
Defines functions xtdescribe

Documented in xtdescribe

# xtdescribe.R
# ::rtemis::
# 2024 EDG

#' Describe longitudinal dataset
#' This is a test to emulate the `xtdescribe` function in Stata.
#' @param x data.frame with longitudinal data
#' @param ID_col Integer: The column position of the ID variable
#' @param time_col Integer: The column position of the time variable
#' @param n_patterns Integer: The number of patterns to display
#' @author EDG
#' @export

xtdescribe <- function(
    ID_col = 1,
    time_col = 2,
    n_patterns = 9) {
  id_name <- names(x)[ID_col]
  time_name <- names(x)[time_col]
  # Print vec_describe of ID, with n = number of unique IDs
  id_us <- sort(unique(x[[id_name]]))
  n_ids <- length(id_us)
  time_us <- sort(unique(x[[time_name]]))
  time_min <- min(time_us)
  time_max <- max(time_us)
  leftwidth <- max(nchar(id_name), nchar(time_name))
    pad(id_name, leftwidth), ": ", vec_describe(id_us),
    "                         n = ", length(id_us), "\n",
    sep = ""
    pad(time_name, leftwidth), ": ", vec_describe(time_us),
    "                         T = ", length(time_us), "\n",
    sep = ""
  # Calculate delta for time variable
  # ?is this minimum delta?
  delta <- min(diff(time_us))
    rep(" ", leftwidth), "  Delta (", time_name, ") = ", delta, " unit\n",
    sep = ""
  span <- ((max(time_us) - min(time_us)) / delta) + 1
    rep(" ", leftwidth), "  Span (", time_name, ") = ", span, " periods\n",
    sep = ""
  #  Does id * time have unique values?
  id_time_unique <- length(unique(interaction(x[[id_name]], x[[time_name]]))) == nrow(x)
  uid <- if (id_time_unique) {
    "uniquely identifies"
  } else {
    "does not uniquely identify"
    rep(" ", leftwidth), "  (", id_name, "*", time_name, " ", uid, " each observation)\n",
    sep = ""
  # Distribution of T_i at min, 5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 95%, max
    "\nDistribution of T_i:",
    sep = ""
  id_freq <- table(x[[id_name]])
  id_freq_quant <- quantile(id_freq, c(0, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 1))
    rep(" ", 20),
    paste(id_freq_quant, collapse = "\t"), "\n",
    sep = ""

  # Participation pattern by time
  # Get N IDs per time point, calculate pct of total IDs and rank
  id_time_freq <- table(x[[id_name]], x[[time_name]])
  # Insert columns of 0s for missing time points
  # id_time_freq <- cbind(id_time_freq, matrix(0, nrow = nrow(id_time_freq), ncol = span - ncol(id_time_freq)))
  # Add column names for missing time points
  missing_time_points <- setdiff(seq(time_min, time_max, by = delta), time_us)
  missing <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(id_time_freq), ncol = length(missing_time_points))
  colnames(missing) <- missing_time_points
  id_time_freq <- cbind(id_time_freq, missing)
  # Re order columns by name
  id_time_freq <- id_time_freq[, order(as.numeric(colnames(id_time_freq)))]

  # Convert to pattern matrix by pasting all columns by row
  # id_time_freq_char <- as.matrix(id_time_freq)
  # id_time_freq_char[id_time_freq_char == 0] <- "."
  id_time_freq_char <- matrix(as.character(id_time_freq), nrow = nrow(id_time_freq))
  id_time_freq_char[id_time_freq_char == "0"] <- "."
  id_time_freq_pattern <- apply(id_time_freq_char, 1, paste, collapse = "")
  id_time_freq_pattern_freq <- table(id_time_freq_pattern)
  id_time_freq_pattern_sorted <- sort(id_time_freq_pattern_freq, decreasing = TRUE)

  # Make data.frame with Frequency, Percent, Cumulative Percent of top n_patterns and rest
  pattern_summary <- data.frame(
    `Freq.` = as.numeric(id_time_freq_pattern_sorted)[seq_len(n_patterns)]
  pattern_summary$Percent <- round((pattern_summary$`Freq.` / n_ids) * 100, digits = 2)
  pattern_summary$`Cum.` <- cumsum(pattern_summary$Percent)
  pattern_summary$Pattern <- names(id_time_freq_pattern_sorted)[seq_len(n_patterns)]
  # Add Freq, Percent, Cumulative Percent of rest
  pattern_summary <- rbind(
      `Freq.` = sum(id_time_freq_pattern_sorted[-seq_len(n_patterns)]),
      Percent = round((sum(id_time_freq_pattern_sorted[-seq_len(n_patterns)]) / n_ids) * 100, digits = 2),
      `Cum.` = "100.00",
      Pattern = "(other patterns)"
  # Missing pattern is X for time points with data and . for time points with no data
  missing_pattern <- rep("X", ncol(id_time_freq))
  missing_pattern[colSums(id_time_freq) == 0] <- "."
  missing_pattern <- paste(missing_pattern, collapse = "")
  # Add row with Total
  pattern_summary <- rbind(
      `Freq.` = n_ids,
      Percent = "100.00",
      `Cum.` = "",
      Pattern = missing_pattern

  print(pattern_summary, row.names = FALSE)
} # xtdescribe
egenn/rtemis documentation built on May 4, 2024, 7:40 p.m.