
Defines functions cutnsplit splitline

# splitline.R
# ::rtemis::
# 2020 E.D. Gennatas www.lambdamd.org

#' Splitline
#' Perform split in a feature of x to minimize sum of group loss in y
#' This is an R port of splitline.jl from Rtemis.jl.
#' It could be rewritten in a more Rtistic style.
#' @param search Character: "quantile" or "exhaustive". Default = "quantile"
#' @param n.quantiles Integer: Number of quantiles to use if
#' `search = "quantile"`
#' @param minobsinnode Integer: Minimum number of caseweights that must be
#' equal to 1 before
#' attempting split
#' @param trace Integer: If greater than 0, print diagnostic messages to console
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- rnormmat(1000, 20, seed = 2020)
#' y <- x[, 3] + x[, 5]^2 + rnorm(1000)
#' xysplit <- splitline(x, y)
#' xysplit <- splitline(x, y, lambda = .1)
#' }
splitline <- function(x, y,
                      caseweights = rep(1, length(y)),
                      gamma = .1,
                      n.quantiles = 20,
                      minobsinnode = round(.1 * length(y)),
                      minbucket = round(.05 * length(y)),
                      # lincoef
                      lin.type = "glmnet",
                      alpha = 1,
                      lambda = .1,
                      lambda.seq = NULL,
                      cv.glmnet.nfolds = 5,
                      which.cv.glmnet.lambda = "lambda.min",
                      nbest = 1,
                      nvmax = 4,
                      # /lincoef
                      n.cores = 1,
                      trace = 0) {
  if (sum(caseweights == 1) > minobsinnode) {
    nfeatures <- NCOL(x)
    # for each feature: c(cutpoint, loss)
    minloss_perfeat <- pbapply::pbsapply(seq(nfeatures), function(i) {
      cutnsplit(x, y,
        caseweights = caseweights,
        index = i,
        n.quantiles = n.quantiles,
        gamma = gamma,
        # lincoef
        lin.type = lin.type,
        alpha = alpha,
        lambda = lambda,
        lambda.seq = lambda.seq,
        cv.glmnet.nfolds = cv.glmnet.nfolds,
        which.cv.glmnet.lambda = which.cv.glmnet.lambda,
        nbest = nbest,
        nvmax = nvmax,
        # /lincoef
        minbucket = minbucket,
        trace = trace
    }, cl = n.cores)

    if (all(minloss_perfeat[2, ] == Inf)) {
        featindex = NA,
        cutoff = NA,
        loss = NA
    featindex <- which.min(minloss_perfeat[2, ])
      featindex = featindex,
      cutoff = minloss_perfeat[1, featindex],
      loss = minloss_perfeat[2, featindex]
  } else {
    if (trace > 1) {
        "Node has fewer caseweights equal to 1 than minobsinnode threshold of",
      featindex = NA,
      cutoff = NA,
      loss = NA
} # rtemis::splitline

# Input: Matrix with all features, but work on one. Output: cutpoints and loss
cutnsplit <- function(x, y,
                      n.quantiles = 20,
                      gamma = .05,
                      # lincoef
                      alpha = 1,
                      lambda = .1,
                      lambda.seq = NULL,
                      cv.glmnet.nfolds = 5,
                      which.cv.glmnet.lambda = "lambda.min",
                      nbest = 1,
                      nvmax = 4,
                      # /lincoef
                      minbucket = 10,
                      trace = 0) {
  ncases <- NROW(x)

  cutpoints <- quantile(x[, index],
    probs = seq(0, 1, length.out = n.quantiles + 1),
    names = FALSE
  )[-c(1, n.quantiles + 1)]

  loss <- sapply(seq(cutpoints), function(i) {
    if (trace > 1) msg20("Testing cutpoint ", i, "...")
    indexLeft <- x[, index] < cutpoints[i]

    # Check minbucket
    if (sum(indexLeft) < minbucket | (ncases - sum(indexLeft) < minbucket)) {
    weightsLeft <- weightsRight <- caseweights
    weightsLeft[!indexLeft] <- weightsLeft[!indexLeft] * gamma
    weightsRight[indexLeft] <- weightsRight[indexLeft] * gamma

    # Check either y is constant
    .constant <- is_constant(y) | is_constant(y * weightsLeft) | is_constant(y * weightsRight)
    if (.constant) {
      if (trace > 1) msg2("y is constant, abort split", color = magenta)

    # '- lm left ----
    elnetLeft <- try(
      cbind(1, x) %*% lincoef(x, y, weightsLeft,
        method = lin.type,
        alpha = alpha,
        lambda = lambda,
        lambda.seq = lambda.seq,
        cv.glmnet.nfolds = cv.glmnet.nfolds,
        which.cv.glmnet.lambda = which.cv.glmnet.lambda,
        nbest = nbest,
        nvmax = nvmax
      outFile = stdout(),
      silent = trace < 2
    if (inherits(elnetLeft, "try-error")) {

    # '- lm right ----
    elnetRight <- try(
      cbind(1, x) %*% lincoef(x, y, weightsRight,
        method = lin.type,
        alpha = alpha,
        lambda = lambda,
        lambda.seq = lambda.seq,
        cv.glmnet.nfolds = cv.glmnet.nfolds,
        which.cv.glmnet.lambda = which.cv.glmnet.lambda,
        nbest = nbest,
        nvmax = nvmax
      outFile = stdout(),
      silent = trace < 2
    if (inherits(elnetRight, "try-error")) {

      (y[indexLeft] - elnetLeft[indexLeft])^2,
      y[!indexLeft] * (y[!indexLeft] - elnetRight[!indexLeft])^2
  index <- which.min(loss)
  if (length(index) == 0) {
    c(NA, Inf)
  } else {
    c(cutpoints[index], loss[index])
} # cutnsplit
egenn/rtemis documentation built on May 4, 2024, 7:40 p.m.