
#                       dropout.after = 0,
#                       eval.metric = NULL,
#                       arg.params = NULL,
#                       mx.seed = NULL) {
#   list(n.hidden.nodes = n.hidden.nodes,
#        output = output,
#        activation = activation,
#        ctx = ctx,
#        optimizer = optimizer,
#        initializer = initializer,
#        batch.size = batch.size,
#        momentum = momentum,
#        max.epochs = max.epochs,
#        min.epochs = min.epochs,
#        early.stop = early.stop,
#        early.stop.n.steps = early.stop.n.steps,
#        early.stop.relativeVariance.threshold = early.stop.relativeVariance.threshold,
#        learning.rate = learning.rate,
#        dropout = dropout,
#        dropout.before = dropout.before,
#        dropout.after = dropout.after,
#        eval.metric = eval.metric,
#        arg.params = arg.params,
#        mx.seed = mx.seed)
# } # rtemis::setup.MXN

#' Set [lincoef] parameters
#' @inheritParams lincoef
#' @export

setup.lincoef <- function(
    method = c(
    alpha = 0,
    lambda = .01,
    lambda.seq = NULL,
    cv.glmnet.nfolds = 5,
    which.cv.glmnet.lambda = c("lambda.min", "lambda.1se"),
    nbest = 1,
    nvmax = 8,
    sgd.model = "glm",
    sgd.model.control = list(
      lambda1 = 0,
      lambda2 = 0
    sgd.control = list(method = "ai-sgd")) {
    method = match.arg(method),
    alpha = alpha,
    lambda = lambda,
    lambda.seq = lambda.seq,
    cv.glmnet.nfolds = cv.glmnet.nfolds,
    which.cv.glmnet.lambda = which.cv.glmnet.lambda,
    nbest = nbest,
    nvmax = nvmax,
    sgd.model = sgd.model,
    sgd.model.control = sgd.model.control,
    sgd.control = sgd.control
} # rtemis::setup.lincoef

#' Set [s_MARS] parameters
#' @inheritParams s_MARS
#' @export

setup.MARS <- function(
    hidden = 1,
    activation = NULL,
    learning.rate = .8,
    momentum = .5,
    learningrate_scale = 1,
    output = NULL,
    numepochs = 100,
    batchsize = NULL,
    hidden_dropout = 0,
    visible_dropout = 0, ...) {
      hidden = hidden,
      activation = activation,
      learning.rate = learning.rate,
      momentum = momentum,
      learningrate_scale = learningrate_scale,
      output = output,
      numepochs = numepochs,
      batchsize = batchsize,
      hidden_dropout = hidden_dropout,
      visible_dropout = visible_dropout
} # rtemis::setup.DN

#' Set [s_LightRuleFit] parameters
#' Sets parameters for the GBM and GLMNET (LASSO) steps of [s_LightRuleFit]
#' @inheritParams s_LightGBM
#' @inheritParams s_GLMNET
#' @inheritParams s_LightRuleFit
#' @param lightgbm.ifw Logical: Passed to [s_LightGBM]'s `ifw` argument
#' @param glmnet.ifw Logical: Passed to [s_GLMNET]'s `ifw` argument
#' @author ED Gennatas
#' @export

setup.LightRuleFit <- function(
    n_trees = 200,
    num_leaves = 32L,
    max_depth = 3,
    learning_rate = .1,
    subsample = .666,
    subsample_freq = 1L,
    lambda_l1 = 0,
    lambda_l2 = 0,
    objective = NULL,
    extra.lgbm.params = NULL,
    lightgbm.ifw = TRUE,
    lightgbm.resample.params = setup.resample("kfold", 5),
    glmnet.ifw = TRUE,
    importance = FALSE,
    alpha = 1,
    lambda = NULL,
    glmnet.resample.params = setup.resample("kfold", 5)) {
    lgbm.params = c(
        n_trees = n_trees,
        num_leaves = num_leaves,
        max_depth = max_depth,
        learning_rate = learning_rate,
        subsample = subsample,
        subsample_freq = subsample_freq,
        lambda_l1 = lambda_l1,
        lambda_l2 = lambda_l2,
        objective = objective,
        ifw = lightgbm.ifw,
        importance = importance,
        grid.resample.params = lightgbm.resample.params
    glmnet.params = list(
      ifw = glmnet.ifw,
      alpha = alpha,
      lambda = lambda,
      grid.resample.params = glmnet.resample.params
} # rtemis::rteset.LightRuleFit
egenn/rtemis documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 4:13 p.m.